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Tap Dance Kidnap

Page 11

by S M Mala

‘Perfectly sure.’

  Captain opened up the door and they walked into the small flat.

  Kit stood there, gawping at her place.

  ‘If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you used the same interior designer. She doesn’t even have any Christmas decorations up,’ smiled Captain, looking around. ‘A bit like you.’

  The man walked off into her kitchen and searched the drawers, taking out a black plastic bag.

  ‘What’s that for?’ Kit asked, looking at the barely furnished home.

  ‘To empty her fridge and anything that can decompose,’ he replied, looking at Kit as if he was stupid.

  ‘Has she just moved in?’

  ‘She’s been here for over three years. Seems she wasn’t planning to get settled. While I’m doing this can you pack some clothes for her?’

  ‘I don’t know what to take.’

  ‘Oh for goodness sake!’ sighed Captain, walking towards him and handing him the black sack. ‘You bin the food.’

  Kit went to the fridge then smiled when he noticed she had two pots of Vietnamese soup containers from the café. The cold broth was emptied out then he threw out all the perishables.

  Heading towards the bedrooms, he noticed Captain was standing at the door, totally still.

  ‘This is where she sleeps,’ he quietly said and Kit noticed the pictures of her children.

  Suddenly it made him want to choke seeing the family that no longer existed.

  ‘It’s really sad,’ sighed Captain. ‘You have to feel for her.’

  Kit nodded and braced himself against the door frame, realising how lucky he was having people he loved around.

  He watched Captain look through her belongings. Sasha didn’t have many clothes, the most variation being four different coloured hooded tops.

  ‘She hasn’t really got much to show for herself,’ mumbled Captain. ‘I might as well take everything and she can decide what to wear.’

  There was a bag in the wardrobe and he put all the clothes in then searched for some shoes, packing a pair of boots and some trainers. With every stitch of clothing the bag was still half empty.

  Walking to the wall, Kit looked at the stunningly handsome man with blonde hair and green eyes, laughing in the pictures along with a girl and boy. The girl like Sasha and the boy similar to his father. Sasha looked different, fuller and radiating happiness.

  It wasn’t the same person who was in the house.

  ‘Let’s go,’ Captain said quietly.

  ‘Do you think we should take a picture of her children?’ Kit asked, looking at one with the two kids. ‘It might help.’

  ‘Good idea. You take it out of the frame.’

  Carefully Kit took one down and held it tightly in his hand. He removed the picture, placing the frame on the bedside table. His heart felt heavy for her, not understanding how she could cope with the pain.

  The pain she still felt.

  This made him feel bad about what they were doing to her.

  As they waked down the road, Captain with the bag in his hand, Kit stopped.

  ‘I don’t want anything bad to happen to her,’ Kit blurted out. ‘I like her, you see.’

  ‘I can tell,’ smiled Captain then turned to look at him. ‘If you like her and want to help, do what you’re instructed to do. Find out about what’s going on in her life and how this Cameron fits in. We know what we’ve been told. But if he is a live wire, why can’t she see it?’

  ‘Unless she thinks he’s helping her.’

  ‘From what I’ve heard, he’s more of an overall hindrance than a help.’

  ‘I love you very much, Gracie,’

  … he said, giving his daughter a massive hug on New Year’s Day while standing on her front door step. ‘You mean everything to me.’

  ‘Wish you said that to me,’ his mother whispered, checking her granddaughter’s hood was on securely. ‘Now go on inside and get warm.’

  Grace hugged her grandmother and then gave her dad a kiss.

  ‘See you on Tuesday,’ the little girl said. The door was suddenly flung open and Peter was standing there. ‘Don’t forget we have a tap lesson after school.’

  ‘Sure,’ Kit replied and watched her walk in.

  ‘Peter,’ Yvette said, trying not to turn up her nose. ‘Had a nice Christmas?’

  ‘I did. And you?’

  ‘It was wonderful! I was with my family,’ she replied, putting on a false smile.

  ‘Could I have a word with Kit, on his own, if you don’t mind?’ he asked, extremely politely. Kit knew the man was cautious of his mother’s lip. She looked at the pair with high suspicion. ‘For a minute?’

  ‘Fine, I’ll meet you down the path,’ she said, shivering under her fur hat and walking away.

  ‘How are things?’ Peter asked and Kit realised from the look, he was talking about Sasha. ‘Everything in hand?’

  ‘I’m not allowed to talk about it,’ he quickly replied. ‘But your friend can get off your back now.’

  ‘Really?’ Peter said, looking relieved. ‘That’s great. I really appreciate it and if there’s anything I can-.’

  ‘I want you to convince Kristin to let Gracie stay with me some weekends. It’s not fair that she won’t let her spend time at my home.’

  ‘It’s not really a home, is it? Living over a pub.’

  ‘I’ll make it into a home if I know my daughter can be with me.’

  ‘You know what Kristin’s like. She’s just scared.’

  ‘Of what?’ laughed out Kit. ‘When I was off my face she didn’t care. Now she wants to play mother earth which is pretty late in the day when it comes to Grace. Why should she take it out on me? Tell her Peter. I’d hate for her to know that I had to do something because our daughter’s welfare was threated because of you. The woman’s not forgiving on that front and I should know.’

  Peter took in a disgruntled breath before nodding.

  ‘I’ll see what I can do,’ he mumbled before closing the door.

  As he walked up to his mother, he noticed the scowl.

  ‘Can’t stand that short arse,’ she mumbled, grabbing Kit’s arm and marching down the road. ‘What did he want?’

  ‘A chat.’

  ‘You know they had one of those frozen three bird things for Christmas lunch. Did Grace tell you? She can’t even be arsed to make a proper meal for her family. It’s not as if they’re poor! They could have got a cooked one delivered.’

  ‘You make the best roast dinners, we know,’ he smiled. Something rested heavy on his heart after leaving Sasha’s home. He felt upset seeing the bedroom full of her old life. ‘I’ll always be there for your turkey.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Yvette asked, peering into his face. ‘You were full of the season of goodwill a few days ago but now you’re back to your miserable old self.’

  ‘It’s funny how everything can change in a split second.’

  ‘That’s life, I’m afraid. Take your old mother out for a drink before I head off home. It’s the first day of the New Year and the rest of our lives. I’ll be lucky if I see more of them.’

  ‘You’re fit as a fiddle and you know it,’ he smiled, looking at the glow coming off her face courtesy of Estee Lauder. ‘I just want this year to be better.’

  ‘And how can you make that happen?’

  He was stumped by the question and glanced at her.

  ‘I’m not quite sure.’

  ‘Love,’ she said, giving his arm a squeeze. ‘That’s how things change. When you’re in love nothing else matters.’

  ‘That’s not going to happen.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I’m not just made for it.’

  ‘Silly child of course you are!’ Yvette said, laughing out loudly. ‘You’ve not met the right girl. Given you were with that slut for years, what do you expect?’

  Kit let out an unhappy sigh and walked arm in arm with his mother towards her home.

  ‘I know you’ve had a hard time and she re
ally hurt you, getting knocked up with the midget’s spawn,’ she said quietly, making him smile. ‘But not all women tell lies. We’re quite an honest bunch.’

  He thought about Sasha and knew it bothered him she fibbed about being single.

  ‘Has someone upset you?’ she pried. ‘You can tell your mother. I’m very good at these things.’

  ‘It’s nothing.’

  ‘I see.’

  They continued to walk in silence.

  ‘Kit my darling, I was thinking about joining your tap lessons next week then-.’

  ‘No!’ he said, turning to see her surprised face. ‘I’m not sure if I’m going to continue to do them.’

  ‘Why ever not? You seem in a better mood since you started helping your brother.’

  ‘Things have changed.’

  ‘Like what?’


  ‘You have to continue taking them,’

  … said Captain, from down the other end of the phone. ‘You can’t suddenly stop as people will become suspicious and that will link you to Sasha. Carry on as normal.’

  ‘But I thought-.’

  ‘Until the end of term then you can re-think.’

  ‘We’ve done what we’ve had to do,’ Kit sighed, not wanting to face the class, knowing they’d be worried and he’d feel guilty to look them in the eye. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Most sure.’ Captain drew a long breath. ‘The doctor came to examine Sasha and said it looked that the marks on her arms were from being held tightly. I think she was roughed up a little. Sasha still won’t say what happened.’

  Not wanting to let out a whimper, Kit scowled and rubbed his forehead.

  ‘Is she being abused in someone way?’ he asked, not wanting to know.

  ‘It might be a one off incident or something regular.’

  ‘Do you want me to come over to talk to her again?’

  ‘No, you enjoy the rest of the weekend then come over as per the schedule. We know you have a child and a business to run. Ryan and I can deal with Sasha.’

  ‘You’re not going to hurt her!’ he blurted out in alarm. There was a faint laugh from Captain. ‘I don’t really know you two but I know her.’

  ‘She’s very safe. It’s not worth my while to get a hair on her head displaced, believe me. If you’re so worried, you can come over whenever you.’

  ‘I didn’t mean anything by it,’ he said hastily, wanting to apologise. ‘It’s just-.’

  ‘You like her, I know. I saw you two together the night of the party. I mean, mate, it must be a shock to find that the person you like is the target.’

  ‘That’s putting it mildly.’

  ‘I’m thinking of not working nights for a few weeks,’

  … Kit said to Sean the following day. They were sat having coffee before opening up. ‘I’ll still be around but I need to concentrate on a few things.’

  ‘Like decorating your flat?’

  ‘I’ve got something to sort out. We’ll hire someone to cover for me.’

  ‘Can we afford it?’ his friend smiled meekly. ‘We’re doing okay but not brilliantly.’

  ‘I’ll have the money,’ replied Kit, remembering how much he was earning for his baby sitting duties.

  ‘I never did ask. How was your date on New Year’s Eve?’ laughed out Sean, shaking his head in amusement. ‘Or are you keeping it close to your chest?’

  ‘Something like that.’

  Kit inwardly squirmed, knowing the chances of anything happening were now limited. She would think him a small time criminal, only interested in her for the abduction. It wouldn’t take long for her to figure out money exchanged hands.

  ‘Kit, are you alright?’ Sean whispered, leaning forward. ‘You keep pulling these pained expressions.’

  ‘I’m always fucking things up.’

  ‘Where’s this coming from?’

  ‘I’m never going to meet anyone, never going to be happy. I’ll be on my own for the rest of my life!’ he blurted out angrily. ‘And why do I bother? My mother’s right about one thing. I make shit judgements when it comes to women.’

  ‘She blew you out, didn’t she?’ he said sympathetically. ‘It happens.’

  ‘If only you knew,’ he sighed, looking at his handsome best friend. ‘In a few months’ time I’m giving you a bonus.’

  ‘You can’t afford it!’ Sean laughed. ‘Take the money and decorate that excuse for a home you’ve got.’

  ‘I need to thank you for being there for me and I have an insurance policy I might be able to cash in.’

  ‘My god, something must be bothering you to say this.’

  ‘I’m lucky to be alive, aren’t I?’

  By Sunday, he couldn’t sit still. He desperately wanted to see Sasha, to explain what was going on.

  Though he was deeply scared of her reaction.

  Captain or Ryan hadn’t contacted him. They said they were going to keep it down to a minimal.

  After the lunchtime service, he got in his car and drove to the house. The sky was a deep dark grey and it looked like it was going to snow. He could feel the cold biting wind against his skin.

  As he parked up, he noticed the same car he had met with Jeremy Wilton. Captain was stepping out. Kit parked his car beside it before glancing over.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Captain asked, looking surprised. ‘You weren’t supposed to turn up until tomorrow.’

  ‘I just wanted to check everything was okay,’ he said, peering into the car. ‘Is it?’

  ‘It’s fine,’ replied Captain, looking over his shoulder. ‘I expect you have questions?’

  ‘Is he in there?’

  ‘Mr Foley!’ He heard the rounded vowels pronounce his name. ‘I hear you want to stop the lessons. Aren’t you enjoying yourself?’

  ‘I didn’t see the point,’ he grimaced in response. ‘But I’ve been told to continue.’

  ‘Captain says you figured out I was related to Sasha. Was it the similar surname by any chance?’ Jeremy Wilton started to laugh. Kit bent down and looked in. ‘Come in.’

  Taking a deep breath he got in the car, the door being shut by Captain.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Kit asked, turning to him. ‘I’d have never have guessed it was her.’

  ‘Oh, I know that.’

  ‘How come you’ve got the same surname?’

  ‘Her husband was my nephew,’ he smiled sympathetically. ‘Paul’s father, my brother.’

  ‘He was killed at the same time, wasn’t he?’

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘Sasha told me.’

  ‘She spoke of it?’ he said, looking shocked. ‘Really?’


  ‘I see.’ He sat there thinking for a moment. ‘She never talks about it, hardly ever. You know she was in the car, don’t you?’

  ‘She said.’

  ‘My, she must like you,’ he sighed quietly. ‘Did she mention anything else?’

  ‘Like what?’

  Jeremy Wilton’s face turned serious as he glanced away then took a deep breath.

  ‘When the accident happened, the children were killed instantly. My brother survived as did Sasha and Paul. She was in a terrible state, on life support but Henry managed to speak to me. He was distraught his grandchildren had died and I promised him I’d look after Sasha and Paul. But I failed my nephew. You know he took his own life? Couldn’t cope with the guilt.’ He gulped hard, tears coming to his eyes. ‘It was an awful time and Sasha is a reminder of what happened.’

  ‘It’s a bad thing. I feel for her,’ he said, seeing the man dab his eyes quickly.

  ‘Whoever did it never went to the police and murdered them. Though Paul didn’t die there and then, it killed him eventually, that dear boy.’ Jeremy Wilton turned and moved closer to Kit’s face. ‘I hear she’s covered in bruises. She won’t listen, you see. Since her accident she has become very vulnerable. Sasha can’t see there are some people who want to take over her life. Do you kn
ow she inherited a lot of money but won’t touch any of it? Just a year ago she tried to give it away and I had to stop her.’

  ‘If that’s what she wanted to do then you should have let her do it.’

  ‘The person she wanted to help was deceiving her. She couldn’t see through the lies.’

  ‘But you’ve arranged to abduct her and keep her in a house against her own free will.’

  ‘Because I love her and worry for her deeply, so does my client. They’re scared this is all going to turn nasty. Sasha’s smart, I know she is. She’s up to something. Captain says she hasn’t put up a fight and is being well behaved, not asking questions. She must know that this is for her own good. Which means, she must be starting to get scared.’

  ‘And Cameron?’ asked Kit, hating having to mention his name. ‘Are they together?’

  ‘He would love that more than anything.’ There was a flicker of annoyance in his face. ‘Sasha doesn’t see him like that. Ask her about it. Be careful mind. That young woman has a habit of clamming up when she thinks people are being intrusive.’ Jeremy Wilton smiled. ‘I can see why she spent time with you at her Vietnamese cafe.’

  ‘You know?’

  ‘Oh my goodness! She seemed happy for the first time in years and that’s good,’ he laughed. ‘She’s an extremely precious package in more ways than one. And these little gems have to be guarded at all times, whether they like it or not.’

  ‘I never knew that,’

  … he heard her say. ‘Are you sure about Danny Kaye? Gay? Hollywood, aye? Such a complicated and secretive place.’

  Kit had walked into the house and expected Sasha to be in her room.

  ‘We have a guest,’ Captain said, stepping into the corridor. ‘I think he’s worried we’re not looking after you.’

  ‘Who?’ she said. ‘Oh, him.’

  The comment didn’t sound enthusiastic. Kit entered to find her sitting on the sofa with Ryan next to her.

  ‘Did I interrupt something?’ he asked, seeing she looked better than on New Year’s Day. ‘Do you want me to go?’

  ‘Considering I’m the one kidnapped, I have no say,’ she replied, quickly glancing over.

  ‘Aren’t you supposed to be working?’ asked Ryan, getting to his feet. ‘I’ve just been keeping our guest entertained.’


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