Tap Dance Kidnap

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Tap Dance Kidnap Page 16

by S M Mala

  Ryan started to laugh.

  ‘And I’ve been aware of how to behave when I’m in Cameron’s home,’ she mumbled.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Captain pried.

  ‘I make sure I don’t drink or eat anything,’ Sasha blurted out and glanced at Kit. ‘Doesn’t agree with me.’

  There was silence in the room.

  ‘You think he drugs you?’ asked Ryan, shaking his head. ‘If you know this, why go round?’

  ‘Because if I don’t go there, he’ll come to mine,’ Sasha said, looking agitated. ‘And I don’t want that. I want to be alone when I’m at home.’

  ‘Why do you think he drugs you?’ asked Captain grimacing.

  ‘So I don’t think too hard, I guess. And I told Cameron I liked someone and he got a bit upset because ...’ Sasha looked exhaustedly at Kit. ‘I expect this will come out. He’d just asked me to marry him.’

  ‘You forgot to tell me that bit,’

  … Kit said, closing the front door to Captain and Ryan. ‘Why today?’

  ‘Obviously, I refused plus I didn’t tell you I was an offspring from a crime lord.’

  ‘I don’t care about that,’ he said, locking the door. ‘What if your mother gets wind that we’ve taken you? Then what will happen?’

  ‘She’s got a bit of a temper but not that bad,’ shrugged Sasha, standing in the corridor with her hands behind her back. ‘Captain will tell whoever needs to know what I’ve just said.’

  ‘Riddles,’ Kit replied, walking up to her. ‘Complicated riddles and you’re up to something. It’s written all over your face.’

  ‘Oh, can you read what is says right now?’

  ‘How much trouble are we going to get into?’

  ‘Oh for god’s sake! If she gets wind that Cameron did this,’ she said, pointing to her arm. ‘It’s him that’s going to get it. I don’t want anything bad to happen to anyone. I’ll protect you three, don’t worry.’

  He was worried.

  Deeply worried as Kit was out of his depth.

  Sasha turned and looked sadly at him.

  ‘I want to kiss you all over,’ she said quietly. ‘Will you let me do that or am I not good enough now?’ The comment startled him. ‘What happens here stays here, okay?’

  ‘Is this Cameron going to kill me if I lay a finger on you?’

  ‘I’ll kill you if you don’t.’

  She walked up the stairs and went into her bedroom.

  Kit stood firm, not knowing what to do.

  His body yearned for her but his head was telling him to be careful.

  He ran up the stairs to find she was standing by the bed wearing just her knickers and bra. Remembering about her scars, he glanced at her legs.

  ‘What are you looking at?’ she asked, peering down at her knees.

  ‘You said you were covered in scars.’

  ‘I am. See here?’ She lifted her leg up and put it on the bed. ‘Fell over running for a bus.’

  ‘What about the scars from the accident?’ he asked, looking at her thigh and wanting to kiss the soft inner flash.

  ‘Oh, I have to have some excuse regarding my appalling dance moves,’ she cheekily grinned. ‘Shut Captain up, didn’t it?’ Then she dropped the smile. ‘Are you okay about spending the night in my bed again?’

  ‘I’m a bit sticky,’ he said and realised the idea was making him sweat. ‘I’ll take a shower.’

  She nodded, walking to the bed and pulled back the duvet.

  ‘I’ll make it nice and toasty for when you come back.’

  Steadying his breathing, he walked into her bathroom and shut the door. He braced himself against the frame and knew he was shaking.

  ‘It’s okay,’ he said, trying to calm down, dreading the thought he’d flinch at her touch if it got too heavy.

  Kit put on the shower, removed his clothes and washed. The shower gel smelt of cinnamon and orange, reminding him of Christmas. Quickly, he stepped out and rubbed himself down, not stopping the drips from his hair falling onto his shoulders. He daren’t look at himself in the mirror, knowing there were faint silver stretch marks from his fat period.

  As he opened the door, he realised all the lights were off but the security lights shone in so he could see her, lying on her side. He went round the other side and slipped under the duvet, spooning her body.

  It was warm and she turned to look at him, smiling.

  Sasha then kissed him slowly, stroking his lips with her tongue.

  He couldn’t help himself but dived straight into her mouth, wrapping his arms around her.

  That’s when he realised she was naked.

  ‘Let me do all the work,’ she whispered.

  ‘Sasha, you know not to expect anything from me,’ he whispered, pushing her hair away from her face. ‘I’ve not worked for years.’

  ‘How many years?’

  ‘I don’t want to say,’ he said, ashamed of the time. ‘Since I came out of rehab, I started to feel the pressure and I never got it back. There have been some embarrassing moments but I know how to satisfy a woman.’

  ‘I hate that expression, ‘satisfy a woman’. You should know how to turn her on, make her want you to touch her again and again. Satisfaction is something I relate to eating a large bowl of noodle soup.’

  Then she kissed him and pulled gently away.

  ‘Kit Foley, I’ve seen you dance and I believe there’s something in there wanting to come out. I want to help you.’

  She turned him onto his back and sat up. It was the first time he’d seen her bare breasts, round with dark caramel nipples. Her skin looked smooth and inviting as she leaned over him. Gently, she stroked his body and he felt something build up, scared what he’d feel.

  ‘Relax,’ Sasha said, moving her hand over his chest and down to his stomach, then using her fingers to stroke his arm. ‘You have to trust me.’

  ‘Like forgetting you got a marriage proposal last week?’

  ‘You’re lucky I didn’t accept.’

  The damp lips kissed his chest and he felt like he was going to flinch.

  It was the intimacy he was desperately afraid of and knew Sasha had felt how his body became tense.

  ‘Are you trying to impress me with your stomach muscles?’ he heard her whisper into his skin, her hot breath making him tingle. ‘You’re not fat. You really are perfect.’

  Kit wasn’t used to kind words of love.

  He’d rarely heard them from Kristin other than ‘fuck me harder,’ and ‘make me come.’ There was no encouragement, just a desire to fulfil her needs, regardless of his own. When she started withdrawing from him, becoming less interested, that’s when his body decided not to co-operate.

  Probably out of grief from the loss of sex.

  He closed his eyes as her lips and tongue examined his body, her hands skilfully gliding around, goose bumps emerging on his skin.

  It only took a matter of minutes to be lost in her touch.

  ‘I need to kiss you,’ he whispered. ‘Please?’

  Her body moved up his until she was lying on top of him, her mouth reaching his. Her nipples felt hard against his skin and he rubbed his hands up and down her back, amazed at the soft smooth texture.

  Their tongues were lost in each other and he wanted to feel more of her. There was heat radiating from her crotch against his stomach. He was solid, his dick standing to attention but he didn’t want to push it.

  Push it inside her and make love.

  Kit knew he’d fail and she might get frustrated or angry.

  That hurt him the most, when Kristin did.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, looking into his eyes. ‘Am I upsetting you?’


  ‘You’re frowning.’

  ‘It’s me, Sasha,’ he sighed, turning his head away. ‘I’ll let you down when you’ll want me the most and I’d hate to see the look of disappointment in your-.’

  ‘Stop it,’ she said firmly, stroking his face. ‘Whoever did th
is to you was wrong. I know it was down to you too, by your addiction to sherbet, but you’re worth the wait. Trust me, right now, you’re worth everything.’

  It was overwhelming.

  Her words.

  He felt so happy hearing the kindness and the reassurance, it’s what he craved for.

  Words of love.


  … Kit heard her say. ‘You’ll be late.’

  ‘Morning,’ he said, instantly grinning. There was a build-up of happiness in his gut, something he only really felt when he was with Grace. In the grey morning light, he could see how tiny she really was. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘I’m good.’

  His lips hadn’t touched any part of her body, other than face, neck and mouth.

  And a positive thing had happened.

  He was perky for all the time they touched and caressed but he knew Sasha wasn’t going to force the issue.

  Her hands or lips didn’t touch him in the area that let him down the most.

  ‘You’re absolutely stunning Kit, do you know that?’ she grinned, propping her head on her hand. ‘Never have I seen such beautiful lips on a bloke.’

  His response was to go bright red and turned bashfully away.

  ‘Shall we have a date tonight?’ Sasha asked, stroking his chest as he closed his eyes.

  He was extremely rock solid now and wished it would be like that for when they were ready to make love. That’s what he was focussing on.

  ‘That would be lovely.’ Then he hesitated. ‘We can’t tell the other two about sleeping in the same bed. I’ll probably get into trouble.’

  ‘With whom?’

  ‘With them, your mother, the people who set this all up and, not forgetting, Cameron.’ Then he broke out into a wide grin, unable to hold in what was fluttering in his gut. ‘But I really don’t care.’

  Kit sighed loudly which made Sasha laugh.

  ‘That’s a good noise,’ she said, moving closer. ‘Can we have a tap lesson when you come back?’

  ‘Of course. What do you do most days?’

  ‘The same as I do at home. It’s not much different. Get up, watch something on the television, log onto the computer. I then try and have lunch on my own. My main focus is the tap lesson.’ She started to look sullen. ‘I haven’t worked since the accident and I don’t really do much. Does that sound like shit? Four years of existing, if I’m honest.’

  ‘Why don’t you go back to work?’

  ‘I don’t want to explain my life to anyone. Keeping out of the way of people means that I have less questions to answer. The looks of sympathy and shock are still hard to get used to. I know they’re thinking ‘thank god that didn’t happen to me’. I see it in their eyes. I saw it in yours.’

  ‘I’d hate to lose Grace,’ he honestly replied. ‘The time I spend with her just makes me happy and gives me the will to carry on, keep clean and work on my business.’

  ‘Is it suffering in your absence?’

  ‘Sean tells me it’s doing better as I’m not putting off the punters by dancing behind the bar.’ He laughed out loudly. ‘If I didn’t know any better, I think he was trying to oust me.’

  He felt her lips on his neck, kissing him gently. His skin broke out into goose bumps when she stroked his arms. Kit quickly turned her over so she was on her back.

  ‘I want to look at you,’ he whispered and noticed her frown. ‘Can I?’

  Sasha nodded.

  Slowly, he pulled down the duvet to reveal the beautiful breasts. He examined her light brown opalescent stretch marks from where she was pregnant, spotting the caesarean scar. The covers came off until he saw the dark hair between her thighs.

  All the time, he knew she was looking at him.

  The woman was gorgeous.

  Kit moved down and starting kissing her neck, his hand gently gliding up and down her side.

  ‘You can touch me,’ she said softly.

  Moving closer, he gently kissed her lips, not wanting to get his morning breath wafting up her nostrils. He placed small kisses around her throat then moved the palm of his hand up, until it was just under her breast. Gently, he cupped it, finding he was getting excited.

  The kisses started to go down her neck, onto her chest plate then to her breasts, squeezing them with his hands. As his lips touched her nipple, he covered the hard stone like mound in his mouth, sucking and licking.

  Sasha’s back arched and he heard her let out a little appreciative groan.

  Kit wanting to taste more of her and concentrated on her breasts, seeing she was getting turned on and he didn’t want to stop. If he didn’t know any better, he could swear she was having a mini orgasm due to the panting and moans.

  He dug his stiff dick into her thigh and when she gasped loudly he came, unexpectedly, in appreciation.

  ‘Oh god,’ he said, realising what he’d done down her leg, trying to catch his breath. ‘I’m really sorry.’

  ‘That’s a massive compliment,’ she gulped, pulling his face up in her hands. ‘You’re amazing, do you know that? I get turned on every time you touch me. There’s something magical about you.’

  ‘Yeah and now you can see I have a premature magic fountain to boot.’

  ‘You seem distracted,’

  … Estella said, standing in the studio with Stuart, Bernadette and Alexandra, while they waited for the rest to arrive. ‘Anything up?’

  He couldn’t help it and laughed.

  It reminded him that his dick was starting to revive, though not totally. Kit wanted desperately to examine Sasha more. His mind was full of sex and her.

  ‘I’m good,’ Kit replied, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

  He was met with a confused look.

  ‘Are you sure?’ pried Estella.

  ‘I’m happy in an odd sort of way.’

  ‘Sorry we’re late,’ said Vanessa and Glenda, rushing into the room. ‘She drives like an invalid.’

  ‘At least I’m not one,’ sniped her sister.

  ‘Having a bad morning?’ teased Estella. ‘Looks like Kit’s having a good day.’

  ‘Did you lock the side door?’ Glenda asked, giving her sister a disgruntled glance. ‘We had to bang away until someone opened it.’

  ‘Not me! It was open when I got in,’ frowned Estella.

  ‘Do you like coming through the back entrance, Stuart?’ Vanessa flirtatiously asked as the others laughed. ‘I’m up for anything.’

  ‘Already?’ grumbled Stuart, stomping on his taps. ‘It’s only gone past eleven and you’re starting.’

  ‘And you’re still here, waiting for me,’ purred Vanessa, taking her shoes out of her large carpet bag. ‘When are you going to ask me out properly?’

  ‘In your dreams,’ mumbled Stuart, walking to the furthest part of the room. ‘Why can’t you use the front door like normal people?’

  ‘Because it’s easier than walking all the way round,’ sniped Estella.

  ‘And you, Alexandra!’ bellowed Vanessa. ‘How’s your military man? Is he servicing you?’

  ‘Vanessa! Really!’ barked Glenda, shaking her head furiously. ‘You’ve been a pain in the backside all morning.’

  ‘I’m happy,’ the woman growled. ‘What’s your problem?’

  ‘Ladies,’ Kit said gently. ‘We can all talk about this afterwards over coffee. In the meantime, let’s start with the warm-up exercises.’

  He put on the music, turned to face the mirror and stopped.

  There was a distinct glint in his eye and he felt good.

  ‘Right foot forward, tap, tap, tap,’ he begun.

  ‘Sorry!’ he heard someone say as the door was flung open. ‘Justin made me fill out forms! My own flesh and blood!’

  ‘Mum?’ Kit said, seeing her in the mirror before turning around. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I’ve come to join in!’ she said joyfully. ‘I’ve got my taps and I’m rearing to go.’

  ‘But you can’t-.’

bsp; ‘Who says?’

  ‘I can’t teach you tap.’

  ‘Of course you can’t teach me tap,’ she laughed, shaking her head. ‘I’m here for the gentle exercise.’

  Standing there, open mouthed, he noticed the others in the class were looking at him then at her.

  ‘You can join in but don’t tell me what to do, okay?’ he sighed then mumbled under his breath. ‘For fuck’s sake.’

  ‘Language Kit!’ his mother scowled then stood next to Stuart. ‘Don’t let me interrupt.’

  Taking a calming breath, he focussed on getting through the lesson without trying to throttle his mother.

  ‘Right, let’s start the lesson. I’m the teacher, you’re my pupil.’

  ‘Are you implying I would?’ his mother replied, looking offended. ‘I’m here to learn, like the others.’

  ‘Are you sure you came to the right place?’ giggled Vanessa. ‘Have you seen your son tap dance?’

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  … Kit asked, walking out of his bar later on that afternoon and seeing Captain stood around the corner. ‘Who’s with Sasha?’

  ‘Ryan has drawn the short straw,’ he said, looking pissed off, dressed in his usual sporty outfit. ‘She’s been a pain this morning.’

  ‘Why?’ he innocently asked, wondering if she was okay after they’d fondled. ‘Is she upset?’

  ‘Far from it. Demanding a release date and a share of any money we earn from the kidnap. She has decided to call the situation ‘Tap Dance Kidnap’ accusing you of doing it because you’re threated by her skills. Did she hit her head last night or something?’ Captain scowled. ‘And she’s been asking me questions about my sex life.’

  ‘Really?’ Kit could see the large man was wound up. ‘Like what?’

  ‘Do I keep my woman clothes on or do I revert to being a man? I told her I’m naked!’ he gasped loudly. ‘Then she asked if I removed my make-up and fake nails. These aren’t fake!’ Captain held out his hand, free of nail varnish to reveal the perfectly manicured hands. ‘I take care of my body like anyone does.’

  ‘I’ll sort her out,’ smiled Kit, wanting to laugh. ‘Has she upset you that much?’

  ‘I was trying to talk to her about Cameron Lester and she wasn’t listening,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘I’ve left my car back at the house but I need to talk to you about something.’ The man’s face suddenly turned grave. ‘The whole thing is more complicated than we thought.’


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