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Creed's Expectations

Page 7

by J. D. Hollyfield

  He looks absolutely scrumptious.

  He also looks like trouble.

  “You know, it’s a bit creepy that you keep showing up everywhere I am. What are you, stalking me?” Oh God, Kasey! Dramatic much?

  “Considering I live down the street, I would say you were the one stalking me.”

  Holy shit, he lives here? “Wait, you live in Seattle? How did I not know that? I thought you were…” I fade off because honestly, I had no idea where he lived. “I guess I—”

  “Are you two in line?” a man behind us interrupts me. I turn to apologize, but Creed brings his arm around my waist to move me out of line.

  “Oh wait no, I really wanted to ord—”

  “Kevin, please bring the charcuterie platter, the soppressata tray, and the full cheese board to my table. Along with a bottle of your Carneros Pinot Noir.”

  “Will do, Mr. Monroe.”

  My mouth drops open as I allow him to move me farther out of line and seat me at a secluded table in the corner of the café.

  Once we’re seated, I can’t stop staring at him. Super rude of me, but I’m in a bit of shock. The last time I saw him, well, I wasn’t looking my best. And before that, well, I was in a much different position. And now? He’s sitting next to me because he lives here! “This is really bizarre meeting like this.”

  “How so?” How so? What kind of simple question is that?

  “Well, I just moved here for a job. I don’t know anyone, and now, here you are.”

  “Here I am.” Can he be any vaguer? He also won’t stop staring back, with those ‘I want to fuck you, eat you, and do really naughty things to you’ eyes that I am losing myself in, and it’s hard to find something to say.

  Simple conversation, Kasey. Public Speaking 101.

  “Well, so then it looks like I do have one friend in Seattle.” His eyebrow slightly raises at my comment. “What? Did I say something amusing?”

  He sits back, crossing his leg over his thigh, his fingers now tapping on top of the table. “You’re looking for a friend, is it?”

  “Well, I mean, we know each other. I would assume it’s okay to, uh, call you that.”

  That damn smug smile. It’s tormenting and evil, and sexy and trouble.

  “I must warn you. I have very peculiar expectations when it comes to my friends,” he enunciates the word.

  Shame on me.

  Shame, shame, shame!

  A normal person would have missed the simple twitch in my body. The slightest movement in my thighs when they squeeze a little tighter together.

  But Creed?

  He doesn’t miss anything. When you have ‘sex god’ screaming from your pores, there’s nothing you miss. His eyes, calculating, move from my neck, to just where the table meets my waist. The subtle movement of my clothes is the indication he needs.

  What is wrong with me?

  Okay, no more being friends.

  Change subject.

  “So… H-h-how long have you lived here?” Great time to develop a stuttering problem.

  “Always. Since I left home at eighteen.”

  From small talk, I know Creed left home early, while Steven stayed to finish out his residency. Never got the real reason why he took off. If I lived in a bloody mansion, I certainly would have stayed as long as I could. But then again, maybe living under the same roof as their evil mother would have done the trick too, to get me out. “Oh okay, well that’s great. What do you do out here?” AKA why are you always dressed so fancy and sexy, and kinda mafia-ish.

  “I work in real estate.”

  A man of few words I see—

  “Have you told my brother about us?”

  Or not.

  I’m now squirming in my seat for a whole different reason. Uncomfortably. Having him ask me that brings back way too many images of him, me, us, wrapped up, sweating, moaning… “I, uh… haven’t, no.”

  “Why not?” Jesus this guy!

  “Because, it’s just not something I’ve had time to do, or even thought about.” Even I can smell the lie from that reply.

  He sits up, placing both elbows on the table. His blank expression once again turns smug. “You haven’t thought about what we did?” Nope! And I am certainly not thinking about it now.

  “Not one bit.”

  “Has your pussy craved—”

  “Okay, stop! Can we just stop! Talk about something else?” Jesus, I can feel myself sweating through my blouse.

  The small chuckle confirms he’s enjoying tormenting me. “I thought you wanted to be friends?” He throws my earlier comment back at me.

  “Well I do, but you’re making this… us… It’s just uncomfortable.” There I said it. I’m uncomfortable having an open chat about dirty one-night stands. Sex. Hot sex. Filthy, biting, sucking, bad ass sex.

  “Then I’m afraid my expectations may be a bit too much for you to handle.”

  Expectations? Friendships come with expectations? Yeah, be kind, have each other’s back. Not in that get my back sorta way. Shut up, Kasey. But his underlying meaning has me curious as hell, but also wanting to run for the hills. “What in God’s name are you meaning, and for the love, stop looking at me like you’re gonna eat me.” I didn’t just say that. Clearly I did because his smile flourishes across his face. Why am I such an embarrassment? “Look—”

  I’m semi-saved by the waiter placing a bunch of food trays that look ah-mazing on the table, along with a bottle of wine. We’re both silent while Kevin, I believe, uncorks the bottle, pouring Creed a refill and me a fresh new glass. I almost forget he’s sitting across from me as I stare at the glass like I want to eat it.

  “There you go, enjoy. If you need anything else, let me know.” Kevin departs, leaving us alone again. I debate on going with him, but it would require abandoning this fresh glass of wine that I’ve been craving all week. And that would just be plain old rude.

  “Listen,” I start, pawing at the pretty wine glass and bringing it to my lips. The smell of aged grapes causes my mouth to water and before I continue, I take a hefty sip. “Jesus, that’s delicious.”

  “It’s a ten-year aged pinot noir. It’s the best wine they have.” I look up and see he’s also sipping his wine. For once, he looks normal. Calm. No fear of being pawed. I take another sip, moan due to said sip, then put my glass down.

  “Look, I’m going to be honest. I don’t know how to talk to you. Our ‘friendship’ is not normal. But I would like to try to be friends. Even learn some of your expectations. But for now? Can we just have a normal conversation? Talk about the weather? Our day? Because I have had a long week and I would like that. To just have a normal chat. With a friend.”

  His face is blank until I see him give in. Leaning back into the booth, he brings his glass to his lips. “All right then. So how was your day, dear?”

  I roll my eyes, fighting a smile. I’ll take this as him trying. Another huge sip. God, this is so good. Then I reply. “It was okay. As I said, I just started a new job here. It’s been really great, but hard. I barely have time to eat lunch most days.”

  “Is the job too hard for you?”

  I shake my head while taking another sip. “No, I love it. I’m totally up for the challenge, it’s just all new to me. So everything is a learning curve.” I shrug, picking up a slice of salami and taking a small bite.

  “How is your boss? Is he treating you well?”

  Chewing down the meat, I groan at the question.

  “What, is the dish bad?”

  “No, this is delicious. I’m going to have to take a slab of it home. Your question about my boss is what made me groan.”

  “And why is that? Is he too tough on you?”

  “No, it’s not that. I would prefer it be that.”

  Creed sits up, placing his glass down. “Explain.”

  Geesh. “Well, he’s just a bit much. Too nice. Touchy-feely? Is that bad of me to say?”

  Creed’s hands curl into fists, the color of his knuckle
s turning white. “He touches you?”

  “Well, I mean no, but… I don’t know. He just flirts with me. And I think it’s a little inappropriate. Like, yesterday, while showing me some blueprints, he laid his hand on my upper thigh. It just seemed…” I stop myself because Creed looks absolutely furious. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad. It’s my problem. It’s not even that big of a deal. I could be totally misreading it, too. Monday’s problem though, ya know?” Still no reaction. I look around the busy café wondering if something else has gotten him all worked up. Nope. Normal café setting. My attention back on Creed, I give him time while I sip on my wine. Sadly, I sip too far and I end up drinking my whole glass.

  “Can I refill that for you?” Kevin comes behind me, lifting the bottle and refilling my glass. Thanking him for the refill of love, I smile and get started on my second glass. I knew I would love this place.

  “Wanna tell me what you ordered or should I just sample each piece and make my own assumption?”

  Finally! The grumpy beast twitches. He nods, slamming back the remainder of his glass, pouring himself a full one. Thankfully, my work drama gets dropped and he starts pointing and explaining each dish. And let me tell you, each morsel he feeds me - yes, I said feeds me - is like a piece of heaven melting in my mouth.

  We spend the next two hours making small talk about wine, my job, the café, and the area. He gives me some recommendations on where to eat, where to stay away from, and how best to get around town. We talk about my new place, asking me how I like it, which I do. It was way more than I was expecting; a new building, new appliances, and even furnished perfectly. It’s like the company thought of me personally when picking out the colors and fabrics. He seemed to relax, and a few laughs and jokes were shared. It wasn’t until we polished off our second bottle that I started to feel warmer than I’d like around Creed.

  “Wow, I am in love with this place. I might have to quit my job and work here just for the benefits.”

  He doesn’t say anything in return. His gaze seems to always say enough. I look around and notice the sun’s gone down. “Well, I should probably get going. I haven’t done much venturing at night and I don’t want to stumble and end up sleeping in a bush outside a random building.”

  “The area is the safest on this side of town. But you’re right. You shouldn’t be walking alone at night. If forced to though, you should be safe.”

  Aww… Creed is cute when he acts like he cares. His features seem a lot softer. Fewer creases in his normally scrunched forehead. Handsome when—

  “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I ask. I’m not sure I’m looking any certain way, but then again, I have had a few glasses of wine.

  “Like that, Kasey.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m the good guy.”

  There it is again. That strange comment. I’m not sure why he wouldn’t consider himself a good guy. Take away his hard features, and the chip he seems to hold heavy on his shoulders, and I think he’s a very nice guy. But then again, I also know nothing about him. “Then why don’t you tell me—”

  Just then the door flies open, a couple stumbles inside, completely drenched. I look outside and notice it’s started to rain. Shit.

  “I actually need to get going.” I begin to stand and he follows suit. I push my chair out and because I’m me, my heel slips and I go barreling over. Creed’s arms are around my waist, instantly saving me from cleaning the floor with my face. “Oh, my God, I’m so clumsy.” My face is in his chest, his cologne consuming me. Don’t bite his chest. Don’t bite his chest. I try and hold my breath as I steady my feet. My hands, still on his chest, I use every single power in me not to squeeze.

  Just a small nip of my fingertips to his pecs.



  “Are you okay to stand or do you need to claw more at my chest to hang on?”


  I said no clawing!


  I release him like a hot potato and stand on my own, brushing the hair away from my face. I lock eyes with anything and everything not Creed. I need to get the hell out of here. Maybe the cold rain will do me good.

  “Well, thanks again. How much do I owe for the bill?”

  He waves me off. “It’s on me.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t. Seriously.”

  “It’s already been taken care of, Kasey.”

  “Oh. Okay. Well, I’ll get next time.” Oh, because I assume there will be one?! “Yeah, I better get going. Hopefully I can make it home before I end up having to pull out the backstroke.”

  He looks confused.

  “Backstroke. Swimming. I don’t have an umbrella so I want to get home before I have to swim the rest of the way.”

  Creed finds zero humor in my explanation. Back is the stone look and stiff shoulders. He grabs my purse, handing it to me, and adjusts his suit jacket. He throws a large tip on the table, and takes my elbow, escorting me to the door.

  “What are you doing? Interested in practicing your backstroke, too? You’re gonna ruin your fancy suit if you…” I fade off as he grabs an umbrella from a tall vase, pushing open the door to the café. The rain falls heavily and the moment we step outside, it pings me in the face. I try and block it while Creed opens the umbrella, shielding us from the storm. “Creed…”

  “I’m walking you home.”

  And that’s that. He doesn’t wait for me to offer my response. He wraps his arm around my waist, securing me close to him and takes off down the sidewalk. I want to tell him he doesn’t have to walk me home. I’m not afraid of getting a little wet. Or a lot. It’s like a monsoon out here. But the wind is picking up and add in the wine and my clumsiness, and I would probably get blown away, ending up in a tree.

  The temperature has also dropped because passersby are clutching their jackets tightly. I personally wouldn’t know, since the heat of Creed’s body is keeping me warm. Incredibly too warm. It’s just the yummy wine, Kasey. Creed makes no comment when I mistakenly snuggle further into the crook of his armpit. He continues to drag me along, clutching me to his side, which is a good thing because I would have tripped three times already if walking on my own.

  The wind begins to blow the rain sideways, and I hear Creed swear under his breath. We’re just outside my building when another gust comes racing through, blowing the umbrella inside out. I screech at the sudden pounding of rain while Creed wrestles with the umbrella. We’re both getting soaked pretty fast, and watching him lose the battle with the umbrella causes me to burst out laughing. This, of course, does not make him happy. Growling under his breath, he tosses the broken umbrella.

  “Run,” he barks. He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I book it towards my door, trying to keep up with him, still laughing.

  Drenching the lobby and elevator, and now safely inside my apartment, I pull my purse over my shoulder, dumping it on my kitchen counter. “Oh, my God, I’m soaked!” I comment, still laughing, and trying to squeeze out the rain from my blouse. I turn to Creed to see how he’s fairing, and the look in his eyes shows zero humor. “Your suit’s ruined,” I indicate, pointing to his drenched clothes as if he doesn’t already know. I was hoping to make light of the situation, but I seem to fail miserably.

  I open my mouth to try another route, but he takes a step closer to me and shut goes my mouth. Right now, I should be freezing. But instead, my body is on fire. I pull at my blouse again, trying to do something with my grabby hands when I notice what he’s noticing. I look down to realize my white blouse, thanks to the rain, is now see through. Straight through to my lace bra.


  “Oh, God.” I quickly cover my chest. How am I standing here trying to crack jokes while my boobs are like hello I can see everything! “Wow, how did those get there… So yeah, I’m just going to go—”


  I pause at his deep voice.

  “But I…”

  I trail off as he eliminates any space between us. His hand thrusts up into my hair, pushing through to my wet scalp. My lips part with the anticipation of his next move. Is he going to kiss me? Rip my head off for causing him to ruin his fancy suit? Definitely hoping for the kiss part over the latter. He tightens his grip, causing my head to fall back, locking our eyes.

  “I think I need to be clear on the kind of friendship I’m expecting.”

  Oh boy. I obviously don’t expect him to offer me the girl talk and movie night friendship. He doesn’t seem like the type to enjoy chick flicks or even understand the first thing about a Nicholas Sparks movie.

  “I want to be the friend who gets to fuck you, bite you, devour every inch of you.”

  I just creamed in my panties.

  “Is that the friendship you’re looking for?”

  I really can use a friend in Seattle, but having that be Creed may be playing with fire. He’s admitted he’s not a sip-wine-and-gossip-about-your-day, kinda friend. He’s the fuck-me-senseless-until-I-don’t-even-remember-my-day kind.

  “Answer me, Kasey.”

  If he listens hard enough, he can already hear my lower parts screaming, I’ll be your best friend, but my brain is taking a bit longer to decide. “I thought you agreed we were a one-time thing?” I ask, trying to be logical about this. He made himself very clear at the hotel. So did I. One night. Then he was gone. This was never meant to be an ongoing thing. Us? We… we can’t be anything. And as much as my hormones are already naked and spread eagle, I need to keep in mind that this… he is a bad idea.

  “Things have changed.”

  “How s-s-so?” His intensity is making me nervous.

  “Because I’ve had you. And I know I need you again.”

  Ohhhh boy. Didn’t see that one coming.

  My heart rate spikes to an abnormal beat. “But… what about your brother? I’m not sure this is a good idea.” At that, he releases my hair, taking a step back. Okay, maybe bad timing on bringing up his brother.

  “Why didn’t you tell him about us?”


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