Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1)

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Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1) Page 5

by Lilian Monroe

  He groaned, smiling as he kissed me.

  “Oh you are mine,” he growled, running his fingers back and forth along the front of my soaked panties. “Did I get you this wet?”

  “You know you did,” I panted, grinding my hips into his hand. “You did it to me.”

  His fingers teased the edge of my panties, just brushing my lips as I tried to push my hips towards him. This was so wrong. I shouldn’t be doing this, but I was way past the point of stopping myself. He was my client, and my career depended on him behaving himself, but all I could think of right now were his fingers inching closer and closer to my sopping wet slit.

  When he pushed my thong to the side and ran his fingers over my opening, I almost came. I gasped, my eyes widening as I stared at him and gripped onto his shoulders. He grinned, running his fingers up and down my slit achingly slowly.

  I pulled my top off overhead and Garrett growled. With his other hand, he unclasped my bra and pulled it away from my body, flinging it to the ground. He growled at the sight of my bare breasts, diving forward to take my nipple between his lips.

  I moaned, and he twirled his tongue over my nipple as his fingers finally sank into my opening. I gasped, moaning and gripping onto his shoulder as the heat in the pit of my stomach intensified. He curled his fingers and found that special spot at the front of my walls, gently biting at my rock-hard nipple.

  My head was spinning. My pussy was gushing as the desire flooded through me. I couldn’t think straight. He circled my clit with his fingers and then sank his thick fingers inside me again as I gasped.

  “I want you,” I panted, curling my fingers into his hair and pushing my breasts against him. He pulled away, pushing his fingers deeper inside me to make me gasp again.

  “You don’t get to decide when you get me,” he growled.

  “Garret,” I gasped as his fingers worked like magic inside me. “I want your fucking cock.”

  With one hand still working my pussy, he reached his other hand behind me and pulled my thong over the tight ring of my ass before running his fingers down my cleft to the forbidden spot.

  “I told you,” he growled, teasing both holes with his hands. “You don’t get to decide when you get me. And I think a dirty mouth like that needs to be taught a lesson.”

  I gasped as his finger circled my ass while the other rolled over my clit. The pleasure was almost too much to bear. My cheeks were burning, my nipples were hard as diamonds, and the wetness of my desire was covering his hand.

  Then, just as I was on the edge of release, he backed his hands away, resting one of them on my thigh and the other on my ass. I moaned in frustration, pushing myself up to look at his face.

  “I’m going to teach you a lesson,” he growled, teasing my opening with the tips of his fingers. “But first, that pretty little pussy is going to come all over my hand.”

  He sank his strong fingers back inside me as he thumbed my clit and I moaned.

  “You hear me, baby girl? You’re going to drip that hot girl-cum all over my hand. You’re going to come for me.”

  “I’m going to come for you,” I panted into his neck as he rolled his thumb over my clit, sinking his fingers inside me and growling under me.

  His other hand slid over my ass until the tips of his fingers just brushed my tight asshole and I shivered, my whole body reduced to a puddle of desire in his arms. When he slid his finger inside my ass, my whole body shuddered. I knew he could feel it, because he eased his finger in deeper as his movement over my clit intensified.

  “Come for me, baby girl. Come for me. Show me you’re mine. Show me who you want to come for. Come all over my hand, all over my pants.”

  And that’s all I heard. He kept whispering dirty, naughty things in my ear as his hands worked me to ecstasy, fucking every hole as I held onto his shoulders and ground my hips against him.

  I screamed, writhing in his arms as he continued to push me through my orgasm. My whole body arched and contracted over him, thighs pressing against his as he gripped me close with both hands. I melted against him and let wave after wave of pleasure crash into me.

  Then, when it was over, I lifted myself off his chest with trembling arms and looked at into his dark, stormy eyes.

  “Soon I’ll make you mine, angel.”

  “No,” I gasped. “I already am.”

  Chapter 11 - Garrett

  I slipped my fingers out of Morgan as she shuddered against me. My cock throbbed between us, and every cell in my body begged me to bury it inside her. But when she lifted herself off my chest and looked me in the eye, I knew I had to wait.

  I’d make her want me so much that she begged for it. I’d make her come over and over and over until all she could think of was my cock.

  She shivered against me, resting her head against my shoulder. Something passed through my chest. Yes, I wanted to claim her. Yes, I wanted to make her mine. But this was deeper. She’d walked into my rehearsal space and ignited something in me that I thought had been gone for a long time.

  I knew my band was in trouble. I knew that we were out of control, and that our public image was spiraling. Most of that was my fault. I’d been on a rampage for the past six months, ever since my ex, the girl I thought I loved betrayed me and ran off with another man. Drugs, alcohol, girls—I used anything and everything to dull the ache in my chest. So yeah, I knew that the band would be in trouble if we kept going like this. I knew all these things and I didn’t care.

  … Until now.

  I ran my hands up Morgan’s spine and felt her nestle into me, breathing heavily from the force of her orgasm. Her pulse was still thundering through her veins, and I could feel her heart beating against mine.

  Yeah, I wanted her. I mean, fuck, just look at what my cock was doing.

  But it was more than that. I wanted her to look at me like no one else existed. I felt a warmth spreading through my chest that I didn’t know I could feel, and I wrapped my arms around her a little bit tighter.

  Somehow, in one day, she’d shifted my whole world on its axis and I was trying to hold on for dear life.

  As if she could sense the thoughts swirling in my mind, she took a deep breath and lifted herself up again. Her skirt was still bunched around her hips, and I could feel the wetness of her orgasm against my crotch. My cock pulsed against her as she brushed my cheek with her finger.

  “I wasn’t expecting that,” she said quietly.

  I grinned. “No?”

  She shook her head.

  I arched my eyebrow and shrugged, dropping my hands to her ass. “I did.”

  Morgan rolled her eyes and scoffed, shaking her head. “You’re unbelievable.”

  “Why did you come here, then?”

  A blush stained her cheeks and she grinned. “I’m not sure.”

  I rolled my hips towards her. “No?”

  Her eyes sparked, then, and she pressed her hips towards me. She bit her lip and my cock throbbed. “We shouldn’t be doing this. I don’t even know how this happened,” she breathed, gasping when I ground my hips up towards her. “This isn’t like me.”

  “Isn’t that what all the bad girls say when they do something they want to do?”

  “Do you think I’m bad?” She breathed, her eyes darkening with desire. Her voice was husky and she bit her lip again, sending another rush of heat through my body.

  “I know you are,” I replied, groaning as my cock strained against my pants.

  “You seem to know a lot about me,” she replied, letting her hand crawl down my chest, over my stomach towards my belt buckle. My heart hammered against my ribs and I grunted in response.

  “Had you figured out the minute you walked in.”

  Her hand slid further, slipping under my pants to stroke my cock as she rocked her hips back and forth.

  “Is this what bad girls do?” She whispered, bringing her lips closer to me. She rested her forehead against mine and I groaned as she stroked my rock-hard cock with her hand.
  “Or maybe they do this,” she continued, unbuckling my belt and sliding off me, pulling my jeans and underwear along with her. I kicked them off and watched as she unzipped her skirt and let it drop to her feet on the floor. There she was, standing in front of me wearing nothing but the sopping wet panties that clung to her pussy. My whole body buzzed.

  I pulled off my tee-shirt and watched her eyes drift over my body as I leaned back in the sofa and curled my hand around my hardened cock. The tip was almost purple, precum dripping off of it. She bit her lip, staring at my cock.

  “Like what you see?” I asked as a blush crept over her cheeks. Suddenly the bad girl that was teasing me looked almost innocent, and another wave of desire crashed into me.

  I was done playing games. I reached over and hooked my fingers into her panties, ripping them down her thighs where she stood. I grabbed the backs of her thighs and spread her legs, diving my head forward and running my tongue straight through her slit.

  She moaned in a way that made my cock throb against my stomach, precum leaving sticky trails on my skin. I ran my tongue up and down her slit, twirling it around her clit as she shuddered against me. She tangled her fingers into my hair and rocked her hips into me, every moan sending me closer to the edge.

  At this rate, she wouldn’t even have to touch me and I’d be coming hard.

  I couldn’t get enough of her. I slid my tongue up and down her slit, teasing her opening and rolling it over her clit until I could feel her legs trembling against me. Then, I wanted more. I wanted to taste her cum and feel her gushing on my tongue. I wanted it all.

  In one movement, I ran my hands from her legs up to her waist and lifted her up as she gasped, sliding myself off the sofa at the same time. I sat down on the ground and lifted her overhead so her knees were on the couch, her arms resting on the back of it with my head exactly where I wanted to be: between her legs.

  “Sit on my fucking face,” I growled, and Morgan whimpered with pleasure. I grabbed her hips and lowered her down onto my mouth, sinking my fingers into her flesh and devouring her pussy.

  I swirled my tongue around her opening as she trembled against me, slowly rolling her hips back and forth as gasps escaped her lips with every touch. When my tongue dipped inside her, she moaned so loudly she clamped her hand over her mouth.

  “Scream, baby girl, I don’t care who hears. Come on my face and scream for me while I fuck you with my tongue.”

  She moaned again, her whole body shuddering against me as I grabbed her and ground her slit over my face. I dragged my tongue in and out of her, barely able to breathe as she sank deeper onto me. I wrapped my hand around my hard cock and stroked myself faster, feeling my balls tightening as I got closer to the edge. The taste of her pussy was so fucking hot.

  Morgan was first, though. The orgasm slammed into her and she screamed. I groaned with her, stroking myself faster as I tasted her sweet cum on my tongue. Fuck, she was hot. She was the sexiest woman I’d ever seen, and I never wanted to taste another. Nothing would be this good. She shuddered and arched against me as I rolled my tongue from her opening to her clit, not stopping until she was limp and panting. She collapsed on the sofa and moaned again as she watched my hand pump my cock.

  “That was…” she panted, still staring at my cock.

  “That was what?”

  She just moaned and lifted herself up, straddling me once again on the floor. She made to sink down on my cock and it took every ounce of self-control to angle my cock towards my stomach, grinning and shaking my head.

  “Not yet, boss-woman,” I chuckled. “I told you before, I get to decide when you get this cock.”

  She whimpered, grinding her hips against me as her velvety soft lips ran up and down the underside of my shaft. I closed my eyes and groaned. I wasn’t even inside her yet, and it felt almost too incredible to describe.

  She gasped as her slit made my cock slick, her clit running up and down the length of my cock. I sank my fingers into her ass and pulled her into me as she gripped my shoulders and rolled her hips against me. The underside of my cock slick with her juices. All I wanted to do was plunge my cock deep inside her.

  “If you’re going to tease me, I’m going to tease you too,” she said as she rode me.


  She moaned, riding me harder. Her soft, sopping wet lips ran up and down the underside of my cock as I smacked her ass again.

  “That’s it, baby girl,” I growled. “Come for me. You came on my hands, on my face, and now I want you to come all over that fat cock of mine. Show me how much you want it.”

  She moaned again, riding me harder. I groaned as her slickness dripped down my cock onto my balls. I could feel the hard nub of her clit grinding up and down. Fuck, if this was how good the outside of her sweet little pussy felt, I couldn’t even imagine how good it would feel to be inside her.

  Her hips bucked as she rode me. Her moans became more insistent and then I felt it.

  Morgan’s body arched and she screamed, squeezing her eyes shut and digging her fingers into my shoulders as her sweet cum gushed out of her onto my cock. It dripped down my shaft, covering my balls in her sweet juice as she rode herself to orgasm on top of me. I pushed her up and down the underside of my cock as she came, feeling my own orgasm boiling over.

  I exploded. Ropes of hot, white cum shot out of me and coated both of us. My stomach, her stomach, her thighs, and her sweet, wet pussy. They were all covered. I groaned, looking down at the mess we both made. Morgan gasped as I angled my cock towards her, covering her perfect fucking pussy with my seed.

  Morgan ran her fingers through the sticky white cum, shivering contentedly as her eyes shone with pleasure. She glanced at me, trailing her fingers back and forth through the mess that we’d just made. I chuckled.

  “Bad girl, indeed.”

  Chapter 12 - Morgan

  I must have dozed off to sleep, because I woke up with Garrett’s arms wrapped around me, and the pale dawn light streaming through the window. I jumped up, inhaling sharply as Garrett groaned.

  “Slow down,” he said. “It’s still early.”

  “I need to get to work!”

  “You need to stay right here,” he growled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in closer. I laughed, falling back on the couch as his strong, muscular arms snaked around me. I watched as his inked skin shifted over his muscles, gripping me around the waist and pulling me tight to him.

  When I felt his steel-hardened shaft against my bare ass, I moaned.

  “You thought you’d be getting out of here without so much as a goodbye fuck?” He groaned into my ear, pushing his cock against me as I backed into him. I gasped at the sheer size of it and then turned my head to catch his lips in mine.

  He kissed me fiercely. He devoured my lips, slipping his tongue between them as his arms pulled me close. I melted into him and moaned into his lips as he dropped one hand towards my mound.

  “Won’t your bandmates be here soon?” I asked, inhaling sharply as his fingers started to tease my pussy lips. I closed my eyes and moaned, unable to think of anything except the pleasure that flooded between my legs. He growled in my ear, slipping his fingers into my already-wet slit.

  “They might be,” he said. “Wouldn’t that be bad, if they found us like this.” His fingers twirled my clit as I moaned.

  “That would be bad,” I replied, hardly able to breathe from the pleasure bursting from my core. Garrett’s hands were holding me close as he rolled his hips into me, letting me feel the length of his erection against me.

  “Garrett, I—” I gasped as his hand rolled over and back on my clit before diving into my opening. I arched my back and pushed into him, wishing his fingers were the real thing.

  I moaned. “I want you.”

  “You’re going to get me, baby girl,” he growled in my ear. “Just not right now. I’m going to make you wait for it, I told you that already.”

  I groaned and Garrett increased the d
rumming of his fingers over my clit. With his other hand around my chest, he took my nipple between his fingers and pulled me close to him, so that it felt like every part of my body was touching him. His whole body was a wall of pure muscle behind me, with his tattooed arms wrapped around me, delivering the most intense pleasure I could have imagined.

  The orgasm crashed into me without warning and I screamed. I screamed his name, gasping between breaths as I lost control of my trembling body.

  “That’s it, baby girl,” he growled into my ear. “Come for me. Come all over my hands again like a good girl.” His words spurred me on as wave after wave of pleasure rocked through me. “You’re going to get every inch of my cock, but first I want you come for me. You’ll get my thick cock filling you up all the way soon, don’t worry.”

  I moaned. My head was spinning, my body was trembling.

  It wasn’t until I went almost limp that Garrett dragged his hand away. He groaned into my neck, laying soft kisses on the sensitive skin beneath my ear. I shivered, snuggling into him as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Garrett chuckled, and the sound sent tiny thrills through my body. “I told you already, Morgan. I’m doing it because you’re mine.”

  Now, I had always considered myself a strong woman. I was independent. I was career-focused. I was successful. But hearing those words come out of Garrett Wood’s mouth made the pleasure flood between my legs. I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed about that, or to revel in the absolute submission of it all.

  I was his.

  The way he said it, with such certainty and confidence, the way his voice was low and intimate as his breath tickled my ear… I don’t know. It made something shift, deep in my chest. I knew it was true. I was his.


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