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Lawfully Betrothed

Page 7

by Ginny Sterling

  “It was the same for me, my fairy bride.”

  “Daddy, would you just kiss her now and quit talking?”

  Sam returned shortly thereafter, with two couples in tow. When they saw her, they stopped and did a double-take at being invited to witness their wedding vows. Mrs. Parrish was one of the people who attended.

  Instead of crowding into the little house, Gabriel suggested they speak their vows under the heavens since he felt that she’d been led to him. Faye was so touched and agreed wholeheartedly. Standing outside, she took his hand in hers and encouraged Titania to join them.

  “We’ll be a family, so I’m not just marrying your father. I am committing myself to be your new stepmother as well. I will give my vows to Gabriel and to you,” Faye pledged to the young girl who teared up at being included. Gabriel wiped his own eyes as he saw the need in Titania’s face. Their vows were simple. Faye swore to love, honor and cherish both of them. Gabriel pledged very nearly the same.

  “I will love you, protect you and honor you for all the days you live. You have been my inspiration and my light since the first time I met you as a child hiding away. I cannot believe that you were strong enough to wait for me all these years and I vow before God that I will never make you regret a day of it. You are a blessing to us, my lovely Faye,” he admitted thickly, swallowing hard with emotion as he slipped the small ring on her finger.


  At Sunday service, Faye couldn’t help but feel antsy at returning to church. She and Titania had avoided attending after she was dismissed. She did not want to leave the house for several reasons. First off, she didn’t want to miss Gabriel’s return and secondly, she didn’t want to see the condemnation in their faces at the perceived notions. She’d been replaced as a teacher; there was no reason to rub salt in the wound. She could worship and praise God in her own way.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes. You have no reason to hide my beloved. They do not know you like I do, because if they did? They’d realize how lucky they were to have such a beautiful soul teaching their children.”

  “I love you.”

  Gabriel smiled as they took their seat in the pew. As the service started, she breathed and felt the warm welcoming calmness wash over her that had been her haven after her parents had passed away. She loved the peace that it brought and wished that she could have relived that day over again a few weeks ago, wished that she’d not been dismissed.

  “Mr. Reardon has asked to say a few words today.”

  Faye glanced at Gabriel in surprise. He patted her hand and kissed her cheek before getting to his feet. Titania sat beside her, fidgeting with excitement and happiness.

  “What’s he doing?”

  “You’ll see, Mother,” she whispered happily. Faye felt tears spring to her eyes, kissed her on the forehead, and marveled in awe as she looked upon Gabriel’s proud visage. That was the first time that Titania had ever called her mother and it was due to this man joining her in life and love.

  “I wanted to say a few words and introduce my wife to you all. One day, about twenty years ago, a young miscreant was acting up and skipping out on much needed bible studies,” he admitted aloud, winking at the pastor. Several members laughed aloud at his open admission.

  “I was quite swept away by a beautiful young soul that I found hidden away that day. It was like staring at the sun to see such blind faith, honor and love shining in innocent eyes that I was taken aback. I could have sworn she was magical, but no. She was a simple girl that was destined to be my wife. I asked that young girl to marry me, not knowing that life had a way of preparing me to be the husband she needed. It took twenty long years to grow up and be worthy for her.”

  “Now, I hope that we didn’t cause too much trouble in me taking forever to return to my betrothed. She loved teaching your children and took pride in knowing that she was shaping their future while she waited patiently on me to grow up. I hope that her dismissal was not laid upon her kind shoulders, but on mine,” Gabriel invoked passionately, looking directly at where she sat. Faye could feel the tears brimming in her eyes as he gave his impassioned speech, praising her to the entire community.

  “Miss Faye Miller is a pillar of womanhood. She waited steadfastly on a promise and vow that was given that day long ago. Faith and honor is the very nature of her soul, a beautiful soul that I have finally been given a chance to marry. Mrs. Reardon, thank you for welcoming me back and teaching me what faith and love is. I hope that you all will continue to treat her as warmly now as you did when she served this community faithfully as a teacher. Now that she no longer teaches, we’ll have to find her another way to be of service to this town and community.”

  Gabriel stepped down from the pulpit to return to her side. Faye got up and held out her hand proudly, welcoming him to her side yet again. He took her hand and kissed it, bowing like a gentleman as several hands began to clap slowly. Glancing around, Faye stood stunned as she saw it was her students getting to their feet, applauding her. Their parents then stood and began to clap as well, making Faye choke on emotion as she looked around the room.

  “We want Mrs. Reardon back at the school! She cares for us and is the best teacher around by far,” a boy cried out, causing Faye to glance over quickly. She saw it was Jacob, the boy that had taken the coal. She’d never wanted him to feel ashamed, only to feel accepted and loved.

  “Miss Mill-I mean, Mrs. Reardon, should be the one teaching us! We want her back.”

  “Mrs. Reardon is a fantastic loving person and we want her at the school,” Titania chimed in, along with several others.

  “We want Mrs. Reardon! We want Mrs. Reardon!”

  “Did you do this? Did you plan this?” she whispered to Gabriel in shock.

  “No, love,” he admitted softly with a smile. “This is because you love everyone around you and we all recognize it. You are truly a miracle, my fairy bride.”

  “Order! Order!” the pastor called out, quickly trying to settle down the small roar that had developed inside of the church. “Apparently, we have a request for Mrs. Reardon to return to the school as a teacher. This shall be brought before the mayor and will be discuss-“ The mayor sat at the front pew near his wife. He had gotten to his feet and turned to look at where Faye stood.

  “Actually, I think she should return immediately,” he said aloud, clearing his throat and sticking his nose in the air while tugging his waistcoat downwards. “Perhaps, she can help us draft an updated set of guidelines and rules for the school. I can’t think of a better person to teach my son nor any others here. Mrs. Reardon, are you up to the challenge of taking on the responsibility for our children’s education?”

  “I’ve never once shirked from it, sir.”

  “Then it is settled.”

  When the service was over, Faye made a beeline for the mayor with Gabriel and Titania in tow. She saw the mayor practically turn tail, before taking a deep breath and standing tall.

  “What exactly is going on?”

  “My son refused to attend unless you were teaching it and frankly, anyone that can tell off my mother-in-law politely in public, without being drawn and quartered, is a good person for my son to learn from.”

  “Your mother in law? Who is that?”

  “Mrs. Norah Parrish.”


  Faye felt a sinking sensation in her stomach at the scathing retort from nearby. She slowly turned to face the woman that had gossiped about her not long ago. Faye had dressed her down publicly and was certain that she was about to receive the same in return. Her frozen expression and flat eyes told Faye to beware of retribution. Instead, she got a single nod of acknowledgement.

  “You’ll be a fine fit and I told my son-in-law as much. You’ve got gumption girl and if you can teach the boys to stand up for themselves like you did that day? Then my grandson might make something of himself eventually. He sure won’t learn to have a spine from his mealy-mouthed mother nor his slimy politi
cian of a father,” she announced harshly and slapped her cane directly into the mayor’s knee, causing him to stumble.

  “Silence, Frank. You’ve done enough damage already by dismissing her. I will fix your mess, yet again. Now, as I was instructing Frank at dinner last night, you’ll need to rewrite the charter of rules for teachers. Be quick and thorough about it, young lady, and get back to work. I expect to see you at the school house in the morning bright and early.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” she admitted softly in complete shock, glancing over her head at Gabriel’s proud expression and Titania’s ecstatic face. Perhaps she could have the best of both worlds at once? Her path hadn’t been easy, but it was so very worth it in the end. She’d been given a glimpse of her future long ago and marveled at the strength and love she’d found in his eyes. Thank you, God, for everything you’ve given me. I’m beyond grateful, she prayed silently, her heart bursting with joy and love.

  “Mine too.”


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  Penelope Brown had been tossed to the curb, a victim of the times. The start of the Great Depression had forced her lifestyle to change significantly from what she’d grown accustomed to. She’s now working as a waitress in a small diner instead of seeing picture shows with friends, listening to the radio and living frivolously.

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  When libation, recklessness and wild abandon whirl around all around Penelope, can the promise of excitement and carelessness be even more tempting than her very own handsome Lawkeeper? Will she hold fast to her faith and morals, finding that love can be just as thrilling with fewer consequences? Can she choose to be true to herself and not fall victim to the pressures of the world around her?

  Lawfully Admired

  Melissa Miller is tired of being alone. Angry, bitter and jaded, she is fully aware that her marriage prospects are horribly slim after the war. With the threat of outlaws raiding towns nearby, her very safety, as well as her mother’s, is at risk. She cannot afford to have her chance at happiness whisked away. But just when she thought she couldn’t take much more and had lost her faith, he walked into her world. Gideon is full of laughter, an inner light and a buoyant personality that she craves… but he is harboring a secret.

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  Melissa had clutched at the bitterness, solitude and anger inside of her for so long. Hope, love and the possibility of living happily ever after one day is suddenly squashed when she realizes that Gideon’s past and the dangers of life in the saddle could take him from her at any moment. Can they find love, a renewed faith, and acceptance in each other when the need arises?

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  Emily and Elias Jessup left their home in southern Texas, tired of living a life of poverty. They soon find out that life is no better alone on their own. With not a penny to their name and no job prospects, the siblings turn to stealing from the rich to survive. Constantly on the run from the law, the two know their days are numbered before the law catches up to them.

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  Lawfully Freed

  Dr. Rebecca Tulle has decided to return home for her ten-year high school reunion with the intent to show off how much she has changed since graduation. After years of bullying, she feels stronger than ever before and ready to take on the world. She’d once run away, disappearing off the map, from everyone and everything she’d ever known… until now.

  Gabriel James, the once gangly awkward boy who’d had a crush on Rebecca all those years ago has certainly changed! Charming, caring and devastatingly handsome… the gorgeous S.W.A. T. officer sweeps her off her feet. He claims that he wants to make up for lost time with a series of firsts… a first dance, a first date, a first kiss.

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  Lawfully Pursued by Lorana Hoopes

  Now- a glimpse at Lawfully Pursued …

  Brie Carter fell back spread eagle on her queen-sized canopy bed sending her blond hair fanning out behind her. With a large sigh, she uttered, “I’m bored.”

  “How can you be bored? You have like millions of dollars.” Her friend, Ariel, plopped down in a seated position on the bed beside her. “You want to go shopping? I hear Tiffany’s is having a special right now.”

  Brie rolled her eyes. Shopping? Where was the excitement in that? With her three platinum cards, she could go shopping whenever she wanted. “No, I’m bored with shopping too. I have everything. I want to do something exciting. Something we don’t normally do.”

  Brie enjoyed being rich. She loved the unlimited credit cards at her disposal, the constant apparel of new clothes, and of course the penthouse apartment her father paid for, but lately, she had been longing for something more fulfilling.

  Ariel’s hazel eyes widened. “I know. There’s a new bar down on Franklin street. Why don’t we go play a little game?”

  Brie sat up, intrigued at the secrecy and the twinkle in Ariel’s eyes. “What kind of a game?”

  “A betting game. You let me pick out any man in the place. Then you try and get him to propose to you.”

  Brie wrinkled her nose. “But I don’t want to get married.” She loved her freedom and didn’t feel like sharing her penthouse with anyone, especially some man.

  “You don’t marry him, silly. You just get him to propose.”

  Brie bit her lip as the thought. It had been awhile since her last relationship and having a man dote on her for a month might be interesting, but…. “I don’t know. It doesn’t seem very nice.”

  “How about I sweeten the pot? If you win, I’ll set you up on a date with my brother.”

  Brie cocked her head. Was she serious? The only thing Brie couldn’t seem to buy in the world was the affection of Ariel’s very handsome, very wealthy, brother. He was a movie star, just the kind of person Ariel could consider marrying in the future. She’d had a crush on him as long as she and Ariel had been friends, but he’d always seen her as just that, his little sister’s friend. “I thought you didn’t want me dating your brother.”

  “I don’t.” Ariel shrugged. “But he’s between girlfriends right now, and I know you’ve wanted it for ages. If you win this bet, I’ll set you up. I can’t guarantee any mor
e than one date though. The rest will be up to you.”

  Brie wasn’t worried about that. Charm she had in abundance. She just needed some alone time with him, and she knew she’d be able to convince him they were meant to be together. “All right. You’ve got a deal.”

  Ariel smiled. “Perfect. Let’s get you changed then and see who the lucky man will be.

  A tiny tug pulled on Brie’s heart that this still wasn’t right, but she dismissed it. This was simply a means to an end, and he’d never have to know.

  * * *

  Jesse Calhoun relaxed as the rhythmic thudding of the speed bag reached his ears. Though he loved his job, it was stressful being the SWAT sniper. He hated having to take human lives and today had been especially rough. The team had been called out to a drug bust, and Jesse had been forced to return fire at three hostiles. He didn’t care that they were firing at his team and himself. Taking a life was always hard, and every one of them haunted his dreams.

  “You gonna bust that one too?” His co-worker Brendan appeared by his side. Brendan was the opposite of Jesse in nearly every way. Where Jesse’s hair was a dark copper, Brendan’s was nearly black. Jesse sported paler skin and a dusting of freckles across his nose, but Brendan’s skin was naturally dark and freckle free.


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