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The Return of the Manhattan

Page 18

by Lee Ecker

  He knew the date of the next problem that would occur and was no longer in doubt of what was needed to be done to correct the situation. They had several weeks before that date and David decided to make the most of it. He called Roger and the council back in session. He began, “I know you all expect us to begin our journey back home, but that’s not what we’re going to do. On the 24th of next month, Brad and Laura will be scheduled to meet with the oil producing corporations in Dallas. History records they did that and after their session as they were leaving the building, they were gunned down by assassins waiting in ambush on a rooftop across the street. We are going to be here to insure that doesn’t happen.”

  Roger whistled, “Whew, that’s the advantage of recorded history. How can we prevent it?”

  “No problem, we’ll intercept them before they get to Dallas and let the FBI take care of the assassins. In the meantime, we have another project President Albee asked us to tackle. He asked me to go back and observe the events surrounding the life of Jesus Christ. We aren’t to interfere, just observe and record the events for future reference.”

  Roger interjected, “That’s a big undertaking, David. If we project our timeline, compared to our trip here, it would take much longer. That’s 2000 years rather than 500 which off the top of my head means we could be as much as 16 years en route one way. We’ll definitely be old men before we return.”

  “Well, it’s not as long as we originally thought. According to the black box, the return trip didn’t take very long and your calculations were wrong on that end. However, I want you and Warren to study the problem and let me know if it’s possible to put everyone in the deep sleep mode for most of the voyage back to the first century. You could even set up an alternating schedule where someone is always on duty monitoring the ship’s progress and insuring we don’t continue to sleep until we reach prehistoric eras and beyond with no hope of ever returning. I think that you, Roger and Warren, can even participate in the sleep program. I intend to as I want to be alive when we complete our mission.”

  “But, David, how can we trust the ship to perform that well while we sleep? It’s not a comfortable thing to do.”

  “I understand that and so does President Albee. It’s his supposition that the ship will perform as it has in the past, that is flawlessly. We proved that on our voyage here. But even so, if something does happen, you could probably do nothing to prevent it anyway. Just think on it and let me know.”

  “Okay David, we’ll work it out. I’m warming to the idea already. We knew this was a mission to the unknown and it’s just going to be more of the same. My only reservation right now is, if we don’t get back here safely, we won’t be able to prevent Laura’s death in Dallas next month.”

  “You have a valid point. We will prepare for the trip now, but wait until we complete our mission here and then go back to the first century before we go back home.”


  The days were filled for Laura and Brad as they set up a new organization they called the Solar Magnetics Administration at Wright Patterson AFB. True to his word, President Dugan set them up with all the personnel they needed, and even granted Brad a spot promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. He appointed Charles Bains, an experienced administrator, to assist Brad and Laura in the formal organization which was set up to quickly and efficiently provide the engine technology to all engine manufacturers. Procedures were established to begin the process of modification of all aircraft fleets, beginning in the United States and spread throughout the world. Aircraft were selected first because of the greatest cost and energy savings, but the technology would eventually spread through the automotive and transportation infrastructure.

  Arthur Dawson, the FBI chief, while investigating the firing on the C-9 by the interceptors along with the electronic bugs found in the White House, discovered an elaborate scheme to control the destiny of the nation through the control of the supply of oil for centuries to come. He was at a standstill having much of the details, but lacking evidence to arrest the perpetrators. It was a pretty tall order since their chief suspects held chief spots in the current administration, and were difficult to get to. Dana Higgins’ accident was no accident, but was part of a plot to take control of ArkTex Oil Company. General Higgins had ordered the murder of his daughter, to allow him to maintain control of ArkTex Oil Company which Dana would have inherited from her mother when she turned 21, and participated in another attempt on her life just days after her release from Walter Reed. Laura and Brad had discovered their treachery and hired Dana Higgins as their receptionist changing her name to Danielle Black to protect her identity. Clifford Burns, director of the CIA, and James Little, the vice president had joined forces with General Higgins several years earlier forming the EMI Corporation which was involved in quasi legal arms sales to third world countries. Control of ArkTex was essential to their plans of controlling the world’s oil supply

  After their harrowing experiences with the interceptors, the FBI, and the drama of getting through to the president, Brad had asked Laura to marry him several times disregarding David’s request, but Laura would have none of it. He tried to convince her he never would have married another woman, but Laura remained resolute turning down his every proposal of marriage. His declarations of love only pushed her farther away as it was the only way she could resist him. He was at wits end not knowing how to proceed as long as Laura remained true to her promise to her president from the future. Brad had taken her home to meet his parents, and Laura had fallen in love with his family, and it broke her heart to tell his mother that there could be no relationship between her and Brad.

  The 375th Aeromedical Wing at Scott AFB wanted their airplane back, and Brad couldn’t put them off any longer. He planned to spend a couple of days at Scott, flying a couple of local training missions checking out the wing standardization officer before he delivered it to McDonnell Douglas Corporation for the certification process. Laura was providing the technical data that needed to be included in the aircraft manual before the aircrews could be trained.

  Alex Newsome, the CEO of the Lear Jet Corporation, agreed to provide them with the latest model 55 for the Solar Magnetics Administration. In turn, Lear would get a couple of engines, install them, and get the Model 55 certified. This provided Lear with a considerable advantage putting them one step ahead of the competition, and providing invaluable free advertising as Brad and Laura flew the Lear from place to place conducting the business of SMA. Lear Corporation would not be able to obtain any additional engines any sooner than their competition, but Brad felt that it was to their advantage. Before returning to Scott for the training, they needed to stop in Dallas for a meeting with the oil producers which President Dugan invited them to attend. Alex Newsome agreed to deliver the Lear to them at Long Beach which they could fly with the conventional engines until Laura could provide the technical support needed for the engines to be installed on the aircraft.

  Laura was flying from the left seat as she and Brad departed Wright-Patterson early in the day for their flight to Dallas. He was reluctant to give up any chance of changing Laura’s resolve, but he knew, he would be tormented continually, working side by side with her, believing she would never agree to be his wife. He remained silent as the minutes ticked away occasionally glancing over marveling at her beauty, but seething inside knowing he had promised to stay with her, and that wild horses could not take him away. Finally he broke the silence, “Laura, I—I love you, and I always will, but after we deliver the aircraft in Long Beach, I think we’d better go our separate ways. I—”

  “No Brad!” Laura was shocked, and fell into an immediate state of depression, “Please—” She pleaded with deep blue yet soft doe-like eyes that tore at Brad’s very soul.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t continue this way. I would only continue to say those things that would hurt you more each day. I’m sorry I said I would get Dana to marry me; I didn’
t mean it, but I can’t help myself. I think you will get along fine with Bains, and the rest of the organization we’ve set up. Dana will stay with you, at least until her father is prosecuted, and I’ll continue to work with you from the White House or the Pentagon, as long as you and President Dugan want it that way.”

  Laura sat stunned, tears streaming down her face; she sobbed, “I wish—I wish I’d stayed with my father on the Manhattan.”

  Brad tried to concentrate on the scenery below, and the puffy white clouds as they drifted by—and suddenly exclaimed, “Look, Laura, look over there!”


  “It’s the Manhattan!” It couldn’t be, but there it was, getting bigger by the minute as the familiar black rectangular opening came into view.

  “Brad, I’m sorry, I don’t really want to go back with my father. I want to stay here with you…” She hadn’t comprehended what was happening, but she instinctively knew her last words were wrong and out of place.

  He glanced at her, seeing the agony there. “Honey, I understand; I don’t know what we should do. I want to stay with you but…”

  “Brad, I do love you!”

  “I know.” The Manhattan was getting larger and Brad could see Laura was no longer controlling the aircraft as they were drawn into the Manhattan.


  Laura’s father met them as they climbed out of the aircraft, and threw his arms around Laura and Brad in turn giving them a warm welcome. There was no need for words as Laura clung to her father as he led them inside.

  Brad couldn’t contain himself any longer, “Why didn’t you go back?”

  “We did!” David was enjoying their amazement, and savoring every moment of it.

  “Well, out with it!” Laura demanded. “Tell us what happened, and why you came back!”

  David Ashton became serious as he replied spinning his little white lie, “Laura, we did return, but discovered we had to come back, to prevent someone from murdering you and Brad in Dallas. We discovered that history recorded that you and Brad were assassinated. The only way to prevent it was to come back, and prevent you from going to Dallas. I suppose we could have stopped the attempt by protecting you with the force field, but we have to do it the same way it was done before.”

  “But, you don’t look old enough to have made the return trip!” Laura was disbelieving.

  “Well, I took advantage of the deep sleep option. Actually Dr. Dorn made a slight calculation error. Remember how we originally thought that our travel to the twentieth century would only take a few hours? We had it reversed. We actually went forward in time to the twenty-seventh century in just a few hours elapsed time.” He briefly told them the whole story, and then turned to Brad, “Your assassins were never found. How about getting hold of your FBI contact, and maybe they can be trapped in Dallas? They should be found on the hospital rooftop across the street from the Dallas Convention Center and will make the attempt as the sun is setting this afternoon. Tell them to be careful, they have high-powered rifles, and have a helicopter for a getaway. And be sure and tell Olson not to take part in that raid. If he does, he will be killed. That’s what history recorded.’”

  Brad left Laura with her father as he went to the communications room to get in touch with Arthur Olson, the FBI agent who had been working with Brad attempting to uncovered evidence to convict the individuals in the conspiracy. Laura turned to her father, throwing her arms around him sobbing. He tried to comfort her, “It’s okay, that’s only one of the possible outcomes of your time period; everything will work out fine.”

  She only sobbed louder, “Dad, I’m sorry; I can’t handle it.”

  He let her cry until she finally ceased sobbing, and looked him in the eyes, “Dad, I love him. What am I going to do?”

  “There, there, it can’t be that bad.” He tried to comfort her, thinking she was upset over the assassination, and then it dawned on him. “It’s okay, Laura, it’s okay. Does he love you?”

  “Yes, he asked me to marry him. He tried to convince me that he wouldn’t have married anyone else, but I wouldn’t—I couldn’t. It broke my heart to tell him that. I—I think he was teasing, but he even threatened to marry Dana. And today, on the way to Dallas, he said he couldn’t stay with me, because, well—it’s just too difficult. I can’t stay here if he leaves.”

  He couldn’t hold back any longer, and laughed deep and long. She protested, “Daddy, it’s not funny, I’m going back with you.”

  He stopped laughing, “Darling, that’s exactly what I was tempted to suggest until this moment, but it’s your choice. You could educate someone who could carry on in your place if you haven’t already got someone up to speed. However, I don’t think that’s what you want, and maybe I can help.” She listened intently as he continued, “I said you and Brad were murdered. That didn’t change me, or you, or the future in any way, as far as we can tell. I think you can safely marry him, and be happy.”

  “Oh, Daddy!” She hugged him even tighter, “That’s the best news I’ve heard all year.” And she began crying again, this time overflowing with joy.

  “I think you’d better go down to sick bay, and let Dr. Baker check you over. I’ll send Brad down after Dr. Baker finishes with you.”

  “Okay, Dad, anything you say.” She winked back at him before going out the door.

  Brad tuned into the switchboard at the FBI headquarters and Olson’s extension and waited only a minute, “Arthur Olson, may I help you?”

  “Arthur, it’s Brad.

  “Where are you calling from, I thought you were supposed to be in Dallas.”

  “I was, and as far as the rest of the world is concerned, that’s where I will be. I can’t explain how I know, but there are assassins on the rooftop of the hospital overlooking the entrance to the Dallas Convention Center with high-powered rifles waiting for us to show so they can gun us down.”

  “Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid? Why do you think someone is trying to kill you?”

  “I don’t think someone is trying; I know someone will try! This time, we were tipped off and, no, I can’t tell you who gave us the tip. Listen carefully, you don’t have much time. We are not going to Dallas, but if you could send decoys out to meet the television newsmen after the session, maybe with bulletproof vests, and catch the assassins in the act, you might be able to find out who hired them. They plan on using a medevac helicopter on the rooftop for their escape. And be careful, their timing is critical; they will make the attempt as the sun sets behind the hospital making them invisible in the glare.”

  “I’m not convinced, but, we’ll take care of it from here.”

  “I’m deadly serious! If you are not a hundred per cent behind me on this, then I will go over your head and call your boss or the president. It’s that important to me.”

  “All right, I understand; I don’t know why, but I will make sure we do this right. We will be ready for them.

  “And one more thing and this is really important. You are not to be involved personally in that raid. Believe me when I tell you that if you do, you will be killed.”

  “Now, you’re really making me wonder, but my boss has me convinced that I need to take you seriously. I won’t be anywhere near that hospital or the Convention Center.”

  “I’ll be back with you soon as I can.”

  Brad disconnected, and tuned in the Scott Air Force Base telephone switch finding the proper connections to put himself on the DO’s intercom on the first try. Colonel Brandt was expecting another call from the command post, and answered immediately, “Colonel Brandt.”

  “This is Colonel Anderson, how’s everything at Scott?”

  “Well, better now! I’m glad you called. We just got word from Kansas City Center that our aircraft is missing again. Where are you?”

  “Sir, it’s a long story, but we’re back in Manha
ttan. I think you will understand without repeating, or asking any more questions. However, we need a cover story! May I suggest that you have the command post call Kansas City Center, and inform them that we had a little electrical difficulty with radio and transponder failure, and have returned safely VFR to Scott?”

  “I understand. Maybe you can tell me more next time. Thanks for calling.”

  Brad left the communications center to talk with Dr. Ashton confident there would be no undue publicity surrounding the missing aircraft. He found David alone, watching a news station on the television monitor.

  “Come on in Brad, I’ve got the news on so we can keep up to date on what’s happening.”

  “Where’s Laura, I expected you two to have a lot to talk about?”

  “She’s with Dr. Baker. I’ve been a little concerned, and I wanted Dr. Baker to find out how she is holding up under the strain. I’d like you to see him as soon as Laura finishes.”

  “Sure, Dr. Ashton, but first I need to talk with you. It’s about Laura, she—I mean—I—this is more difficult than I thought. She says she loves me, but she can’t marry me; what you told me earlier is not—I mean I could never marry another woman.” Brad managed to get it all out wondering whether he should have confided in her father. When David didn’t say anything right away, Brad continued, “I’m sorry, maybe I’m out of line, but I can’t live without her, and I can’t live with her under those conditions. Our mission will have to be her mission alone, or you will have to replace me.”


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