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Reserve My Curves: Your Husband Chose Me

Page 13

by B. M. Hardin

  Tia had become my best friend.

  She had been my only friend.

  What was I going to do without her?

  “I’ll pay for everything,” Sonni said but I shook my head.

  “No, I got it. I want to pay for it all,” I said, still in disbelief that I was actually discussing my sister’s death.

  “Can you afford to do that? Are you still at the hotel?” Sonni asked.

  I thought about lying.

  I surely knew that I couldn’t tell her the truth, so I said whatever I felt like saying.

  “No, my fiancée and I will pay for it,” I said to them.

  At my words, they both looked at my hand.

  My ring was ten times bigger than both of theirs and both of their mouths dropped open at the sight of the diamond on my finger.

  “Congratulations! When? Who? Why didn’t you tell us?” Josephine frowned.

  “As she said, we have to do better as sisters,” I said and we all group hugged.

  “Excuse me,” a voice said behind me.

  I turned around to face the voice, which belonged to a man whom I didn’t recognized.

  But though I’d never seen him, just from the look on his face, I already knew who he was.

  He was the husband.

  “This is all your fault,” I said to him, although I knew that it wasn’t.

  At first he didn’t say anything.

  He took a seat and placed his hands on his head.

  “If you had a wife at home, why even have sex with her? Why?”

  “My wife and I were separated at the time. After she’d lost our third child, we just couldn’t seem to get back on the right track. So, we took some time apart. To be honest, I thought that we were headed towards divorce, but only a few days after having sex with Tia, she came by and wanted to reconcile. I had no idea that Tia was going to be pregnant and when she called me and told me, I tried to fix it,” he said.

  “What? Tia was pregnant?” Josephine asked and I pointed towards the glass.

  Both Josephine and Sonni headed to take a look at the baby.

  They cooed and as a result of their reaction, the man stood and headed to see the baby as well.

  It wasn’t until he saw him that he broke down.

  His cries filled the halls of the hospital and they were filled with so much pain and agony that they pierced my soul.

  I’d never seen a grown man cry; at least not like that.

  His cries were so painful, so excruciating that his crying made the rest of us start crying too.

  “I tried to fix it. I told her that I’d gone back to my wife and I offered to take care of it, but she wanted to keep it. She said that she would raise the baby on her own and for a while I didn’t hear or inquire anything else about it. But a few months in, I’d seen her on campus and I couldn’t help but say something to her. I told her that I wanted to be apart but she told me no. I started making sure she’d ate and I started going by her classes but she didn’t want anything to do with me. One day, she was about to leave and I saw her and tried to talk about it with her again. The thing was that my wife had come to bring me lunch and she saw me touch Tia’s stomach. Once Tia was gone, she approached me and asked me about Tia and I didn’t have a choice but to tell her the truth. I told her that it was while we were separated but what hurt her the most was that Tia was pregnant. She couldn’t seem to carry a baby full term but now another woman was carrying my child and it seemed to be too much for her to handle. She left me… again. She didn’t talk to me and I thought for sure that all she wanted was a divorce. She kept asking if I wanted Tia to keep the baby, and when I’d told her yes and that I’d had a change of heart, she kept saying that I was choosing Tia over her. I didn’t know how bad it really bothered her. Whenever I tried to talk to her about it, she never wanted to discuss it. I had no idea that she was capable of something like this. I had no idea that she was going to kill her and then kill herself. I just can’t believe that something like this happened,” he managed to spit out all while still crying.

  Everyone was at a loss of words.

  The only thing any of us seemed to be able to do was cry.

  I guess I could see why the wife went crazy.

  I remembered how I felt finding out that Keymar had another child so I could only imagine how she felt.

  She couldn’t have a baby and now her husband was having a baby with someone else…that might’ve made me a little crazy too.

  But she should have simply tried to talk about it or gone to therapy or something.

  Killing my sister was the last thing that should have been on her mind.

  Hell, why didn’t she just kill her husband instead?

  To me, that would have made more sense.

  But then again, Tia was the one who had what she wanted…a baby.

  After the crying stopped, we all just stood silently and looked at the baby.

  Though he was the father, the baby was going home with me.

  I was sure that he had rights to him, but that little boy was the only thing that I had left of Tia and I needed him at home with me.

  I was hoping that he wouldn’t put me through any kind of custody battle because I would do what I had to do to make sure that he would lose.

  Silas and Horizon appeared and I officially introduced him to my sisters.

  They seemed to approve of him and then they loved on their niece whom they hadn’t seen since she was a little baby.

  It was sad that only death seemed to bring us together but hopefully nothing else would keep us apart.

  It was time that things changed.

  Whether they needed me or not, I was going to need them more than ever.

  I was going to need my sisters.


  Tia’s funeral was one of the hardest days of my life.

  I felt as though I’d lost a child.

  It felt as though I was burying my daughter.

  Once they closed her casket, I knew at that very moment that things were never going to be the same.

  I could feel a change happening within me and I was sad to say that it wasn’t a good thing.

  I was angry.

  I was hurt.

  It seemed as though everybody that I cared about always ended up dead and it just wasn’t fair.

  I’d told her not to do anything stupid.

  I’d told her that I didn’t need her help.

  But she hadn’t listened and now she was dead.

  Nolan, the husband and Tia’s son’s father, sat a few spaces from me, holding the baby.

  Though he was his father, he agreed to let me keep him but he promised to do his part as a father.

  I had no idea what I was going to do with another baby but I felt as though it was my duty to raise him for my sister.

  I’d allowed Nolan to make him a junior and I could already tell that he was going to be an amazing dad.

  After all, he and his wife had been trying to have a child their entire marriage, so of course he’d always wanted a kid.

  He’d said that he couldn’t believe that he’d tried to talk Tia into an abortion and you could tell that the baby already had his heart.

  His wife’s funeral had been the day before.

  I’d wanted to go and spit on her body, but Silas wouldn’t let me out of his sight.

  I could tell that Nolan was overwhelmed but he was trying to keep himself together.

  The guilt that he felt showed all over his face, but he wasn’t the only one responsible.

  We’d all played a part.

  Silas was right by my side like he had been the entire time.

  He had been so helpful through the whole process and I was so thankful for him.

  To be honest, if he hadn’t been there to help me, I would have surely gone crazy by now.

  Silas was just a blessing.

  He was willing to help me with the baby.

  He was already helping me with Horizon.

  He was
heaven sent and I couldn’t wait to be his wife.

  It was nothing like a tragedy to help you make a few decisions, and no matter who he had been married to, sooner than later, he was going to be married to me.

  We stood as they prepared to take her casket out of the church.

  I smiled at my sister’s husbands and my oldest nephews.

  I couldn’t believe how much they’d grown and how different everyone looked.

  My sisters were on my other side and we’d all made a vow that we were going to keep in touch and at least make time to hang with each other once or twice a month.

  It was sad that it took a death to get us back on the right track but I was just glad that we were going to try.

  The casket and the fellas exited the church and my eyes noticed a familiar face.


  What the hell was she doing here?

  She surely hadn’t been invited.

  I’d only spoken to her once and that conversation hadn’t gone that well.

  I’d ended up cursing her out and making a few threats that I surely planned to keep.

  Carmen was more concerned about when I could come back to the hotel, more than she was concerned about me or the death of my sister.

  She was the true definition of what it meant to be money greedy.

  She’d agreed to give me a month off to get everything situated, but of course she was adding the month to the end of my contract.

  I was so sick of her and the hotel that it wasn’t even funny.

  With the new baby and with Tia gone, I had no idea as to how I was even going to be able to work there.

  I had more important things to worry about and popping my pussy for a fee wasn’t one of them.

  But all Carmen cared about was when she could tell her clients that I would be back.

  She’d said that they were begging for an exact return date so that they could pay top dollar to reserve my curves.

  There just had to be a way out.

  There was always a way out.

  Passing by her and heading out of the church, I decided that I just might have to take my chances with the law.

  But then again, the law was already on her side.

  What was I going to do?


  Chapter TEN

  Getting up in the middle of the night with a crying baby was no joke!

  I’d forgotten about the sleepless nights and all of the work that was involved with tending to a new born baby.

  Silas tried to help when he could, but most of the time he slept on the couch just to get a decent nights rest.

  Nolan and I had come to an agreement.

  On the days that I had to work at the hotel he would keep him and on the days that I was off, I would have him.

  Since I still had a few days before I had to go back, the baby was with me, and had been the whole month, in hopes that I would have better luck getting him on some kind of schedule but so far, this baby did whatever it was that he wanted to do.

  But tired and all, I did what I had to do with minimum complaints, because I was the reason that he didn’t have a mother.

  I missed Tia so much that it made my stomach hurt but I was doing a lot better than expected.

  I guess since the baby kept me busy, I didn’t have a lot of time to mourn and grieve the way that I wanted to.

  But I guess that was a good thing.

  I was going to have to accept the fact that she was gone and she wasn’t coming back.

  But it just wasn’t easy.

  Finally getting the baby to sleep, I fell asleep soon after and I dreamt of the future.

  There, I was married to Silas of course and we had a house full of kids. Horizon was all grown up and so was the baby.

  We were celebrating and all of my family was there.

  Everyone was happy.

  Everyone was smiling.

  Life was good.

  If only my dream would come true.


  “How are you doing?” Josephine asked.

  I loved the fact that we were talking regularly.

  I’d forgotten how much fun she could be.

  Sonni was doing better with calling as well and from the looks of it, we were all in this together, and it really felt good.

  “I’m fine. My first day back at work is tomorrow, so I’m getting the baby ready to go with Nolan.”

  “Work? I thought you said that you weren’t working at the hotel anymore?”

  Did I say that?

  I tried to replay the conversation at the hospital that day.

  Maybe I did say it.

  “Did I? Oh, no, I didn’t mean to say that I didn’t work there. I still do. I guess I was just saying that Silas had enough money for us to cover the funeral,” I tried to explain.

  In reality, I’d been the one to pay for everything.

  I’d bought every single thing for Tia’s funeral and everything had been nothing but the best.

  But I was fine with letting everyone else think that Silas had done it all.

  Though he’d offered to help and had more than enough money to contribute, I’d refused.

  It was my responsibility.

  “Oh, well, maybe I can get the baby for you guys sometime next week,” Josephine said.

  Josephine and her husband had four kids.

  Her youngest was the same age as Horizon but if she wanted to join in on a few of those sleepless nights, who was I to stop her?

  We continued to small talk and then a knock came at the door.

  Hanging up with her, I answered it, knowing exactly who it was.


  “Hey, is he ready?” he asked.

  Nolan was maybe in his late thirties or early forties.

  He looked damn good for his age though and I could tell that in his younger years he was probably a hot commodity.

  He appeared to be a pretty decent guy.

  We hardly ever got the chance to really hold a conversation, so I figured that today was just as good as any.

  “Yes, he’s ready…well, almost,” I laughed.

  Nolan closed the door behind him and followed me down the hallway to my bedroom.

  Silas was out doing whatever it was that he did and Horizon hadn’t moved from in front of the TV.

  I grabbed the baby from the crib and laid him on the bed.

  He had been napping, so I finished dressing him with care.

  “So, how have you been holding up?” I asked him.

  I could see that he didn’t really want to talk about the situation, but he answered anyway.

  “I’m taking things one day at a time. But for the most part, I’m fine,” he said with a smile.

  I nodded and pointed to the babies socks so that he could reach them to me.

  Instead of handing them to me, he proceeded to put them on the baby’s feet and as he reached across me, I got a whiff of the scent of his skin.

  Why did that just turn me on?

  He smelled so good that my mouth started to water.

  No, this wasn’t right and I scolded myself mentally, but for some reason as his arm continued to brush up against mine, I found myself getting more and more aroused.

  Envy, stop it! Get it together.

  I shook my head and got my hormones in check.

  Nolan finally finished and stood to the side to allow me to put on the babies shoes.

  Once everything was done, I handed him his son and placed the diaper bag on my arm.

  We headed up the hall and although I didn’t turn around, I could tell that he was walking extremely too close.

  It was as if he wanted to place his dick on my ass but he didn’t want to cross the line.

  I couldn’t deny that both attraction and maybe even a little inappropriate tension were in the air, but we both knew that that was a line that we just couldn’t cross.

  He told me that he would bring the baby back in four days and he wen
t on his way.

  Biting my bottom lip as he pulled out of the driveway, I shook away the impure thoughts that were trying to creep into my mind.

  It didn’t take long for me to get focused.

  I had to get Horizon dressed, dropped off at daycare, and then I had to get to the hotel.

  And boy was that the last place that I wanted to be.

  “Envy, so how is everything at home?” Carmen asked.

  I failed to realize why she insisted on trying to talk to me about anything other than business.

  She knew that I didn’t like her and she knew that I didn’t want to be there, let alone talking to her.

  But even though I couldn’t choose not to be at the hotel, I wasn’t going to pretend like everything was okay.

  It wasn’t.

  “Do I have someone already in my room?” I asked her bluntly.

  She looked at me as though she wanted to say something sarcastic but I guess she decided against it.

  “Yes, one of your regulars. And you’ve been reserved for the last four hours of your shift. I guess you’ve been missed,” Carmen said.

  I nodded and headed to get myself together.

  “Oh, and by the way, the no married men thing is out the window. Due to high demand and the fact that every married client that we have seems to be drooling over you, I can no longer accommodate your request. I hope that you understand. It’s nothing personal. It’s just business.”

  Carmen walked away like the bitch that she was.

  I guessed she thought that she was hurting me but the truth was...she wasn’t.

  At this point, I didn’t care whether the men were married or not.

  The way that I felt in the inside was cold and heartless.

  I didn’t care about much of anything or anybody, except my family and of course Silas.

  Though I knew that it was wrong and that sleeping with a married man had cost my sister her life, I now looked at things differently.

  Husbands that cheat on their wives were a disgrace and in some way they deserved to pay.

  And not just financially.

  What’s the one thing that all men loved?


  What’s the one thing that could cause even the smartest man to make the dumbest mistakes?


  I was going to freak the hell out of these married fools and then send them back home to their boring wives.

  I was going to make them feel so good yet so bad in the end because the one thing that they were going to want more than anything in the world, one day they wouldn’t be able to have…


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