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Right Now (The Seduced Series)

Page 3

by Jackie McMahon

  I felt a little better after a quick refreshing shower. I was extra careful not to get my hair wet. I knew I wasn’t going to find a blow dryer anywhere in here. Feeling a little guilty, I used his toothbrush. After what we did last night, shit what was the point of worrying what he thought? I had no idea what I was going to wear so I pushed open the two wooden doors, and too my surprise it was a closet. Not just any closet but a huge walk-in closet, filled with clothes from every angle. I took one of his shirts from a dozen of them off the hanger and put it on. I thought about taking a pair of his pants but decided against it. I strolled over to the window and opened up the curtain slowly. My mouth hit the floor when I saw that the ‘window’ was actually a sliding door leading to a spacious and roomy balcony. That was not the only thing that made my mouth hit the floor, I was three stories up, overlooking a huge and spacious backyard and a massive pool! From what I could see, this was definitely a mansion.

  This is crazy! I thought to myself as I exited the room and found myself in a hallway, I was going to get lost and I knew it. I started to walk to my right and thought that this guy cannot be real; he’s hot and rich too? This is hardly fair. I sighed when I came across a grand staircase but I thought to myself, he is real. I spotted him sipping coffee by the kitchen; he was wearing a delectable dark blue suit. The memory I had of him in a semi-lit room did not do him any justice. He was strikingly dead sexy under the precise light.

  He was sitting with an older brown haired woman, maybe in her early fifties? Was it his mother? I took a deep breath when I couldn’t see a resemblance. She looked up at me then quickly looked away, she didn’t seem surprised to see me. Ah, so seeing women come down the stairs in nothing but one of his shirts was normal for her? I don’t know why that seemed to upset me but it did. He didn’t look up until I made my way down to the last step. When his eyes met mine for that brief moment I held my breath. I was right about his eyes being blue, really blue nonetheless. His eyes watched me carefully, detached and full of desire as he slowly took in my appearance. The look he gave me confirmed fear number three, oh yeah we slept together because the way he looked at me was like he wanted to take me back upstairs for round two. A shiver ran down my spine as I dropped my eyes down to the floor not wanting to make any more eye contact.

  “Good morning,” he said turning his attention back to his cup of coffee.

  “Morning I guess. Where are my clothes?”

  “I disposed of it. I figured you wouldn’t run if you didn’t have any clothes,” he calmly replied.

  “You what?” I shouted at him. “You have no right to just throw my clothes away! Who the fuck do you think you are?” I glared him furiously.

  “I’m the guy that kidnapped you remember,” he said in a threatening tone and flashed me a menacing smile. I flinched. Even though he was gorgeous beyond belief and we slept together; something told me I was skating on thin ice with him. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

  “Look I don’t want any trouble, I just want to go home,” I said my voice a soft plea. “What do you want from me?” My sudden mood switch threw him off for a moment.

  “Right now I just want you to stay put,” he said. I thought I heard a plea of his own in his tone.

  “Can you tell me why I’m here and why me?” I asked.

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t be asking questions. What is important is that you’re safe here, end of discussion,” his blue eyes flashed towards me.

  I realized that talking to him was useless at this point. I turned to the woman, who seemed oblivious to what was going on between us. Was she in on the secret too? I quickly turned to the older woman and pleaded.

  “Excuse me ma’am can you please help me, I have to get out of here it’s not safe for me to be here. Please,” I pleaded to her and for a moment she looked shocked but then her face quickly turned blank.

  “I’m sorry sweetie, I can’t help you,” she said with a deep Latin accent. “Rest assured this is the safest place you can be.”

  “No, no its not, please…” I whispered as I desperately shook my head.

  “Yes it is,” she persisted. “No one here will harm you sweetie, including Mr. Evers, you should listen to him he knows what’s best for you,” I looked back at him.

  He seemed to ignore my plea to this woman. It was only then I whispered ‘Evers.’ Then I saw a strange emotion in his eyes. I couldn’t understand what it was? What was he longing for, that he didn’t have already? I thought bitterly to myself.

  “No he doesn’t, please help me.” I tried one last time, knowing very well that this was a losing battle. I could never win with him, hell he even had his staff keep me here locked up like his prisoner. She smiled apologetically then walked away leaving the both of us in the kitchen. “Wait,” I tried to scream but only a whimper came out.

  I didn’t want to admit it but I felt afraid to be left alone with him. He was devastatingly handsome and he had a dangerous aura about him. I could feel his gaze on me but I didn’t dare to meet his eyes. So instead I sunk to the floor and wrapped my arms around my legs, breathing deeply trying to calm myself down from a full blow panic attack.

  “If you just relax you would see that she’s actually telling the truth,” he said with calm soothing voice.

  “Who are you to judge what’s true or not? You’ve got your maid lying for you,” I shouted at him as I got up off the floor. He was really furious now, something told me to run but I was stuck here, frozen.

  “I don’t have maids. I have help and they are considered family around here, so I suggest you start showing me some fucking respect,” he shouted at me.

  I recoiled as thought that he just might slap me, it felt like he did by the tone in his voice and I deserved it too. Though I didn’t mean any disrespect towards him or his staff, I was just mad. I slumped back down to the floor and for one spilt second I thought I seen him flinched too.

  “Stephanie, clear my schedule for this morning. I’m going to be a little late today,” he said as I looked up to see him talking on his cell phone. I then realized I had one more weapon in my arsenal. “Angelina, please get up off the floor,” he said quietly as he put his cell back inside of his pocket.

  “It’s not like you care. So why bother,” I countered back at him but he didn’t say anything. “I’ll call the police then,” I threatened.

  “Go ahead,” he laughed like I was missing something obvious. “You’ll just be wasting your time.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” I got up off the floor again staring at him dumbfounded.

  “They won’t help you. I made sure of it,” he said nonchalantly while taking another sip of his coffee. I was shocked when I realized he actually meant it.

  “How? Who are you?” I whispered to him.

  “I’m Dennis Evers, sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier,” he said amused with himself.

  Dennis Evers? It couldn’t possibly be true but it was. Holy shit! I remember Betty saying something about him and his company; wanting to set up some sort of graphic design image for his company and that Impressions was one of the top choices. I didn’t know much about him anyway but from what Betty told me he was a corporate mogul type, rich and powerful. He ran a multibillion dollar business called Evers and Evers Communications at a very young age. That explains a lot, like why he kidnapped me so easily and why his mansion looks like a freaking castle and also why I couldn’t call the police. My face dropped into my hands from pure disbelief.

  “No one will believe me anyway. They’ll all think I’m some sort of crazy girl hopped up on something,” I muttered to myself. Maybe I should consider another possibility.

  “I wouldn’t run either if I were you; we’re not in the city anymore. Plus there are guards all around the estate,” he said as I dashed passed him. “And I gave them a thorough description of a young woman that might try to run. I told them to keep her here at all cost,” I froze right on the spot.

  It was pointless to
run now. He and his guards would just drag me back here. I don’t know what I was thinking when I grabbed a tall glass vase. He didn’t even turn around to look at me and what I had in my hands.

  “This can be easy or this can be very hard. It’s your choice but either way you’re not going anywhere,” he added with his back to me.

  I quietly walked towards him with the vase in my hand and aimed it in the direction of his head. It was a blur when he turned and grabbed the vase right out of my hands before it could hit him. I staggered back as he stood up with anger returning into his eyes as he charged towards me.

  “You’re really starting to piss me off!” He shouted.

  Fear stricken, I retreated back gasping only to be stopped by a locked door. I whimpered, as I couldn’t look at him anymore. I wrapped my arms around myself. Suddenly he stopped and put the vase down like it scorched his hand. He put his hands up in defense and took a few steps back.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said with his soft soothing voice returning once again. I looked up at him in shock. “I don’t hit women,” he then added. Obviously offended by the idea that I thought he would hit me. He looked at me like I’d just hit him below the belt. Why did I feel the need to comfort him? I automatically dropped my arms. “Angelina, I know this is stressful for you but please trust me. I just need you to stay here so that I know you’re safe. Like Carmella said I won’t hurt you and neither will anyone one else by you staying here.”

  “I want the truth.”

  “That is not the best time to explain,” he turned away from me.

  “What about my family and friends? What about my job? They’re going to realize that I’m missing and they’ll come looking for me,” I added.

  “No, they won’t,” he assured.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You see, you left a message for them last night and told them that you decided to take a well deserved secret vacation. You told them not worry about anything and you’ll call once you get back to town,” he said poring himself another cup of coffee.

  “What? I didn’t call them…” before I could continue, he pulled out his phone and my voice came through after my mom’s answering machine went off. That was it, there were no more weapons left in my arsenal and there was definitely no escaping… I didn’t even care at this point how the hell his phone was able to perfectly mimic my voice because he could kill me now and no one would ever know it was him who did it. “I didn’t tell them where I was,” I whispered. “Or when I was coming back,” I looked into his worried eyes and I could feel myself go weak in the knees in front of him.

  At this point I didn’t want to fight the darkness that was threatening to overtake my body. For a moment he looked horrified. I didn’t understand why but I looked up at him questioningly. Then out of nowhere everything went black…

  Chapter Four

  I knew I pushed Angelina way too far when she figured out the implications of the ‘phone call’ that she supposedly made to her mother’s home back in Virginia. No one would look for her and no one would ever believe her. She started swaying and I fought the need to reach out and hold her. I knew that if I touched her it would send her over the edge and me as well. She looked at me like she was trying to figure out what she was going to do. Then much to my surprise her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed right in front of me.

  “Oh no,” I caught her before she could hit the floor. “Angelina? Can you hear me?” I asked shaking her gently but she didn’t respond.

  I let out a pained sigh as I lifted her into my arms and carried her back upstairs and into my bedroom. What am I going to do with you I said to myself as I laid her carefully down on the bed? I couldn’t take my eyes away from her. Even with a pale face and unruly hair, she was unbelievably breathtaking. I felt a slight stab of guilt at how I’ve treated her. In one morning I had frightened her, threatened her and swore at her. I flinched as I remembered the look she gave me when I charged at her with the vase. I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought that I was a demon sent from her own personal hell to torment and torture her. Carmella gasped in the doorway breaking my train of thought.

  “What happened?” She asked rushing to her side. She even had Carmella wrapped around her little finger, somehow Colin’s voice came to me ‘she’s quite something, isn’t she?’

  “Nothing, she just fainted,” I said surprised at how strained my voice sounded.

  “What did you do?” She asked as her brown eyes started accusing me.

  I shrugged, turning my gaze back to Angelina. I couldn’t deny that I had caused this situation. I could feel Carmella’s scrutinizing on my face, but I kept watching Angelina lying on my bed. My expression must have told her something because she sighed.

  “You care about her, don’t you?” She asked softly.

  “Yeah well I don’t want the CIA to come down on me if she has a heart attack,” I said confused.

  “No, that’s not it,” she shook her head. “I know you Dennis, you’ve done this before. You never looked at other woman the way you look at this girl,” something clicked as I caught what she meant. “Nor did you ever sleep with them or bring them to your bedroom,” she continued but I couldn’t argue with the last statement.

  Never had I brought a woman up to my bedroom before, even when I brought a few women home. I had sex with them in other rooms except for my bedroom. But there laid Angelina in the same bed where I made love to her in last night. Was this what it was all along? I cared about her? No! I don’t even know her, plus I don’t care about anything. I never did and never will.

  “You’re wrong,” I simply replied turning towards the door.

  “Am I?” She challenged.

  “Absolutely,” I stated as she dropped the conversation. “I have to get to work now,” I told her glancing at my watch. “I’ll call Pamela and Rebecca, they’ll be more than happy to prepare a decent wardrobe for her.”

  I guess that will be my peace offering to Angelina, women loved clothes right? I glanced at her one last time wishing I could be here when she woke up. Who was I kidding? I was the reason why she was here in the first place. Maybe some time away from me would do her a world of good? I tore my eyes away from her to look back at Carmella, who looked very pleased about something.

  “Prepare a room for her, tell Pam and Becca to put her clothes there as well,” I said to her as she nodded back to me.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her when she wakes up,” she added as I gave her a small smile and rushed out.

  As I left my bedroom I pulled out my cell phone from my inside pocket and called Colin. He answers on the first ring. Before I could even ask him anything about Benny he was already a step ahead of me.

  “We’ll have this all under control Dennis, if we need your help you know I will call you immediately. Besides we can’t draw attention towards you. If Benny heard that we are onto him, he would flee or shorten his plans,” he said through the phone. I knew what he meant; Benny would lead us on a wild goose chase or kill Angelina immediately. I shuddered at the last option. I knew that he was right but still, I wanted to do something…anything to make sure Angelina was safe and clear out of Benny’s reach.“Your only focus should be on protecting her, nothing else understand,” he insisted. “By the way, how is she holding up?”

  “Not too well boss,” I grimaced at the thought of what happened earlier.

  “Losing your touch? You’re a good-looking guy. Charm her into it, make her believe,” he said it as if it was that easy.

  “Keep me informed about any slight change,” I said, avoiding his last request.

  “You know I will,” he said then hung up.

  Charm her into it? Yeah that’s some joke. I tried that last night and failed as soon as it was set in motion. I tried to seduce her into wanting to stay. Instead she ended up seducing me. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Last night was not supposed to happen like that. My hands still s
tung at the memory of her touch, my lips kissing her and my body loving her. How could I be so weak? I was always able to stop myself when I needed to. But with her, I was possessed with the need for her, I couldn’t think straight. She was making me second-guess myself. I should be punishing myself for want I did, she is so warm, sweet and innocent. I don’t deserve her. She doesn’t even know me. With a sigh I jump into my car and decided to call Pamela and Rebecca, my two fashion crazed cousins. My Uncle Charlie’s daughters, they are identical twins. I always considered them as my little sisters rather than cousins.

  “Dennis! It’s so good to hear from you bro,” Pamela exclaimed.

  “Hi Pam, is Becca around?” I asked.

  “Yeah she’s here. Hold on one second, I’ll put you speaker,” she said.

  “Hey Dennis,” Rebecca’s voice came through the phone.

  “Hey girls, I need a huge favor from you two…” I told them what I needed from them, of course leaving out that I kidnapped Angelina and was holding her against her will.

  “Really?” Pamela asked. “Yes! We’ll get right on it, bro. You can count on us!”

  “How much are we working with?” Becca asked.

  “Go wild,” I said while rolling my eyes. I held the phone up and away from my ear as they squealed in excitement. “Listen I need you to get to work now and I need those clothes in her closet by two o’clock this afternoon today.”

  “WHAT?” They both shouted. “But it’s already ten!” Pam panicked.

  “Yeah, we’ll “All the more reason to get cracking then,” they both quickly said their goodbyes.

  Once I hung up with them, I emailed them a picture of Angelina and her dress and shoe size. I tried to drown out my thoughts about Angelina out of my head as I drove to work.


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