by T. M. Smith
Victor stood and gathered the cups, pushing Jordan back down onto the couch before heading into the kitchen to start a new pot. “What do you mean Mattie when you say you won’t be putting yourself in that position again?” Andrew asked him curiously.
“I’m not going to film anymore scenes. I’m going to concentrate on my classes and maybe help you and Victor in the background, make sure what little clothing the models wear looks good, stuff like that.” He turned to face Andrew, waiting for a response. “That is, if you and Victor are okay with me doing that.”
Before Andrew could answer him, Victor was back and placing a steaming cup of coffee in both their hands. “I am thinking that will be perfect Mattie.” Victor said, running his hands through Mattie’s hair before he leaned down and kissed his forehead. When he pulled back Andrew stuck his bottom lip out, “Oh, you want a kiss too Andy.” Victor leaned down again, this time placing a quick peck on Andrew’s pouty lips.
“Don’t let me interrupt.” Jordan sounded grumpy so Victor moved over to the other side of the coffee table and leaned down to kiss Jordan on the head, but he jerked back and swatted Victor away. “Blech, gross, don’t touch me you fucking yeti!” Still, Jordan was unable to stop the smile that spread across his face.
The four of them wound up cooking dinner in the kitchen together instead of cooking on the grill. A couple of the other models were supposed to come out later in the day. Victor had planned on pulling the Jet- Skis out for a spin, but he wound up calling them and cancelling, telling them that Mattie wasn’t feeling well. And that wasn’t far from the truth. While getting every disgusting detail out in the open seemed to lift a dead weight off of the younger man’s shoulders, there was still a haunted look in his eyes. Victor decided to call around and find a female therapist that specialized in young adult sexual abuse counseling for Mattie. He wasn’t certain Mattie would open up to a man.
Mattie plugged his iPod into the dock in the kitchen and scrolled through looking for a good song. Soon “Lazy Eye” by SilverSun Pickups was blasting through the speakers and Mattie was dancing in place, singing the lyrics while he cut up vegetables for a salad. Victor turned the sauce he had on the stove down on low to simmer before grabbing Andrew and dancing around the kitchen island with Andrew in his arms. Mattie turned and watched them, a huge grin on his face. By the end of the song, all four of them were singing the lyrics, “It’s the room, the sun and the sky; the room, the sun and the sky!” at the top of their lungs.
It wasn’t until they were setting the table that Mattie remembered a conversation they had in the car during one of many trips into the city. Andrew had asked Mattie why his parents wouldn’t come looking for him when he ran away from home at sixteen. Still not certain how much of his story he should, or even wanted to share, Mattie was cryptic only saying it was because he was gay. Victor snorted and commented, “I can relate.” And nothing more was said after that.
“Victor. Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” He responded.
“You told me once you could relate, when I told you my parents wouldn’t come looking for me because I was gay and they weren’t happy about having a gay son. Will you tell me more about you and your parents?” Mattie stood holding a plate in his hand, hovering six inches above the table.
“Okay.” Victor leaned over the table and placed his hand on top of the plate, with just the slightest bit of pressure and Mattie finally sat it down.
They all sat down and started passing the pasta around, filling their plates while Andrew circled the table filling everyone’s glass. Normally, he wouldn’t give Mattie any alcohol, but with the shit they all had dealt with over the past twenty four hours, “fuck it”, he thought, and filled the glass that sat beside Mattie’s plate. “There is not much to tell. I come here with my family as a boy. We go to Harlem, we have other family there. We do home school, parents not trusting American school system, this is why I still have heavy accent. I did not learn English for many years.” Victor paused for a few minutes to take a few bites of his salad and wash those down with a healthy swig of wine.
“My mama, she want me to marry proper Romanian girl, all she talk about from the time I was thirteen. I know though, I did not look at the girls, I want to look at the boys.” Another long break in the story while Victor started on his pasta and emptied his glass, he held it out for Andrew to refill it. He smiled at him and leaned over to kiss Victor’s cheek as he poured.
“I always have love Matthew, that you must be knowing. I know my mama and papa they love me. They just not understanding why I never talk to or do things with girls. As I get older I start to explore, go out into the city, learned English. My mama, she cry all night when I tell her I want to go to high school. My papa, he tell her it will be good, I will have to be a man then. So they let me. This is where I meet first guy like me.” Victor shoveled another heaping fork full of pasta into his mouth.
“You mean a gay guy? One of your classmates was gay, right?” Mattie asked, just for clarification.
Victor nodded, swallowing and taking another pull off his glass of wine. He dabbed at the corners of his mouth and Mattie almost laughed out loud. Here he was, shoveling pasta in his mouth by the pound, like a Neanderthal. And yet, he wiped his mouth like a dainty debutante. Must be Andy’s doing, Mattie thought.
“So, I meet guy that likes me, like I like guys and we are making friends, but then one of my cousins see us at movies holding hands.” Victor whistled long and loud. “The shit struck the fan.”
“Hit the fan babe, hit the fan.” Andrew patted Victor’s hand.
Victor just waved him off. “Whatever.”
“You must be understanding Matthew, Romanian women, they spitfires. My mama go crazy and tell me I can stop going to school and stop letting the devil in. That what she think, that being gay mean you have devil in you, but I say no. She tell me she have no son then she spit on me and turn her back to me. I leave that night and I never go back.” Victor brought his glass to his mouth to take a drink, then paused, staring at the dark red liquid for a few seconds before a half smile spread across his face, then he downed the contents in one drink.
“You see Mattie,” Mattie smiled when Victor used his shortened name instead of continuing with Matthew as he often did. “My parents, they always tell me I can do or be anything. “Do not be anyone but you Victor,” my papa would say. And then, they wanting me to be someone I am not. No. I leave and I finish school, I eventually save money for college, and then I meet Andrew and the rest, what is phrase? Yes! The rest is history.” The smile on Victor’s face when he leaned over and kissed Andrew on the cheek was so genuine, Mattie sighed.
“Great story Vic, hey Andrew, can you pass me the garlic bread and a razor blade?” Jordan asked sarcastically. Mattie cracked up when Victor picked up a piece of bread and tossed it at Jordan’s head.
After they finished stuffing themselves on pasta, salad, garlic bread and wine; they all passed out in the den while watching Penny Dreadful. Victor woke around one in the morning, his neck crooked and sore since he fell asleep at an odd angle. He and Andrew decided to leave Jordan and Mattie sleeping on the couches and headed upstairs to get some sleep.
Andrew scratched his belly and yawned, walking toward the stairs. When he turned back he saw Victor cover Mattie with a throw blanket. He sat on the side of the couch, pushing the stray strands of Mattie’s hair out of his face. When he leaned forward, Andrew thought it would be another simple kiss to the forehead. He sucked in a breath when Victor kissed Mattie square on the lips.
There was a sad smile on his face when he looked over his shoulder at Andrew, but it was a smile none the less. When he met Andrew at the bottom of the stairs, he kissed him too, running his hands through Andrew’s curly hair. “Come, we sleep now.”
Andrew was physically and mentally exhausted, but as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was wide awake. “What are we going to do Victor? I won’t risk what we have, what we’ve
worked so hard to build. But, fuck, when I look at him I feel how I felt all those years ago, the first time I saw you.”
“Do you love him Andy?” Victor asked quietly.
“Not yet, but I could. And fuck it all, I want to Victor.” Andrew responded, turning his head and meeting Victor’s gaze in the dark room.
“And you?” Victor shook his head. “But you could?” Victor nodded.
Starring up at the ceiling, Andrew sighed. “Well, it seems we are in quite the predicament here my love. But you know what? We’ve always lived our lives outside of the box society wants to put us in anyway. Who’s to say we can’t have a loving, working, productive relationship with three of us instead of two? If we listened to what main stream society said, you and I wouldn’t even be together since we’re two men. Let’s give us all a few days to regroup after the events of the last couple of days and then we can sit down with Mattie, talk to him. See if his not so innocent flirtation is just that. Or if he wants more, like we obviously do.”
“I agree. He is needing a home, love and… what is word?” Victor snapped his fingers, trying to find the word he wanted to use right then, “Stable…”
“Stability,” Andrew offered.
“Yes, stable-ity.” Victor gave the pronunciation an honest effort and Andrew laughed. Victor rolled over on top of him, tickling his sides until Andrew called uncle. They talked a while longer before exhaustion set in and they finally passed out, wrapped in each other’s arms.
~ Chapter 8 | Progress ~
The first thing Victor did when he got to the office on Monday morning was call around to some therapists and try to make consultation appointments. He and Andrew had talked to Mattie about it over the weekend and were pleasantly surprised when Mattie did not even put up a fight. “Just make sure it’s a woman,” was all he asked, and Victor smiled at that response.
They decided not to bring up the topic of the three of them while talking about that night and the possibility of therapy. Victor thought it best to wait until Mattie got his head clear and was able to look at things with a better perspective. While he wanted Mattie in a more sinful way, he did not want the young man to submit to them out of some fucked up sense of appreciation for everything they’d done for him.
Cassie overheard one of the calls when she brought Victor the mail and a fresh cup of coffee and offered to call her counselor to see if she was accepting new patients. Cassie had been adopted when she was a little girl and while she didn’t remember much about her life prior to the adoption, she was plagued with nightmares that never made any sense and had an unexplainable fear of water.
It took four visits to different therapists before Mattie found one he felt comfortable with. The first one refused to talk with Mattie while Victor and Andrew were in the room. “Well, I refuse to talk to you without them,” Mattie dead panned and they quickly left that office. The second was creepy and smelled like fish according to Mattie, and the third was a deeply spiritual woman that believed the sin of homosexuality was a one way ticket straight to hell. They couldn’t get out of that office fast enough.
Dr. Elliot was a short, middle aged woman with a personable attitude and outgoing demeanor. She reminded Mattie of the actress on NCIS LA, extremely short but very perceptive. Mattie immediately felt at ease with her and they talked for two hours before she realized how much time had passed. The three of them were open and honest with her about their lifestyle and what they did for a living. All of them were surprised when she just shrugged and said, “To each their own.”
With every session, Mattie felt lighter and lighter. He had kept the events of that night bottled up inside, especially after confiding in his parents only to have his own father tell him he’d asked for it. There were a few bad days peppered in with the good ones though, even with the counseling and therapy sessions. Dr. Elliot insisted that the only way to cleanse his soul of all the pain and misery was to purge the events from that night, and they did just that in his sessions. With each passing day Mattie grew more confident and self-assured. He was passing all his classes for his online courses, and he took to his new job at All Cocks as their self-professed style guru like a duck to water.
It had been weeks since the night they learned about what happened to Mattie, what it was that made him so skittish and standoffish at times. Since he had been seeing Dr. Elliot on a regular basis and not only told someone what had happened to him, but talked about it in a safe environment, he was thriving. Victor and Andrew had yet to talk to Mattie about turning their twosome into a threesome, but since the night they opened up to each other about their feelings for Mattie, things had changed for them as well.
Victor had noticed little things here and there before Andrew spoke up, but it seemed more pronounced now. He noticed that Mattie couldn’t keep his hands off either of them. Any time they were in a room together Mattie seemed to gravitate to one or both of them. Leaning against them, sitting in between them on the couch when they watched TV, what may have been seen as an innocent touch before now seemed to have more meaning. Victor was sitting at the dining table one night working on his laptop when he looked over and saw Andrew and Mattie on the couch. They were watching a movie and Mattie had curled up against Andrew with his head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around Andrew’s middle. Victor just sat and watched them for a while. Andrew had his arm over Mattie’s shoulder and was twirling a lock of Mattie’s long, blonde hair between his fingers as they sat and laughed at something on screen.
Andrew picked up on minute details as well. He was washing the dishes after dinner one evening while Victor sat on the porch in one of the Adirondack chairs, feet propped against the wood railing that ran the length of the porch. When Mattie went out to sit with Victor he completely ignored the other three chairs and the fact that Victor’s feet were propped up and climbed right into his lap. He sat there with his back up against one arm of the chair, legs hanging over the other, while he babbled on about classes and work. Victor smiled down at him listening intently until he heard the word shoes. “Andrew!” Andrew just laughed at his partner. Victor did not understand or appreciate Mattie’s fascination with shoes.
One night Mattie was coming back upstairs after grabbing a glass of water when he noticed not only were Andrew and Victor still awake, but there was a sliver of light indicating the door was not closed all the way again. Mattie thought he was going to get another sexy show that could fuel weeks of masturbation material like the last late night sneak session. This time though, he overheard part of a conversation between them that was about him.
“He sees Dr. Elliot again tomorrow, after that I think we should sit him down and talk to him.” Andrew had said. Mattie did not need to hear his name to know they were talking about him, especially with the mention of Dr. Elliot and his appointment with her the next day.
“I am just worry now that for him, it is infatuation and we might be setting up for pain Andy.” Mattie couldn’t see Victor, but he could hear the desperation in his voice.
“I don’t think we are that far off base here Vic, but if we are, we will still support him and help him in any way we can, right?”
“Of course we will.” Victor’s voice sounded muffled.
Mattie made his way to his room in a daze, plopping down on the edge of his bed, staring out the open window. He had only caught the tail end of their conversation, but from what he heard, it seemed perhaps Victor and Andrew’s feelings for him were in line with Mattie’s feelings for them. He did not want to hope that what he overheard was a confession of feelings for him, but in Mattie’s troubled life so far, he had learned that sometimes all a person could cling to was hope.
“So how are things with school and work Mattie?” Dr. Elliot asked as soon as he arrived the next day.
“It’s great. I’m passing all my classes and I’m actually looking into transferring my credits to NYU in the fall. As for work, Andrew told me last week that people were leaving comments on some
of the videos, saying it’s about time the Cocks learned how to dress.” Mattie finished that sentence with a snigger. Dr. Elliot shook her head but smiled. She knew about their lifestyle choices and the kind of work they all did and she never passed judgement or condemned them for it.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something. I, well, I think I may have met someone that I want to get involved with.” Mattie braced himself for negative feedback at that statement.
“Oh wonderful Mattie, tell me about him. Where did you meet?” She gave Mattie a genuine smile.
Mattie thought for a moment, trying to decide how much of the truth to share. “He’s kind and funny and tall with these beautiful blue eyes. We, ah, well… we met at work.” Mattie chewed on his bottom lip waiting to hear Dr. Elliot’s reaction.
“Sweetie, are you sure that’s a wise decision? You know I don’t care how you choose to live your life, but there is a certain amount of baggage that comes with anyone in the line of work you’re in.” She paused for a moment, watching Mattie and seeming to choose her next words carefully. “Just promise me that you won’t go making any big changes or life altering decisions right now. You are still healing mentally, physically and emotionally from the abuse and I don’t want you to set yourself back because you want something so badly, that might not be right for you.”