Gurley, Eloine Mary, see Alford, Mary
Gurley, Ira Marvin; death of; male chauvinism of; political career of
Gurley, James
Gurley, John
Gurley, Mary, see Alford, Mary
Gurley, Nita
Gurley, Virginia
Haefele, Marc
Haiken, Elizabeth
Haley, Alex
Hansen, Patti
Hanson, Jack
Harlow, Jean
Harris, Eleanor
Hart, Marilyn
Harvard Lampoon
Hasselhoff, David
Having It All (Brown)
Hawn, Goldie
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hays, Will
Healy, Robert
Hearst, Patricia
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearst Corporation
Hedley, Pamela
Heffner, Alexander
Hefner, Hugh
Helen Gurley Brown’s Single Girl’s Cookbook (Brown)
Heller, Joseph
Hemingway, Margaux
Hentoff, Nat
Hepburn, Audrey
Hi, Ladies (TV show)
High, Randy
Hill, Anita
Hill, George Roy
His Darling Wife (Roberts)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitler, Adolf
Hoefflin, Jeffrey
Hohoff, Tay
Holker, Hal
Hollywood Reporter
Hook, Sidney
Hope, Bob
Horne, Lena
Horton, Edward Everett
Hound of the Baskervilles, The (Doyle)
House Beautiful
Howard, Jane
How to Make It in a Man’s World (Pogrebin)
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)
Hoyt, Seth
Huckabee, Mike
Hughes, Howard
Human Sexual Response, The (Masters and Johnson)
Hutton, E. F.
hydrogen bomb
Hypnotism Handbook, The (Cooke)
I Feel Bad About My Neck (Ephron)
Improbable First Century of Cosmopolitan Magazine, The (Landers)
I’m Wild Again (Brown)
Indian Removal Act
Insatiable (Greene)
Ireland, Kathy
I Remember Mama (film)
Issa, Kobayashi
Jackson, Mahalia
Jack Tinker & Partners
Jaffe, Marc
Jaffe, Rona
James, P. D.
Jaws (film)
Jaws Log, The (Gottlieb)
Jax label
Jessup, Aleta
Jessup, Elizabeth
John H. Francis Polytechnic High School
Johnson, Betsey
Johnson, Beverly
Johnson, Diane
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Virginia
Jolie, Angelina
Jolson, Al
Jones, Jennifer
Jong, Erica
Jordan, Vernon
Joy of Cooking, The (Rombauer)
Justman brothers
Kanin, Garson
Karan, Donna
Kaufman, Joanne
Kaye, Sidney
Kelly, Anne Marie
Kelly, Charles
Kelly, Charlotte, see Veal, Charlotte Kelly
Kelly, Grace
Kelly, Janet A.
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Jackie
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kenyon & Eckhardt (K&E)
Kerr, Jean
Kessler, Janet
Kids Say the Darndest Things (TV show)
King, Henry
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King and I, The (musical)
Kinsey, Alfred
Kirsch, Robert L.
Kissinger, Henry
Kissinger, Nancy
Kitt, Eartha
Kitty Foyle (Morley)
Klein, Calvin
Klute (film)
Koop, C. Everett
Koppel, Ted
Korda, Michael
Kornbluth, Jesse
Korshak, Sidney
Krantz, Judith
Krantz, Steve
Krim, Mathilde
Kroll, Lucy
LaBarre, Harriet
Ladies’ Home Journal
Lale, Newton “Newt”
Landers, James
Lardner, Ring
Last Mogul, The (McDougal)
Late Show, The (Brown)
Lau, Mary Louise
Lauder, Leonard
LA Weekly
Lawrence, Harding
Lawrence, Mary Wells
Lazar, Irving “Swifty”
Lazar, Mary
Leaf, Norman
Lee, Gypsy Rose
Lee, Harper
LeGacy, Liberty “Tibby”
Lehman, Ernest
Lehman, Jackie
Lemann, Nicholas
Lennon, John
Les Crane Show, The (TV show)
Lessons in Love (album)
Let Me Entertain You (Brown)
Levitt, Bill
Levitt, Simone
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Richard Warren
Lewis, Sinclair
Liebermann, Philip
Lilith (film)
Lindberg, Gladys
Lindberg, Walter
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindbergh kidnapping
Lindsay, John
Linkletter, Art
Lipfert, Bernard
Little Rock, Ark.
Loeb and Loeb
LoGuidice, Robin
Lombardo, Guy
Los Angeles Mirror
Los Angeles Times
Love Story (film)
Lovey (Cosmo logo)
Lowman, Charles LeRoy
Luce, Clare Booth
Luckman, Charles
Lumet, Gail
Lupino, Ida
MacArthur, Douglas
Macdonald, Ross
Madden, Mary Ann
Mad Men (TV show)
Magazine Publishers Association
Magnin, Cyril
Mahaffey, Ann
Mailer, Norman
Make Love Not War (Allyn)
Malcolm X
Mandelbaum, Nathan
Mangan, Tom
Manhattan Project
Mansfield, Guy
Mansfield, Irving
Mansfield Park (Austen)
Manville, William
Marie Claire
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Patricia
Mason, Alice
Mason, Jackie
Masters, William
Mastroianni, Marcello
Matsunaga, Setsuko
Matthews, Freed
Matthews, Willis
Mauer, Gil
Maugham, W. Somerset
Max (TV show)
Max Factor
Mayes, Alex, see Birnbaum, Alex Mayes
Mayes, Grace
Mayes, Herbert
Mayes, Vicki
Maynard, Joyce
McCann Erickson
McCarthy, Joe
McCarthy, Mary
McDonald, Ed F.
McDougal, Dennis
McGhee, Ethel
McGraw, Ali
Mead, Margaret
Menendez, Abelardo
Metalious, Grace
Michael (driver)
Mike Douglas Show, The (TV show)
sp; Miller, Mason
Miller v. Chandler
Millett, Kate
Minow, Newton
Mishima, Yukio
Mississippi Flood of 1927
Miss Universe
Moby Dick (film)
Modern Bride
Monroe, Marilyn
Moore, Michael
Morley, Christopher
Mother’s Story, A (Vanderbilt)
movies titles
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
multi-orgasmic women
Murdoch, Iris
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, Eddie
Murrow, Edward R.
Music Corporation of America (MCA)
Myerson, Bess
My Life (Reynolds)
My Mother/My Self (Friday)
Myra Breckinridge (film)
Nader, Ralph
Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer)
Nation, Carry
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL)
National Organization for Women (NOW)
National Review
National Socialist Party
National Women’s Political Caucus
Natural Blonde (Smith)
Neale, Mrs.
Nebel, Long John
Neel, Alice
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Network (film)
New American Library
New Frontier
New Journalism
Newman, Paul
New York
New Yorker
New York Herald Tribune
New York Journal
New York Post
New York Radical Feminists
New York Social Diary
New York Times
New York Times Book Review
New York Times Magazine
New York World’s Fair
Niccolini, Julian
Nichols, Mike
Nightline (TV show)
1933 Chicago World’s Fair, The (Ganz)
Nineteenth Amendment
Nitze, Paul
Nixon, Richard
Nizer, Louis
Norman, Gene
North Arkansas Star
Norton, Eleanor Holmes
Not That Kind of Girl (Dunham)
Oates, Joyce Carol
Oberon, Merle
O’Brien, Edna
O’Connor, Sandra Day
Ogilvy, David
Ogilvy on Advertising (Ogilvy)
O’Hair, Madalyn Murray
O’Hara, John
Oh! Susanna (TV show)
Onassis, Jacqueline
Once Is Not Enough (Susann)
Ono, Yoko
Open Mind, The (TV show)
Orentreich, Norman
Orthopaedic Institute for Children (OIC)
Oswald, Lee Harvey
O’Toole, Peter
Our Bodies, Ourselves
Our Miss Brooks (TV show)
Outlaw, The (film)
Outrageous Opinions (TV show)
Oysterman, Bob
Pakula, Alan
Parker, Judith
Parkins, Barbara
Partisan Review
Passages (Sheehy)
Pataki, George
Patsy doll
Pearl Harbor attack
Perelman, S. J.
Peretti, Elsa
Perlman, Rhea
Peters, Bill
Peterson, Pete
Pettet, Joanna
Peyton Place (Metalious)
Philadelphia (film)
Piazza, Nick
Pidgeon, Walter
Pitch Dark (Adler)
Plainsman, The (film)
Planned Parenthood
Plath, Sylvia
Platt, Bob
Please Don’t Eat the Daisies (Kerr)
Plimpton, George
Pogrebin, Letty Cottin
Poitier, Sidney
Pollock, Jackson
Poly Optimist
Porizkova, Paulina
Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth)
Preminger, Otto
Presley, Elvis
Preston, Don
Previn, Soon Yi
Priest, Sharon
Production Code Administration (PCA)
Prudden, Bonnie
Publishers Weekly
Pucci, Emilio
Pump House Gang, The (Wolfe)
Pussycat Foundation
Pyne, Joe
Rainmaker, The (Nash)
Rand, Ayn
Rand, Sally
Rayman, Eric
Reader’s Digest
Reagan, Ronald
Redford, Robert
Reed, Rex
Reeves, Rosser
Reiman, Margot
Release from Nervous Tension (Fink)
Re-Making Love (Masters and Johnson)
Reynolds, Burt
Ribble, Denise
Rich, Deborah
Rich, Frank
Rich, Yvonne
Richardson, Sally
Richmond Junior League
Rise and Shine (TV show)
Rivers, Joan
Roach, Hal
Roberts, Oral
Robinson, Donald
Rochlin, Margy
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rockford, Mickey
Roe v. Wade
Rogers, Ginger
Rogers, Peter
Rombauer, Irma S.
Rombin, Hillevi
Romper Room (TV show)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rose, Charlie
Roth, Emery
Rowton, Teresa
Roxon, Lillian
Rubell, Steve
Rubenstein, Atoosa
Rubin, David
Runyon, Damon
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Jane
Russo, Rene
Sade, Marquis de
Sagan, Françoise
Sahl, Mort
Sain, Ben
St. Johns, Adela Rogers
Salinger, J. D.
Samantha (cat)
Sam Jaffe literary agency
Sandburg, Carl
Sanders, Albert
San Francisco Chronicle
Sanger, Margaret
San Simeon
Santa Fe railroad
Sargent, Betty
Sassoon, Vidal
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Review of Literature
Sawyer, Diane
Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne)
Scavullo, Francesco
Schaap, Dick
Schandorf, Ruth
Scheider, Roy
Schiff, Stephen
Schiffer, Claudia
Schmidt, Helmut
Schreibman, Susie
Schwartz, Delmore
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schweitzer, Albert
“Scratchy Needle on a Phonograph Record” (Salinger)
Scuttle (game)
Seaman, Barbara
Searles, John
Sears Roebuck
Seattle Post-Intelligence
Segal, Erich
Seitz, Isabella
Seitz, Lawson
self-help genre
“Self-Reliance” (Emerson)
Selznick, David O.
Semditch Paramder Mongkut (Spam) (cat)
Sensuous Woman, The (Rubin)
Sex and the College Girl (Greene)
sp; Sex and the New Single Girl (Brown)
Sex and the Office (Brown); book tour of; disappointing sales of; writing of
Sex and the Single Girl (Brown); advertising for; American Weekly issue on; banning of; book tour for; Cleo’s reaction to; editing of; endorsements of; foreign editions of; publicity for; publisher’s guarantee for; reviews of; rewriting of; royalties of; sales of; selling of; title chosen for; writing of
Sex and the Single Girl (film); ads for; purchase of rights to; screenplay of
Sex and the Single Man (Ellis)
Sex Can Be an Art! (Cooke)
sex education
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (Kinsey)
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Kinsey)
sexual harassment
Sexual Politics (Millett)
Sex Without Guilt (Ellis)
Shakespeare, William
Shane (film)
Shavelson, Mel
Sheehy, Gail
Shepard, Alan B.
Sheraton, Mimi
Sherman, Gabriel
Shields, Brooke
Shields, Teri
Shriver, Eunice
Sills, Beverly
Simon & Schuster
Simpson, Mona
Simpson, O. J.
Sims, Naomi
Sinatra, Frank
Sinatra, Nancy, Jr.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Sisco, Alfred Burr
Sisco, Carl Wilson
Sisco, Charlie Burton
Sisco, Granville
Sisco, Henry Booker
Sisco, Jack Harvey
Sisco, Jennie Denton Seitz
Sisco, Jennie Gladys
Sisco, Jessie Willie
Sisco, Mary Louise
Sisco, Thelma Ruth
Sisco, Virginia Helen
60 Minutes (TV show)
Skouras, Spyros
Smith, Jim
Smith, Liz
Sneed, Charles
Soldan, Michael
Somewhere Apart (Brown)
Southern, Terry
South Pacific (musical)
Spears, Scott
Spengler, Cindy
Spengler, Peter
Spielberg, Steven
Spin Sisters (Blyth)
Springsteen, Bruce
Stage Door (Ferber)
Stamps, Frank
Stamps Store
Stanford, Leland
Stanley, Florence
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Stauffer System
Stein, Jules
Steinem, Gloria
Stephenson, Ola
Stern, Elizabeth
Stevens, George
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Jon
Stewart, Martha Kostyra
Stewart-Gordon, Faith
Sting, The (film)
Stories of John Cheever, The (Cheever)
Storm, Gale
Stultz, Bobbe
Stutz, Geraldine
Suddenly, Last Summer (Williams)
Sugarland Express, The (film)
Super Chief
Susann, Jacqueline; breast cancer of
Susskind, David
Swanson, Gloria
Tabb, Betty
Talese, Gay
Tarcher, Judy, see Krantz, Judith
Tate, Sharon
Taylor, Elizabeth
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