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My Dark Knight (gay biker romance) (Kings of Hell MC Book 2)

Page 11

by K. A. Merikan

  Only half a second later he realized that there was a huge mirror randomly sunken into the wooden panels on the side of the staircase. Its strange, irregular shape was reminiscent of spilled water which made it look like a modern piece of art, so unlike the clock that had to be an antique.

  He was so struck by the odd atmosphere that he didn’t notice a black metal door nearby, but Knight quickly opened it with a code tapped into the keyboard of an electronic lock. He couldn’t help but think back to the bolt securing the hidden door to Fane’s secret room in the cellar. Could it be that Knight also had a gruesome secret he wanted to share? Elliot’s lips curled into a smile at the thought.

  As soon as the door budged, Knight shoved it aside, opening a hall illuminated by the moonlight coming in through huge windows. It was only when several lamps came on and revealed the most stylish of lofts that Elliot realized this wasn’t some room where Knight intended to murder him. Contrasting with the old-timey shape of the windows and some of the decorative molding at the ceiling, the furniture and overall interior design were something he’d expect to see in some cool Manhattan apartment on TV—because people’s homes, even the nice ones, rarely looked this stylish. His certainly didn’t.

  The living room area at the front of the huge room welcomed them with comfortable-looking gray sofas and a set of tubular-shaped lamps hanging low over the coffee table. Several display cases and bookshelves—most made of cast iron or steel and glass—housed thick photobooks and several sculptures of skulls in crowns, only reinforcing the cool, masculine vibe of the entire space. Elliot’s eyes barely unglued themselves from the impressive entertainment center when he followed Knight inside, toward steps that led to an elevated area, which was partially obscured by a screen so tall it almost reached the ceiling. Made of steel and leather, it was oddly sexy in its own right, promising dirty things would happen in the bed that peeked out from behind the parting.

  “Fuck me,” hissed Knight as he approached a large fridge and took out two bottles of beer. He pushed one at Elliot so abruptly the damp glass almost slipped through his fingers.

  Elliot took in Knight in the dimmed lighting. He most certainly would enjoy a fuck right now. Was this why Knight had brought him here? Elliot had been annoyed at the way Knight rejected a kiss, but from a guy as hot as him he’d take what he could get.

  “I know, right? He’s there. William Fane is there.”

  “And now we need to find a way to make him not be there anymore,” hissed Knight. He handed Elliot the opener after using it himself.

  Elliot popped the cap off and took a greedy swig of beer. His head was getting too hot from all the thoughts gathered in it, so he pulled off his wig. “He’s harmless, you’ve seen it yourself. We could talk to him. Ask him all we need to know about his life and his times. Who else gets an opportunity like this?”

  Knight turned Elliot’s way very slowly, his mouth set into a thin line. “Talk to him? He’s a fucking murderous ghost. Can you imagine what could happen if he gained power? I don’t want any Paranormal Activity shit in my clubhouse!”

  Elliot sat on the sofa and drank more beer to cool his head. Did William even appreciate Elliot’s wig? He himself had short hair. Maybe that was the way to go after all?

  “He was a murderous man. That doesn’t mean he is a murderous ghost.”

  Knight gulped down half of his beer in one go, as if in the process he could somehow wipe his mind. “You can’t know this. Shit, I can’t believe I did something this stupid,” he said in the end, looking at the floor somewhat helplessly.

  Elliot grabbed Knight’s hand and pulled him to the sofa. “Listen, I know this is… unexpected, but how many people get to experience a thing like this? There is an actual real-life ghost that came to talk to us. I still can’t comprehend it, but this is amazing.”

  Knight slowly sat next to him constantly tapping his fingers against his jean-clad thigh. “Jesus fuck, no one can know about this.”

  Elliot nodded and his skin tingled when he thought that not only would he be sharing a secret with Knight, but also keeping it from the world, so that no one else could gain William’s affection. “It will stay between us.” All Elliot wanted was to go back down there, but he needed to pace himself. Knight was too freaked out right now.

  “And no going back. I swear I’m gonna kill you if you do.” Knight put the cold bottle against his forehead and angrily tapped his feet against the floor.

  Elliot leaned back in the comfortable sofa and drank some more beer to silence the needy pleading about to spill from his lips. Fine. He’d wait for an appropriate moment. “I’m just thinking about all the questions he could answer.”

  Knight exhaled and put down the beer, staring at the opposite wall in silence. “How do we know he wouldn’t be lying? Besides, no one would believe us if we claimed our source was a ghost. That’s insane.”

  “But we would know. And we could then always look for evidence to confirm what he told us. It would be easier to work backward like that.” Elliot inched closer on the sofa, eager to push his face into Knight’s fragrant long hair. That was the one thing Fane’s ghost was missing. This kind of fleshy, masculine scent that made Elliot want to spread his legs.

  Knight exhaled and glanced at Elliot with his eyes narrowed into slits. “It’s fucking tempting. But I don’t trust the fucker. We don’t know what he’s capable of. Is it worth the risk?”

  Elliot ran his fingers over Knight’s thigh, wary of any sign that he should pull away. The rejected kiss still burned too hard. “We don’t know how it works. Is he a shadow that would just tell you the truth, or is he an entity that has consciousness? I’m not saying I want to go back down there”—he so totally did—“but it’s worth giving it some thought.”

  Knight hummed, and when his gaze slid over Elliot’s hand on his leg, Elliot barely contained the urge to cowardly revoke the gesture. Men were unpredictable. Some were only available to him at particular times, others couldn’t stand any initiative coming from someone else, and then there were others who didn’t want to be fondled anywhere other than between their legs. But Knight didn’t slap his hand away or made any other move that could be considered threatening, so Elliot took a deep breath, relieved that no violence was coming his way.

  “What do you see in him?” Knight asked eventually.

  Elliot was surprised by the question. Knight had voiced his disapproval before, and Elliot had praised the things that attracted him to William Fane, but this time it felt as if Knight really wanted to listen.

  “He is this… force to be reckoned with. He took from life all that he wanted, and let no one stand in his way. Well, that is until he met his end. I wouldn’t call his actions ‘brave’, but they were fearless.”

  Knight’s face twisted into a mocking smile. “It’s not hard to be ‘fearless’ when you’re at the top of the food chain. People like Fane had no understanding or pity for people like us. Maybe that was why it was so easy for him to murder those boys. Because he didn’t even see them as people.”

  Elliot absentmindedly caressed Knight’s thigh. “Maybe I’m just jealous? Wouldn’t we all like to be at the top of the food chain? Look at all this amazing stuff you’ve got here. And don’t you think his father disappeared at a very convenient time for him? I’d want to know if William really did kill him. That would mean he didn’t only choose those born less privileged than him.”

  “Everyone thought the old Mr. Fane was a decent man. I think William murdered him to get his hands on the money and power sooner,” Knight said, frowning. “Killing your own dad at a time when detecting poisons was close to impossible, is not very brave in my book.”

  Elliot pulled his hand away. He slipped off his shoes to not wreck the undoubtedly expensive sofa as he pulled up his feet. What could Knight know about the hate one could feel for one’s father? Elliot was certain William would have understood. Even if Elliot never found the courage to use his own fists against the tyrant who used to ma
ke his life so miserable.

  “You can’t know what their relationship was like. Maybe he was a brute at home. Maybe he used his money like force. Maybe he was cruel in words.”

  Knight laughed and took a swig from his bottle. “Fane had all the options in life. He didn’t have to stay here, and his father still wouldn’t have been able to disinherit his first-born. That’s what the law used to be back then. There are always choices. My father is a useless drunk who’d rather buy himself more whiskey than get me new shoes when I was a kid, but I never wished him dead.”

  Elliot blinked. He didn’t expect Knight sharing this way, but maybe it just wasn’t something Knight cared about. “I hated my dad. I’m happy he’s dead.” The venom in his own voice surprised Elliot with its intensity, but it was true. “And I admire that William took matters into his own hands. He just went for it, you know? He didn’t sit around like some wimp. He gave as good as he got.”

  “Of course. Because he wouldn’t treat you any different than he had all those other guys,” hissed Knight. “You’re blind.”

  Elliot spread his arms as rage burned hotter inside him. “So what? I’d have tried to show him that I can understand him, but if not, so be it. For once, I would have been in the eye of the storm. Of interest to this perfect predator, and for a moment, he would have been mine only.”

  Knight’s nostrils flared, and he slowly turned his body toward Elliot. “Yeah? That’s what you want? Just earlier today you didn’t want to die. That scumbag was no different than Fane.”

  Elliot pursed his lips. “Martin has none of William’s class or intelligence. He’s just a shadow, something I was trying to grasp at the time. I’m over him now.”

  Knight’s hand dashed for Elliot’s head and abruptly pulled on his hair, forcing him to support himself with his arms so that he wouldn’t drop face-first into one of the cushions. His long hair bristled, as if there was electricity running up and down Knight’s body and causing it to rise. “So you just want to be used? And then come what may?”

  Elliot was too stunned by Knight’s actions to think clearly, and the adrenaline that had settled before, now flooded his veins again. What he wanted was to be The One. As long as he got that, he could deal with a lot of bullshit. “I didn’t say that. I’m just saying that maybe a man like William deserved to get whatever he wanted.” He groaned, watching the pronounced veins running up Knight’s arm.

  Knight sneered, twisting his hand in Elliot’s hair. He grabbed his jaw with the other hand almost too hard, digging his fingertips against flesh. His gray eyes were dark and shone with anger so pure Elliot could almost taste it. “And what made him so special? He was a psycho. Of course he thought he had the right to take whatever he wanted and destroy other people’s lives. Would you rather be in the place of those men? Would you have let him torture you? Keep you locked up? Murder you?”

  “Maybe I would.” Elliot looked up at Knight in challenge. “You don’t know what I like.”

  Something odd flashed in Knight’s eyes, and when he spoke, his voice sounded raspy as if it was coming through a grater. “That’s what you dream about isn’t it? To be eaten like that guy from Germany who allowed another man to eat his junk. Is that why you came up with this ridiculous cannibalism theory?”

  Elliot wouldn’t even blink, getting hot all over from the touch, from the intensity in Knight’s voice. “I don’t want to be eaten. I want to be devoured. Do you see the difference?”

  A low groan left Knight’s chest, and he let go of Elliot’s face, frantically dragging Elliot’s hand to the front of his jeans. He exhaled loudly. “Devoured.”

  Elliot could feel his makeup failing against the heat of his face, but he squeezed Knight’s bulge with a groan. He couldn’t remember ever having a conversation like this with any of his other partners. They were usually simple, to the point, and up for a fuck. Knight was… something else.

  Elliot nodded, gently kneading Knight’s dick through his jeans. “Inside and out. Body and soul. I want it all. If a man can give me that, I don’t care how many innocent boys he’s murdered.”

  Knight hissed and forced Elliot’s face against his thigh, rubbing it against the denim, which exuded the rich aroma of Knight’s flesh. “You’re fucking insane. You’re a complete, reckless idiot,” he said, and Elliot’s insides fluttered despite the harsh words when he heard the zipper coming down so close to his ears.

  Clearly Knight didn’t mind fucking a ‘reckless idiot’. And good, because Elliot couldn’t wait to taste that thick tool again. He glanced up at Knight, not even caring that half his makeup just ended up on Knight’s jeans. At the same time, his fingers wandered back to Knight’s other leg, and the slight pain from the tugging on his hair was yet another symbol of power that turned Elliot’s whole body into a furnace.

  Unable to move around beyond what Knight allowed him, his focus shifted to Knight’s crotch. The thick cock was growing beneath the denim, and Elliot was already salivating when he thought back to the earlier blowjob. Knight kneeled on the sofa in front of Elliot, bringing together his growing erection and Elliot’s nose.

  The scent of Knight’s arousal alone was getting Elliot hard, and he couldn’t wait to suck on that cock until it once again spilled all its juices. There was something so incredibly erotic about swallowing another man’s cum, taking it inside to forever keep him marked.

  “Is this what you want?” hissed Knight, and Elliot could hear from the strain in his voice that this was his last chance to back out.

  “Yes,” Elliot half-rasped, half-whined with his heart rapidly going out of control. He loved giving head, loved how, even if just for a while, it made him the center of the other guy’s universe because it was his mouth that gave all the pleasure wanting nothing in return.

  The moment he breathed out his confirmation, Knight grabbed him by the shoulders and rolled him over as if Elliot were a featherlight pillow. Laid out on the couch on his back, he had the most perfect view on the tenting at the front of Knight’s pants, with a bit of stretched underwear already showing in the open zipper. The firm thighs looked magnificent on either side of Elliot’s head, and then Knight pulled off his shirt, revealing a colorful painting inked into his chest and shoulders. At the center was a golden emblem pictured on a blue background, and around it a historical battle scene.

  Elliot’s head spun when he tried to take it all in, from the magnificent artwork to the even more fantastic six-pack with a trail of hair disappearing below the waistband of Knight’s underwear.

  Elliot only realized he moaned when he heard his own voice. With the way he’d given Knight head back at the trailer he was far beyond shame. He reached to the zipper above, frantic to pull down the jeans and reveal the gorgeous cock. And yet it was so hard to focus when the muscles on Knight’s stomach danced hypnotically above Elliot’s face. The cavalry in the tattooed scene came alive with each of Knight’s breaths, but Elliot’s gaze drifted to the rapier tattooed down Knight’s right arm as if he were to take up arms any second now and join the army in battle.

  Before Elliot could unpack his prize, Knight stopped him and forced his hands down to the seat. “Keep them here,” he said before stuffing a pillow under Elliot’s shoulders to lift him up a bit.

  Elliot’s lips parted in surprise, but he froze, as ordered, though all of his fingers itched to touch Knight’s skin. But what he wanted more was to provide whatever Knight craved. Even if he had no idea what it was that they were doing, Elliot would go with it.

  Labels didn’t matter.

  All that mattered was that the handsome beast above him was about to stick his cock in Elliot and fulfil his lust.

  He let his head drop lower and licked his lips, hungrily watching Knight push down his pants. His thick cock jumped out of its confines, for a moment wagging over Elliot’s face as if it was a way for Knight to signal he was happy to see Elliot so pliant. The dark hair framed Knight’s face as he looked down, flushed all the way to the middle o
f his chest as he grabbed his dick and pressed its tip against the middle of Elliot’s cheek.

  “I’m gonna treat you just the way you want.”

  Elliot’s toes curled against the sofa, and he let out a helpless sound he didn’t even understand. He opened his lips wider, already dreaming about that fat cockhead sliding over his cheek and into his mouth. His mind was going in circles around Knight, and he couldn’t blink, amazed that he was now the focus of attention for a man so handsome he could have anyone. Seen upside-down, the man looked even more gorgeous and imposing.

  Knight let out a lusty exhale and fed Elliot the very tip of his cock, moving it back and forth gently, as if to tease Elliot with the way the thickest fragment of the head kept popping through his lips.

  Elliot arched up to take more, and he had to remind his hands to stay put, because they wanted to travel up Knight’s thighs on their own accord. He loved the taste of Knight’s flesh already. Salty, the precum slightly bitter. The cock itself was hotter than Elliot’s lips and it throbbed at the slightest touch.

  Knight groaned in appreciation, and one of his hands cupped Elliot’s exposed throat, softly pressing down on it until Elliot’s brain rang in alarm despite losing no air yet. “Suck it. Go on, show me how much you want it,” urged Knight with a light slap to Elliot’s cheek.

  Elliot’s eyes went wider, and his dick twitched in his pants. He could wait though. Knight needed to be satisfied first. He had saved Elliot’s life after all. With his heart pounding, Elliot started sloppily sucking, caressing Knight’s cock with his tongue and giving it all the attention it deserved. The entire length was so wonderfully smooth and hot, and when Knight couldn’t help himself anymore and started gently moving it in and out, Elliot’s embarrassment over making lewd slurping noises only heightened his arousal. He opened his eyes, shuddering when he saw Knight’s balls so close. The skin of the sac was darker than the rest of him and seemed so soft Elliot wished he was allowed to touch after all. But he didn’t dare disobey.


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