Hostile Takeover: Resisting Centralized Government's Stranglehold on America
Page 44
self-interest, 29
Senate. see U.S. Senate
Sennholz, Hans, 200, 229
Sessions, Pete, 120
Shanker, Albert, 238
Sifry, Micah, 320–321, 324
Siga Technologies, 171
silver, as money, 205
Simon, Paul, 135–136
Simonelli, Lorenzo, 173
simplified tax code, 177
“simulating a hearing,” 4, 6
“single payer” healthcare system, 258
Sixteenth Amendment, 185–187
smallpox vaccines, 171
SMART Account, 304–305
SMART Act. see Strengthening Medicare and Repaying Taxpayers (SMART) Act
Smith, Adam, 27, 85, 93, 150
Smith, Lamar, 320
Smith, Vernon, 85, 74
Sobchak, Walter, 104
“social contract,” 297
socialism, 30–31, 79–80, 96, 203
social justice, defined, 80
social media, 76, 119, 329–330, 332
Social Security:
about, 20, 279, 287, 297
bankruptcy of, 297
culture of dependency, 50
history, 292–297
payroll tax, 292, 294, 296–297
as privilege not property, 291–292
problems with, 300, 303
reform, 299, 310
return on investment, 298–299
Tea Party Budget, 147
trust fund, 299
worker-to-retiree ratio, 298
Solyndra, 31, 32, 78, 156, 158, 159–162
“Sons of Liberty,” 15
SOPA. see Stop Online Piracy Act
South Carolina, 121–125
Sowell, Thomas, 218
Space, Kelli, 249–250
Spahr, Charles B., 51
Spain, debt crisis, 21, 225
Specter, Arlen, 117–118, 128
Spinner, Steve, 160
spontaneous order, 332
Spratt, John, 121, 122, 143, 329
Squawk Box, 75
stagflation, 189, 212
“State Capitalism,” 154
State Children’s Health Insurance Program. see S-CHIP
Steele, Michael, 120
Steinhauser, Brendan, 8
Stephanopoulos, George, 295
Stephens, Marlene, 261
Stern, Andrew, 171
stimulus legislation, 112, 323
stimulus package, 159
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), 320, 321
street protests, 112
Strengthening Medicare and Repaying Taxpayers (SMART) Act, 304
student loans, 246–250
Summers, Larry, 168
“supercommittee” (Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction), 1, 3, 23, 145
supply and demand, of money, 203–204
Supreme Court, revolution of 1937, 294–295
swing voters, 116
Taft, William Howard, 186
talk radio, 59, 63
tanning-bed tax, 198
TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 67–68, 84, 98, 105–107, 154, 219, 220, 322
Tauzin, Billy, 169, 170
Tax Act of 1932, 188
tax-and-spend power, 294
taxation, 175–199
Buffett Rule, 176, 222–225
capital gains tax, 194
flat tax, 177, 192–194, 197
Founding Fathers on, 181–182
tanning-bed tax, 198
see also income taxes
tax code, 177, 178
tax credits, for education, 246
tax extenders, 198
“tax hike,” use of term, 176
Taxpayer March on Washington (2009), 8, 10, 86, 90, 91, 108–110
tax reform, 36, 177, 179–180, 193
tax simplification, 36
teachers, 239, 240
see also education
teachers’ unions, 238–239
Tea Party (colonial). see Boston Tea Party
Tea Party (modern):
accusations of racism, 97
attacks on, 109–110
building at a local level, 112–113
color-blindness of, 126
Contract from America, 99, 125, 127, 130, 131
described as domestic terrorists, 87, 97, 323
emergence, 107–109
on federal budget, 140–144
Florida, 128
freedom as strategy, 330–333
Get Out the Vote (GOTV), 114, 131, 331, 332
grassroots campaigning, 119
Hoffa on, 316–317
Jones on, 99–100
Kentucky, 126–127
as “meta-brand,” 75
origins, 9–10
as partisan, 108
Patient’s Bill of Rights, 284
Pelosi on, 14
protests, 113, 326–327, 339–340
purpose of, 108
second iteration of, 111
shifting power from White House back to Congress, 119
South Carolina, 121–125
Utah, 127–128
values, 332
Tea Party Budget, 146
Tea Party Class, 121
Tea Party Debt Committee (TPDC)
about, 144–147, 303–304
ejection from Senate Rules Committee, 1–7, 24, 25
Tea Party in the Park (Florida; 2009), 10
Tea Party marches, unfair treatment by governmental agencies, 8–10
media and, 59
see also Internet
Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996, 59
CBS Evening News, 53, 61, 70, 74
evening news shows, 61
new personality TV networks, 65–66
television audiences, 61
Tenth Amendment, 241, 244–245, 292
tenure, for teachers, 239, 247
Galveston model for pension funding, 303
oil exploration, 165
The Theory of Money and Credit (Mises), 205
The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 85
theory of value, 115
Thiel, Peter, 250
“third-party payment,” 276–278, 283
Thomas, Sherri, 244
Thompson, Fred, 334
Thompson, Joe, 121–122
Thurmond, Paul, 124, 125
Thurmond, Strom, 124, 125
“A Time for Choosing” (Reagan), 310
Toomey, Pat, 117, 118, 137, 139, 143
top-down approach, 27–28, 52, 58, 93, 120, 212, 226, 232, 242
treasury bonds, 211
Treaty of Versailles, 214
Troubled Asset Relief Program. see TARP
Twitter, protest movements and, 76
Tzortzatos, Stacey, 89
U2 (rock band), 196
ultrarich, IRS statistics, 178–179
unemployment rate, 218, 266
United Kingdom, healthcare system, 258–260
United Nations, 54
United States:
debt crisis, 19–22
education, 230–253
Great Depression, 215
interest rates, 211, 216–217
monetary policy, 201–229
national debt, 19–20, 214
quality of American education, 233–234
unemployment, 218
unemployment rate, 218, 266
U.S. Capitol Police (USCP), 5–7, 88
U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), 165, 167
U.S. Congress:
as America’s Board of Directors, xiii–xiv
budget resolution, 22–23
ejection of Tea Party Debt Committee, 1–7, 24, 25
freshman class of 2010, 130–135
Republican majority, 129–130
“simulating a hearing,” 4, 6
tax-and-spend power, 294
U.S. Constitution:r />
Commerce Clause, 293
First Amendment rights, 17
General Welfare Clause, 293
“individual mandate” to buy health insurance, 268
Sixteenth Amendment, 185–187
on taxation, 183, 185
Tenth Amendment, 241, 244–245, 292
U.S. Department of Education, 241–242
U.S. dollar, 208–209
“The Use of Knowledge in Society” (Hayek), 41
U.S. government:
bond ratings, 21
centralized authority in, 22
debt default, 22
federal budget, 18–19
federal deficit, 19–20
federal interest payments, 21–22
federal spending, 19
national debt, 19–20
U.S. Park Police, unequal treatment by, 12–13
U.S. presidents, top-down executive power, 336
U.S. Senate:
freshman class of 2010, 130–135
hearing rules of Senate Rules Committee, 5
Republican majority, 129–130
U.S. Senate Rules Committee, ejection of Tea Party Debt Committee, 1–7, 24, 25
U.S. treasury bonds, 211
U.S. v. Butler (1936), 374n15
Utah, 127–128, 136
value, 115, 204
Vermont, spending on education, 237
violence, in schools, 234, 235
Richmond Tea Party, 11–12
tax credits for education, 246
von Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen, 29
vouchers, 243–245
“walk of freedom,” 8
Wall Street Journal, 61
Wall Street reform, 318
War Revenue Act of 1917, 187
Washington, George, 337–338, 340
Washington (state), spending on education, 237
Washington D.C.:
Occupy Wall Street damages, 12–13
Opportunity Scholarship Program, 244–245
spending on education, 237
Washington Post, 70
The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 27, 150
wealth redistribution, 80, 92, 93, 95, 151
Weimar Republic, 213–214
Welch, Matt, 107
welfare state, 50
West, Kanye, 83
What You Should Know About Inflation (Hazlitt), 226
White, Lawrence, 215, 227, 228
Whole Foods Market, 271–273
Williams-Bolar, Kelley, 234–235, 236
Wilson, Woodrow, 186, 279
Winfrey, Oprah, 66
withholding taxes, 189
Wolfram, Gary, 248
World War I, taxation and, 187
World War II, taxation and, 188
Yandle, Bruce, 166
YouTube, videos on, 4–7, 8–9, 38, 74, 75
Zakaria, Fareed, 40
Zakarin, Jordan, 335
Zappa, Frank, 53, 54
Zimbabwe, 213
Zuccotti Park (Manhattan), 89, 94
Zuckerberg, Mark, 250
MATT KIBBE is the president and CEO of FreedomWorks, a nationwide grassroots organization that acts as a service center for citizens wanting to join the fight for more individual freedom and less government control. “Probably the most influential Tea Party–aligned group in Washington” (Matt Bai, New York Times), FreedomWorks played a pivotal role in the September 12, 2009, Taxpayer March on Washington, and continues to connect grassroots activists across the country in defense of constitutionally conservative values. Newsweek dubbed Kibbe one of the movement’s “masterminds.”
An economist by training, Kibbe is a senior fellow at the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna. He has become a respected national public policy expert, best-selling author, and political commentator. He is a frequent guest on Fox News, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, GBTV, and CSPAN, as well as a broad network of radio talk shows. He has written for the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Investor’s Business Daily, Politico, the Washington Examiner, and numerous other national and online publications. In 2010, Kibbe coauthored the #1 Washington Post bestseller Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto.
Kibbe, an avid Deadhead and committed Little Lebowski Urban Achiever, lives in Washington, D.C., with his awesome wife, Terry.
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Give Us Liberty (with Dick Armey)
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