Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1)

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Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1) Page 6

by Lilian Monroe

  I didn’t know what it meant. I didn’t know how to explain what I was feeling, but I knew that being in his arms, with the afterglow of many orgasms still washing over me—this was the perfect place to be.

  Finally, when the strength came back to my body, I was able to disentangle myself from him. Once we were both dressed, he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and kissed me so tenderly that I never wanted to leave. I inhaled the scent of his skin until my head spun, and I lost myself in his eyes once again.

  We parted, smiling like idiots, with promises to see each other soon.

  “I’ll see if I can come to New York with you guys tonight,” I said, referring to the string of interviews and TV appearances they had planned in Manhattan. “Might be nice to get away from LA.”

  Garrett smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He tilted my chin up and kissed my lips softly, wrapping his arms around me once again.

  “That would be nice.”

  “See you tonight, then, in New York.”

  He grinned. “See you in New York.”

  I skipped away from him, rushing home to shower and change before heading into the office. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I wasn’t even upset when Marcus popped his weasel-face into my office. At least, not until he opened his mouth.

  “I heard you’re trying to go to New York with the band,” he said, puffing his chest out and narrowing his beady eyes at me. A drop of sweat dribbled down the side of his face and I tried to keep the disgust from creeping into my face.

  “Just waiting on the flight confirmation from Linda,” I replied. Our administrator was supposed to get back to me any minute.

  “Well, there’s been a change of plans. I need the quarterly reports done by close of business today, so you’ll have to stay in Los Angeles. The Rogers file needs some attention as well, I wasn’t happy with the latest press release.”


  He held up his hand as anger flared through me. “No ‘buts’, Morgan. What’s the problem? You’d never go all the way to New York with a client like this. You aren’t star struck, are you?”

  I swallowed back the blush that threatened to warm my cheeks and focused on the anger flaring inside me. None of the tasks he’d asked me to do were important. None of them were more important than making sure everything between now and Saturday went well.

  I knew this was just another way that Marcus wanted to make sure I failed. It wasn’t that unusual to fly with clients to make sure promotions went smoothly. It was part of the job description, and he was making it sound like I was booking a vacation.

  But that’s not why I was angry. No, it was because the thought of being apart from Garrett for three whole days was almost too much to bear.

  I wouldn’t feel his touch, or smell his skin, or finally get to have his cock inside me. He’d be off with other women throwing themselves at him while I’d be here doing pointless paperwork.

  Marcus didn’t wait for a response, he just turned on his heels and left. Linda, our short, stocky administrator with grey hair streaking her temples leaned against my office door and shook her head.

  “Sorry, dear. I had the flights reserved and was just about to book them when he stopped me.”

  “That’s okay, Linda. It’s not your fault.”

  She pursed her lips and glanced at the direction Marcus had walked. “You should have his job, and he knows it. That’s the only reason he’s trying to make your life difficult.”

  I sighed, staring out the window and shaking my head. “I just need this awards ceremony to go well, and then everything will be easier.”

  Linda grunted and looked at me with her soft, kind eyes. I tried to smile at her. She shook her head before waddling back to her desk. I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my fingers over my temples. The feeling of Garrett’s hands on my body was too fresh to forget, and knowing I wouldn’t see him for three days was driving me crazy.

  I sighed, and I knew that Garrett was right. Somehow, within a day of meeting him, he’d claimed me.

  I was his.

  Chapter 13 - Garrett

  I nearly put my fist through the fucking wall when Morgan called and said she wouldn’t be coming to New York.

  What was I supposed to do? I was staring down the barrel of three days of boring-ass interviews with people I didn’t care about, while the woman that was taking over my mind and body would be on the other side of the country.

  I’d wanted to fuck her in New York. I’d wanted to bring her up to my suite at the Ritz-Carlton in New York and shower her with Champagne and strawberries, and then give her every inch of my thick, throbbing cock. I knew she wanted it, and I was going to give it to her, the way that she deserved. I’d treat her like a queen and lavish her with luxury, and then I’d make her all mine.

  But now? Now I’d be at the fucking Ritz all by myself. What the fuck was the point of having a suite if I didn’t have a woman there to enjoy it with?

  No, not just ‘a woman’. The days of me looking for women were over. I only wanted her. I wanted to pour champagne down her perfect body and then lick it up. I wanted to make her come over and over with my hands and my tongue, and finally my cock. And I wanted it with only her. No other woman could compare.

  The frustration was almost too much to handle.

  But I had to handle it. If I was going to come back and fulfill all my dirtiest fantasies with Morgan, I had to behave myself in New York. If I ruined this job for her, she’d never look at me the same way. I’d seen her boss at The Morning Show the day before, and from what she said, her job was in jeopardy. I wouldn’t be the one to ruin it for her.

  So when Carter, Maddox and I slipped into our first-class seats on the plane and the hostesses handed us flutes of champagne, I didn’t have the same gleam in my eye as I would have had a week ago.

  Carter and Maddox looked like they always did, but I think they were more excited about the rest of our PR team joining us in New York than anything else.

  The plane took off, and I settled into my seat, working hard to ignore the anger in my chest. I put on a movie and tried to zone out. About halfway through the flight, I got up to use the restroom and paused at the door when I heard something that sounded suspiciously similar to moans. I glanced up and down the aisle and saw no sign of the flight attendants, and craned my ear towards the door.

  Yep, definitely moans.

  Going back to my seat, I kept my eye on the bathroom door and grinned when I saw Carter walk out, followed by the photographer, Veronica. At least one of us was gettin laid this week. He didn’t meet my eye as he took his seat, even though I tried to get him to glance at me. When had that started, I wondered? Was he as caught up with Veronica as I was with Morgan?

  I’d have to ask him about it later.

  By the time we landed, my anger had dulled and I was resigned to face the three days of interviews. We made our way to the Ritz, and I checked into my suite. Carter, Maddox and I took the entire top floor of the hotel, with each of us having a huge suite complete with living room, panoramic view of the city, and a king-sized bed.

  It was perfect, as usual. A huge, gleaming apartment with white leather couches and French doors opening onto a massive balcony. The huge bed had rose petals strewn over it, just like I’d asked them to do when I thought Morgan would be joining me. The frustration flared inside me again, because I knew I wouldn’t have any use for it except to sleep in. I went straight over to the fully stocked bar and mixed myself a drink when my phone buzzed.

  “Hey, sexy,” I growled as I answered. “You miss me yet?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you knew the schedule for tomorrow. You know how important this week of interviews is.”

  “See, I think you just wanted to hear my voice,” I said, leaning against the bar and taking a sip of my drink. Morgan laughed, and a shot of warmth passed through my chest.

  “No, Mr. Wood, I just wanted to do my job.”
  “Call me Mr. Wood again,” I growled, heading towards the bed. “It turns me on.”

  “Well, Mr. Wood,” Morgan continued, keeping her voice professional. “I sent you an email with tomorrow’s schedule. The car will be there to pick you up at eight AM, so make sure you rest up.”

  “What are you wearing right now?” I asked, sitting down on the bed and leaning back on the pillows. I set my drink down on the nightstand.

  Morgan sighed, but I could hear the smile in her voice. “I’m wearing a blouse and a grey pencil skirt.”

  I groaned. “Show me.”


  “Show me.”

  “I’m at work, Garrett.”

  “So close the door to the office and turn your video on. I want to see you.”

  Her breath caught, and I heard some shuffling on the other end of the line. I turned my phone to face me and flicked on the camera, waiting for her to appear on the screen.

  When she did, my cock immediately got hard. All I wanted to do was reach through the screen and kiss her hard, and then make her come so I could watch that pretty little mouth of hers fall open and moan.

  I growled. “Show me what you’re wearing,” I said, unbuckling my pants and reaching down to stroke my already-hard cock. She moved her phone down her body, and I groaned as I watched. She let her hand play with the neckline of her blouse, unbuttoning the buttons one by one as she exposed her white, lacy bra. Her hand travelled down further and I saw the tight, grey skirt that she wore.

  “If I were in your office right now, I would bend you over that desk of yours and rip that pretty little skirt down to your ankles. Then I’d shove my cock deep inside you,” I said, stroking my cock slowly.

  Morgan moaned and her face came back on screen. She glanced up as her cheeks reddened.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this at the office.”

  “But you are,” I said with a chuckle. She smiled and quirked her eyebrow. “Touch yourself,” I commanded.

  She bit her lip and that sexy little blush stained her cheeks again as I grabbed my cock. I watched the screen as she shifted down her seat, hiking her skirt up and giving me a full view of the thong she wore underneath.

  “Have I ever told you how fucking sexy you are,” I groaned as I watched her hand travel up her milky thighs. She moaned in response, lifting her skirt higher to expose her legs. Her hand reached up and teased her panties and I gripped my steel-hard shaft in my hands.

  “Show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” she whispered into the camera, grinning. She tilted it down again as her fingers curled around the edge of her panties, pushing them to the side as she spread her legs.

  I moaned. I could see all of her, and I felt like I was going to explode. I shifted the camera to show her how fucking hard I was and I heard her whimper.

  “See this cock, baby girl? It’s all yours. You’re going to get it as soon as I land in Los Angeles on Friday.”

  “I’d like that,” she said in a hushed voice, letting her fingers travel up and down her slit. I groaned again, unable to speak as I watched her play with herself. The cum boiled in my balls as my cock got harder than ever and I pumped my hand up and down. She whimpered again, and I watched her hand move over her clit.

  When she pushed her fingers inside herself, I knew I wouldn’t last long.

  “You like doing that, you dirty girl? You like fingering yourself right in your office for me?”

  “Yes,” came the breathless reply.

  “You like shoving those pretty little fingers deep inside that wet pussy of yours? Make yourself come for me,” I growled, knowing that I was seconds away from exploding.

  I gripped my phone, watching my screen as I growled. “You’re a fucking dirty girl, you know that?”

  “You make me this way,” she replied, and her voice caught. I watched her fingers roll over her clit and could see her legs trembling.

  “That’s it, baby girl, come for me. Come all over your hands, right there in your office with me saying all these dirty things to you. Just imagine my cum covering your pussy like I know you love it. Imagine me blowing my load all over you and shoving my cock deep inside you. Scream for me, you dirty girl, I know you want to come all over that pretty little hand of yours for me.”

  When she moaned, her legs trembled and I knew she was coming. My balls tightened and I exploded. Thick ropes of white cum shot out of my cock and covered my stomach, the sheets, everything. I made a fucking mess of myself. groaned, keeping my eyes on the screen where the most perfect woman with the most perfect pussy was coming right there with me.

  The camera lifted back to her face, and I saw the orgasmic glow staining her cheeks. I chuckled, staring into her beautiful blue eyes and I shook my head.

  “That was hot,” I said in a breathy voice.

  Morgan smiled, and then her eyes widened. “Gotta go,” she said, glancing away from me. “Talk to you later.”

  She hung up and I chuckled to myself, imagining her hand covered in her own juices, her disheveled clothing and her blushing cheeks.

  That might be hard to explain to whoever was walking into her office.

  I laid back in bed and closed my eyes. Maybe being here on my own wasn’t so bad, after all.

  Chapter 14 - Morgan

  I shifted my skirt and smoothed my hair just as Marcus walked in. My hand was still sticky with my own juices, so I left it under my desk on my lap. My heart was racing as I stared at my boss.

  “Did I interrupt something?” He asked, frowning.

  “Nope,” I answered with a forced smile. “Just getting ready to get out of here.”

  He glanced around the room and nodded slowly. “Did you get that paperwork done?”

  “Just emailed it though.”

  “Alright, good,” he said, still watching me suspiciously. Finally, he nodded and stepped out. I breathed a sigh of relief and then waited a few seconds before shuffling to the bathroom to compose myself and wash my hands. When I got there, I leaned over the sink to scrub my hands, then splashed some water over my face.

  That was not something I thought I would ever do. The thrill of it was still making me blush, and I couldn’t stop thinking about Garrett and how much I wanted it to be Friday already.

  When I came back up to pat my face dry, a woman was coming out from one of the stalls. I frowned as I watched her in the mirror, recognition buzzing through me. How did I know her?

  She had long, blonde hair and a perfect body. Too perfect. I could tell she had had lots of work done. That was absolutely fine—this was LA, after all, and plastic surgery was part and parcel of trying to make it here. But something about her just screamed ‘trying too hard’. She washed her hands, leaning her ample breasts over as her long, manicured fingers moved under the water in the sink.

  I tried not to stare, but the niggling feeling that I knew this woman just wouldn’t go away.

  She saw me looking at her and gave me a tight-lipped smile before swaying her hips out of the bathroom. I frowned after her, alarm bells ringing inside me, and I wasn’t even sure why. I shook my head and dried my hands and face before taking a deep breath.

  Whoever she was, she wasn’t anywhere near as important as The Mondays—as Garrett. I finished up in the washroom and went back to my office. When I left to go home, there was no sign of the blonde woman, and no sign of Marcus.

  I breathed a sigh of relief and made my way home.

  When I got home, my phone buzzed with a photo message from Garrett. He was standing in a steamy bathroom, with his perfect, chiseled body standing in front of the mirror. He was completely naked with his hand covering his crotch. My eyebrows shot up as I stared at the photo, heat blooming inside me. Those strong, tattooed hands would be on my body in only three days, but it seemed like an eternity away.

  I must have stared at the photo for a bit too long, because Cassie cleared her throat.

  “Whatcha lookin’ at, there?” My roommate grinned, and I blushed. />

  “Didn’t look like nothing,” she laughed. “Show me!”

  I blushed some more and Cassie gave me an expectant look. I took a deep breath. “So, I may or may not have gotten involved with a client.”


  “And that client may or may not be Garrett Wood.”

  “Morgan!” She shrieked, laughing and shaking her head. I turned the phone around to show her, and she looked at it, wide-eyed before looking back at me.

  “Is that…?”

  I nodded.

  “And he’s…?”

  I nodded again. “Naked.”

  “He sent that to you?”

  I blushed, and took my phone back.

  “Well you have to send one back!” She laughed. “Don’t leave him hanging!”

  “I can’t do that! What if it gets found out? My career would be over. I mean, like, really fucking over.”

  “Oh, Morgan. Why don’t you live a little?” Cassie laughed. “You hate your boss anyways, maybe finding a new job would be a good thing.”

  I grinned. I couldn’t argue with her logic, even though I knew I should.

  “Well, I’ve never… you know. Sent one of these before.”

  “You’ve never sent a sexy picture to a guy?” She said, her mouth dropping open in disbelief. I laughed and shook my head. She would always be the more adventurous one of us. Her shock changed to action as she put her hands on her hips.

  “Well, the number one thing you need is lighting. How’s the lighting in your room? Here, we can use my lamp.” Before I knew what was happening, we were having a full-on boudoir photo shoot in my shabby little bedroom. Cassie was photographer, art director, lighting expert, and producer all in one. I just tried not to blush and laugh too much as she thrusted different pieces of lingerie at me and contorted me into different positions.

  When she finally relinquished my phone, my eyebrows shot up.

  “That’s me?” I said, giggling as I thumbed through the photos.

  “You are one sexy woman, Morgan Matthews,” Cassie winked, laughing. “Now send that sexy man a picture of you in your underwear and drive him absolutely bonkers.”


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