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Right Now (The Seduced Series)

Page 13

by Jackie McMahon

  “Well I wanted to give you a present that I knew you wouldn’t throw a fit about,” he laughed and I elbowed him in the arm.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I watched Angelina take off her heals and climb onto the bed motioning for me to join her. I lay down next to her as she nuzzled onto my chest and sighed.

  “Alone at last,” she said while I inhaled her hair.

  “You didn’t even have a piece your cake,” I teased as she turned her head towards me.

  “Nah, I would rather have you instead,” she said and leaned up to kiss me.

  I was caught off guard by the way she kissed me. Then again we hardly did premeditate our lovemaking, it just happened. She ran her fingers through my hair as I kissed her back, cupping her face with both my hands. She slowly unbuttoned my shirt and took it off as I moved my mouth up and down her soft neck, inhaling her erotic scent. I heard her softly moan as I ran my hands down her sides to her waist, pulling her closer to me. She used her hands and ran them over my chest. I grabbed her waist and laid her on her back onto the bed to stop her from going on any further. But just looking at her laying there made me laughed to myself, she’s such a seductive vixen in bed, I was one lucky guy. It was unfair how she could easily paralyze my senses.

  “Um Angelina, I want you too but you don’t really want to do this right now with your mother down the hallway do you?” I asked lying on my side next to her.

  “I totally forgot about that, but at this moment I don’t care. I need you,” she whispered.

  That’s all I needed to hear from her. She climbed off the bed and unzipped her dress as I watched. She was the most beautiful creature on this planet. The way her hips moved as she sashayed the dress off. As she climbed back onto the bed all I could think about was that this woman was mine. She straddled me while running her fingernails over my chest, sending a chill through me. I reached up with one hand and let my fingers trace her collarbone as I let my other hand rest on her waist. I gently let my hand glide down to her already erected nipples. Her body arched slightly and she bit her lip by my touch. I smiled as I let my hand flatten on her stomach and she let out a sexy little moan. I grabbed her by the waist and grinded myself against her. She grabbed her breasts and squeezed them as I watched her, she was so wet and wanting, it was driving me wild.

  “Take me,” she moaned.

  “All in good time baby,” I whispered to her.

  I leaned forward, taking her by surprise and letting my mouth claim hers. I turned her over while not breaking our kiss. I could taste her need for me. I slowly torn my mouth away from hers and let my tongue taste her sweet sexy body all the way down her body while spreading her legs to her wet pussy. I licked her swollen nub then allowed my tongue to move in a circular motion as I felt her body tense up from the pleasure. I placed two fingers into her as I continued to lick her clit. She moaned loudly as she arched her back and let her release out. She came and came hard around my fingers. I sat up and looked up at her; she looked so fucking hot all tussled up from my oral assault. I stuck my fingers in my mouth and sucked on her arousal that was evidently on my fingers. Her eyes widen and she gasped at me as I let out a devilish smile. She bit down on her lip again then quickly sat up and pulled me down on top her. The tip of my cock was so wet from that little gesture, that I positioned the head of my cock toward her slick opening. I looked into her lust filled eyes as she nodded with a silent permission. I slowly entered inside of her, giving her each inch of my manhood. I wanted to take my time with her but every little sound she made as I thrust faster and deeper set me over the top. I couldn’t hold back anymore. She threw her head back and moaned as her pussy clenched around me and both of us finding our release together.

  “Oh my god, I hope nobody heard us,” she said as I kissed her on the lips.

  “No worries my love,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

  We laid like this, in silent for while. When I looked down, she had fallen asleep. She unconsciously snuggled closer to me and I kissed her hair. I don’t know what I did to ever deserve her, to deserve this heaven she’s brought me. She and I are polar opposites, but yet our relationship worked out so well. You would think that we were made for each other. But I had to be honest with myself; we were not. If Angelina was destined to be with me then someone up there must have made a big mistake. I may love her but that doesn’t mean I’m supposed to be with her.

  I thought about what Ryder said to me when we met up in the living room; ‘Angelina is that girl who gets married and has kids with the white picket fence and a dog, but you Dennis you are not that kind guy I can see that.’ Ryder has said a whole lot of bullshit, but here I had to give it to her that she hit the nail on the head. There’s a reason why I’ve been alone for so long, why I avoided attachment to anyone. I had no power over falling in love with her, but I did have power in what I chose to do about it. I was selfish by being with her, knowing very well the dangers of my actions. She’s risking her life and wellbeing by being with me and she didn’t even know it. Even if I told her the truth, she would always have a target on her back because of me and that’s no way for a person to live, let alone someone as precious as Angelina.

  Which is why I have to let her go, I know I would always love her. The wrenching pain in my chest at the thought of letting her go was a powerful testament of that. She deserved the things she said she wanted, and she deserved to be with someone who would give her those things, someone who would be with her with less extreme consequences. She was right, there was no future for us. I just talked myself into thinking there was something. I was only sorry that I let us happen in the first place; I should be punished for leading her on this way. I knew I would hurt her and I hated myself for it but when this whole Benny business was over and she was safe, she will go on living her life the way she was supposed to, before I came in and disrupted it.

  Letting her go was going to kill me, but keeping her for myself was an even greater sin. I knew that doing this, letting her go was going to be my redeeming act. This one good deed, my act of unselfishness will be considered when final judgment was taken on my dark soul. Free her while there’s still a chance and save her the heartbreak of having to lose me in the end. Carmella wasn’t going to be happy about this decision but she had to understand where I was coming from. She too loved Angelina and wanted what was best for her as well. I felt like tearing my own flesh as I formulated a plan on how to go about this. How to go about breaking her heart, something I swore I would never do but it was for the best.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered as my voice was laced with the pain I felt.

  I hoped that one day she would forgive me and see that I saved her and I actually did her a favor by doing this. By letting her go I gave her a chance at a life she really wanted. I closed my eyes trying to forget about everything and let sleep take over my pained soul. I woke up in the morning sadly resolved, the decision has been made and I was going to go through with it, I had to. I stayed in normal character for everyone, Angelina especially. I couldn’t drop this on her now, especially in front of her mother and sister. We said goodbye to Krystal and Jenifer, they thanked me for everything and drove away.

  “They like you, you know that,” she said as we walked back inside the estate.

  “Do they?” I asked. It really didn’t matter anymore.

  “Absolutely,” she said frowning. “Are you okay? You seemed a little off this morning,” I was surprised. I thought I concealed the pain but I guess I didn’t fool her.

  “It’s just a headache my love,” I said.

  “Serves you right for throwing unwanted parties but I bet I can kiss it away,” she teased.

  I tried to smile at her but it felt wrong, like I was deceiving her but in all actuality I was. I just hope she didn’t catch on to things. Over the past couple of days I buried myself in my work, it was the only thing that kept me sane. I also distanced myself from Angelina and it made her unhappy as well. I was in my study w
hen my phone rang; it was Colin.

  “Colin, what’s the latest news?” I asked.

  “Benny is set to be in the state, don’t let her out of your sight, understand. We’re currently formulating a strategy to intersect him. This will be over very soon, and you’ll be let off the hook,” he said.

  “Lock him away,” I hissed down the phone.

  “Trust me, we’ll have a special cell with his name on it,” he said in a harsh tone. “Oh before I forget, prior to our investigation on the girl’s ring, a source told me that since it is woven into her DNA she could wield the energy source.”

  “What? As in control it herself?” I asked shocked.

  “Well it is said that in order to do this she must premeditate it first but since she’s not aware of it, it can’t happen,” he said.

  “That’s impossible, you mean to say this ring can give her some kind of superpowers,” I said. I was starting to question Colin’s sanity because he sounded convinced that Angelina was a powerful individual.

  “Right now we don’t have any concrete evidence but I’ll keep you informed if I get any new information about the girl’s ability with the ring. Either way we’re sticking to our original plan,” he said.

  “Of course,” I added solemnly, Colin would never have to know that I deviated from the plan.

  “We’ll talk later,” he said and hung up.

  I hoped Colin is able to catch Benny, the fact that he was in the state bothered me and I didn’t want him even a thousand miles near Angelina. Carmella has refused to talk to me ever since I told her of my plan. I’ve never seen Carmella so angry before; she shouted at me and claimed that I was making a big mistake. I knew I was taking Angelina away from her too and everyone else in the estate, they all grown to love her. But our feelings didn’t matter; this is something I should have done from the very beginning before things got complicated for everyone.

  Angelina was anxious around me, like she was waiting for me to say something. I guessed she could see that something was wrong, female intuition maybe. That’s when I knew it was time. I couldn’t keep dragging this out. We were sitting on the couch just staring at each other while I silently said my goodbyes and I love you’s to her. She has brought me happiness that I never thought existed. When she is gone I will always cherish the memories she gave me. She raised her eyebrows at me; that was the cue that my time with her was up and to end this heartache.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”

  “Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good,” she said then laughed.

  “This cannot continue anymore Angelina,” I said in a blank voice; I couldn’t be sure what my eyes revealed with the pain I was in but my heart was breaking from what needed to be done.

  “What cannot continue?” She asked confused.

  “This…us. It’s never going work out and I can see that now. I’m sorry that I let this go on for so long,” I replied staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

  “What are you trying to tell me Dennis?” She asked her voice frantic with worry.

  “We can’t be together anymore, you were right. There’s no future for us, I thought I could give you the things you wanted but I can’t.” She closed her eyes for a minute and when she opened them and they showed pain and realization.

  “I don’t want those things Dennis, I only want you. Please don’t do this to me after all we’ve been through,” she pleaded as she grabbed both sides of my face with desperation in her voice.

  “You don’t understand Angelina,” I persisted while gently removing her hands. “There’s a reason why I never had a girlfriend before. I’m a relationship risk; you don’t want to gamble with me, you deserve far better than me.”

  “No!” She shouted standing up. “Don’t give me the whole ‘this is for your own good’ shit Dennis. If you leave me; you are doing it for yourself not for me,” I stood up facing her. I will let her shout and scream at me however she pleased, I deserved everything she could possibly verbally throw at me.

  “You told me you wanted to be with me and I warned you. I pushed you away but you kept coming after me. What did you think was going to happen huh?” She shouted. All I could do was stare at her. I wanted to get on my knees and beg her forgiveness but I had to be the bad guy. “You might not want to be with me but I love you Dennis. Now what do you suggest I do about these feelings I have for you? Oh yeah, it doesn’t matter anymore since I’ve served my purpose in your bed. On to the next girl, right?”

  “I would never treat you like that Angelina and you know it,” I said letting my emotions touch my own eyes for a moment. I couldn’t believe she thought that I would use her like that. She is precious to me and every moment we had together meant the world to me. It killed me that we could never have them ever again.

  “Alana was right, this is when you get sick of me, right? I guess the question really is when am I going to get kicked out and when I’m I getting out of here Dennis?” She hissed, of course she wanted to leave after this.

  “You’ll be able to leave soon,” I said blankly,

  “You don’t get it do you? I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here and be with you,” she shouted. It felt as though I was being burned alive from her words and if I made any sudden moves the fire would only intensify and burn me more.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  That was all I could spit out through the agony that paralyzed me at this very spot. I felt her hand slap me across the face. Normally, I had good reflexes and I could see when a person was going to hit me but this I didn’t see coming. Her slap didn’t hurt, what stung was the meaning behind it. I clearly hurt her emotionally. I saw her cover her mouth with both hands as tears started to escape from her eyes. She was shocked by what she just did. I closed my eyes and bowed my head, I deserved that… and more.

  “But you love me,” she persisted. I wanted to say, yes I do more than you can ever imagine. But in all actuality I couldn’t keep toying with her emotions. Haven’t I done enough of that already? I still didn’t say anything. She looked at me like she was trying to remember something. Then a strange emotion flickered in her eyes and she looked down at the floor while shaking her head. “You don’t love me, do you?” She stated sadly still looking down. I wanted to scream NO! But my lips refused to move. How could she believe that I didn’t love her, I was letting her go because I loved her too much. She nodded to herself. “Now that I think about it, you never did say you loved me. It was always me who said it.” She laughed darkly. “That explains a lot. I understand now. You’re right, this could never work if the other person does not feel the same way about the other. Well, I guess I’m stupid for believing in someone who didn’t care about my feelings. It’s not like it’s the first time that this has happened,” she said sadly looking at me.

  I was shocked at the conclusion she drew on herself, how wrong she was. I thought about her words and should have kill me right then but if going with what she thinks helps her let go; then so be it. When I didn’t say anything she walked right passed me and turning towards the staircase.

  “Angelina… I’m….”

  She slowly turned back to look at me, her eyes showing acceptance and unfathomable pain. As I stared into her eyes I couldn’t find my voice; once again I was rendered speechless. She smiled a sad smile at me.

  “Don’t worry Dennis, I won’t hit you or scream at you like a crazy woman anymore. And no I don’t hate you. I get it, it’s like we never happened,” she said softly.

  For the first time since we talked, I shuttered at the last words she said to me, ‘I get it, it’s like we never happened.’ I would rather have her hit me or even scream at me than hear her say that and use that tone. She turned and walked up the staircase without even looking back. I tried to open my mouth but my voice was stuck in my throat. I tried to pull out my hair but it wouldn’t come out. So I darted towards the garage and jumped on my Ducati motorcycle and sped out of the garage and down the driveway escaping the estat
e grounds not really sure where I was going. I just had to get away from everything and everyone before I did something really stupid.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I looked at the woman standing in the mirror of the bathroom. Her face was tearstained and pale. Her eyes seemed like an endless pool of pain and sorrow. Her expression was blank and filled with emptiness. I remembered the same woman two years ago, the only difference is that this one had no hope and nothing to fight for. That was it, my heart was finished; there was nothing left of it. All that there is left is a hollow and numb hole in my chest where my heart is used to be. Somehow I knew deep in the back of my mind that this was going to happen. At some point I was going to have to wake up from this fantasy dream I have been living in. I just only wished that when that time came, I wouldn’t evaporate along with the dream.

  For some reason the phrase God giveth and God taketh away came to me. I was given Dennis, someone who I thought I didn’t deserve. So why did it kill me to let go of him when he never belonged to me in the first place. I knew I would always end up being this woman in the mirror and this time there was no starting over, no running away to a faraway place. Because that was it for me, my life began and ended with the man I left downstairs. I covered my mouth feeling nauseous. I ran to the toilet and opened my mouth but nothing came out, I just dry heaved. I wiped a tear that escaped the corner of my eye, surprised that I still had any tears left at all.

  I got out of the bathroom to get dressed, not having a care in the world of what I wore. There was no one here to impress so why even bother looking nice. I went downstairs to find Carmella and Dennis having coffee in silence. Dennis was dressed for work and I was glad that he would be leaving soon. I didn’t want to stay cooped up in my room all day long just to avoid him. When I looked at him, of course he looked as handsome as ever, the sight of him pierced me down to my soul, though today he looked tired and pale like I did. He looked up at me and there was a deep emotion in his blue eyes, I recognized it from the woman in the mirror, pain? I must be wrong.


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