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Saving Grapes (Cable's Bend Book 1)

Page 18

by Madeline Kirby

  Steve poured syrup on his pancakes and Jon and Mindy sat still, waiting for him to go on.

  “Yesterday, Ben and I met with Ross and we talked about the build-out for the winery and brewery. Mindy?”


  “Ben thinks you’re up for a job at the brewery, maybe the winery, too. It would also mean some work in the fields while we get rebuilt and get the hop field going. So bearing that in mind, are you still interested?”

  “Yeah. Yes, I mean. I don’t know anything about brewing beer or making wine, but I can learn, and I don’t need a fancy title or anything – just a chance.”

  Thom nodded. “Okay.”

  “Okay? Really? Just like that?”

  “Mindy, come on. I’ve known you for years. Of course just like that.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “There’s going to be a lot of work leading up to it, and you’ll need to help out a lot on all the aspects. Especially with Ben finishing his certification and doing his internship.”

  “I just have to get through finals in a couple of weeks, and then I’m all yours.”

  “And are you okay with staying on site?”

  “Yes! Gosh, yes. Thank you.”

  Thom nodded and turned to Jon. “What about you, Jon? Have you got a life you need to get back to in California?”

  Jon looked down at his plate and frowned. “There’s nothing there for me anymore. I took a leave this semester, but I don’t feel any pull to go back. I’m thinking about exploring my options in this area, actually.”

  “Well, you’re Ben’s dad, which makes you family, too, now. So you’re welcome to stay here as long as you need, while you figure out what comes next.”

  Ben chuckled.

  “What?” Thom asked, turning to his lover.

  “I remember you saying almost that exact same thing to me a few months ago.”

  “Well, that worked out pretty well, didn’t it?”

  “I can’t deny it. Dad? What do you think?”

  Jon paused, looking back and forth between his son and Thom. “Okay. I’ll stay for a while. But you have to let me help out, too. Thank you, Thom.”

  “Now that that’s settled,” Thom said, reaching for his coffee. “Let’s talk about the build-out.”

  * * *

  It was after lunch before Thom found an opportunity to speak with his grandfather alone.

  “Hey, Granddad,” he said as he stepped onto the front porch and closed the door behind himself.

  “Hey yourself,” Steve answered as he pointed to the chair next to him. “Hobble on over and sit a spell.”

  “Very funny.” Thom lowered himself into the chair and looked out over the vineyard sloping down to the construction site at the base of the hill.

  “Yeah. But you’ll be good as new before you know it. Always figured I’d be the first one to break a hip.”

  “I don’t recommend it.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “I wish you didn’t have to go back. It was great having you here.”

  “Yeah, well. You know I can’t handle the winters here anymore. And I’ve made some friends down there. But yeah, I miss this place.”

  “I’ll be down as soon as I can after New Year’s. And maybe you can come back in the spring when it starts warming up?”

  “We’ll see, son. We’ll see. I would like to see how this all shapes up,” he said, waving his hand towards the construction.

  “And you’re okay with, well, the changes and everything?”

  “We’ve had a lot of time to talk things over while I’ve been here. You know I am.”

  “I know,” Thom nodded. “But I guess, with you leaving and Ben and I, well, we’ve figured us out, too, and I just want to be sure.”

  “Thom,” Steve reached his hand out and Thom took it. “Thom, you’re the only family I’ve got left, and I’ll love you no matter what, you do know that, right?”

  Thom nodded, swallowing hard.

  “The only thing I’ve ever worried about is that you’d be alone. I’m real proud of what you’ve accomplished here, and I’m glad you’ve found someone who’ll stick by you. If you’re happy, that’s all I need.”

  “I am, Granddad.”

  “Good. So no more of this worrying about what I’ll think. Whatever you do, I’ll support you.”

  * * *

  Ben and Jon finished putting the dining chairs back in place and looked around the room. Thom’s hospital-style bed had been picked up earlier that week. The borrowed bed Steve had been using was stripped and ready to be loaded into Chuck’s pick-up. Steve’s bags were packed and waiting by the front door.

  “You’re sure you’re okay with us using your car?” Ben asked.

  “Yeah, no problem. It’ll be more comfortable for Steve that way.”

  “You can come if you want.”

  “No, this’ll give Thom some more time with Steve, and then the two of you can take your time getting back here.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  “Mindy and I have got this. Anyway, she’s busy studying. Chuck’ll be by later and I’ll help him load the bed. Just call or text me later and let me know if you want me to have some dinner ready when you get back.”

  “How about we pick something up for all of us on the way back?”

  “Even better. Just drive safe and we’ll see you tonight.”

  “Will do.”

  Ben found Mindy in the living room, notes spread out on the sofa and coffee table.

  “Hey, Min. Got a minute?”

  She threw her pencil on the table and stood up. “Yeah, I can’t look at this another second. What’s up?”

  “Doug’s taking me up on the job, and he’ll be here in a couple of months. He’ll need a place to stay, and we’re out of rooms.”

  Mindy’s face fell. “Oh.”

  “No! No, we’re not asking you to leave. But we need to do some rearranging and I wanted your opinion.”

  “Okay. On what?”

  “Come on, I’ll show you.” Ben turned, motioning Mindy to follow him upstairs. When they reached the second floor, Ben opened a door to reveal a set of narrow stairs leading to the attic.

  “I thought that was a closet!” Mindy said.

  “Nope. You never looked?”

  “Well, no. Not my business, and who has time for snooping around here, anyway?”

  “I guess you have a point. Come on, I want to show you this.”

  Ben flipped a light switch just inside the door and Mindy followed him up the stairs.

  “Wow!” she said when they reached the top of the stairs and stood on the plywood floor of the attic. “This is huge!”

  They were standing at the center of a large open space covered with plywood sheeting. The rafters and roof supports were exposed, and in the east side of the steeply sloped roof there was a large dormer with two windows. Mindy crossed over to look out at the view of the vineyard and the winery/brewery taking shape near the road.

  “So what’s your plan?”

  “We were thinking of turning this into a kind of apartment. Nothing fancy, just insulate and finish the walls and put in another dormer or two. A bathroom, of course. Ross says he can come up with a simple plan that would even let us split it into two spaces later it we need to. What do you think?”

  “It’s not my house, Ben.”

  “No, but we were thinking we’d give you first crack at the place if you want. Otherwise, I’ll offer it to Doug.”

  “I’ll take it. When can I move in?”

  Ben laughed. “You don’t want to think about it?”

  “Nope. Sorry, Doug, wherever you are. Too bad for you!”

  Ben laughed harder. “Okay, okay. We at least need to get insulation and sheetrock up in here, so not until after exams.”

  “I can help. And I want to do the painting myself. Can I pick the color?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “Thank you!” Mindy grabbed Ben in a bear hu
g, the kind her dad was so good at. “I’ve never had a room that was just mine before.”

  Ben hugged her back, resting his cheek on the top of her head. “Cool. Go study, Min. We’ll make sure it’s ready soon.”

  Mindy broke the hug and ran down the stairs. “Thom!” Ben heard he exclaim from below. “Thom! Ben just showed me the attic!”

  “What did you think?” Ben could hear the smile in Thom’s voice.

  “It’s amazing! Thank you! Thank you so much!”

  Ben reached the bottom of the attic stairs to find Thom crushed in Mindy’s bear hug.

  “Okay, Min. Let the man breathe.”

  “Oh, gosh! Sorry, Thom. I’m just so excited.” Mindy gave him one last hug before running down the stairs calling, “Jon! Jon, guess what!”

  “I take it she was pleased with the attic, then?” Thom asked.

  “You could say that. Ready to hit the road?”

  “Yeah,” Thom answered.

  “Don’t worry,” Ben said as he put an arm around Thom’s shoulders and led him toward the stairs. “We’ll go visit in January. It’ll be here before you know it. I even showed Steve how to use Skype.”

  “I know. It’s the change thing again. I’m better at some things than others.”

  Ben stopped and turned Thom to face him. Putting his hands on either side of Thom’s face, he tilted the shorter man’s face up so their eyes met. “We’ve got a lot of changes coming in the next few months. You gonna be okay?”

  Thom smiled. “Are you going to distract me if I start freaking out?”

  “Sweetheart, I’ll distract you even if you don’t.”


  “Does Ben come back tomorrow?” Thom heard Doug asking Mindy in a low voice. They were in the vineyard, and he figured Doug didn’t realize he was in the next row and could hear them.

  “Yes!” he called out, loud enough for them to hear him. Doug’s startled yelp confirmed his suspicion. “Jeez, guys, chill out.” He looked over the row separating them and saw Doug looking flustered and Mindy smirking.

  “Sorry,” Doug muttered as he bent to pick up the knife he had dropped.

  Thom knew he’d been on edge lately, and it had been getting worse the longer Ben was gone doing his apprenticeship in Seattle, but he hadn’t realized it had gotten this bad. “It’s cool, man. Look, let’s knock off early and head into town for dinner.”

  “Whoa!” Mindy looked at him, her eyes round. “You? Going into town?”

  “I am not a hermit!”

  “If you say so.”

  “Tell Jon, too. I’m leaving in one hour. Anyone who wants to go had better be waiting on the front porch or they’re getting left.” Thom gathered his tools and headed for the house. Halfway there he saw Mindy and Doug speed past him and race for the back door.

  He wondered whether Ben knew yet that Doug was infatuated with Mindy. If he didn’t, he’d find out soon enough. He couldn’t tell whether Mindy returned Doug’s interest – she treated them all with the kind of fond condescension reserved for brothers and dim-witted dogs. Watching this drama play out could be amusing, as long as no one got hurt.

  He felt the phone in his back pocket vibrate a second before he heard Ben’s ringtone.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling as he answered the call.

  “Hey, yourself,” Ben replied, and Thom felt his body start to respond to that honeyed drawl.

  “Damn, you’d better get home soon.”

  Ben laughed. “I’m leaving at the crack of dark tomorrow morning. I’ll be home for lunch if the traffic cooperates.”

  “That’s too long,” Thom growled as he yanked open the screen door.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’ll be worth the wait.”


  “Nope. It’s a promise. What’re you up to?”

  “Getting cleaned up. I’m taking everyone to town for dinner.”

  “You’re going out?”

  “Why is everyone so surprised? I am not a hermit!”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Besides, it’s your fault.”

  “What’s my fault?”

  “I have to take everyone out because I’ve been acting like an ass because I miss you.”

  “Ah. So, I need to come home and take care of that, do I?”

  “You just need to get back here. If you’re not back here, in our bed, this time tomorrow I’m sending out a search party.”

  “I’ll be there, in our bed. Maybe I’ll even be in you.” Ben’s voice was low and husky.


  “Like the sound of that?”

  “No! I mean yes! Shit, don’t say stuff like that when I’m walking around. I almost fell down the stairs!” Thom finally made it to the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

  “Well, I don’t know what you’re doing, do I? Are you on solid ground now?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. I never know what’s going to come out of that mouth of yours.”

  “You love my mouth.”

  “I love you.”

  “Damn. I’d hop in the car now if we didn’t have the final tasting tonight. I love you, too. I’ll be there as early as I can tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Drive safe and text me when you leave Seattle.”

  “Will do. Be nice until I get there.”

  Thom growled before ending the call.

  * * *

  Thom had been distracted and on edge all morning, accomplishing almost nothing in the vineyard. He wandered down the hill to check on the final touches Ross and his crew were putting on the new building.

  He had just reached the last stretch of the drive before the structure when he saw Ben’s car slow and turn off the highway. Thom sped up, and started to jog when Ben pulled to the side of the drive and stopped. He got out of the car, stretching to loosen up after the long drive, then smiling as he held his arms out to fold Thom into a tight hug.

  Thom held on with both hands, burying his face in Ben’s neck and breathing deep. “God, I missed you so much,” he said, his lips moving against Ben’s skin.

  Ben laughed and lifted Thom off his feet, spinning him around. “Me too. Now let me kiss you,” he said, putting Thom down and pulling back so he could bring their lips together for a proper hello.

  Thom finally broke the kiss, pushing Ben back a little. “Enough of that or I’ll embarrass myself right here by the side of the highway.”

  “You’re not the only one,” Ben answered, his voice shaky. “Did you head down here to meet me?”

  “I wish I could say I did, but I was restless and came down here to see how things are going. They’re almost finished.”


  “The sign came, too. It’s inside. Want to see?”

  “Yes! Let’s get this done, because I need lunch, a shower, and you.”

  “In that order?”

  “I’d like to say no, but I’m weak with hunger and I feel grimy from traveling, so yes, in that order.”

  Thom laughed and took Ben’s hand in his. “Okay, let’s go.”

  They found Ross inside, talking with one of the painters. When he finished his conversation he came over to where they stood waiting.

  “Hey, Ben. Welcome back.” Ross extended his hand for Ben to shake.

  “Hi Ross. How’s everything going?” Ben was surprised when he met Ross’s eyes. The burly contractor looked exhausted, with dark circles underneath his eyes.

  “Good. Almost done here. Building inspections are scheduled for next Wednesday, and after that you can start bringing in your equipment and furniture.”

  “Great. Thanks, Ross. I wanted to show Ben the sign. Is it still in the entry hall?”

  “Yeah – right where we left it.”

  “Thanks. No, we’ll be fine,” Thom smiled and waved when Ross started to follow them. “I’m sure you’re busy.” Ross nodded and headed back to where the painters were prepping and taping.

  “What’s up with Ross?” Ben asked as they heade
d for the front of the building.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He looks wrung out. He may even have lost some weight. And he didn’t try to flirt with either of us.”

  “Well, he’s been working hard, I guess. Maybe he didn’t try to flirt because we’re a couple now?”

  “Please, when has that ever stopped Ross?”

  “You have a point. Huh, I guess I hadn’t noticed.”

  Ben didn’t answer. They had reached the entry hall and Ben was admiring the large sign leaning against the wall. The words “Lightning Strike Vineyard and Brewery” were burned into the white-washed wood, and beneath the name a large fulgurite had been inset so that it could be seen from both sides of the sign.

  “It’s perfect,” Ben said, crouching in front of the sign so he could run his fingers over the letters and trace the outline of the natural glass.

  “Wait’ll you see the hop field.”

  “Is there time before lunch?” Ben asked, standing and turning to face Thom.

  “Yeah, if you drive us up there. You know, I’ve got this bum hip.”

  “Bullshit,” Ben replied, putting an arm around Thom’s shoulders and steering him out the front door. “You’re as fit as you ever were.”

  Thom laughed and leaned into his lover, bringing his own arm up around Ben’s waist. “Driving’s quicker.”

  “Okay, okay. Hop in and we’ll go check it out.”

  * * *

  By the time Ben had caught up with everyone, admired the sprouting hops and the new vines, and eaten an extra-special lunch prepared by Jon, it was almost two o’clock. Pleading exhaustion, he headed upstairs, dragging Thom with him.

  “Doug and Mindy?” he asked as he headed into the bathroom, peeling off his shirt as he went.

  “Noticed that, did you?” Thom leaned against the doorframe, admiring the view as Ben turned on the shower and finished stripping.

  “Yeah. Has Mindy?”

  Thom shrugged. “If she has, she’s playing it cool.”

  Ben stepped into the shower and ducked his head under the water. “You coming in?”


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