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Page 13

by C. J. Hudson

  “Go pour me a drink,” Damon ordered. He figured that since she was there once again, she might as well make herself useful. Damon went to his basement and turned on his seventy-five-inch television screen. For the rest of the day, all he wanted to do was relax, fuck, drink, and relax some more.

  “So, how was work today, baby?” she asked, coming down the stairs. Damon heard her before he saw her. But once she came into view, his eyes did a double take. Holding drinks in both hands, the young lady sexily sashayed over to him in her bra and panties. Damon’s dick immediately jumped to attention. To be so young, she knew exactly how to turn a man on.

  “Damn,” he said, gawking at her. “Are you sure yo’ ass is 20 years old?” he asked. She smiled and nodded as she handed Damon his drink.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “Well, what?” Damon asked, damn near drooling on himself.

  “How was work today?”

  “Oh, it was cool.” The young woman had no idea that Damon was a lieutenant for one of Cleveland’s most notorious kingpins. Whenever she asked him what he did for a living, he would always give her a vague answer and quickly change the subject.

  “Come and sit on my lap,” he commanded. His manhood wasn’t fully erect yet, but it was damn sure close. The young woman eased down on his lap, wiggling her ass on his dick as she did.

  “Somebody’s ready for the good stuff,” she said. They both took a large sip of the brown liquor they had in their glasses. They eyed each other hungrily. The young woman reached behind her back and undid her bra, allowing it to fall into her lap. She then poured a small amount of liquor on her left nipple. With a sexy look in her eye, she picked up the bra and threw it around Damon’s neck and slowly pulled his head toward her plump, dark areola.

  Damon’s lips parted as he let the nipple enter his mouth. Soft moans escaped her throat as he sucked it gently. Her hands began to probe. She let them glide over his jeans and took hold of the monster inside of them. As he continued to suck her nipples, she undid his belt buckle and unbuttoned his jeans. Expertly, she unzipped them and snaked her hands inside of his underwear until she found what she was looking for.




  After stroking it a few times, she got off his lap and motioned for him to stand up. When he did, she pulled his pants down to his ankles. She licked her lips and decided not to waste any time. In less than a second, she devoured his penis. Just when Damon was getting ready to bust off, she stopped.

  “Fuck you doin’?” he asked. As an answer to his question, she got up from her knees and pushed him back down on the sofa.

  “Give it to me, baby,” she said, straddling him. Warm tingles swam through Damon’s nuts as her wetness engulfed him. Dani winced as Damon’s manhood filled her up.

  “Oh God, baby, yes,” she moaned. Hearing her sexy voice caused Damon to thrust harder. Wanting to get into every crevice of her sweet walls, Damon picked her up and laid her on the floor. The young woman wrapped her legs around his waist and crossed her ankles. It didn’t take long for both of them to release their love juices together.

  “Oh my God, baby, I needed this,” Dani said. She’d been so stressed out from the argument at Sunny’s party that this was just what she needed to help her relax. Jazmine, Butter, and Dani had known each other for years, but it had only been recently, about six months ago, that they’d started hanging out. Dani and Butter were the first of the trio to become friends. They were hanging out with each other at the mall when they ran into Jazmine at the food court. The three of them struck up a conversation and quickly became friends. That’s why it bothered Dani so much that neither of them came to her defense when Sunny tried to style on her. She wanted to beat Sunny’s ass, but the hurt and betrayal she felt from her so-called friends went deeper. Both of them had tried to call her after she stormed off, but Dani was in her feelings and didn’t want to be bothered with either of them.

  As she drove away from Sunny’s house, the only thing on her mind was getting high, getting drunk, and getting fucked and not particularly in that order. It wasn’t the first time that the three of them had had a spat. But it was the first time that her two friends didn’t have her back, and it stung. Dani had heard the rumors on the street about who Sunny’s father was but didn’t know if they were true. She had also heard that Jazmine’s father was in the game as well. She’d come close to asking Jazmine about it on a few occasions but always chickened out.

  Dani moaned as she felt Damon’s dick hardened. It had only been three minutes since he busted his last nut, but he was ready for round two.

  “Ooooh, yes, baby, seconds. I love it when you give a bitch seconds.”

  Searing heat rushed through Damon’s loins as he plunged back into Dani’s sweetness. Her inner walls felt like warm silk, and the sensation suddenly reminded Damon of why he kept Dani around. Typically, after getting a nut, men could last forever the second time around. But those were the men who hadn’t fucked Dani. Her pussy was so good that Damon was only ten strokes in before he was ready to bust again. “Fuck, you got some good-ass pussy,” he told her.

  “Uh-uh. You like this pussy, baby?”

  “Fuck, yeah,” Damon said, withdrawing his penis. Getting up from the floor, he went into the bathroom to relieve his bladder. The way she’d just put the pussy on him made him rethink any plans he had to get rid of her in the near future. However, he still planned to keep her in the dark as to how he made his living. That part of his life was none of her business.

  After finishing up in the bathroom, Damon came out ready to get nice. The glass of liquor that Dani had brought him was still half full, and he planned on drinking that and a lot more before the night was done. His ego swelled as he looked down at Dani and saw that she was still panting. A smile was plastered on her face. Even though he had decided to keep her around a little while, he was still going back and forth in his mind about whether he wanted her to stay the night. When he looked down at her nude body again, the decision became an easy one.

  “Hey, if you want to stay overnight, it’s cool. But don’t be asking me about moving in and shit. Feel me?”

  “Oh, I felt you, baby. I felt you like a muthafucka,” she said sexily while playing with herself.

  “You trying to be funny, huh? You know what the fuck I’m talking about.”

  “Okay, baby, okay. I won’t bring it up.”

  Although Dani was disappointed to hear Damon make such a decree, she quickly brushed it off. She knew that there would be other times to bring it up. Dani was really beginning to like Damon. He may have been a square when it came to what he did for a living, but there was nothing wrong, she reasoned, with a man bringing home a steady paycheck. Dani lived in a one-bedroom apartment. Her bullshit job paid just enough to pay her rent and buy groceries. She wasn’t with Damon for financial reasons, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to turn down any help he wanted to give her. Suddenly, both of their cell phones buzzed at the same time.

  “Yo, what up?” Damon asked the caller.

  “’Sup, nigga? Darnell wants to know if you took care of that little problem,” Turiq said.

  “Oh, fo’ sho’, dawg. I definitely took care of that shit.”

  “Then how come you ain’t call and fuckin’ tell us?” Turiq barked.

  “Oh man, I––”

  “Forget it, nigga. From now on, when we give yo’ ass something to do, let us know as soon as it’s done.”

  Before Damon could even respond, Turiq hung up in his face. Damon looked at the phone and snarled. He knew that Turiq didn’t care for him, but he was getting tired of getting disrespected by upper management.

  “Bitch-ass nigga,” he spat. He quickly downed the rest of his drink and was about to tell Dani to get him another one when he saw her animatedly talking on her cell phone.

  “Fuck all that. You bitches were supposed to have my back. I thought we was fuckin’ friends. What? Y’all just gon’ let this J
ohnny-come-lately bitch take my spot?” Dani listened for a few seconds before speaking again. “Yeah, whateva. I’ll talk to you hoes later. I got shit to do.”

  Dani hung up without saying another word.

  “Damn, what the fuck was that shit all about, shorty?”

  As soon as the question rolled off his lips, Damon wished like hell he could take them back. Like most women in America, Dani couldn’t answer a question in one sentence. He only half-listened as she rambled on about how her friends dissed her at some party. It wasn’t until she mentioned Sunny’s name that Damon started paying attention.

  “Wait, who? What did you say her name was?” Damon had no idea that Dani even knew Sunny.

  “Her name is Vanessa, but they call her Sunny. Why? You know the bitch or something?” Dani asked with an attitude.

  “Miss me with that whole jealousy shit, shorty. Ain’t nobody on that bullshit.”

  “I ain’t on the bullshit either. I’m just asking you if you know her ass.”

  Damon ignored her as the wheels started turning in his head. This could be just the lucky break he needed to accelerate his ascension to the number one spot. By that time, he planned to have a team of goons to help him with his takeover. He glanced at Dani, who was still looking at hime sideways, and smiled. A wicked idea formed in his head. What better way to take down an empire than from the inside out? But as with any great achievement, there comes great sacrifice. Still smiling, he slid up next to Dani and threw his arm around her. He suddenly began to realize that she could be the most critical piece on the chessboard. But in order to get her in the game, he had to put her on his team.

  Chapter 16

  “Is it done?” Darnell asked Turiq.“Yeah, that silly muthafucka got it done.”

  Darnell noticed the tone in which his question was answered. Turiq had never much cared for Damon, nor had he ever hidden his feelings about it.

  “What’s good with you and that li’l nigga, ’Riq? Every time that nigga’s name is mentioned, you get in ya’ feelings. What? That nigga fuck yo’ bitch or something?” Darnell asked. Darnell hadn’t gotten this far in the game by not being able to read the body language of other people. Whenever Damon’s name was brought up, both Tariq and Duck tensed up like they were getting ready for war.

  “Nah, man, it ain’t nothing like that. I just don’t trust that li’l nigga. He seems kinda sneaky to me. You remember when Frank got killed? Everybody was getting ready to go to war and ride for our comrade. But that nigga was as cool as a fuckin’ cucumber. He didn’t seem rattled at all. That shit doesn’t seem suspect to you, fam?”

  Darnell had long ago thought about the words Turiq was now saying to him. Of course, he had his own suspicions as to what had gone down, but he didn’t have any proof, and he wasn’t about to kill a member of his organization without it. His gut feeling told him that either Duck or Pee Wee had suspicions as well, but since neither of them brought anything to the table, Darnell decided to let the matter die.

  “Yes, it did. But let’s just suppose that Damon did have something to do with Frank’s death; we have no way of proving it, so give me one good reason that we should push the matter further.”

  Turiq sighed. All he had was a hunch, and the fact that he didn’t like the young man mattered very little to Darnell. His boss wanted proof, and Turiq didn’t have any. After figuring that he’d waited on Turiq long enough, Darnell shrugged his shoulders and said, “Exactly, my friend. You don’t have one. Now, all I know is that when Frank died––”

  “Was murdered,” Turiq corrected him.

  “Died, murdered, what-the-fuck-ever,” he said, irritated. “When he left this world, Damon stepped in, and the money train didn’t stop. As a matter of fact, the profits grew, did they not?”

  Turiq hated to admit it, but Damon did seem to be a better earner than Frank.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Turiq said.

  “Then that’s that, my dude. Let this shit go.” The way Darnell said it, Turiq knew that it wasn’t a request.

  “A’ight, man. I just have one more thing to say on the subject.”

  “What’s that?” Darnell asked, rubbing his temples. He was getting tired of this subject and wanted to move on.

  “Let’s just say for the sake of argument that I’m right and that the li’l nigga did have something to do with Frank getting killed. No, I don’t have any proof, but if I’m correct on my assumption, we need to keep an eye on that li’l nigga. If he had the balls to knock off Frank so that he could take his spot, how long do you think it will be before he gets it in his head to try to take one of us out?”

  Darnel pondered the question. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that a bull’s-eye was on his back and that some ambitious upstart was always gunning for his crown. He just didn’t think any of his own people would be foolish enough to try to do it. He remembered the look in Damon’s eyes when he ordered him to handle the Jamaal situation. There was a hint of disappointment in them when Darnell told his lieutenant to just slap him around instead of ordering the young man’s death. There was also another look in Darnell’s eyes. It was one of recognition, like he’d seen Damon somewhere before, even before he’d started making money for the squad. Still, Darnell knew that his friend had a point. Anyone thirsty enough to kill a member of his team needed to be watched closely.

  “Well, I hope that li’l nigga is smart enough to keep dumb-ass ideas like that out of his head.”

  “Me too. I just think we need an extra set of eyes and ears on that muthafucka to make sure that he doesn’t start feeling himself a little too much.”

  Darnell sighed. He hadn’t planned on telling Turiq or anyone else, but it seemed like his friend was going to bug the shit out of him about the situation, so he decided to let the cat out of the bag. A slight grin creased his lips and soon turned into a broad smile.

  “I’m already on it, my nigga.”

  “Huh? Since when?”

  “Since the day Frank was murdered.”

  Chapter 17

  Marvin sweated profusely as he pumped in and out of the young woman’s juicy nectar. His penis was only five inches long, and there was no way in the world that he would ever be able to satisfy the young vixen. Had it not been for his long tongue and deep pockets, she would have never even given him the time of day.

  Angela “Butter” Vincent grew up in a financially challenged household where bills were often behind, new clothes were scarce, and having seconds at the dinner table was considered a luxury. Eighty percent of the time, her father was either drunk or absent. He couldn’t find a decent-paying job, so he was forced to work two minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet. His inability to adequately provide for his family frustrated him to the point where his only solace could be found at the bottom of a Jack Daniel’s bottle. He loved his wife and his kids, and it hurt his soul not to be able to give them some of the things that other men gave their families.

  Butter, her younger brother Terry, and her older sister Melissa all loved their father deeply, so much so that they never asked for anything. They would much rather see their father at home with them than watch him work nineteen-hour days between two jobs so that they could have the latest designer clothes. John was never aware of their sacrifices, but it meant the world to their mother, Christine. She was ecstatic that her kids knew the meaning of true love. That all changed, however, when the two younger sisters became teenagers.

  Being in high school presented an entirely different set of problems. It was in that setting that peer pressure first reared its ugly head. Day after day, they witnessed young ladies their age walking around wearing nice clothes and having money in their possession. One of the girls took a liking to Melissa and befriended her. Melissa was shocked to learn that the girl’s father didn’t live with her and that her mother didn’t make much money.

  “Joan, how in the fuck can you afford such nice things when you’re just as broke as I am?” she asked her friend. Joan smiled and patted he
r pelvic area.

  “Because I know how to use what I have to get what I want.”

  This disturbed both Melissa and Butter. They’d always been taught that taking money from a man in exchange for sexual favors pretty much made you a prostitute. Joan, however, had been raised differently. Then one day, out of the blue, Joan asked them a question that would change their entire way of thinking.

  “Let me ask y’all something. If a man offered y’all twenty dollars to give him some pussy, would you do it?”

  “Hell no,” the two sisters said in unison.

  “Okay, okay,” Joan said, holding up her hands. “Now, what if that same man offered you five grand? Would you do it then?”

  Both sisters looked at each other. Neither of them said a word at first.

  “Joan, there’s a big-ass difference between twenty dollars and five grand.”

  “So, is that a yes or a no?” Joan pressed the issue.

  Melissa looked at her younger sister. She didn’t want to set a bad example, but she didn’t want to appear fake either, so she decided to keep it one hundred.

  “I mean, I guess so, probably.”

  “Probably my ass, bitch, and the only reason you’re acting all coy and shit is because Butter is standing here. You know damn well, if a nigga offered you that much bread to give up the coochie, you’d beat him getting in the damn bed.”

  “Whateva, bitch. What the fuck is your point?” Melissa asked.

  “My point is this. In one way or another, we all accept money for pussy. Let me put it to you another way. If you didn’t give a man some ass, do you think he would do anything for you? Hell no. And if you were married or even had a boyfriend, and he didn’t do shit for you, why in the fuck would you spread your legs for his sorry ass? You wouldn’t, would you?”

  As much as Melissa hated to admit it, her friend had a point—a very good point.


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