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Tap Dance Kidnap

Page 17

by S M Mala

  They got into the car and Kit waited for Captain to speak.

  ‘I need to show you this,’ said Captain, putting his hand into his inside jacket pocket, pulling out a phone. ‘This is Sasha’s.’

  ‘I can’t actually drive and-.’

  ‘We’ve had her since last Thursday and, not including today, she’s had over one hundred texts and the same amount of calls from Cameron Lester not to mention the emails,’ he said, looking troubled. ‘Some of the messages are quite painful to be honest. He’s saying she’s punishing him.’

  ‘He hurt her!’

  ‘It’s not that,’ grumbled Captain, putting the phone to his head. ‘In one of the rants he accuses her of getting it wrong and because of that, it’s causing him grief.’

  ‘Get what wrong?’

  ‘Exactly! Whatever it is, it’s certainly winding him up as well as her being away. From what little friends she has, he’s been asking around.’

  ‘What about her mother? Did he contact her?’

  ‘I doubt if he’ll go near her. Mr Wilton told me, in confidence, that Cameron is scared of Sasha’s mother.’

  ‘The criminal lord or lady,’ scowled Kit. ‘If he’s so scared, why lay a finger on her daughter in the first place?’

  They remained silent in the car for a few minutes as Kit drove to Kew Bridge.

  ‘He’s addicted to coke, booze and women,’ said Captain quietly. ‘Cameron Lester is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, that’s what I’ve heard. A crooked lawyer and always has been, working for the Wilton Family then going off on his own.’

  ‘I know about addiction and sometimes you don’t think straight,’ Kit said, surprised about the information on Cameron. ‘And maybe he needs treatment so that could explain his actions.’

  ‘This is all about protecting Sasha. They’re worried he’s going to hurt her.’

  ‘We’ll protect her.’

  ‘Are you sure you should be there on your own? You’re not trained like Ryan and I for combat.’

  ‘Combat?’ Kit nervously laughed. ‘It’s not a war.’

  ‘It might be if certain criminal elements are involved.’

  Swallowing hard, Kit felt his forehead break into a sweat.

  ‘And she has a friend called ‘Shirley Temple’,’ laughed out Captain, trying to lighten the situation. ‘I wonder who that is?’

  ‘You call me ‘Shirley Temple’?’

  … whispered Kit when Ryan and Captain were out of earshot. ‘Why?’

  ‘How do you know that?’ she gasped, sitting next to him on the sofa.

  ‘Captain told me it was on your phone and he knew it was me.’

  ‘You’re pretty and you can tap dance… badly,’ she grinned mischievously. ‘What else was I going to call you? Ginger Rogers?’

  ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day.’

  ‘You look very handsome,’ Sasha sighed as he felt awkward. ‘Why don’t you like compliments?’

  ‘I’m not used to it,’ Kit scowled.

  ‘You should be.’

  ‘God, I want to kiss you so badly,’ he said, fancying the arse off her. ‘Why are they here so late?’

  ‘It’s only seven and where are you taking me on our date?’

  ‘To heaven and back.’

  ‘Listen Sasha,’ Captain said, making the pair jump. He marched into the living room followed by Ryan. ‘I have something to tell you.’

  ‘You wear full make up when you have sex?’ Sasha sniggered at her comment. ‘Mascara makes an awful mess on the pillowcases.’

  ‘Stop winding him up,’ Ryan gently replied. Kit noticed he was dressed smartly and seemed in a good mood. ‘This is serious.’

  ‘So is kidnap,’ she mumbled.

  Captain sat down next to Sasha and Kit watched her face turn to stone. The large man shook his head from side to side then stared straight at her.

  ‘A week today we may let you return to your normal life,’ he began.

  ‘There’s nothing ‘normal’ about my life. That’s the problem,’ she retorted.

  ‘Cameron has called you a hell of a lot of times. Some of the messages have been pretty upsetting. I don’t want to begin on the emails.’

  ‘You checked everything?’ she said in alarm. ‘Did he apologise?’

  ‘He did, again and again.’ Captain’s gulp was very loud. ‘I had to give someone your phone, so they could download them without drawing attention to your whereabouts. It was easy to hack into your email account.’

  ‘Thanks for that,’ she sarcastically replied.

  ‘Does he do this a lot? Text and call you?’ asked Captain.

  ‘I know he’d never hurt me,’ she said, looking at all three of them. ‘He’s not been acting himself for a while.

  ‘This Jeremy,’ Ryan said, stepping closer. ‘What’s he like?’

  ‘Funny, flamboyant, a fag, his words not mine,’ Sasha grinned. ‘He’s also very smart and was close to his brother. Henry did the underhand things and Jeremy just made sure he never got into trouble.’

  ‘Are you involved in any of this?’ asked Ryan as Kit sat up straight and looked at her.

  ‘My only crime is tap dancing, apparently,’ she flicked a glance over at Kit. ‘Like I said before, I only really found out the true extent of what everyone was up to after Paul died. I’m not sure if he knew but if he did, he never wanted me to find out.’

  ‘You know we’d never hurt you.’

  ‘I know.’ Sasha smiled. ‘What are you not telling me?’

  ‘Cameron Lester has gone a bit off the rocks by your disappearance,’ whispered Captain. ‘Maybe if you speak to him and tell him you’re fine, it’ll be okay.’

  Sasha stared hard at Captain.

  Kit wondered what was going through her head.

  The sullen expression he’d hardly seen in days suddenly came back.

  ‘What if he gets angry with me?’ she asked and it was clear she was worried.

  ‘Are you scared of him?’ asked Ryan gently. She shook her head from side to side. ‘Don’t you want to speak to him?’

  ‘He makes me feel guilty for not loving him. I wish I could but I can’t.’ Sasha put her face in her hands. ‘I know Cameron, he’s going to be really upset.’ She looked up at all three of them. ‘What if he demands I tell him where I am? What if he says he’ll get the police involved, then what do I do?’

  ‘Do you know where you are?’ Captain asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

  ‘I’m not that stupid,’ she shrugged. ‘We’re in Richmond. Not exactly a warehouse in the East End as most victims are put into, so they say on telly. And it’s my ex-father in law’s house.’ The men looked at each other in alarm. ‘Because Jeremy is obviously involved in this, he put me in a place which would tell me not to worry and I’ll be safe.’

  ‘So you knew from the minute we arrived here who was involved.’ Captain slumped forward before turning to look at her. ‘That’s why you’re not frightened.’

  ‘I know there’s something going on and Cameron’s behaving strangely,’ whispered Sasha. ‘Jeremy doesn’t like Cameron and thinks he’s brain washing me.’

  ‘Is he?’

  ‘Cameron took over my life to help when I became incapable of living. The thing is, when mum tried to get involved he told her to back off. She was pretty angry but I told her that I trusted him. I mean, him and Paul were best friends so he knew about some of Paul’s business. And Jeremy? The falling out when Cameron left was rather big, I don’t know what about. He gave me a large lecture on making sure I kept all my assets safe and not to tell Cameron.’ Sasha let out a little laugh. ‘And if it is him that’s made you do this then you’re probably being paid from my bank account.’ She bit her lip. ‘Can I speak to my mum?’

  ‘I’m not sure that-.’

  ‘She’ll know I’m not on holiday.’

  They looked at each other and Kit noticed Sasha was looking out the window.

  ‘Use my phone,’ Kit said, handing it
to her, while Captain shook his head from side to side. ‘It’s her mum. The woman will be worried about her child.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Ryan said, deep in thought. ‘If she’s a leader of an illegal business then-.’

  ‘She’s no angel,’ Sasha said with a half-smile. ‘And neither is she an East End gangster. To the best of my knowledge, she doesn’t carry a machine gun but a whiff of her perfume can knock you out with the amount she wears.’

  ‘Will you speak to Cameron afterwards?’ asked Captain, taking a phone out of his pocket. ‘Use this to call your mother then Cameron. I’ll be listening in.’

  ‘Why? Don’t you trust me? It’s me that shouldn’t be trusting you as you’ve basically hacked into my private details as well as holding me hostage!’

  ‘Really?’ Captain said, glancing at Kit from the corner of his eye. ‘It’s quite remarkable what you can find out from a phone.’

  Sasha scowled then smiled at Kit. He tried not to smile back but couldn’t help it.

  ‘Can you two leave us for a moment?’ Captain politely asked.

  Ryan and Kit walked out but stood near the open door, waiting to see what would happen.

  ‘What’s going on between you and her?’ whispered Ryan, starting to smile. ‘I can tell when two people like each other. Be careful. This isn’t a normal set up.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ Kit blushed.

  ‘And this Cameron? He’s not a regular guy. Thing is, Sasha can’t see it.’ Ryan pondered for a moment. ‘Unless she can and she makes out she can’t.’

  ‘To deceive who?’

  ‘Jeremy Wilton? Her mother? Cameron?’

  ‘He’s a live wire, I understand that.’

  ‘There’s more that Captain-.’

  Ryan stopped when he heard Sasha’s voice.

  ‘I’m okay mum. You know I’ve been taken away for my own good,’ she said quietly. ‘I haven’t got long but everything’s okay. No one’s hurting me and they say I can go soon.’

  ‘I don’t think she’ll be going anywhere for the time being,’ whispered Ryan as Kit felt a twinge of happiness, knowing they’d be together for longer.

  ‘Who told you?’ Sasha asked, her voice getting louder. ‘Listen, it was an accident. He went off the rails. Don’t listen to gossip and tell him to stop calling you if it pisses you off!’ There was then a massive sigh. ‘He asked me to marry him.’ Then she groaned. ‘Of course I don’t want to! But don’t tell me what to do! I don’t care if it is over your dead body, I make my own decisions.’ Sasha then went silent. ‘I know you love me. I don’t know what’s going on but everyone, including you, are acting very strangely. Why won’t you tell me? Look, I’ve got to go. I have to call Cameron… for goodness sake, I’m not that thick. I’m not even sure if I want to see him again… oh, you’re happy now? Really mother! Yes, I love you too.’

  ‘Looks like she gives as good as she gets,’ said Ryan and Kit wanted to wrap her in his arms.

  ‘She didn’t sound too happy,’ they heard Captain say. ‘Remind me to never get on the wrong side of her.’

  ‘Treat me well and you’ll be fine,’ replied Sasha. ‘Let’s get Cameron over and done with.’

  ‘I’m going to see what happens,’ Kit said, stepping into the room.

  Sasha’s back was turned towards him and Captain glanced over. He had an earpiece attached to her phone.

  ‘Hello, it’s me,’ she said quickly. ‘I’m fine. Don’t worry. I needed a break. Stop ringing everyone up to find out where I am. I got all your messages.’ Sasha’s head immediately went down as she listened closely. ‘I’m not trying to hurt you. Cameron, just give me some space. I need to… no, I’m not getting sick. I’m fine… I am thinking straight and I didn’t get it wrong, believe me.’

  She then turned and made eye contact with Kit.

  Her eyes said it all.

  There was pain etched across her face and she put her hand on her forehead.

  ‘I can like people. My judgement isn’t marred at all,’ she quietly replied. ‘Please Cameron, just let me have some time alone.’ The tears started to roll down her cheeks but her face wasn’t creased in pain. ‘Don’t you dare say that! Use their names on me! You’ve got a bloody nerve! I can never forget my children, they’re my life. I just want to know what it feels like to be happy again and I can never be that with you, now or ever. I’d rather be dead!’

  Her last comments were full of venom and anger. Then she hung up and handed the phone to Captain, running past Kit and out of the room. He heard her footsteps go up the stairs as she slammed the bedroom door shut.

  ‘Leave her for a while,’ said Captain, removing the headset. ‘What a manipulative wanker!’

  ‘What did he say?’ asked Ryan, coming into the room as Kit just looked up at the ceiling.

  ‘He told her he was sorry and that she was punishing him. He questioned her sanity. Then he said she was turning her back on the memory of Paul, Florence and Mylo for not wanting to be with him. That’s when she got upset.’

  ‘He’s fucking with her head,’ Kit said, feeling angry. ‘That’s not right.’

  ‘Maybe that’s what he’s been doing for years. I think she became dependent on him and didn’t know what to do. He might have mistaken that for something else.’ Captain then looked at Kit. ‘Seems she has met someone she really likes, from what Cameron said.’

  ‘You guys go. Let me see if she’s okay,’ said Kit, avoiding eye contact and walking quietly up the stairs.

  He waited by the stairs, watching Captain and Ryan leave.

  Getting to her door, he heard her crying. He knocked gently before walking in.

  Sasha was on her side, her back to him, sobbing quietly.

  ‘Can I come in?’ he asked.

  She nodded and he walked around the bed, bending down to look at her sad face, wet with tears.

  His heart completely lurched. The twisting inside his chest unbearable to take on seeing her so upset.

  ‘I’ll try and make you happy,’ he whispered, stroking her head. ‘Don’t listen to him.’

  ‘But can I make you happy?’ she said, choking on her tears. ‘I’m just a broken human being that can’t be put back together and if I can be, then it’ll be wrong. If I have to live, why can’t I be happy? It’s the guilt, he makes me feel bad for wanting to move on and away. Can’t he see he upsets me? I don’t get it.’

  ‘He loves you,’ Kit said quietly, hating the idea that this man would want to be horrible to Sasha. Then he thought about how Kristin did the same thing to him, in a roundabout way. The difference was she didn’t love him. ‘I know what it’s like to love someone who doesn’t love you back.’

  ‘But I never lied to him, never told him I felt the same way.’

  ‘He could have read something into it, you never know. But he didn’t have to hurt you, it’s wrong. Sorry or not, he could do it again. Sasha, why do you keep friendly with him?’

  ‘My ex-husband trusted him.’

  ‘But he has an ulterior motive.’

  ‘He’ll just have to accept that nothing is going to happen between us.’

  ‘And he’s the type of guy that would do this?’

  Sasha’s expression said it all.

  ‘Are you feeling better now?’

  … Kit asked, after they’d eaten and she was sipping a large glass of red wine in the living room. Sasha was in the corner of the sofa. Kit was opposite her in the arm chair, unsure whether to touch her or not. ‘We can do our date another time.’

  ‘Sorry but I’m not great company.’

  ‘You’re upset.’

  ‘Can we have a tap lesson?’ she asked. ‘That will cheer me up.’

  She looked exhausted while gazing at her glass.

  ‘Tomorrow,’ he said. ‘Why don’t you go to bed early?’

  ‘Didn’t she love you?’ Sasha asked, scrunching up her face. ‘How could she not love you?’

  ‘That’s very sweet but I’m not the easiest perso
n to be with especially when I’m off my head,’ he smiled, gulping really hard. ‘It’s not her fault. Kristin thought I could give her something but I couldn’t. Money and a home wasn’t enough. I was never going to be good enough.’

  ‘What does she want? A prince?’

  ‘The man she has now isn’t a prince,’ he laughed. ‘He’s short and ginger, as my mother would say. He’s from a similar background to your mother.’ Sasha raised her eyebrows. ‘Not so successful but he has contacts. I wasn’t happy because I worry about Grace. Peter loves Kristin and my child. I know he’d never do anything to hurt her and-.’

  ‘But they used your daughter as an excuse to do this, to get me,’ she hissed. ‘That’s not right. Your child comes first and they’re blackmailing you. I’ll give Jeremy piece of my mind when I see him.’

  ‘I wasn’t happy to be honest. I don’t mind too much,’ he said, trying to hide his smile. ‘It’s like being on holiday.’

  She grinned, taking a sip of her wine, leaning her head against the back of the sofa.

  ‘You’re really gorgeous, Kit. I don’t know why you can’t see it. You could get any woman you wanted. Ingrid and Angela fell for your charms. I could tell they fancied you as well as everyone else in the class, even Stuart.’ She laughed. ‘Your problem could have easily been sorted, if you wanted it to be.’

  There was no reply to her comment.

  He felt his cheeks go red, feeling uncomfortable about talking about his erectile dysfunction.

  ‘I don’t mind,’ Sasha said. ‘I like you.’

  ‘You can’t expect anything from me,’ he said gravely, knowing they were doomed. ‘I don’t want to disappoint you.’

  ‘I don’t think you could ever do that.’

  It was surprising.

  Her genuine look of honesty.

  Something gripped him inside while examining her face.

  ‘Is that what you do?’ Kit said, getting up and sitting next to her. ‘Wear your heart on your sleeve?’ There was a massive urge to kiss her. ‘It’s very charming.’


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