Tap Dance Kidnap

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Tap Dance Kidnap Page 6

by S M Mala

  A car pulled up and she got in.

  He was stumped at what she was up to then figured she was getting a fix of some sort.

  Kit shook his head, remembering what it was like to be hooked.

  Paying the bill, he walked out and headed back home.

  ‘Mr Foley!’ he heard someone shout and turned to see a dark blue car pull up beside him. The window came down and it was Jeremy Wilton. ‘Can we speak?’

  ‘I’m in a bit of a rush and-.’ The door was opened as the car ground to a halt. ‘I might have a few minutes.’

  Kit got in. Turning, he saw Jeremy Wilton properly.

  He was in his late seventies with exceptionally high cheekbones. His skin had a slight hint of tan but he was more or less as he remembered when they last met.

  ‘I hear from Gareth you’re finding out more about the target,’ Wilton began, a wide smile spreading across his lips. ‘And the others in the group.’

  ‘If you just told me who she was then it would make it easier. There are two people and-.’

  ‘You know, you’re supposed to get to know the rest of the people to find out what she gets up to and-.’

  ‘It’s impossible if I don’t know who she is,’ he said, letting out a massive sigh. ‘There are three people that fit the description and, like I’m sure Captain has debriefed you, two have partners but nothing untoward.’

  ‘And the third person?’ he asked, turning to look him straight in the eye. ‘Is she with someone?’

  ‘Personally speaking, that fruitcake is a bit unhinged and strange so I doubt that very much.’

  ‘You need to find out.’

  ‘She’s not the most talkative.’

  ‘Then make her.’

  Kit shook his head from side to side, sitting up straight in his seat.

  ‘Do you have something to say Mr Foley?’

  ‘I think it’s pretty weird kidnapping someone when-.’

  ‘Minding, I think is the operative word.’

  ‘Okay, minding someone for a short space of time because their partner might be manipulating them. I mean, won’t the man go mental when they find out they’re missing? What good would that do? Maybe they’ll think the target has run off with someone and it might make their return trickier.’

  ‘I see, you have been thinking about it,’ Wilton smiled, revealing the shiny white teeth. ‘Mr Foley, you have to help us as this favour has been requested through Mr Tooley. And as I’ve said before, you are unique in many ways. Once this is finished you will hear from me no more. It will be a done deal, I believe is the expression. We are paying you handsomely and this will cover all incidentals and your time. Any expenses occurred will also be compensated for but we’ll need receipts.’

  ‘She’s a person, a human being,’ Kit said, his voice getting a little higher. ‘It seems such an extreme length to go to.’

  ‘My client believes the person who might be causing her harm is dangerous. We need to find out more which will enable us to proceed with the next stage.’

  ‘I dread to think what that is.’

  ‘I don’t think I can,’

  … Kit replied after Angela propositioned him to go to a hotel room Saturday afternoon while they were at lunch. ‘I’m due back at the bar.’

  ‘God, you’re so gorgeous and I’m feeling horny,’ she purred in his ear.

  He’d held off flinching, just flexing his muscles to hide how his body was involuntarily acting to her touch.

  ‘Maybe another time?’

  ‘That’s going to be hard because we’re going away for a few months to Berlin. It’s for his work and I won’t be back until March. And I wanted to fuck you before I went.’

  He gulped hard realising she was indeed ready to do something as her hand travelled up his thigh. Kit never expected her to be so full on.

  It also occurred to him that Angela was now off the list.

  ‘When you get back we’ll get together and have a lot of fun,’ lied Kit, taking a deep breath and kissing her gently on the lips.

  It felt odd or he wasn’t relaxed enough.

  ‘I think we’d be good together,’ she whispered. ‘And I can’t wait.’

  ‘Another time, another place.’

  After he got the bill, Kit hailed her a taxi and watched it drive off, relieved that he wasn’t going to get sexually accosted.

  Suddenly he took a deep breath and realised he would now focus on Ingrid.

  ‘For someone who says they’re busy running a bar, you certainly like to lunch a lot, especially your students.’

  Kit didn’t know where it came from then turned and saw Sasha standing behind him wearing dark sunglasses.

  ‘Oh, what are you doing here?’ he asked, hiding the shock of seeing her.

  ‘What’s it got to do with you?’ she quietly replied and looked down at her feet. ‘Are you trying to get a threesome with Ingrid and Angela? You know they’re friends and probably have a bet to see who can get into your pants first.’

  ‘You’re talking to me,’ he said, thinking out aloud.

  ‘Okay,’ she said, looking up and stepping back. ‘I take it you’re having a funny turn.’

  ‘You don’t speak.’

  ‘You’ll find I am.’

  He stepped back and looked at her up and down. Sasha was about five foot four and slightly built.

  She took off her glasses and equally stared back.

  There were no dark rings under her eyes and a healthy glow was radiating from her skin.

  Then something happened unimaginably to her face.

  Sasha started to smile which threw him. She was far prettier than he realised.

  Actually beautiful which unnerved him.

  ‘Are you married or do you have a boyfriend?’ he asked quickly, knowing Wilton had only requested this information the day before.

  ‘You’re fast!’

  ‘Just a question,’ he shrugged, feeling uncomfortable with the smile. ‘I’m not interested, so you know.’

  ‘None of the above, my lord.’

  ‘Why are you smiling at me?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Sasha shrugged. ‘I see it makes you feel uncomfortable so I’ll smile some more.’

  And she did.

  The woman was beaming and he realised she found something amusing.

  ‘I think you’re strange,’ he honestly said. ‘I have to go.’

  ‘Are you on something?’ she asked, stepping a little closer.

  ‘Are you?’

  ‘Not today,’ she replied then tilted her head to one side. ‘I’m compass mentis today that means mentally fine.’

  ‘So what was Vanessa doing when you told her she stabbed you hard? I take it you’re a junkie.’

  ‘You take it wrong. You were eavesdropping?’

  ‘I heard and saw you holding your arm.’

  ‘Vitamin shot.’

  ‘You think I’m stupid.’

  ‘I’m starting to.’

  They stood there looking at each other as she continued to smile.

  ‘This has been meaningful but I better go,’ Sasha sighed. ‘Have a nice weekend, Kit Foley.’

  She walked to the kerb, looked out for traffic then crossed over the road, walking into the Vietnamese café.

  Now he wasn’t quite sure what to do.

  He was expected back at the bar but something about Sasha intrigued him.

  In all the weeks he had taught her tap this was the most she had ever said.

  Kit wondered how she knew about Angela and Ingrid being friends which he didn’t. She might know more, especially about Ingrid. Sasha wasn’t with anyone so that confirmed she should be left off the list now consisting of one.

  Quickly he ran across the road and walked into the narrow café, looking out for her.

  She was sat in the corner with her back to everyone and head down. Not wanting to frighten her, he walked to the side and noticed she was watching something on a tablet with her headphones on.

  It was
then he realised it was ‘Singing in the Rain’.

  She was so rubbish at tap he wondered if this is why she wanted to do it.

  Because of a film.

  He sat down at a seat opposite, by the wall, and waited to see if she’d notice then smiled as he watched her face. It was awestruck.

  That was how he felt when he used to watch musicals, especially that film, as a child before realising that wasn’t what boys like him should do. Justin yes, but not Kit.

  Then Sasha turned her head and did a double take, pulling her headphones out and letting them fall onto her lap.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked, frowning.

  ‘I asked you that only a few minutes ago and you didn’t answer,’ Kit said, unable to stop from smiling. ‘You come here to eat and watch films?’

  She turned the tablet off and placed it on the table.

  ‘I get peace and quiet,’ she said, narrowing her eyes at him. ‘Plus privacy.’

  ‘And you like musicals?’

  ‘Love them.’

  ‘So do I.’

  ‘Are you gay?’

  ‘No,’ he scowled. ‘Do I look it?’

  ‘Sometimes,’ she grinned. ‘But not when you dance. You look like a personal trainer from the gym with tap shoes, to be honest.’

  ‘I see,’ taking offence to her comment.

  ‘I mean, you’re not as elegant as Justin, that’s for sure.’

  ‘And you don’t dance as elegantly as a three legged hippo,’ he sniped back, making her laugh.

  ‘Are you following me? Am I your intended third victim? You know Vanessa fancies you, so get stuck in there. That old woman would give you a run for your money, believe me. Frisky little geriatric, that’s her.’

  She’d taken her hood off and this was the first time he’d seen her properly. Her hair was tied back. It was thick, wavy and black with a sheen.

  Sasha had light brown skin but the texture looked different from when he first saw her. She seemed very alert. He noticed a mischievous look in her eyes.

  ‘Is this a date?’ she smiled while Kit tried to hide his grin. ‘I’ve not been on one of those in years.’

  ‘Can I join you?’ he asked, intrigued by this completely different person, thinking she had a split personality. She frowned for a second. ‘If that’s okay?’

  ‘I’m only getting my usual bowl of soup. Do you want one? It’s very nice.’ Sasha held her breath. ‘And I don’t have bi-polar, neither am I on medication or drugs like I know you think. Sometimes I just get very tired so you’re safe.’

  Shuffling across, he sat opposite.

  Again they stared at each other before both starting to laugh nervously.

  ‘Do you want me to order you a soup? Unless you’ve eaten. They do tea and coffee.’

  ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘So why are you here?’

  ‘I was just interested to know what you were doing.’

  A puzzled look appeared on Sasha’s face.

  ‘I know you’ve been getting very friendly with everyone, asking questions about all sorts of things. Estella thought you might be a cop with the intention of arresting us for crimes towards dance.’

  ‘Why do you go to the lessons when you don’t do anything?’ he asked, realising he was being frank.

  ‘Because I love seeing the others trying to learn and the teachers are good to watch, even you. And let’s be honest, you’re not that good, not compared to Justin. Is he really your brother?’

  It was odd, this fresh approach.

  Ten minutes ago they’d not said a word to each other and now they were asking questions.

  ‘Are you always so upfront?’ Kit asked, sitting back.

  ‘Are you?’

  A bowl appeared in front of Sasha.

  ‘Do you like watching people eat?’ she asked, getting her chopsticks. ‘You might need to put a napkin around your clothes as I splash a lot.’

  He examined her hands and saw an engagement and wedding band on her right hand.

  She looked up and caught him.

  ‘Go on, ask,’ she said, starting to eat.

  Her eyes darted up to his and he wanted to smile at the challenging expression.

  ‘Is that your mother’s?’ he asked, watching her face break into a massive smile before laughing.

  ‘If it was, the rock would be the size of my hand and not just the one.’ Sasha shook her head then sighed. ‘That was quite sweet so I expect they haven’t told you about me, just yet.’ Then she put her head down and ate some noodles, deep in thought and looked up at him again. This time her eyes were less amused. ‘I had a family and they died which means I was a wife and mother. Actually, that’s not true. I was a wife then we divorced but I will always be a mother.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ said Kit, shocked at what she said, realising she’d picked up on it. ‘That’s awful.’ It was now awkward as the fast approached interrogation had changed. ‘How … how did it happen?’

  ‘Paul, my ex-husband, was taking us home from a day out at a country fair. The kids and I weren’t supposed to be going but I managed to wrangle out of some birthday bash. It was a perfect day. Paul and his dad were going to see some relatives and we decided to gate crash the party, try and be a family unit. God, what a stupid expression.’ Sasha bit her lip. ‘On one of the country roads a car came straight into us. Florence, Mylo and Paul’s father died…’ she hesitated. ‘I survived and was on life support for a while.’

  ‘Where’s your ex?’

  ‘Oh,’ she said, gulping hard. ‘He was wracked with guilt because he was driving the car. When I was ill in hospital, he committed suicide.’

  He didn’t know what to say.

  Shocked was an understatement as her face betrayed nothing.

  For the first time, Kit couldn’t think of comforting words for someone who had obviously had a lot thrown at them. Sasha’s life seemed worse than his.

  ‘Justin’s son is called Mylo,’ was all he could come up with.

  She smiled.

  ‘I know. They went to the same fertility specialist as us. Paul had a low sperm count so we needed some help.’

  ‘How long ago was the accident?’

  ‘Four years,’ Sasha let out a small laugh. ‘You must have got me on a good day. Sometimes I can’t even talk about it, the grief seems so raw but today I can.’

  ‘And that’s why you’re shit at tap dancing? Because you were injured?’

  She burst out laughing which surprised him. He wanted to laugh at the same time as it was infectious.

  ‘What’s so funny?’ he asked, watching her eat her food and constantly glance at him.

  ‘You’re not supposed to tell a student they’re shit. You have to encourage me to get better and help with my unique tap approach.’

  ‘I don’t think I have enough words in my vocabulary to do that.’

  She grinned at him. Kit suddenly had all these questions shuttling through his brain and didn’t know where to start.

  ‘But you’re funny,’ Sasha sighed. ‘Not particularly good at tap but it’s obvious you can dance. I can see it in how your body moves. Do you like to dance?’

  ‘I love dancing, love music. I’m constantly getting told off from my staff about just enjoying myself,’ he said brightly. ‘Can’t help it. I hear something I like, my body just goes with the flow.’

  ‘You like to strut your funky stuff,’ Sasha said and he noticed she pushed the barely eaten bowl of food away. ‘I love music too. I wished I was a more accomplished dancer because-.’

  Kit started to laugh, recalling how bad she was the day before which made her smile again. She was very attractive and he realised he’d missed this for weeks. But she had been hidden under a hood.

  ‘Okay, I can see you’re amused,’ Sasha said, taking a sip of water. ‘I won’t say anything else.’

  ‘No, this is good. Talking. I’ve been accused by my mother that I don’t talk enough. She says I’ve become quiet.’
/>   ‘Have you?’

  ‘A little.’


  ‘I had a few problems.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Do you always ask lots of questions?’

  ‘You’re very lucky I’m speaking today. Some days I just can’t be bothered to utter a word,’ she replied, sitting back in her chair. He realised she was examining his face. ‘You don’t look much like your brother. And you don’t suffer the same problem as he had.’

  ‘What problem?’

  ‘You know, down there.’ Her eyes pointed to his crotch.

  ‘Did he tell you?’ he replied, unable to hide the shock of her knowing about his impotency. ‘Why would he do that?’

  ‘Oh, so you do? I know a good doctor,’ she said sincerely. ‘I can-.’

  ‘Listen, I have to go,’ he said, starting to get both angry and embarrassed. ‘My private parts aren’t a matter for discussion.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ she replied, looking genuinely surprised. ‘I didn’t mean to offend you.’

  ‘Good to talk and see you in class.’

  ‘It’s just a very common problem that can be easily cured nowadays. Look at-.’

  ‘Not being able to get a hard on isn’t that easy to sort.’ Kit’s face now started to burn with embarrassment. ‘And believe me, doctors can’t help that much.’

  ‘I didn’t mean that,’ Sasha whispered. ‘I meant about being able to have babies, low sperm count and everything. I didn’t know you couldn’t get it up!’

  ‘Please stop!’

  … Sasha said, chasing him down the road as he walked off at full speed back to the bar. ‘Kit, can you slow down?’

  ‘I’m late.’

  ‘Please don’t be upset.’

  ‘I really need to get back.’

  The faster he walked, he hoped she’d just get the hint and go.

  But she wasn’t that easy to shake off.

  As he got to the door of the bar, he stopped to see her jogging behind him.

  ‘What do you want?’ he asked, turning to look at her as she tried to catch her breath.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, looking up at him. ‘I didn’t mean to upset you. Even if I had known, I’d have never said anything. Please Kit, accept my apology and trust me never to tell anyone. It’s personal. I get it.’


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