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Right Now (The Seduced Series)

Page 9

by Jackie McMahon

  “I grew up in a small town in New Mexico, my parents loved small towns. They never cared about the money and power. I’m sure Carmella told you about how she met my parents?”

  “She refused to tell me anything else.”

  “Even being the only child I was a happy little kid, but I was the closest to my mother. She meant the world to me; I loved my father too don’t get me wrong. I went from being loved and happy to being alone and traumatized.” I said in sad voice. “I lied about how they died, they didn’t die in a car accident, they were murdered,” I said as I heard Angelina gasp. “That day, Carmella had to run to the store to go food shopping, me and my parents were playing in the living room of our house when a bunch of black-suited armed men busted down the door. At the time I was too little to understand what was going on, but it looked like my parents were trying to fight them off. My mother screamed for me to run but I couldn’t, I froze up. The men shot them down in cold blood right in fronts of my eyes. I had to stand there and watch them die,” her hand was on my shoulder trying to comfort me as tears streamed down her face.

  “Oh my God Dennis,” she choked out.

  “They left me, alone with my parents bleeding to death. I didn’t understand why they didn’t kill me as well, I guess they thought I was a harmless little kid,” I said as I wiped away her tears with the back of my hand. “Carmella came back and found me crying in a pool of my parent’s blood. She called 911 and when the cops came they called child protection services. They came and took me away claiming it was for the best. I remember Carmella screaming as she tried to prevent them from taking me. That was the last time I seen her… at least for a while.”

  “Did they catch the killers?” She asked between her sobs.

  “Trust me when I say they got theirs,” I said in an angered tone. I personally took matters into my own hands by hunting down those sons of bitches.

  “What happened after CPS took you?” She whispered.

  “My Uncle came and took over as guardian. But the trauma of their deaths left me in shambles. My uncle took over my father’s company, assets and whatever property they owned until I was old enough to claim it for myself,” I said. That was around that time that Colin found me and offered me a job I couldn’t turn away from. “I was in college when I met up with Carmella again, it was a very emotional. Carmella was happy to see me again but I changed. I was not the sweet and innocent little boy she used to know. She blamed herself for going food shopping that day, but I was glad she did…”

  “Because they would have killed her too,” Angelina whispered finishing my sentence and I nodded.

  “For me, having her was better than having nothing and ever since that day she never left my side since. Losing my parents the way I did was painful, I never wanting to feel like that again. I shut the world out, I promised myself that I wouldn’t let myself get attached to anyone or thing, until I laid eyes on you,” I said with a smile. I then gently caressed her cheek.

  “I’m so sorry Dennis, I’m sorry for everything. What happened to you, no one should have to go through something so horrific,” she whispered. “Now I feel like shit for calling you heartless.”

  “No, I deserved it.” She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me like she did earlier today.

  “I love you Dennis and it’s not going to change,” she whispered.

  “What happened to not getting attached?” I teased hoping to lighten the mood in the room.

  “A lost cause,” she murmured as she kissed my neck.

  I kissed her back on her soft tearstained lips, happy that she was able to accept a piece of my past. Eventually I will have to tell her everything but for now I feel satisfied that I finally told someone about my parent’s death.

  “I want to be with you Angelina, please give me a chance to prove myself,” I asked kissing her on the forehead.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she whispered while smiling.

  “Can I try something?” I asked not sure of what I wanted to do myself.


  I laid her back down on the bed and lay next to her and put my head on her chest. She tensed up but relaxed immediately and began gently massaging my head with her fingers. By her doing that brought back a fond memory of my parents. The memories I remember of them were clouded over the years of pushing them into a dark place in the back of my mind. I just lay there and listened to her heartbeat, it was very soothing. We stayed like this for some time in silence, neither of us speaking just embracing each other’s feelings. Then I remembered a memory of my parents and me as a kid.

  “Eww, why do you do that?” I made a gagging sound when my mom and dad kissed while we ate breakfast. They both stopped and looked at me amused.

  “When you get older son and meet a girl that you really like, you would want to show her that you care for her in a special way,” my father said while looking at my mother. “She will become your world.”

  “You will have to treat her right to not break her heart,” my mother added.

  “Yeah well I still think it’s gross,” I said to them.

  They both laughed then my mother kissed my forehead. I thought they were talking nonsense at the time and I still thought that way for quite a while. But after meeting Angelina I could see how they both felt about each other, loving toward one another. I smiled to myself at the thought as I let sleep take over me.

  Chapter Nine

  I woke up with a pounding headache from all that damn crying from last night, that shit took a damn toll on me and my emotions. Dennis and I fell asleep in our embrace; it was beautiful and totally unexpected. I asked myself, what inspired it? I needed some aspirin for my head but I didn’t want to wake him up and have him panic that I left him alone. I can’t believe he opened up to me and we bonded in a way I thought we never would. We shared heartache, but mine was nowhere near as tragic as his was. I shuddered imagining what he must have gone through as a young boy. I couldn’t stay, I needed to get up and grab an aspirin. I got up without disturbing him.

  “I’ll be right back my love,” I whispered to him and lightly kissed his forehead.

  I went downstairs and into the kitchen where I found Carmella making herself a cup of coffee. She’s always up earlier before anyone else. She looked up at me and smiled when she seen me. I walked up to her and hugged her, tightly.

  “I’m so sorry Carmella,” I whispered.

  “I’m guessing he told you, huh?” She asked with a slight chuckle in her voice.


  “Thank you sweetie but I’ve learned to accept and move on,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “Where is he?” She asked.

  “He’s still asleep,” I said smiling.

  “So what happened?” She asked.

  “We talked a lot and I cried like a baby when he told me that he wanted to be with only me. How could I refuse him when I wanted the same thing?” I said. “Then he asked if he could do something. He laid his head on my chest. It was sweet but I don’t understand why he would ask?”

  “What did he do?” Her eyes widen with surprise.

  “He laid his head on my chest,” I said as she started to mutter to herself in her language

  I didn’t quite understand. “Carmella?” I asked alarmed.

  “When he was a little he used to lay his head on his mother’s chest to listen to her heartbeat. It calmed him when he was wary about things. He sees his mother in you Angelina.”

  I was shocked at her answer. I could never take the place of his mother. From what I heard about her, she was a very kind and a loving mother towards Dennis.

  “No you’re wrong.”

  “No? For the past few years I’ve been praying to the angles that they would help heal him and they did, they sent you Angelina,” she said as tears started to escape her eyes.

  “No, I’m not some sort of magical miracle that was brought remove Dennis’s pain,” I insisted.

  “You don’
t see what I see Angelina, I have been with Dennis for a very long time and this is the happiest that I’ve ever seen him. You may not be an angel but you’re going to heal him. Thank you,” she said hugging me.

  “I think he’s the one that’s healing me,” I said.

  It’s true, Dennis was healing me. He was what I had been looking for; I just didn’t know it at the time. He’s my adventure that I’ve been searching for. I grabbed an aspirin and headed back upstairs to my room. As I walked in I was pleased that he was still sleeping. I lay back on bed with him and kissed his forehead gently again. This time he woke up.

  “I could get used to this,” he murmured as he stretched.

  “Good morning,” I said smiling.

  “Morning beautiful. You look terrible,” he teased as I laughed out loud hitting him with my pillow.

  “If this relationship ends up as insults then we better stop while were ahead,” I teased back.

  “I don’t think so,” he said leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. “I’m just kidding, you look as beautiful as you always do but you do seem a little off,” he added.

  “Yeah a major headache,” I said motioning towards the aspirin on the nightstand. “Don’t you have work today?” I asked.

  “No,” he lied. Dennis didn’t need to go to work every day but I know things were crazy because he’s been spending a lot of his time in his study. I smirked at him knowing he was lying. “Oh, you’re such a buzz kill you know that, right?” He said frowning as I laughed.

  “Yeah I’ve heard that once to many times before, now hit the shower mister,” I said.

  “Join me?” He purred against my neck sending chills throughout my body. The thought hot water and Dennis in one room is very tempting. I smiled and nodded in agreement. He lifted me off the bed and carried me into the bathroom with a smile showing from ear to ear.

  The past few weeks have been complete bliss. I never thought I could ever feel this kind of happiness. I came to New York City in search of a new life, a new beginning. Instead I got to live out my wildest dreams, even though Dennis was not a part of them at the time. I think our happiness has affected everyone around us. My birthday is a week from today, and everyone in the estate is excited about it, apart from me. Dennis and I argued about me not letting him get anything for my birthday because I really don’t need or want anything, I have all that I ever wanted but he doesn’t want to hear that.

  “It’s really unfair that you don’t want me to get you anything. There must be something you want?” He said sitting by the pool.

  “No,” I said as I took off my sunglasses. “It’s my birthday after all and I don’t need anything. I have you, that’s all I need,” I said. I thought he finally had given up but he smiled a devilish smile. He grabbed me up in his arms and brought me over to the pool in a split second. “You wouldn’t,” I said looking down at the blue water that’s right below me.

  “No?” He said. “Let me to get you a present… or you’re going to get a little wet.”

  “Damn it Dennis!” I shouted. “A little help would be nice Amber,” I called out to Amber as she was passing by us. I think she’s enjoying the show.

  “Oh, no you don’t. I’m not getting involved,” she called out while laughing.

  “Traitor!” I yelled as she laughed even louder while heading back to the estate.

  “Last chance baby,” Dennis warned.

  “You’re so immature!” I yelled as he just laughed.

  “Why thank you. Present? Or water?” He asked enjoying himself a little too much.

  “Okay, okay, okay, you can get me a freaking present but only one,” I said as he lowered me into the pool.

  “Okay, as many as you want,” I said quickly. “Please let me down,” he smiled and turned around taking me with him to dry land. “Screw you and your stupid freaking presents.”

  “Wrong answer,” he chuckled and turned back around to the pool.

  “No, Dennis don’t…” I screamed. But I was too late; he threw me into the pool. I landed in the water with a big splash. I swam back up to the surface as I seen Dennis laughing hysterically.

  “Oops. I slipped,” he said with an amused tone.

  “Liar,” I shouted. He laughed and bent down offering me his hand to help me out. Oh no you don’t, he’s not getting off that easily, its payback time. I grabbed his arm and with all of my strength I tried to pull him into the water with me. Either I’m Wonder Woman or he just let me pull him into the pool with me. Once he swam back up to the surface I laughed and splashed him. “Now how do you like it?” I asked.

  “Oh I like it,” he said as he swam up to me.

  I backed up until the edge of the pool was behind me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him, I don’t know why but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of his lips. He leaned in and kissed me then out nowhere pulled us back down into the water.

  After a nice afternoon of sunbathing in the sun and the unexpected dip in the pool we decided to head back inside and dry off. In my room I changed into dry clothes and whipped out my hair dryer as he lay on the bed watching me.

  “We should move,” he said as I finished blow-drying my hair.

  “Move?” I asked surprised of his sudden expectance of moving.

  “Yeah, I have a house Up-State. Just for a while, you know a little change of scenery,” he replied sitting up on the bed.

  “Um okay,” I said. I really don’t need a change, I loved it here but if he wants to move I’ll follow him anywhere he wants to go.

  “Excellent. Carmella will come with us if that’s okay?”

  “Yeah…wait a minute, you have a house up-state? Jeez how much property do you own?” I asked then I wanted to take back what I asked about having more property. Honestly, I really don’t want to know.

  “I don’t do hotels, so when I travel for work I want to have a place to stay that’s my own,” he said with a sheepish smile. “I have houses in London, Tokyo, Sydney, Up-State, Los Angeles and of course…” he waved his hands motioning the estate, “here. Only so I could be close to headquarters.”

  “Wow. You travel that much?” I think my mouth is still on the floor. How can one man own that much property around the world?

  “Only when I have too or when my presence is needed,” he said. “I mostly run things here though.”

  “Does the rest of your family live in those places?”

  “Yes. My Aunt Britney lives in the London, my Uncle Ray lives in Australia, my cousin Michael lives in Tokyo and my Aunt Melissa in Los Angeles and I run things here apart from my Uncle Charles.”

  “I didn’t realize you had such a big family. You never talk about them,” I said. I don’t think he’s ever mentioned them.

  “There’s not much to say.”


  “My family’s only interest is the love of money and power. My parents didn’t agree with that, that’s why they moved to New Mexico. My grandparents must have seen how greedy everyone was. So when they died they left all their assets to my mother and father… then to me.”

  “So does the rest of your family hold a grudge about that,” I stated and he nodded.

  “I don’t see why? They all still have their trust funds,” he said and I sighed. Now I see why he doesn’t speak about them.

  “I’m guessing they don’t visit often?” I asked already knowing the answer. He shook his head. I was a little relieved about that. I was pretty sure they wouldn’t accept someone like me.

  “We better start packing if we’re going to leave by tomorrow,” he said as he got up off the bed.

  “Tomorrow?!” I asked shocked that it was so soon.

  “Yeah, why wait?” He said helping me up. “I’ll get Amber to bring up your suitcases,” he said quickly and bolted out of my room. About a half an hour later Amber came into my room with a bunch of Coach Suitcases.

  “Ugh, does everything have to be designer around here?” I said frowning at the thought of how rich this
man truly is.

  “Honey, you are dating a billionaire. So stop whining and get used to it. I’ll help you pack,” I groaned as I opened my closet doors. Designer clothes, suitcases and now moving Up-State, this man is going to be the death of me with all of his riches.


  We arrived at Dennis’s house the following morning. Of course this place was exquisite, it had to commandeer Dennis’s standards of living the fabulous rich lifestyle.

  “Nice bachelor pad,” I said impressed of how large the living room was. It has a massive fireplace on the far wall and a glass wall on the other side with a sliding door leading to a huge balcony overlooking the cozy woodsy landscape. I walked out onto the balcony and just stared out, amazed on how beautiful the scenery really was.

  “Thanks. So what do you think?” He asked as he hugged me from behind.

  “It’s beautiful. You have nice taste,” I said truthfully. This view put the view at the estate to shame. This place had a more modern style to it than the decor at the estate, which had a vintage look and feel to it.

  “Why thank you,” he murmured against my ear. “Do you want to see the bedroom? I think you will like it,” he kissed me right under my ear sending a delicious tingle throughout my body.

  “Let’s go,” I said turning in his arms and wrapping my arms around his neck.

  Chapter Ten

  I was focused on my work when I heard a light knock on my office door and Stephanie came in.

  “Excuse me Mr. Evers but there’s a Jamie Gordon here to see you,” she said.

  “Thank you Stephanie. Please show her in,” I replied. Jamie Gordon is a very accomplished event planner. I worked together with her in the past so I knew what she was capable of.

  “Dennis,” Jamie said with her hand held out. I stood up to shake hands and greet her.

  “Jamie, it’s good to see you again. How you been?”

  “Parties and traveling the world, you know,” she shrugged her shoulders. “I must say I was a little surprised when you called me. It’s not our normal party arraignment.”


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