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Gunz (The Dark Elf War Book 2)

Page 36

by William Stacey

  No choice at all.

  She sighed, resigning herself to the inevitable. "Okay, we fight. What's the plan?"

  Alex sighed. "We steal a helicopter, fly to Fort St. John, and blow up this Culling Machine. Kargin says he can show us where it is."

  "I thought the dark elf army pulled back to Fort St. John."

  "Together," said Cassie, "if the three of us link through the dwarven crowns again…"

  "We might stand a chance taking on the dark-elf mages," Leela finished.

  Elizabeth looked from Leela to Cassie, aware her mouth hung open. "But…"

  "You take the Brace again," said Cassie. "Together, we're stronger than any of them."

  "But not all of them. There's no way we can fight our way past their entire army and all their mages."

  "Maybe you don't have to," said Helena in a small voice.

  When they all turned and stared at her, Helena swallowed then began to explain herself. "The first time I saw that other dark elf woman—Tlathia—use the orb to open a gateway after rescuing us, I thought it was the same orb that—"

  "The same orb I brought back from Faerum," said Alex. "The one the dark-elf mage dropped after I shot her. I was wondering about that."

  "You have the third Shatkur Orb?" asked Kargin. "This is wonderful. Where is it?"

  "We kept it secured beneath the Magic Kingdom," said Helena. "We didn't know what it was called or what it did, but it was clearly important, so we kept it locked in the same chamber as the Jump Tube. It should still be there."

  "Ha!" barked Kargin, dashing over and hugging Helena, causing her to squeal in abject surprise. "Lizbeth-Chambers, if we link through the crowns, I can show you where the Culling Machine is located. You can open a gateway right at the machine, bypassing Horlastia's army."

  "We can take them by surprise," said Alex. "But it'll still be guarded, right?"

  "Well … yes," said Kargin enthusiastically. "But only until we cut their heads off."

  "The ultimate airmobile insertion," said Swamp Thing, smiling wickedly. "Death from above, you dark elf fucks!"

  "We can even use the orb to escape again afterward—before the rest of their army reacts," said Alex. "We can be in and out in minutes, a direct action!"

  "Everybody chill," said Sharon, standing up and waving her hands. "The hornet pilot lost track of the dragon near the Magic Kingdom. What if it's still there?"

  "How do you know that?" Alex asked.

  "I ran into some old friends from 402 Squadron here in the camp. Word is that the fighter pursuing the dragon north lost track of it in the clouds near the Peace River. He says it disappeared from radar."

  "Shit," said Alex. "Screw it. Maybe the dragon is there, maybe it isn't, but we have to go for it. With the orb, Elizabeth can put us right on the target in seconds. Otherwise, we go in hot and fight our way in and out."

  Kargin cleared his throat. "Don't underestimate the wyrm. If Bale-Fire is there, you're going to need powerful weapons."

  "We can get bigger guns," said Swamp Thing. "Count on it."

  Everyone began talking over one another as the excitement swept through the tent. "Enough!" yelled Alex, standing up. He held his hands out. "Okay, some of us have to do this, but not everybody. If you don't want to go to jail, leave now, because even if you make it, you're going to end up in a cell at Club Ed. You got any doubts, you walk out now. No shame."

  "Actually, Captain," said Swamp Thing, "it'll be Fort Leavenworth for me and Masters, but you know … semantics. We're in."

  Masters nodded solemnly.

  Corinna bobbed her head. "No way I'm letting these things kill people in my town and get away with it."

  "Glad to have you, Constable," said Alex.

  "I'm with you," said Paco. "But I think you already knew that."

  He glanced at his sister, but before he could speak, she cut him off. "We're going to need all three of us to fight mages, Yancy. Like it or not, I'm coming."

  "I always knew you were, Snowbird," he said as he reached an arm around her shoulder to hug her. "Proud of you."

  Alex looked at Helena. "Maybe you should sit this one out, Helena."

  She shook her head. "You'll need me to access the secure lockup."

  He nodded then looked at Lee. "Recce Squadron's given enough, Private. You've still got a career ahead of you."

  Lee met Cassie's eye and gave her a smile. She reached over and placed her hand atop his. "No career if we're all dead, Captain," he said. "I'm coming."

  "All right then," said Alex, pausing to sweep his gaze across the tent. When no one else spoke, he continued. "We're gonna need ammo and weapons, big weapons, maybe a couple of Carl Gs—and heavy explosives for this Culling Machine, something like C4."

  "Got it," said Tops. "I know just where to look. I'll need some help from one of the mag-sens, though, as well as a truck, but we should have what we need within the hour."

  "Me and Masters are with you," said Swamp Thing.

  "I'll come, too," said Huck.

  "I'll help," said Elizabeth. "But I'm not hurting anyone."

  "Not asking you to," said Tops.

  "Okay," said Alex, nodding. "That'll work." He looked at Sharon. "Now, we need a ride north."

  "Like I said, 402 Squadron is on this camp. They have Chinooks."

  "Can you fly something that big?" Alex asked.

  She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head. "Of course I can fly a Chinook. Problem is someone's going to see us borrowing a helicopter. The Air Force notices things like that."

  "No, they won't," said Cassie. She looked at Leela. "I'm gonna need your help. I'm stupid tired, like barely coherent."

  "You got it," said Leela.

  "Here," said Swamp Thing, sliding over to tower over Cassie. He took her hand and turned it up. Then he removed a pill container from his pocket and shook three small red pills into her palm. "Modafinil. They'll keep you on your feet for the next few hours."

  Cassie stared suspiciously at the pills. "Any side effects?"

  Swamp Thing shrugged, stuffed his large hands in his pockets, and made a noncommittal grunt. "Not for me, but I'm three hundred pounds of angry awesome army man. Little bitty thing like you might get some headaches … or nausea … or explosive diarrhea … okay, maybe some nasty skin rashes, but hey, you're already drop-dead gorgeous, Starlight. Be a team player, and stop thinking about yourself."

  Elizabeth reached past the two of them, took one of the pills, and popped it in her mouth. Leela did the same with another, and Cassie swallowed the last one, throwing stink eye at Swamp Thing.

  "Let's move with a sense of purpose, people," said Alex. "We've got a world to save."


  Tops led Elizabeth, Huck, Swamp Thing, Masters, and Ward out of the tent. He pulled them together into a quick huddle, glancing about quickly before speaking in a low voice. "We need something with a cargo bed and room for all six of us, maybe an MLVW."

  "On it," said Ward, slipping away. Masters accompanied him.

  Elizabeth watched them go. "MLVW?"

  "Medium logistics vehicle-wheeled." Huck pointed to a large six-wheeled cargo truck with a canvas covering on its bed as it slowly drove past. There were at least ten identical trucks within two hundred meters, some parked, others moving supplies. Ward and Masters approached two vehicles parked beneath a small copse of trees.

  Elizabeth stared at the two Special Forces operators. "So … what? They're just going to steal someone's truck? How will…"

  Without pause, both men climbed into the cab of the closest MLVW. Moments later, its engine rumbled to life, and smoke belched from its exhaust. The MLVW rolled toward the remaining four conspirators. Elizabeth watched a beaming Ward stop the vehicle alongside them. I guess we are just going to steal it.

  "They all take the same key," said Huck. "Most soldiers carry a spare, just in case. So SOP is to chain the steering wheel to prevent someone else borrowing your ride, but here in the camp… well, things slide a bit in an
operational environment."

  "We need it more than whoever owns it," said Tops. He jumped up onto the running board next to the passenger door, leaned in through the open window, and spoke to Masters, who nodded then opened the door and climbed down before moving to the rear of the vehicle and opening the tailgate. Masters heaved himself up onto the bed of the truck then offered his hand to help the others climb up.

  Elizabeth waited for her turn, but Tops stopped her. "Not you. I need you up front. Sit between Ward and me."

  She climbed into the cab and wedged herself between the two men. Tops pointed ahead of them. "Go straight, then follow that copse of trees on our left. CSOR's complex is just behind that hill. You'll see the razor wire."

  "CSOR?" asked Elizabeth. The Canadian Special Operations Regiment was the unit Clara was supposed to join in Petawawa. "You're going to steal from a Special Forces regiment?"

  Ward shrugged. "Why steal shitty gear? CSOR will have the good stuff."

  "Go," Tops said. "Don't hit anyone. I don't want to mess with the MPs while I'm stealing stuff."

  "Try not to," said Ward, "but my 404s are expired."

  Ward easily maneuvered the large cargo vehicle through the congested camp, easing past other vehicles, HESCO barriers, tents, and construction vehicles. Elizabeth even saw two Leopard tanks chained atop flatbed trucks. The army wasn't kidding around. If they did attack, they'd roll over the dark elf army. She glanced at Tops. "Kind of ballsy, stealing from a Special Forces regiment."

  "It's not the whole regiment, just an advance detachment with supplies. They're pre-positioning things. CANSOFCOM, the Canadian Special Forces Operation Command, likes to put the gear and teams in place early—just in case they're needed. There's a half dozen ISO containers, forty-foot-long metal shipping boxes filled with primo weapons, gear, ammo, and explosives."

  As they crested the hill, Elizabeth saw a complex of tents and vehicles surrounded by three rows of razor wire. As Tops had claimed, six green metal ISO containers sat in a line against the trees at the back of the complex. "How do you know about this?"

  "We weren't all napping this morning, Elizabeth. When Alex was at brigade headquarters, getting his ass reamed out by the Chief of Staff, I ran into a buddy from CSOR. We went through selection together, and he knew I was with Task Force Devil, so he brought me back here for coffee to talk to their intel staff and operators about the aliens."

  "You told them about the dark elves, the monsters, the magic, everything?"

  "Course I told them everything. We're all on the same team. Anyhow, while I was drinking their coffee and regaling them with tales of my martial prowess, I got a good look at their setup. I think they're getting ready to move north on foot and recon the aliens."

  "I thought north was this AQZ and was off-limits."

  "It is, but that's not how Special Forces work. CSOR will prepare for a dozen different possibilities that will probably never happen. You still have to do all the work just in case. CANSOFCOM likes to be prepared 'cause things change way faster than you'd think from the movies."

  "Got it."

  As they coasted down the hill, Tops glanced at her. "This is why I need you, Elizabeth. These are the good guys. They don't understand the threat, and we don't have time to explain things like culling. Shit, even I don't understand it, and I've been working alongside you and Cassie for the last year. But we need their stuff, and I need you to make sure no one gets hurt while we borrow it."

  Elizabeth bit her lower lip, watching as Ward slowed down and turned off the trail, approaching the opening through the razor wire. "I understand."

  "I know you do. The guys in CSOR have heard rumors about Task Force Devil and alien portals, but they don't know shit about chicks that can cast magic. You're our secret weapon, Gunz."

  "Freaking good nickname, by the way," said Ward beside her, nodding in approval.

  A surprising feeling of affection swept through her, and she forced down a smile, knowing she needed to keep her focus. The Canadian and American Task Force Devil operators might have been rough, uncouth, ill mannered, and surprisingly immature for elite warriors, but they were also becoming like family—like big, dorky, overprotective brothers who thought fart humor was the height of comedy.

  "Get ready," said Ward. He slowed to a stop before a barrier gate. A single soldier with an assault rifle stood sentry. He stepped to the side as Ward rolled down his window.

  "You're up, Gunz," Tops said softly.

  Ward leaned an arm out the window. "Hey," he said in a friendly tone.

  "Hey, yourself," the guard answered without the slightest trace of welcome. "What do you want?"

  "All your primo gear," answered Ward, "especially the stuff that goes boom."

  The guard's eyes narrowed, but before he could answer, Elizabeth leaned out past Ward and stuck her head through the window as she climbed across his lap. She gave the sentry her best smile. "Hi," she said then channeled, using telekinesis to hold him motionless. When he tried to cry out, she clamped his teeth together. His eyes bulged in fear, but he stood helpless as Swamp Thing and Masters ran around the side of the truck, grabbed his arms, and hoisted him to the rear of the MLVW. The last Elizabeth saw of him was Swamp Thing ramming what looked like a sock in his mouth and shoving him into the back. Tops jumped out and swung the barricade up for Ward to drive through.

  They were in.

  It had taken only seconds, and no one seemed aware of what had just happened in broad daylight. "Good job," said Tops as he climbed back in the cab.

  Ward sighed and shook his head. "I do not want to know where Swamp Thing got that sock."

  "Ignorance is bliss, brother," said Tops.

  Masters, now wearing the sentry's field cap and load-bearing vest, picked up the discarded assault rifle and assumed the guard's position. Tops leaned out the window to speak to Masters. "We'll be fast, like little bunnies. In the meantime, you play sentry."

  Masters snorted. "Not my first rodeo, Captain Canuck. But you'd better hope they got black soldiers in this unit, or someone's gonna ask questions."

  Tops shrugged. "Not a clue. Just act white—you know, awkward and entitled."

  Masters rolled his eyes as Ward drove forward.

  A dozen large military tents filled the compound, as well as a command post–type tent attached to the back of two military vehicles with large antenna masts mounted to their bumpers. A handful of dark-green SUVs with blackened windows—armored G-Wagons—were parked around the compound, as well as two LAV-IIIs and several MLVWs. She saw only two other soldiers, and they were strolling into a tent, laughing at something.

  "Park in front of the ISO containers," said Tops, and Ward slowed to a stop as directed. Tops pointed to the tent where the soldiers had just entered. "That's the mess tent. Seeing as how this is CSOR, with luck, they're all in there, eating way too many carbs and too much ice cream, the fat bastards, and talking shit about how tough they are. Follow me, and think positive thoughts."

  He climbed out of the vehicle and approached the closest ISO container.

  Elizabeth followed him, as did Ward, but he left the engine running. Huck and Swamp Thing hopped over the tailgate and joined them. Swamp Thing winked at Elizabeth. "Time to acquisition some shiny stuff."

  Huck met Elizabeth's eyes and shook her head. "I can't believe we're actually doing this. If you guys are wrong about this culling thing…"

  "I don't think Kargin's wrong. But it's not too late for you to bail."

  "No way. If the dwarf is right, everyone on the planet dies. Besides, someone needs to get some payback for Major Ryker."

  "Excuse me, ladies." Swamp Thing grabbed Elizabeth's elbow and dragged her over to the closest ISO container. Tops stood before two metal doors secured with a thick chain and an even thicker lock. "Only this container and the one beside it are locked. Any way you can magic that lock off?"

  Elizabeth stared at it. "I don't know. Lightning won't work, and fire will only make it hot. Maybe tel
ekinesis, but those links look strong."

  "No sweat," said Ward, slipping past her with bolt cutters. "These were in the MLVW's toolbox."

  "You strong enough to use those?" Swamp Thing asked. "Want me to do it for you?"

  Ward flipped Swamp Thing the bird. "No, you're already holding your purse, man. I got it." He slipped the cutting head of the bolt cutters over the lock and, with a grunt, snapped clean through the lock's bar. The two pieces fell to the ground, and Ward went to cut the second ISO container open.

  Tops and Swamp Thing pulled the doors open, letting the sunlight into the container and illuminating its contents. Swamp Thing slapped Tops on the back. "Hot damn. Jackpot on the first try!"

  The container was stacked with ammunition crates and metal boxes preloaded with belted ammunition. Elizabeth saw containers of grenades of all types, bundles of collapsible M-72 LAW rocket launchers, as well as crates loaded with anti-tank rockets for the larger M-3 Carl Gustav rocket launchers, of which she saw two. Swamp Thing stormed inside and sorted through piles of preloaded assault rifle magazines stacked on a wooden folding table. "Nice of 'em to load for us."

  "CSOR's pretty cool that way," answered Tops, his hands on his hips as he surveyed the contents. "Good coffee, too."

  "Take your word for it, brother." Swamp Thing slipped farther back, near the LAW tubes, and clapped his hands loudly. "Oh, hell, yes! Now we're talking."

  "What is it?" Elizabeth asked, following him inside.

  "Det cord," said Swamp Thing, holding up a roll of green cord that looked to Elizabeth like something an electrician would carry.

  "Any C-4?" Tops asked.

  Swamp Thing shook his head. "No, but I can jury-rig anything with enough det cord." He glanced at the LAW tubes and the M-3 rockets. "Two or three anti-tank rocket warheads ought to do the trick."


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