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Oberon's Gift

Page 19

by Richard Dante

  Suddenly there was a moan from the stricken man. George Two sat up and looked at this father, who was staring at something or someone at the foot of the bed. George Two turned slowly and gasped. Standing at the foot of the bed, surrounded by an aura of green light stood the most amazing creature he’d ever seen. Could it be...? Incredible! The boy suddenly realized the bedtime stories his dad had told him when he was little were true. The diminutive man in the dapper green suit with blazing red hair & beard could only be Oberon, The Good Fairy!

  “Ah, good!” chuckled the little man. “Both Georges at the same time.”

  George Two looked around, and wondered why no one else seemed aware of the

  amazing visitor.

  Though only George Bertram Potter and George Two could see or hear him, the leprechaun smiled a knowing smile as he continued. “Sorry Mr. president, but you really got yourself into a pickle with this bureaus business. True, many bureaus are merely pork barrel scams or just money pits. But some greedy senators value them highly. Unfortunately, in the guise of doing public good, these officials create bureaus that have no business being in business, then issue contracts to their cronies for lavish kickbacks. They planned your assassination, but they didn’t plan on the committee back in Neverneverland. George, we simply can’t let you go! For years you kept us entertained, and as U. S. President, you have proved to be our greatest achievement. After all the good work you’ve done for this country and for bringing peace to the world we’ve decided to keep you around.” Oberon smiled modestly. “Many of your accomplishments were your own doing, but we do like to think we helped out a wee bit.”

  GeorgeTwo smiled as the leprechaun waved his wand over the stricken man.

  A great shower of golden stars poured down on the victim. With that the President suddenly grunted, sat up slowly, looked around and gave everyone a big George Potter grin. Lydia clapped her hands together and laughed as Grover Cleveland Brown heaved a sigh of relief and the cabinet members applauded...President George Bertram Potter was back! Hearing the commotion, the surgeon and several nurses rushed in and stood gaping at what they assumed was a miracle.

  While the rest of crowd in the room celebrated, the Good Fairy continued.

  “Now that you’re back, here’s the plan. After your brilliant bureau scheme works out, and the majority sees it’s value, they’ll change the law to allow you to be reelected as many times as you have years to give. A small minority may still brand you a socialist, but your administration will continue to be so efficient, the government will eventually make a profit, and to the delight of nearly everyone, ultimately pay off the national debt.”

  The President smiled and responded, “Wonderful! We'll manage to do The Impossible? Good show!!”

  The surgeon and nurses crowded around the President’s bed and began to examine his bandages. As they removed them, they gasped in disbelief. The wound and even evidence of their surgery had totally disappeared. George finally thanked them and asked for his clothes. The nurses pulled the drapes around his area and Liza had them bring in the suitcase she’d packed for just such a need.

  While the President dressed, Oberon continued “Oh, there will still be some nay sayers, but when you cut taxes, and provide jobs for the unemployed bureaucrats, they will certainly become a miniscule minority.” Oberon added. “That’s the good news! However, the bad news is; there will still be attempts on your life. Due to your continued popularity and extraordinary success in shaping this economy, you’ll be reelected virtually unopposed every term. You’ll be in office so long, a few bad apples will accuse you of being a dictator, and want to get rid of you. It means the boys back in Neverneverland will have to keep an eye on you and them. We want no repeats of this fiasco. But that’s not all...George, the First, Some time in the distant future, when you pass on to your just reward, we hope George Two here will be ready to take up the reins. The committee has instructed me to pave the way.” The Good Fairy waved his wand over the teenager and a sprinkle of stars rained down on the bedazzled boy.

  The leprechaun, shook hands with the two Georges and wished them luck, and with a flourish of his wand he prepared to leave.

  “Oberon, wait!” demanded the President. The crowd quieted and looked toward the bed.

  Seeing the hospital drape they assumed concealed only the President and his family, they went back to their amazed babbling. Lydia stared hard at her husband. Thinking he was still delirious from his wound, she laughed and leaned over to kiss him. He returned the kiss and continued what she saw as a one sided conversation with the foot of the bed.

  “Oberon, I think you might be pleased to know I finally believe in you and your friends back in Neverneverland. However, Lydia here is a nonbeliever. Is it possible you could make yourself visible to her and maybe to our good friend Liza?”

  “Well, it’s highly irregular, but for you I’ll make an exception, yet I hope your realize, it really is one wish too many.” The leprechaun laughed as he aimed his wand at the two women and tiny stars squirted out of its tip and over the puzzled ladies. Suddenly their eyes widened in amazement as Oberon miraculously appeared to them. Lydia in particular was astonished as the truth sank in.

  Glancing at her husband, she exclaimed. “George...can it be?..but it’s impossible!”

  The President responded. “Lydia, I’d like you to meet Oberon...Oberon--my wife, Lydia and our good friend Liza Cooper.”

  The Good Fairy made an elaborate bow toward the astonished women. “How do you do, Ladies.” he smiled. “My brethren and I would like to thank you for your steadfast support of our prime mover, here . It was often your encouragement that made him such an extraordinary leader.”

  Lydia finally regained her composure and answered, “’re welcome, And...uh...we’d like to thank you for a...wonderful life well spent, and for bringing him back to us.” she added as she gave her husband a gentle hug. Liza nodded in assent.

  “My pleasure, ladies,” replied the leprechaun. “And now, I must be getting back to make my report. Good-by Mr. President...ladies.” Turning to the President’s son, he added, “And George Two, it’s time for you to start really practicing on that new guitar.”

  Oberon, glanced around the room at the smiling faces and the First Family’s happy reunion. He felt reassured when word of the President’s miraculous resurrection hit the news, similar scenes of jubilation would be repeated throughout the world. With that, the Good Fairy waved his wand toward the window and sailed out into the night, where he set a course for Neverneverland.


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