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Ms. Cinder's Prince: A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 7

by Laura Ann

  “Well, she said they were for her niece.” She laughed lightly. “I feel bad using them, but I have to admit that I really, really liked the shoes in particular.”

  Some of his nervousness was starting to dissipate with their easy conversation. “You and your shoes.” He chuckled. “I’m afraid to ask how many you own.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Um... I might have to plead the fifth.” She grinned.

  Christian laughed loudly and then turned back towards the car, putting out his elbow for her. “Shall we?”

  Her touch sent electricity up his arm and straight to his heart, he sighed in contentment.

  “We shall.”

  AFTER GETTING IN THE car Charlotte glanced at him and their eyes locked. Time suspended, and energy crackled through the air. There was an emotion in his eyes that she couldn’t figure out, but the light blue of them seemed to surround her in warmth and she felt the temperature of the car spike.

  Passing headlights flashed through the car and broke the moment, causing Christian to whip his head back to the road. “Is Italian alright with you? There’s a great little restaurant not too far from here.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” She replied.

  After a few moments of silence, Christian pulled into the parking lot. When she reached for her door handle, he put his hand on her arm. “Please wait.”

  Jumping out of the car, he hurried around and opened her door. Once again extending his hand to help her up.

  “You make me feel like a princess, Christian.” Charlotte giggled after he helped her stand.

  His face was extremely serious when he looked her in the eye and said, “Well, you look like one, and you deserve to be treated like one.”

  Charlotte’s eyes widened and her heart sang at the intensity of his face. Oh my.... “I’m not sure I’ve ever had such a sweet compliment. Thank you.” Her voice had gone soft again, as if she couldn’t breathe well enough to speak in full volume.

  Christian smiled and once again, extended his arm. “My lady?”

  Unable to stop her answering smile, she took his arm and together they walked into the restaurant.


  “So, Ms. Cinders-” He began after they had ordered their food.

  “Please, I really do wish you would call me Charlotte.” She interrupted. “Ms. Cinders is what my students call me and I’d prefer not to feel like a teacher here.”

  “You’re right...Charlotte.”

  The tone of his voice when he said her name made her heart stutter.

  “Tell me about yourself. I’m afraid I know very little of your background.”

  Charlotte started to fiddle with her napkin, resting her forearms on the table. “Well, I’m afraid there’s not much to tell. My mother died when I was very young and my father passed away when I was a teenager. I spent a few years in the foster system before I graduated from high school. I worked hard, received a couple of scholarships that got me started into college and worked my way through the rest of it. And now I’m here.” She smiled gently, enjoying his attention. “I share an apartment with Rory, who I met at college. She was a bright spot in my quiet life and we’ve been friends ever since.”

  Sympathy was shining in his eyes as he listened to her story. “As glad as I am that you have such a wonderful friend, I’m sorry to hear about your earlier life. That must have been very difficult.” He hesitantly reached his hand across the table and covered her hand.

  Taking a breath for courage, Charlotte slowly turned her hand over and intermingled their fingers, accepting his warmth and comfort. She felt her whole body relax at his touch. I think I could stay like this forever...

  “What work did you do during college?” He gave her hand a small squeeze.

  “Oh, nothing too exciting. I worked around campus on the cleaning crew. We mostly did the office buildings.”

  “I don’t know...vacuums and dusters are pretty thrilling.” He teased.

  Charlotte gave a small laugh, “But of course! All teasing aside, I will admit it left an impression. I have been left with an irrational need to clean everything around me. I can’t stand clutter.” She exaggerated a shudder.

  Christian chuckled, then narrowed his eyes as he studied her.

  Oh dear, did I give myself away? I didn’t even think about it!

  “So... what about you? Tell me about yourself.” She tried desperately to change the subject.

  After a few moments, Christian shook his head and looked down at their hands. “Well, my mother passed away a couple years ago from cancer. I’m an only child and my father lives fairly close by. Every year he gets more and more impatient for grandchildren and can often be found lamenting the fact that his son is not more outgoing.” He finished with a self-deprecating grin.

  Charlotte felt her cheeks burn as she thought of having children. Not just any children; Christian’s children. Oh...that would be lovely. “Why would it matter whether or not you are outgoing?”

  “You see, my father is quite boisterous and loud. He can charm anyone. But I’m much more like my mother. I prefer quiet and peace. But that also means I have a hard time approaching, um.. ladies.” His cheeks turned red. “Since I don’t often date, I’m not in a position to get married and provide him with the grandchildren he desires.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, trying to alleviate the heat that had formed there.

  Charlotte felt her eyes sting with tears. “I’m sorry you feel pressured that way.” She reached up her other hand and gripped it around his hand in a comforting hold. “I think you’re quite wonderful and would never change a thing.”

  His eyes snapped up to hers.

  Did I just—? He’s going to think I am so forward! First that kiss and now this! What was I thinking? She groaned inwardly. Her eyes dropped, embarrassment bursting through her chest and heart.

  “Charlotte?” His voice was husky.

  She refused to look up, too embarrassed by her comment. Letting go of his fingers, she tried to pull her hands away, but he held fast, using his second hand to help hold them in place.

  “Charlotte?” He tried again, giving a small squeeze. “Please look at me.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”

  “Please don’t take it back.”

  That got her attention, finally bringing her eyes to his.

  His baby blues bore into hers. “I think you’re wonderful too.”

  Her breathing became shallow and her heart rate picked up, seeing the truth in his face. The electricity she had felt in the car had returned, seeming to zap through every nerve ending in her body.

  “May I sit next to you?” He asked in a hoarse whisper.

  It took her a minute to process his question. They were currently sitting across from each other in a private booth. The thought of him sitting next to her, possibly touching her with his arm or leg was exhilarating. “Yes.” She breathed.

  Slowly, without breaking eye contact, he let go of her fingers and slid out of the bench. Easing himself onto her side, he slid close and reached out, taking her hand once more. She could feel his body heat and it thawed her tight, nervous muscles.

  Slowly he started to lean in, bringing his head closer to hers. Charlotte followed his lead, unable to resist the pull to meet him halfway.

  “Okey doke, folks! Who had the Fettucine Alfredo?” Their waiter’s voice broke the spell that held them bound.

  Jerking apart, Christian recovered first. “That was me.” He raised a finger to indicate himself.

  “Great. Here ya go. Watch out, the plate is hot. And this must be yours ma’am.” He reached over, setting the lasagna in front of Charlotte.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Her heart was still racing from the intimate moment, and she struggled to get her breathing under control.

  “Absolutely. Can I get you anything else?” The waiter asked with a friendly smile.

  That moment back? Charlotte lamented the timing of their food.

sp; “I think we’re good. Thank you.” Christian responded.

  “Alright, let me know if you need anything.” With a wink, he left.

  They sat in silence for a few moments, before Christian broke the awkward tension. “Smells good, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, it does.” Charlotte was grateful for the easy topic. She picked up her knife and fork and cut into the hot pasta. Glancing over, she noticed a slight tremble as Christian picked up his fork. A surge of hope ran through her as she realized his reaction was just as strong as hers. Taking a deep breath, she started eating.

  THE CONVERSATION STAYED light throughout the rest of the meal. After the food was gone, Christian sat with his elbow on the table, resting his head in his hand, his eyes never leaving Charlotte’s face. He had one of her hands in his lap, stroking and caressing her fingers as she talked, unwilling to break contact for even the smallest moment.

  To Charlotte, it felt like they were the only two people in the restaurant. Dim lights, and dark walls created a warm and romantic atmosphere. She loved how his attention never wavered and he seemed to soak up every story she told him.

  “I still have the picture little Lilly drew me on my wall. I had it framed.”

  “It sounds to me like all your students love you.” Christian commented.

  “Oh...not all of them. Lilly was one of the special ones, you know? She reminded me a lot of myself as a child, being in the foster care system. So the fact that she drew us as a family meant a lot to me.”

  “Do you know where she is now?”

  “No. I wish I did. She was transferred to a new home at the end of the school year, and just a couple weeks later I got my job at Middleton Prep. I’ve been here two years now, so she could be anywhere.”

  “That’s hard. But she sounds wonderful, I’m sure she will be just fine.” He soothed, pulling her hand closer and kissing her knuckles.

  Charlotte felt her cheeks warm at the gesture. I could stay like this forever... “Well, I’ll admit it’s not as funny as your student who dressed up for National Pirate Day. That sounds like it was a hoot.”

  Christian laughed. “That was pretty funny, but I couldn’t let him know that. Every class he was in that day he interrupted with ‘Argh maties! Pirates don’t do schoolin’, no homework or ye’ll walk the plank!’ I think he annoyed a lot of teachers that day.”

  Charlotte giggled. “Did it work?”

  “Uh, no. In fact, I think he ended up getting sent home early. Not all the teachers were willing to play along with the game.”

  IF ONLY WE HADN’T GOTTEN interrupted earlier, Christian thought as they talked. His focus had dropped to her lips, studying their perfection. They look so soft and pink, just like rose petals. I’ll bet they’re heaven to kiss. The urge to take her in his arms was overwhelming, but he kept himself in check. The middle of a restaurant has already proven it is not the right place for such amorous activities.

  “Can I interest either of you in dessert tonight?” Their waiter popped up to the table.

  Christian raised his eyebrows at Charlotte, leaving the choice up to her.

  “Oh, I don’t think I can eat another thing! It was all very delicious and I’m full, but if you would like something?” She tried to turn the decision back on him.

  He smiled at her, “I’m full as well.” Turning to the waiter he said, “Please just bring the check.”

  “Absolutely.” The young man reached in his apron pocket and pulled out their receipt.

  After Christian handed him his card.

  “Thank you so much for dinner Christian. It was lovely.” Charlotte’s quiet voice held a hint of disappointment.

  I wonder...? “Would-” He cleared his throat. “Would you like to take a walk after we are done? There is a park close by and it has a walking trail?”

  Charlotte looked down at her shoes and Christian immediately felt sheepish. Why didn’t I think of the fact that she’s in heels?

  “As long as you don’t mind me going barefoot?” Her answering smile made him feel better.

  “I don’t mind. But won’t you get cold? It’s December after all.” His concern overrode his desire to spend time with her.

  Charlotte’s face turned pink and he wondered what thoughts were swirling in that lovely head of hers. “Perhaps...”

  “Yes?” He was eager to hear her answer.

  “Perhaps you could help keep me warm?” Her eyes were downcast and she peeked through her lashes.

  Christian’s chest puffed up and he swelled with pride that she admitted she wanted him to touch her. Reaching out and taking her hand, he brought it once more to his lips. “I think that is a marvelous idea.”


  Charlotte snuggled deeper into the coat that Christian had put on her while they walked. Instead of holding hands, he had offered his arm again and she had gladly accepted. He pulled her close, tucking her into his body heat. Charlotte sighed. Heaven...

  “Are you warm enough?” His eyes held worry as he looked down at her.

  “Oh yes. Thank you.” She answered. Truth was, she was hot enough to start a fire. Having Christian holding her was keeping her internal temperature through the roof. Even her bare feet couldn’t stop the inferno.

  Slowly they walked around the park, sometimes chatting, sometimes in comfortable silence. Without noticing, time was quickly slipping away. Glancing down at her watch, Charlotte gasped.

  “Good gracious, it’s almost midnight!”

  “Is it really? Funny, it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long.” Christian’s eyes were intense as he looked at her.

  Charlotte felt her whole body start to tremble. “No, it doesn’t.” She quietly agreed. The electricity reappeared once again. And there is no waiter to interrupt us this time. The tension of the moment grew unbearable. Charlotte heart felt like it would pound right out of her chest if something didn’t happen soon. Just as she was sure she was going into cardiac arrest Christian looked away and narrowed his eyes as if confused.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” He mumbled under his breath.

  Blinking rapidly, Charlotte leaned back, unsure of what he meant.

  “Christian! Christian my boy!” A booming voice called from a distance.

  “Oh no...” Christian groaned.

  Turning to look over her shoulder, Charlotte tried to peer through the darkness to see who was coming their way. Street lamps glowed brightly, illuminating a large silhouette coming towards them.

  “Do you know who that is?” Charlotte asked.

  “Unfortunately, yes.” He answered.

  She waited to see if he would expand upon his answer, but he said no more. Turning back to the person headed their way, she waited to see what would happen.

  “Christian! I thought that was you!” He slapped Christian on the back, knocking him a step or two forward.

  “Oh,” Charlotte cried softly, since she was pulled with Christian during his stumble.

  Straightening, Christian pulled at his bow tie and patted Charlotte’s hand, still ensconced on his arm. “Hello Father. What in the world are you doing here?”

  Charlotte’s eyes widened. Her cheeks pinked up as she thought of Christian’s father noticing their closeness, slowly she pulled her hand from his arm.

  “The boys and I went to go see the latest action movie. But enough about that,” He waved his hand in the air to dismiss the notion. “Who do we have here?” He turned his eyes to Charlotte, it was impossible to miss the spark of mischief in their depths.

  “Father, this is Ms. Charlotte Cinders. She teaches first grade at Middleton Prep. Charlotte, this is my father, Mr. Derek Prince.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Charlotte said in her soft, sweet voice.

  “Ah, my dear.” He reached out, picking up her hand, then patting it in a comforting gesture. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Charlotte giggled as she watched him turn on the charm.

  “Now. Just what are you and my son doing
walking around the park this late at night? Hmmm? Surely he knows he shouldn’t have a lady out this late in the middle of winter. And in her bare feet no less!”

  The heat in Charlotte’s cheeks turned up another notch and she hoped it wasn’t visible in the dim lighting.

  “Your son has been the utmost gentleman,” she murmured.

  “Probably too much so...” Mr. Prince muttered under his breath.

  “Dad!” Christian’s mortification was visible on his face.

  “However,” she waited a moment until she had the attention of both men. “I was just mentioning that it is midnight and I really must be getting home.”

  Christian’s face fell. “I’m sorry to have kept you out so late, Charlotte. We can head to the car and I’ll drive you home.” He reached out for her hand.

  “Oh, it’s alright, I have to go back to the school to get my car. You can chat with your father, I’ll just call a cab.”

  “Nonsense! The boy brought you here, let him take you back! Nothing like ending the evening with a little alone time on the front porch, eh?” He chuckled.

  Christian groaned and put his face in his hands. “On second thought, maybe you should take a cab. Let me help you get one.” Putting his hand on her elbow, he guided her to the street and hailed the first one he saw.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening, Christian.” Charlotte said, after he opened the cab door for her.

  His gaze turned tender. “I had a wonderful time until a few moments ago. I’m sorry about my father. I warned you he was a bit overwhelming.”

  “That’s alright. I can tell he loves you. He just wants what’s best for you.”

  “Well, I wish he and I were on the same page as to what is best for me.” Christian mused.

  Charlotte took a deep breath for courage once more, then darted up and kissed his cheek. Before he could react, she sat down and closed the door, with the cab pulling away from the curb.

  I hope I am what is best for you. Charlotte thought as the cab drove her to the school.


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