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Ms. Cinder's Prince: A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 9

by Laura Ann

  A light bulb clicked and suddenly everything flashed through his mind. “She was coming down my hall the first time my room was cleaned. She was here late the last time it was cleaned and she said her clothes were dirty. And today she wasn’t in her classroom even though I know she often arrives earlier than other teachers! Aha!” He shouted.

  She’s my Secret Santa! She’s the one cleaning my room, the one who knew exactly what I needed! He shook his head at the coincidence. What are the odds? A grin tugged at his mouth as he looked at the gleaming surfaces and neatly organized bookshelves. For the first time that week, he felt hope.


  “Merry Christmas everyone! Have a great winter break!” Charlotte waved to her students as they ran out of the classroom. Closing the door, she turned to the twins still sitting in their seats.

  “Right then. I have been instructed to take you two to your mother. I believe she is in the teachers’ lounge. Let’s go.” Herding them out the door, they began walking down the hallway. She kept a sharp eye on the boys so they couldn’t do any damage on their way to the lounge. She narrowed her eyes as she watched them exchange a look, but they never so much as put a toe out of line, walking obediently toward the staff room.

  Reaching the room, she opened the door and ushered them in. “Mrs. Tremain?” Charlotte poked her head in after the boys to make sure she was there. She was anxious to get back to her classroom and freshen up before the teacher party began in thirty minutes.

  “Right here!” Mrs. Tremain shuffled out of the back corner and spotted the group. “Oh, thank you Ms. Cinders for bringing my angels to me.” She looked fondly at the boys and then raised her eyebrow as if asking a silent question.

  Jackson looked over at Andrew and they both nodded their heads.

  What was that about? Charlotte wondered.

  “It was no problem Mrs. Tremain. But I need to be getting back—”

  “I wonder if you might help me with one more quick thing, dear.” Mrs. Tremain turned on the fake sugar.

  Charlotte stiffened. Did she just call me dear?

  “I’m afraid I can’t find the holiday napkins, but Janitor Gruff assures me they are in the supply room just down the hall. Would you please take a look for them while I finish up things in here? Boys, why don’t you show Ms. Cinders the way?” She began pushing them toward the doorway.

  “But Mrs. Tremain-” Charlotte began to protest.

  “Now, now, this isn’t just for me. It’s for the party.” Then she promptly slammed the door in Charlotte’s face.

  With a sigh Charlotte said, “Come on gentlemen, let’s go find the napkins.”

  Jackson and Andrew followed behind her without saying a word. Charlotte glanced over her shoulder, wondering why they were being so helpful, but their faces were pictures of innocence.

  The supply room was at the end of the hallway, right before the office. Opening the door, Charlotte turned on the light and held the door open for the twins.

  “I don’t like the dark,” Jackson frowned. “I’m gonna wait by the door.”

  “Me too. I’ll bet there’s monsters in the back.” Andrew agreed.

  “There are no such things as monsters, boys.” Charlotte soothed. “But you may hold the door if you wish. I’ll walk around and see what I can find.” The supply room was about the size of a regular classroom. She began to walk down the rows of metal shelving, searching for the napkins.

  Suddenly the room pitched into darkness; followed by a loud banging sound.

  “Very funny gentlemen. Please turn the light back on.” She waited several moments, but heard no response. “Jackson? Andrew?” No scuffling, giggling or even breathing met her ears.

  Shaking her head, Charlotte put her hand out and found the shelves in front of her. Using the cool metal as a guide, she slowly worked her way up to the front of the room. She strained her eyes, trying to find a sliver of light from the doorway, but she couldn’t see a thing. The only sound was the shuffling of her feet and her anxious breathing.

  “There you are!” She exclaimed, in relief, as her outstretched fingers found the door. Feeling around for the handle, she pushed down the lever and pulled. The door didn’t budge. Charlotte froze. Oh no. Giving a harder jerk, she tried again. Still no movement. “This can’t be happening!” She cried.

  Fumbling around, she felt for the light switch next to the door. Flipping it on, she grabbed the door handle again. Up, down, she pushed and pulled with all her strength, but the door remained shut.

  She banged on the door with the palm of her hand and tried yelling. “Hello! Anyone? I’m locked in the storeroom! Please open the door!”

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Her heart sank when there was no response. Putting her ear to the door, she could make out the strains of Christmas music. They’ll never hear me over the music.

  “Please no...” Her voice trailed off as she put her forehead against the sturdy door. The tears in her eyes drip down her cheeks, leaving cool trails against her heated skin. What do I do now?

  WITH CHARLOTTE’S SHOE in hand, Christian entered the staff party and scanned the room. Where is she?

  Behind him, heavy footsteps closed in. Spinning around, he started when he realized Mrs. Tremain was too close for comfort. He stepped back and tugged at his bow tie. “Hello Mrs. Tremain.”

  “Christian, I’m so glad to see you here.” She stepped closer to him as he backed further into the room.

  “You seem to have outdone yourself.” He looked around as he searched for an escape. “It appears that just about everyone is here.”

  “Why thank you, I thought you might appreciate the extra touches.” She fixated on a spot on the ceiling just behind him.

  Glancing over his shoulder, Christian realized there was mistletoe hanging close behind him. He gulped and changed direction, so he wouldn’t land beneath it. “Have you seen Charlotte?” He asked, trying to change the direction of her thoughts.

  Mrs. Tremain’s eyes narrowed into an icy glare. “Charlotte?”

  “Yes, you know...Ms. Cinders?” He continued edging away from the woman, skirting tables in an effort to get away so he could search better for Charlotte.

  “I don’t believe she’s coming.” Came the waspish reply.

  He snapped his head back to her. “What?”

  “She said something earlier about not wanting to see someone. Sounded like she was avoiding another teacher. But you know how she is...never has been very reliable.” She had finally gotten close enough to put her hand on his shoulder and she held him with a tight grip.

  Jerking back, he stepped out of her reach once again. Enough! This has to end. Christian straightened and said in a firm voice, “Mrs. Tre-”

  “What do you have there? Did you bring me a gift?” Mrs. Tremain snatched the shoe out of his hands.

  “No. It’s a... friend’s. I found it and was going to return it to them here, at the party.”

  “That’s awfully sweet of you.” She dropped the pitch of her voice. But instead of being seductive, it just made Christian cringe. “Christian, I have a confession to make.”

  His eyes widened and he looked around to see if anyone had noticed what was going on, but all the other teachers were happily mingling among themselves, paying no attention to his dilemma.

  “I know we aren’t supposed to say anything quite yet, but I simply must tell you.” She stepped to the side and dropped the shoe in a nearby garbage.

  “Excuse me!” Christian said angrily, then reached for the garbage. Mrs. Tremain took the opportunity to grab his hand.

  She held his fingers between her two hands and raised it to her cheek. Every time he tugged, she gripped harder. He tried to hold his anger in check, but he was about to make a scene if she didn’t leave him alone soon.

  “I’m your Secret Santa.” Mrs. Tremain whispered.

  “What did you say?” His heart dropped.

  “I said, I’m your Secret Santa. I’m the one who cam
e and cleaned your room for you. Just another example of what a good woman...the right woman... could do for you, if you would let her. If you would” She rubbed his hand on her cheek.

  He stood frozen for a moment, trying to comprehend what she was saying.

  “Didn’t you hear me?” She sidled closer.

  “Oh, I heard you.” There is no way she could be my Secret Santa. Is there? A sliver of doubt plagued his mind. If she isn’t the Secret Santa then how did she know about the cleaning? She definitely had the opportunity since she’s at the school so much. Please no...

  “You’re the one who cleaned my room?”

  “Oh yes. I knew you needed the touch of a good woman in your life, so I took the opportunity to show you what I could do.”

  With one last jerk, he freed his hand. He stuffed them in his pockets to keep them out of reach. “It was awfully nice of you to do that. Both times you cleaned really helped me out.”

  “Absolutely. It was the least I could do.”

  Yes! He mentally pumped his arm. I knew it couldn’t have been her. “Although I have struggled to find some of the things you put away. You wouldn’t happen to have a list or something that might tell me where some of my supplies are?”

  “Well...” she hesitated. “I’m afraid not, but I’d be happy to go with you to the classroom and help you find them.”

  “I’m afraid that won’t be necessary Mrs. Tremain.” Pushing her aside with a confident arm, he reached in and grabbed the shoe out of the garbage.

  “Why not?” She trailed after him, desperation tinting her voice.

  “Because... the shoe doesn’t fit.” With a nod, he marched out of the room and headed toward Charlotte’s class. Maybe she’s just running late? Hopefully...

  Before he could turn the corner, Mrs. Merryweather came bustling through. “Oh Mr. Prince, how lovely to see you!” She chirped.

  “You as well, Mrs. Merryweather. I’d love to stay and chat but I—”

  “Oh what a darling shoe! Of course, it isn’t my size, but I’m sure it fits someone special.”

  “Indeed it does. Now if you’ll—”

  Mrs. Merryweather interrupted yet again. “You simply must take it to the lost and found.”

  “No, I—”

  “Yes, dear. The lost and found. It’s right behind you in that supply room.” She pointed over his shoulder.

  He looked back over his shoulder. “That’s nice, but I’m not—”

  “That’s right. RIght in there.” She began pushing him towards the door.

  “Excuse me Mrs.Merryweather, but- oof!” He stumbled as she opened the door and pushed him in.

  The door slammed behind him before he could straighten up. Turning towards the door, he put his hands on his hips. “What in the world was that all about?”

  Looking up, he realized the light was on. Someone must have forgotten to turn it off. Perhaps they were also looking for the Lost and Found. He chuckled at the absurdity of it all and reached out to open the door.

  He pushed down and pulled. Nothing. “What?” He exclaimed. He gave several more jerks on the door before a small voice behind him spoke.

  “I believe it locks from the outside.”

  Christian spun around. “Charlotte.” He breathed.

  Her cheeks turned pink and she looked down. “I got locked in here earlier and wasn’t quick enough when you came in.”

  “Were you also looking for the lost and found?” He grinned at her.

  She tilted her head and looked at him quizzically.

  Slowly, careful not to frighten her, he began to step towards her. “I wonder if you could help me with something.”

  A short, laugh burst out from her. “Helping someone is what got me locked in here in the first place.”

  He smiled, “But this time, you will be helping me.” He continued to work his way toward her. “You see, I found this shoe...”

  She gasped as she saw the slipper in his hands. Putting her hands on her cheeks, she tried to control the fiery flame that overtook her face. “Oh dear!” She said, her voice hoarse.

  He stopped directly in front of her. “All month I have been trying to figure out who knew me so well that they would take the time to clean and organize my room. Someone who knew I was a slob. Someone who was so organized, they left me a catalog of my own supplies. Someone who cared enough to notice me, even if I didn’t notice them.”

  Tears began to spill down her face. Taking his free hand, he cupped her cheek and used his thumb to wipe them away.

  “That person also happens to have the most wonderful taste in footwear.”

  Charlotte laughed amidst her tears.

  “And I’m hoping...” He took a breath for courage. “That that person also feels the same way about me that I feel about her.”

  Her eyes shot up. “How do you feel about her?” Her voice was small and unsure.

  “I’m in love with the owner of this shoe and I’m hoping she loves me back.”

  “Love? Truly?” Her blue eyes opened wide and sparkled with excitement.

  “Truly.” He said as he lowered his head to hers. At first, he simply brushed his lips against hers. When she didn’t retreat, he became more confident. Putting his arm around her, he pulled her close and proceeded to taste those lips that had always been just out of reach.


  I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS is happening! Charlotte’s mind tried furiously to keep up with all the sensations and emotions spinning through her body.

  Tentatively she slid her hands up his shoulders. Finding his hair, she allowed her fingers to play and tug with the silky strands, enjoying their softness.

  With a groan, he cupped the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

  Oh my... Charlotte felt her legs turn into noodles and was so grateful for his firm hold. Heat burst through her and she felt like she was on fire. Every nerve ending tingled and she felt as if she would never get enough.

  After a few more minutes of bliss, the kiss gradually slowed. He rested his forehead against her soft cheek, breathing heavily against her skin.

  The warmth of his breath kept electricity running through her, but she took the break to breathe before she passed out.

  “That was amazing.” He raised his head and whispered against her temple, unwilling to break contact.

  “Mmmm...” Keeping her eyes closed, she reveled in the feel of him. Everything I dreamed of and more.

  “But I have a confession.”

  Charlotte jerked her head back, panic overriding the wonderful emotions she had been experiencing up to this point. Is this about Mrs. Tremain? Looking into his eyes, she relaxed when she saw the love glowing from them.

  “As odd as it sounds, I was also your Secret Santa.”


  “I was your Secret Santa. Somehow we had each other.”

  Charlotte started to giggle. “So...all those kisses were from you?”

  He chuckled and tucked her under his chin. “Yes. After being denied your precious lips so many times, I decided to do something about it.” He looked down at her and kissed her cheek. “I left you a chocolate kiss,” he kissed her forehead, “for every real kiss,” he moved to the tip of her nose, “that I wanted to give you.” Lastly, he claimed her lips again. Sure and confident, he held her tightly, memorizing her shape and taste.

  When they came up for air, Charlotte smiled and pushed his hair off his forehead. “I guess that explains all the kisses on my desk this morning.”

  “I had finally had enough. Today was the day I put all my cards on the table.”

  “Thank you.” She whispered. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and in case you couldn’t tell, I love you too.”

  Smiling wide, Christian let go of her and walked to the door. Charlotte watched, her mouth turning down at the corners, as he picked up a step ladder on the way. Propping the ladder underneath the door handle, he sauntered back and gathered her into his arms again.
br />   “ crazy PTO ladies, no troublemaking twins and no interfering fathers..” He leaned forward, letting his lips brush her ear as he spoke. “Would you mind repeating what you said one more time?”

  Unable to contain her joy, Charlotte put her hands on his cheeks and brought him to her, using actions rather than words to show her heart.

  This is what dreams are made of...


  Author Note

  I just want to say thank you for reading my book! I am an avid romance reader and was excited to finally create my own. Cinderella has always been a favorite of mine. Keep an eye out for new releases as the other teachers at Middleton Prep get their Happy Ever Afters!

  Book #3 in the Middleton Prep series, “Waking Ms. Briar” will be released July 2nd, 2018. You can stay up to date on new releases here.

  Haven’t read book #1 yet? “The Librarian and Her Beast” is available here.

  Word of mouth is the lifeblood of indie authors. If you have a few moments, please leave me a review and share this book with your friends.


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  Of “A Home for the Ugly Duckling”

  A prequel to the Middleton Prep series

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  Before Edna Merryweather was the slightly odd, but lovable matchmaker of Middleton Prep, she was simply Edna Ducking, or, as her school classmates dubbed her, ‘The Ugly Duckling’; everyone’s favorite subject of ridicule and rejection.

  So how does someone go from being the school outcast to being the school love expert? It all starts with quirky twin sisters and a handsome, green eyed boy who are willing to see Edna for herself, rather than the label she has carried for so many years.


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