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Blood and Magic (Blood and Darkness Book 1)

Page 13

by Melissa Sercia

  More riddles. “What about the Underworld? We should be focusing on getting the Narcissus flower.”

  The Keeper shook his head. “You are not ready, and I need time to prepare your supplies. In the meantime, go to Arcadia. When you return, I will be done.”

  The Keeper revealed that Arcadia lived in Diana’s Forest. It was in a realm that Valentina and I had traveled to many times. The forest itself, however, was cloaked in magic. We would need Seven’s ship to get us there.

  The Keeper addressed Aldric. “You will stay here with me. I need your assistance in the preparations.”

  Aldric sprang up from his chair. “Absolutely not. Out of the question. Gray, I’m not letting you go out there without me.”

  Valentina rolled her eyes. “Gray and I have been surviving on our own a lot longer than you have. I think we’ll be able to handle this excursion without you.”

  Aldric’s face turned bright red. “Unbelievable. You—”

  I stepped in between them. “Stop, both of you. Aldric, The Keeper needs you here. Besides, Val and I already know the terrain. We can slip in and out faster without you.”

  Valentina beamed at Aldric victoriously.

  “And Val, stop antagonizing him.” Her face fell as Aldric smirked.

  Aldric paced around the study while Valentina and I readied our things for the trip. I knew he was worried. I sensed his nerves in the pit of my stomach. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  His lip twitched, attempting to force a smile. I pulled him toward me and kissed him hard. His body tensed as he tightened his grip around my waist. “Be careful, please.” I nodded and gave him one last kiss. Valentina groaned and sauntered out the door behind me.

  Walking toward Seven’s ship, a wave of uneasiness washed over me. I wondered how far our connection would reach. Would I still be able to feel Aldric from another realm? The look on his face told me he was wondering the same thing. The ache of being away from him was already starting to form. I kept my eyes fixated on him as we drifted out to sea. I stared until he was nothing more than a speck on the horizon.

  The air was cool and salty, refreshing. Valentina’s crimson hair flapped in the wind and whipped around her face. Her eyes were full of wonder as she gazed out at the waves. My mind was somewhere else too. I wasn’t even sure what I was going to say to Arcadia. Would I feel a connection to her? A kinship?

  I’d always wanted a family, just not this one. She was Pythia’s daughter and I was Jezebel’s. Sisters or not, I doubted she was looking forward to meeting me either. I took a deep breath and sucked in as much salt as my lungs could stand, hoping it would force down the lump that was forming in my throat.

  My heart swelled as we approached. This forest was sacred. It was where it all began. Where we all came from. It was where Diana fled after Zeus cast her out. Where she built her empire of Crescent Witches. Where Apollo had forged the first Dhampirs. There was deep-rooted magic here.

  I gasped in awe, gazing upon it. The trees were a shade of green I had never seen before. They shimmered like a forest full of emeralds. Blinding. The closer we got to the forest, the more my body changed. The magic was like a magnetic force, pulling at me. It spread into my veins. The air transformed into tiny silver stars, dancing in front of me. I had to blink fast to focus. My magic was remembering its connection to the source.

  Valentina crept off the docks in a half crouch with her eyes peeled. Ravens crowed in the distance. My breath quickened. I stepped off the docks, surprised to find the grass was spongy. It gave way with each step I took. The air was thinner here, crisp, and smelled like thick soil after a heavy rain.

  We took the only path that looked walkable. Lined with massive oak trees, their trunks were so smooth, you could run your hands over them without getting a splinter. In between each tree were bunches of hibiscus flowers. Their petals were an array of pinks, reds, and oranges, like the colors in a sunset. My eyes lingered on each one, inciting visions of cotton candy, tangerines, and…blood.

  My stomach fluttered. Where were these images coming from?

  I looked over to Valentina, who appeared unfazed as she kept her eyes on the path ahead. I shook off the feeling of dread and decided I should do the same.

  An opening in the trees allowed for the sun to break through. It shone down, illuminating the ground like a spotlight. Everywhere else was dark as far as the eye could see. Valentina drew in a sharp breath and took a sudden step back. We were not alone.

  Two figures emerged out of the shadows and stood directly under the sun like statues, stoic and poised.

  I started forward, but Valentina pulled me back. “It’s them.”

  I squeezed her hand. “I know. They appear to be waiting for us.”

  I lifted my shirt and showed Valentina my daggers. She loosened her grip on me as I continued forward.

  Arcadia’s cat-shaped eyes glowed blue like the base of a flame. She was striking with her pale skin and white hair. Not white like the hair of a crone, but bright like snow. She stood tall with her shoulders pressed back and her chin lifted. She had the air of a queen. An ice queen.

  Her lips were full, with a hint of rose, as she smiled in amusement. This was a woman who was used to getting what she wanted. Who most likely believed she was better than me. Maybe she was. Looking at her, I felt nothing. No connection, no kinship, nothing. Just blank. Numb. We looked nothing alike and no doubt were nothing alike. The look in her eyes seemed to hint that she agreed.

  Arcadia bowed her head in acknowledgement, lowering herself into a half curtsy. Her movements were slow but deliberate, like a demon trapped inside the body of a ballerina.

  “Welcome, sister. I was wondering when you would finally grace me with your presence.” Her high-pitched voice unnerved me.

  “Well, I always did like to arrive fashionably late.” Our politeness couldn’t mask the bitterness in both our voices.

  Lycos stood next to her, motionless and without expression. With his broad shoulders and piercing blue eyes, he resembled a Viking. His white locks fell into a knotted braid down his back. If I hadn’t known they were lovers, I would have thought they were twins. Mirror images, guarding each other like lions.

  Valentina muttered under her breath as she crouched down beside me, a tight grip on her daggers. Arcadia’s frozen smile faded as she noticed her watching Lycos. Her eyes narrowed. “Who’s the gypsy?”

  “She’s with me. Don’t worry about it,” I snapped.

  Arcadia giggled. “Sister, this is sacred ground. We don’t allow unlinked Dhampirs to enter.”

  Valentina snarled and bared her fangs. I placed my hand on her shoulder to calm her.

  “We won’t be here long. She won’t be any trouble.”

  Arcadia sighed dramatically. “Fine. I’ll let it slide this once. The least she could have done is brush her hair, though. I mean really dear, you are quite a mess.” Her smile returned but her eyes shot daggers toward us.

  Valentina chuckled and winked at Lycos, eyeing him like a piece of candy. “When you’re done being her pet, you should give me a call. I can help you get that leash and collar off.”

  Arcadia was not amused. The little color she had in her face drained. “Call him my pet again and see what happens.” Lycos remained still and quiet.

  Valentina smiled devilishly. “What’s the matter, Wolf Charmer? You afraid he’s going to start thinking for himself one of these days? Oh wait, he can’t.”

  I gasped and looked over at Lycos. Still no reaction.

  Arcadia started toward Valentina. “I am going to snap your neck, you little—”

  I stepped in front of her. “Enough. We didn’t come here to fight. This is a waste of time.” I shot Valentina a look. She giggled but stepped back and threw her hands up in mock surrender.

  Arcadia continued to glare at her. “Looks like your friend is the one that could use a leash and a muzzle.”

  My eyes rolled. “She’s only joking. Now, can we please move on a
nd get to the matter of why we’re really here?” I didn’t know how long I could keep Valentina from opening her mouth again.

  Arcadia huffed. “Fine. Why are you really here?”

  I wanted to reason with her. Plead with her for help even. But this girl didn’t have an empathetic bone in her body. I took a deep breath. “I need you to convince the Consilium to let Jane go. I have already agreed to do whatever they ask. They don’t need her anymore.”

  Arcadia cocked her head to the side, eyes full of curiosity. “And why would I do that for you? We don’t even know each other. Besides, the minute they let Jane go, you’ll disappear. And I will look like a fool.”

  I had to go at this from a different angle. “You’re right, we don’t know each other, but I can sense that you don’t exactly like to share. So, what if I did disappear? Isn’t that what you want? I’d be gone, and you would have everything.”

  Arcadia’s eyes lit up. She tossed her head from side to side like weights on a scale. “As tempting as that sounds, I could never go against my father. See, you and I are nothing alike. I like our world the way it is. You want to destroy it. I can’t let that happen.”

  Arcadia never had any intentions of helping me. She was only humoring me for her own amusement.

  I erupted. “You have no idea what I’ve been through. I didn’t want any of this. I never asked for it. But I wasn’t given the choice that you were. And I see how you have made it. So, if you aren’t going to help me, then I strongly advise you to stay out of my way.” My eyes were black. I could feel it.

  Arcadia took a step back. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that to me, Gray. That was hurtful.” Arcadia pretended to wipe tears from her eyes.

  Valentina sighed loudly. “Let’s get out of here before I make her cry for real.”

  I nodded and willed my eyes to turn back to brown. Lycos remained quiet, but very much alert. Valentina couldn’t resist taking one more jab as she batted her eyelashes at him.

  “Like I said, if you ever grow tired of her commands, look me up. I can be obedient too.” Valentina winked and licked her lips.

  Arcadia shrieked, stomping her foot like a child. “That’s it. I’m going to slit your little gypsy throat.”

  Valentina moved into a cat-like stance, ready to pounce. I moved in between them just as Lycos swooped in. He picked up Arcadia and threw her over his shoulder like a rag doll.

  “Lycos, put me down right now. Lycos! Are you listening to me? What has gotten into you? I’m going to kill that bitch. Put me down!”

  Lycos gave Valentina a wink before he turned to leave, carrying a hysterical Arcadia kicking and screaming over his shoulder. Valentina blushed a shade of red so deep, it matched her hair.


  We were dumbfounded as Lycos dragged Arcadia away over his shoulder. Valentina rubbed her temples. “What was that about?”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “No idea. Maybe some sort of mating ritual? Who knows what those two are into.”

  Valentina snorted. “He winked at me. The man doesn’t say two words the whole time and then he winks at me.”

  I chuckled. Valentina was no stranger to flirtation. “Oh, don’t act so shocked. You’re not exactly an ugly duckling.”

  She continued to feign surprise. “No, but I thought he was supposed to be under some sort of Wolf Charm or something.”

  I was at a loss on that one. “Who knows. Maybe it doesn’t work like that. Or maybe your beauty is just too hard to resist,” I teased. She rolled her eyes as I giggled.

  The walk back to Seven’s ship was quiet. Too quiet. It felt like we were being watched. Like there were creatures lurking in the shadows, watching our every step. If Lycos and Arcadia lived here, then the rest of his pack must live here too.

  The Keeper suggested Valentina link with a wolf, but I wasn’t sure how we were supposed to do that if Arcadia controlled them all. We couldn’t tell her about the link. Even if we had, she would’ve never helped us. I had no idea why The Keeper sent us out here.

  “Gray, you okay? You haven’t said a word since we left the forest.”

  I bit my lip. The rocking of the ship wasn’t doing anything to soothe the pounding in my head. “I was just thinking about what Arcadia said about not going against her father. She knows him. Loves him. Obeys him. I’ve never even seen what he looks like. Growing up, he was just a fantasy. Now that I know the truth, it feels like a nightmare. If my father is the monster, what does that make me?”

  Valentina wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me in. “You are nothing like them. The only thing you have in common with those people is blood.” The weight of her words made my stomach turn. Blood was anything but common.

  Seven emerged from his cabin just as we docked at the Hall of Secrets. He dashed over to The Keeper to discuss our next travel arrangements. His ship needed special preparations before taking us to the Underworld.

  Aldric was waiting for me. I drew in a sharp breath at the sight of him. His hair was slicked back off his face and he was dressed like The Keeper. Instead of his usual designer suit, he wore black pants and a black sweater, fitted so it showed every curve of his chest. His face was clean shaven, and his eyes were clear and bright. He was armed with two daggers on both sides of his waist, and he had a bow strapped to his back. The sight of him fully armed and ready for battle took my breath away. He was every bit the fierce warrior I hoped to have standing by my side. He was beautiful.

  “I see you’ve been busy since we left.” I smiled warmly at him.

  His eyes lit up. “Hi, darlin’.” He pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Get a room,” Valentina teased as she charged past us.

  Aldric rolled his eyes. “Well, she’s just as delightful as always.”

  I laughed. “Don’t worry about Val. She’s still trying to figure out why Lycos winked at her.”

  The Keeper looked up from his conversation with Seven. “They made contact? Lycos and Valentina?”

  “Um…sort of. There was an incident with Arcadia. He intervened.”

  The Keeper looked out into the distance. “So it has begun.” Aldric and I exchanged a puzzled look.

  Seven’s eyes were full of shadows as he approached me. “Everything is set. Come aboard when you’re ready to go.”

  My stomach was in knots again. “Seven, I don’t know how to thank you. We literally could not do this without you.”

  He shrugged. “Don’t thank me yet, beautiful.” His voice was gentle, but skeptical. Seven was not a man who scared easily. His hesitation was unsettling.

  The Underworld wasn’t meant for us. It was a place for gods and demons. For the damned and the lost. We weren’t welcome there. But there was a fail-safe. A series of trials, designed by the gods, that would ensure a way out.

  There were five trials. Each one required a specific talisman or potion to complete. Except in the final trial, where we would have to come face to face with the Reflection Siren. She guarded the Narcissus flower under the Elm of False Dreams. Her tricks were cunning and seductive. She would feed off our hopes and fears, sending us into madness. A nightmare that no one has ever escaped from.

  The Keeper explained the trials in detail. He mapped out what we would encounter at each stage and what we would need to pass through to the next. Not even the warmth from the fire could prevent the cold sweat from dripping down my back. The flames were casting an eerie glow on his face as he spoke.

  “I have gathered most of the supplies you will need to descend. Your usual weapons will not be effective, so they have been replaced with ones that were spelled and blessed by Diana. These weapons have been guarded since the beginning of time. Archived and preserved for moments like these.”

  Valentina’s nose twitched. “How will we know how to use them?”

  A shadow passed across his face. “You won’t. They will use you.”

  Aldric crinkled his brow as he studied The Keeper’s
map of the Underworld. He mumbled, tracing the lines of the rivers with his fingers. He was so entranced that he barely noticed my presence.

  “Have you been staring at this all night?” My voice snapped him back to the present.

  “Gray…do you really think we can do this?”

  It seemed impossible, but I needed him to believe it wasn’t. “Yes. And we will. We have to.”

  Aldric smiled and shook his head in amazement. “You’re absolutely fearless.”

  I let out a deep breath. “No. Stubborn? Yes. But fearless, not at all. I’m terrified.”

  Aldric reached out and cupped my face in his hands. A warm tingle started to spread through my body. “I’m with you one hundred percent. We are going to make it back.” My lips quivered against his as he kissed me.

  It was our last morning with The Keeper. Our last chance to get what we needed from him before heading out. We were all aware that we might not make it back. Uncertainty blanketed the air like a thick fog, threatening to squeeze the air out of my lungs. Even Valentina was not her usual bubbly self this morning. Her head hung low as she entered the main hall.

  The Keeper motioned for us to gather around. “It is time. You must rely on each other more than ever. That is the only way you will make it out alive.”

  I swallowed hard, looking back and forth between Aldric and Valentina.

  The Keeper continued, “No matter what you think you feel or see, remember, it is only an illusion. No matter how real it seems, it is not. Hold fast to that truth.”

  My hands trembled as reality sank in. There was no more planning, no more talking about it. It was happening now. And there was no turning back. We headed out to begin our dark descent into the Underworld.



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