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The Death: Extinction

Page 12

by John W. Vance

  “As it should be. Go ahead, it’s in the fridge,” Mueller said and stepped out of the way.

  “Sure,” the assistant said and apprehensively walked past him. A moment later he reemerged with the vials and a large bag full of syringes in his arms. “I was also supposed to ask you if you’ll personally escort the pallets of virus topside.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Looking over his shoulder several times, the assistant rushed out of the lab. His gut told him something was wrong with Mueller.

  Mueller watched the pallets of virus get loaded onto a cargo plane. Each pallet had four fifty-five-gallon drums of virus. Those drums would be loaded onto aircraft that had vaporizers; the liquid would be chilled, condensed then sprayed as a thick vapor over the entire world.

  Mueller had estimated the operation would take several weeks to complete once it was started, and by the sounds of it, that was soon.

  “Doctor, hello,” Horton said, walking up behind Mueller.

  “Chancellor, what a pleasure to see you.”

  Horton rubbed his upper arm and complained, “That fucking vaccine stung; was it supposed to do that?”

  “Yes, it stings when you take it. That’s what all the patients expressed during testing.”

  “How many received the vaccine?”

  “Enough to verify it works; I took it a while back.”

  “It really hurts.”

  “Sir, I was curious if you’ll be needing me anymore now that the operation is about to go underway?”

  “Listen, I apologize for my behavior. I shouldn’t do anything while I’m drunk, and that girl, I hope you didn’t take that personally. You can’t, you were going to dispose of her anyway once you were done with whatever testing you were doing. And yes, I still need you.”

  Mueller faced him and said, “I do take what you did to her personally. I also have taken it personally every time you’ve put me down or ridiculed me.”

  Shocked by his response, Horton said, “Well, lighten up, Doctor.”

  “I’m fine now. Everything is good.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Horton said. He patted Mueller on the back and slowly walked off, still rubbing his upper arm.

  Charleston, South Carolina

  A man stuck his head into Devin’s tent and announced, “Slaver’s here. Let’s go see if there’s any fresh meat.”

  Most of the pirates jumped up and ran out.

  Poppy poked his head in to see if everyone was informed about the slaver’s arrival and saw Devin sitting on his cot. “Aren’t you going to see if the slaver has any new women?”


  Poppy stepped into the tent and approached him. “Are you gay?”

  “No, I’m not gay. I just don’t want to see the fucking slaver; is that okay with you?” Devin snapped.

  “C’mon, get up. You don’t have to buy any women. It can be pure entertainment sometimes; you don’t want to miss it,” Poppy insisted.

  “I’m good right here.”

  “It’s a fucking order, c’mon.”

  Devin exhaled heavily and said, “Fine.”

  Outside the musty tent a large and rowdy crowd had gathered around the slaver’s pickup and horse trailer.

  Just when Devin walked up, the men began to boo and hiss.

  “What’s wrong?” Devin asked.

  “No women, this slack jaw shows up empty. He’s here only to pick up if he can,” a pirate said and walked off, mumbling profanities.

  “Can I go back to the tent?” Devin asked.

  “Huh, I don’t recognize this slaver, must be new. Probably why he’s empty. Poor jackass is just starting out.”

  Devin turned around and began to head back when a familiar voice hit his ears. He stopped and turned. He heard the voice again, but couldn’t see the man through the sea of bodies between him and the slaver.

  He pushed his way through until he reached the front of the slaver’s truck.

  “No women today, but I’ll buy some, top dollar!”

  Devin cleared his throat loudly.

  The slaver turned and faced him.

  Devin couldn’t believe his eyes. Daryl from Reed, Illinois, was the slaver.

  “Do you have any women you want to sell?” Daryl asked Devin.

  “Can we talk in private?” Devin asked as he grabbed Daryl by his arm and pulled him away from the crowd.

  “Hi, Dev.”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Devin asked.

  “Here to rescue you.”

  “Are you fucking crazy?”

  “Is that a trick question?”

  “How did you find me?”

  “I’ll give you the short version. Tess left me a note at my house. After much thought I decided to come and see if I could join your merry band of survivors; however, upon arriving, I find out Tess is missing, presumed dead, and you left to go confirm that. Brianna told me everything.”

  “And Hudson?” Devin asked.

  “Safe and sound.”

  “Finally a happy ending, I have the worst luck.”

  “Well, today is your lucky day. Hop in and let’s go.”

  “How the hell did you get in?”

  “Another long story I’ll shorten for obvious reasons. In order to rescue Hudson, I had to join the slavers who had him. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to get recruited, probably similar to your situation.”

  “I’m a prisoner.”

  “You don’t look like one.”

  “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. But we have a complication. Tess is alive and she is definitely a prisoner and they plan on executing her tomorrow.”

  “Again, it’s your lucky day. I’ve made plans for most contingencies. After spending weeks with cannibals and slavers, I know the lingo and the process. I’ll figure out a way too, don’t you worry. Just be ready to go when I ask you to go.”

  “Do you know each other?” Poppy asked, coming up behind Devin.

  “Ah, no.”

  “You’re acting a bit familiar.”

  “Um, no, not at all.”

  “Then why the private conversation?” Poppy asked, suspicious.

  “He wants to know if I have any teen boys for sale,” Daryl joked.

  If Poppy wasn’t there, Devin would have punched Daryl in the face for such a disgusting and inappropriate comment.

  “I knew it, I just asked you if you were gay.”

  “The thing is he doesn’t have enough money,” Daryl continued his joke.

  “You know how you can earn a large sum?” Poppy asked.


  “Fight the woman tomorrow, there's a lot of men who have put their name in, but I'll make sure yours gets called."

  “You’re suggesting I fight the woman, for real?” Devin asked.

  “It pays well and you get to be up close and personal with that cunt, but the only catch is, you can't killer her."

  “Why's that?” Daryl asked.

  “The fight is more for show. The captain wants to personally kill her. He likes to skin people like her alive."

  “I’m in, I’ll do it,” Devin said.

  “Good, I’ll put your name in,” Poppy replied.

  "What did she do?"

  "She admitted to not only raiding our camp but bragged about killing the captain's son. She's a cold hearted bitch."

  Devin was shocked to hear Poppy call Tess cold hearted. This coming from such a man seemed ironic.

  "Interesting," Daryl said and shifted his eyes.

  "What's the look for?" Poppy asked sensing something in Daryl.

  "I think I heard about this.I come across many people as you know, us slavers interact with a endless number of people, but I think I may know where this girl comes from."

  "What do you know?"

  "I'm not saying I know her, but I heard a woman, oh, a month ago, discussing this with a large group of people out west."

  "Are you sure?"

  Fear struck in Devin, he didn't know where Daryl was
going with this.

  "I can only be sure if I can meet her," Daryl said.

  "Not going to happen, the captain has given strict orders for her to be kept in solitary with no contact."

  "I migh be able to help but I'd have to make sure it's her."

  "Just tell me," Poppy insisted.

  "Listen, those people are good trading partners and I'm not about to jeopardize them on a whim or guess. I won't give you their location without two things happeing. One, I know for sure it's the girl and two, a payment."

  Poppy leered at Daryl, but he understood the modern economy. Instinctually, he wanted to just grab Daryl and force him to talk, but harming traders and slavers was not a smart move. As pirates they came upon goods and used the traders to move it for them. If word got out they treated traders poorly they'd lose commerce.

  "All I need to do is see this girl, it's that easy. Maybe talk to her to make sure."

  Poppy pondered the request and gave in. "Fine, come with me."

  "I want to come to, see who I'm fighting tomorrow," Devin blurted.

  "Not going to happen, I'm already doing this, not anymore," Poppy argued.

  "Oh, c'mon, the more the merrier."

  Poppy looked at both me, his nostrils flared as he breathed in deeply. "Let's go, we have to make it quick," Poppy barked and marched off.

  “I can see your mind spinning, so what’s your plan?” Devin asked.

  "I don't know, but the second I know, you'll know."

  "Great," Devin lamented.

  They jogged to reach Poppy who didnn't say a word. He continued his silence as he led them onto the ship and through the empty passageways. One ladder well, after another they went down into the bowels of the ship.

  They stopped at the end of a long passageway. A lone guard stood watch with a rifle slung over his shoulder.

  "Poppy, you know the captain's orders," the guard said.

  "Real quick, these men need to see the prisoner," Poppy replied.

  "I can't do that," the guard answered.

  "These men might be able to locate the real group this woman came from. Their information could be valuable. I don't have time to meet with the captain, now open the fucking door."

  The guard looked nervous and recoiled when Poppy yelled.

  "I said, open the fucking door, hurry!"

  "Yes, sir," the guard replied and with shaking hands pulled out a set of keys.

  A strong musty smell greeted them when Poppy pushed the large rusty hatch open. Inside, a single light dangled from the ceiling barely providing any light. In the small damp room, a huddled mass lay in the corner.

  Devin focused on the corner, he knew who it was.

  "Get up!" Poppy yelled.

  Tess lifted her head and in typical Tess fashion, replied, "Fuck you."

  Devin cringed when he heard her reply. He knew that it would result in a physical punishment.

  He was right, Poppy strode across the cell and kicked her in the side.

  She coughed and spat in his direction.

  Poppy reached down and grabbed Tess by the hair. "You have visitors, get up and say hello." Poppy jerked her head back.

  Devin stepped from the shadows and into her view.

  Her eyes widened upon seeing him. She opened her mouth and was about to speak but was interrupted.

  "So this is who I'm fighting tomorrow?" Devin asked winking at Tess to signal her to be quiet.

  Tess picked up on his cue.

  Daryl came up behind Devin and leaned in.

  Tess stood up and held the smile she was feeling inside.

  "Not her," Daryl blurted out.

  "Are you sure?" Poppy asked, his fingers still looped through her hair.

  "Nope, not her."

  "Argh!" Poppy groaned and tossed her.

  Tess pretended to fall and landed directly into Devin's arms.

  Devin grabbed her and held her steady. Touching her felt good. He missed her so much. Thoughts of trying to escape now crossed his mind but he knew they'd not make it, it would be impossible.

  She rested her head against his chest and whispered, "Get me out of here."

  Poppy barked, "Get your hands off him, bitch!"

  Tess feinted weakness and dropped to her knees.

  Devin held onto to her and guided her collapse so it was gentle. Before letting her go, he whispered back, "Tomorrow, follow my lead."

  She squeezed him acknowledging she heard.

  "Let's go," Poppy hollered. He was frustrated that he had risked condemnation and for nothing. "What a waste of time."

  Poppy bolted out of the cell.

  Daryl was just behind but Devin stopped him.

  "Any ideas?" Devin asked.


  "I've got one and it's simple in theory. It does require explosives, a few handguns, some extra magazines and one fast truck.”

  "You'll have all those tomorrow," Daryl said and left the cell with Devin just behind him.

  Day 241

  May 31, 2021

  Charleston, South Carolina

  “Bring out the prisoner!” Renfield ordered.

  Several guards marched Tess down the gangway and into a makeshift ring.

  “You have been found guilty,” Renfield proclaimed but was interrupted.

  “Just shut the hell up and let’s get this going!” Tess snarled.

  “Bring out the challenger,” Renfield ordered.

  Devin looked at Daryl, who nodded and walked away. He then pushed his way through the crowd until he stood opposite Tess in the circle.

  She stood across from him, only a few feet separated them.

  For Devin she was so close but also far away. He had a plan¸ but just didn't have the confidence they could pull it off.

  They were surrounded by hundreds of angry men who would die for Renfield and wanted nothing more than to see her butchered.

  Ever ready to scrap, Tess winked and gave Devin a devilish grin.

  Devin couldn't help himself and replied to her with a grin.

  Two guards came into the ring and handed a weapon to him and one to her.

  Tess looked at the rusted and dull knife. In her right hand she firmly grasped the deteriorating wooden grip and laughed outloud. "You're so afraid of a woman that you give me a piece of shit to fight with. Cowards, all of you."

  The men all around jeered and hissed.

  Devin glanced at his weapon, it was in excellent condition and the edge was razor sharp.

  “This is a fight until the death if need be, but Devin, please don’t kill her unless you absolutely have to," Renfield declared.

  "The only one that is dying today will be you!" Tess hollered at Renfield.

  "So much bravado from a split tail. You honestly think you'll kill me?" Renfield asked.

  "How about you fight me, huh? Too much of a pussy to fight a woman?" Tess taunted.

  Renfield's face turned red with anger.

  Devin shook his head at Tess. This was not the plan.

  Renfield left his perch and pushed his way through the crowd. He entered the ring and walked up to Tess. "You want to fight me?"

  Tess leaned into him until their were only inches apart and said, "You're scared. Typical."

  Renfield clenched his jaw and angrily pivoted away from her. He walked up to Devin and said, "Give me the knife."

  "Sir, please, I need the money."

  "Give me the knife or I'll have you skinned too."

  Renfield opened his palm and held it out.

  Devin looked at Renfield then past him to Tess who stood cocky and ready to fight.

  "Here," Devin said placing the seven inch Bowie style knife in Renfield's hand.

  Renfield turned and screamed, "Let's begin!"

  And begin it did. An explosion in the far corner of the yard shook the ground. All eyes turned and looked as a large black cloud of smoke rose. Right on the heels of that, a second explosion rattled them on the other end.

  This was it and Devin did't
hesitate. He hit Renfield, knocking him down and raced towards Tess.

  She lunged at several men, cutting them.

  “We’re under attack! Everyone to their battle stations!” Poppy ordered as he sprang from the crowd and grabbed Tess. They tumbled to the ground and began to wrestle.

  Tess dropped her knife but still resisted. She hit Poppy several times.

  He took the blows and responded in kind. His closed fists punches hit her in the face.

  Tess was strong but Poppy's punches were powerful.

  Poppy rolled her onto her back and pulled back to strike again but was stopped.

  “No!” Devin yelled and pulled a small pistol from his pocket and pointed it at him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Poppy asked.

  Men were running in between them, screaming and yelling.

  A third explosion rocked the yard; this one was placed at the main gate. The force of the explosion destroyed the fortified entrance.

  The yells and screams from the men in the yard were deafening.

  “Give her to me!” Devin ordered as he advanced towards Poppy.

  “It was you two that night, wasn’t it?” Poppy asked.

  “I don’t have time for this.”

  A truck horn blared behind Devin followed by Daryl’s booming voice. “Get her and let’s go!”

  The explosions had done exactly what Devin and Daryl had intended. The chaos and confusion gave Daryl the cover to pull his truck close but the one person preventing them from getting Tess was Poppy.

  Devin advanced towards Poppy and began to squeeze the trigger when from his right side a man lunged at him. He turned to stop him, but his reaction time was too late, and the man struck him in the head with a rifle. The blow was immense. Devin felt his legs give out and saw his body begin to fall to the ground. The sounds around him faded away, but just before he closed he passed out, he saw Tess, her eyes pleading as she reached for him.

  Dulce, New Mexico

  Mueller approached the bed and looked down at Horton.

  “How do you feel, sir?”

  “What did you do? What did you give me?”

  “You don’t look so good.”

  “Did you give me the Lazarus vaccine?”

  Mueller shook his head and smiled. “This isn’t a mistake, Chancellor; I gave you the new virus.” He looked at his watch and continued, “And according to your symptoms, it’s progressing at the proper rate.”


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