The Librarian and Her Beast_A Middleton Prep Novella

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The Librarian and Her Beast_A Middleton Prep Novella Page 3

by Laura Ann


  Piper pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders as the red and blue lights flashed across her vision. She shivered from residual adrenaline as she sat on the back step of the ambulance. Nash was standing with one of the paramedics, having his arm looked at. During one of his scuffles, his arm grazed an old beer bottle and got cut.

  “Sir, I think you need stitches, we can run you to the hospital.”

  “No.” Nash’s tone was firm.

  “I must insist, you really need to get that closed up.” The paramedic said.

  Nash just shook his head, adamantly refusing to consider the option.

  Piper gathered her courage and stepped into the conversation. “Thank you, I will take him.”

  Both men turned and looked at her. The paramedic glanced between her and Nash and back again. “Okay ma’am. If you feel up to it, that’s fine.”

  “Thank you,” she said as he walked away. “Come on Nash, let’s get to your truck.”

  He walked beside her as they made their way back to the restaurant and the parking lot in silence. Once there, she held out her hand. Nash blinked at her.

  “The keys? You can’t drive with blood dripping down your arm.”

  After another moment of staring, he gave a small shake of his head and walked to the passenger side door. She followed him. “Nash, I’m serious. I need to drive. “You shouldn’t be behind the wheel with your injury.”

  Opening the door, he swung around and picked her up by her waist, plopping her into the seat, just as he had done earlier in the evening. “Nash!” she huffed, folding her arms and glaring.

  A twitch at the side of his lips showed his only emotion and Piper was pretty sure he was laughing at her.

  Knowing she was acting like a five-year-old, she couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. “Seriously, though, I’m not a doll you can just throw around, okay? Plus, you’re injured, you shouldn’t be lifting me at all.” She tried hard to keep a straight face, but Nash’s twitching lip kept setting her off.

  He paused before shutting the door and studied her face. Her giggles stopped and she stared boldly back. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Hesitantly, he reached out a single finger and gently ran it down her cheek. After a firm nod, he closed the door and walked to the the driver’s side.

  Two hours and twelve stitches later, they arrived at her apartment door.

  Piper fumbled with her keys, her hands still shaking from the terror of the night. Taking a deep breath for courage, she said, “I just wanted to say thank you, Nash, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten in a huff at the restaurant. I don’t know that I can possibly thank you enough for what you did tonight. Especially since it was after I treated you badly.” She peeked at him from under her eyelashes.

  He was watching her in his usual stoic manner. His head cocked to the side, he gave the nod she was becoming accustomed to. He reached out with his large hand and took the keys from her trembling fingers. Finding the correct one, he unlocked the door and ushered her in. Handing them back, he said, “Night.” Then closed the door before she could respond.

  “Ugh!” Throwing herself on the couch, she let her arm fall over her eyes. “Worst. First. Date. Ever...and yet...” She sighed and closed her eyes. Knowing she was too shaken up to sleep, she stood and headed towards the bathroom for a soothing, steaming shower.

  Under its stinging spray, her mind whirred with all that had happened. Why doesn’t he speak? He’s a teacher, surely he speaks to his students? Is it just a me thing? Or does he grunt and nod at everyone? He’s like a wild animal. Grunting, stuffing his face at the restaurant, and totally taking out those two guys in the alley. But then he was so gentle with me afterwards. Opening my door, holding me when I cried. Who the heck is this guy?

  When the hot water ran out, she toweled herself off and got dressed in her favorite pajamas. As her head hit the pillow, she answered her thoughts. “I guess I’ll just have to find out.”


  Operation “Observe Nash” began the next Monday.

  Leaving the library in the hands of one of her student assistants, she went for a bathroom break. “I’ll only be a few minutes,” Piper told her.

  “Got it.” The senior snapped her gum and went back to stacking books on the shelves.

  And if I happen to use the bathroom closest to Nash’s room, well then I guess it wouldn’t hurt to peek in on him, right? With a solemn nod, she headed down the hall. Passing two other bathrooms on the way, she walked to his wing of the school.

  She stopped next to his door and tried to calm her breathing. Holy Harry, being a spy is scaryierthan I thought. Staying low and away from the small window, she put her ear to the door. She could hear shuffling, but couldn’t make out anything else. How am I supposed to hear if he actually talks? This stupid door is way too- “Ouch!” She grabbed her head as she stumbled away from the opening door.

  “Oh! I’m sorry Ms. Belmont! I didn’t realize you were there.” One of the students held the door for everyone else fleeing the classroom at the sound of the bell. “Are you okay?”

  “Oh, yeah, yeah. Thanks, I’m fine.” She rubbed the side of her head and tried to regain her bearings.

  “Mr. Wilde? I think Ms.—”

  “Oh no! Don’t call Na—I mean Mr. Wilde. I’m fine, really!” She plastered a smile on her face and started backing away.

  “Wait! Don’t you want—”

  Piper turned and walked as quickly as she could down the hall of students. For the first time in her life she was glad of her stature. Being this small allowed her to get lost among the taller heads of the upper classmen. Weaving in and out of the plethora of bodies, she quickly made her way back to the library.

  Shutting the door firmly behind her, she leaned back and let out a relieved sigh. Note to self. Next time check the time and bell schedule. And bring headache medicine to work. Ow.

  “Uh...Ms. Belmont? The second bell is about to ring and I kind of need to get to class. Can I, uh, you know...use the door?” Her senior helper fidgeted in front of her, holding her backpack over one shoulder.

  “Oh! Yes. Sorry.” Piper stood up and held open the door for her student. After she left, Piper let the door close itself, while she headed toward the front desk. Sitting down, she groaned and put her head in her hands.

  “WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO you?” Lucy asked, her mouth full of apple.

  Blinking rapidly, Piper pulled herself back to the present. “W-what? What are you talking about?”

  “You’re super distracted, fidgety, and every thirty seconds you give a quick glance at the big, strong, silent man in the corner. You haven’t ever told me about your date with him. I assume it didn’t go well since you aren’t sitting with him, but maybe I’m wrong.” Lucy put down her fruit. “What exactly happened on this date?”

  “Uh...” Piper stalled. She wasn’t sure she wanted to tell Lucy everything that happened, but “Operation Nash” was proving to be a flop. She hadn’t learned anything. Maybe it was time to bring in reinforcements. Movement caught her attention and her eyes swung toward the door.

  Miranda strutted in. Piper rolled her eyes and brought her attention back to the peanut butter sandwich in front of her, but the seductive voice coming from the door drew her eyes right back.

  “Hello, Christian...” Miranda let her sentence linger. She wiggled her fingers in his direction.

  Glancing at the man being addressed, Piper noticed Christian’s face was bright red and he refused to look anyone in the eye. Is he shrinking? He looks awfully short in that chair.

  Miranda’s movements caught her attention once more, as Lady Long Legs strode across the room and pulled a chair next to Nash.

  “Hello, Nashie,” she purred.

  “Nashie?” Lucy whispered in her ear. “Is she serious? That is the most awful nickname I have ever heard.” Lucy pretended to gag and Piper wanted to laugh, but watching Miranda had taken the humor away from
the situation.

  Miranda’s long, slender fingers gently caressed Nash’s forearm as she spoke softly to him.

  Glancing down at the touch, Nash’s stoic expression never changed. When he looked back up, his eyes went straight to Piper. Unable to look away from his chocolatey depths, she felt like she was caught in a tractor beam. It wasn’t until he blinked, breaking eye contact, that she felt herself regain control.

  Standing up while Miranda was mid-sentence, he threw his garbage away and walked out of the room.

  Piper’s eyes widened and she threw a mental fist pump in the air. He walked away from her. Flat-out walked away. Hotty Heathcliff, I have never seen that woman be shut down. Ever.

  Without realizing what she was doing, Piper stood up and followed Nash out the door. Once in the hall, it slammed shut behind her, waking her from her trance. What am I doing? Shaking her head, she decided to head back to the library, but squealed when someone grabbed her arm.

  “Alright chica. I’ve been patient long enough. When we get back, you are going to spill it. All. Of. It.” Lucy propelled her forward with fast steps.

  “Luc! Seriously, slow down. I can’t keep up!” Piper complained.

  “And I can’t keep up with your mental game of ping pong. I wanna know what’s going on between you two and you are not going to hold back a single detail. Got it?”

  Piper sighed with defeat. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll tell you everything.”

  With a delighted squeal, Lucy grabbed Piper in a tight squeeze and redoubled her efforts to speed walk to the library.


  “I think we have entered stalker territory.” Lucy whispered, as they peered through the window blinds, watching the football team practice.

  SNAP! The blinds popped back into place as Piper let go. “Are you serious? Do you really think I’m stalking him?” Her mouth turned down at the corners.

  “Well, don’t you find it a bit odd that we’re hiding behind blinds, trying to see how he interacts with his players? One of the things you wanted to know was if he talks. You can’t hear him from in here. Why don’t you just go sit on the bleachers and get a full view?”

  “Because then he’ll know I’m watching.”

  “Like I said. Stalker.” Lucy smirked.

  Piper threw her arms in the air in defeat and spun around to go back to the reference desk.


  “Oh, Great Gatsby! Mrs. Merryweather, I’m so sorry! I can’t seem to stop knocking you down.” Piper reached down to help the elderly lady to her feet. “Are you alright?”

  “Just fine, dear. Thank you.” She patted her curls, which hadn’t even budged in the hubbub, and straightened her skirt. “Now, where was I?” She looked around as if searching for something.

  PIPER GLANCED AT THE floor, but didn’t see anything.

  “Ah, yes. I was right here.” Positioning herself on a specific spot, Mrs. Merryweather then looked at Piper and gave her an expectant look.

  “Um...okay. Was there something you needed, Mrs. Merryweather?” She tilted her head to the side as she worked to figure out the secretary’s actions.

  “Yes, dear. Of course.” Taking Piper’s hand, she patted it gently. “Piper darling, if I had let your beautiful, brown hair distract me, I never would have gotten to know the real you. You’re a wonderful person, sweetheart, but it’s just like my aunt Dorcas. With a name like that and that nose!’s a wonder she has any friends at all! However, if no one had taken the time to get to know her, they would never have learned that she was the one crocheting all those blankets for the newborns. And what a tragedy that would have been, huh?” Her neck and chin jiggled as she chuckled.

  “Uh, sure.” Piper nodded, trying to hide her confusion.

  “Wonderful, dear. Now, just see that you do.” With one final hand pat, Mrs. Merryweather turned around and disappeared through the library shelves.

  Complete silence reigned for a solid minute after she left.

  Lucy cleared her throat. “I think you just got compared to an old lady with a big nose.”

  “Should I be offended or amused? I’m honestly at a loss right now.”

  Lucy let out a small giggle, which quickly turned into a full blown belly laugh. “You...should...see...your...face!” She gasped in between her laughter.

  Piper’s lips started to twitch and pretty soon she couldn’t contain herself. Both girls laughed until they couldn’t breathe.

  “Okay...all laughing aside,” Lucy stopped for another fit of giggles. “You really should just go talk to him! You obviously like him and I’m guessing he likes you too, since he took you to dinner and rescued you.”

  “Thinking a man is hot is not the same as liking him.” Piper pointed out.

  Lucy raised a skeptical brow.

  “Okay, okay, maybe I like him, a little. But he’s kinda odd. I mean, he doesn’t talk. Like ever. Even when he asked me out, he didn’t really ask. At dinner he paid more attention to his dinner plate than the girl sitting across from him.”

  “Maybe he’s just shy around girls?” Lucy suggested. “I mean, there is definitely a good side to him. Think of how he came to your rescue even after you acted like a jerk.”

  “Oh, thanks, that is exactly what I needed to hear. Some friend you are. Plus, I wasn’t trying to be a jerk, just stand up for myself.” Piper toed the carpet with her shoe.

  “Someone has to tell it like it is, although I don’t completely blame you. His non-speaking habits are kinda quirky.” She tapped her finger against her lips. “I don’t think it’s just you he doesn’t talk to though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him talk with anyone. I’ve seen him listen to someone else, but never actually carry on the conversation.”

  “That’s why I was spying on him—”

  “Aha! I told you! You’re a creeper!”

  “I am not!” Piper yelled.

  “Shhh! You’re in a library. The librarian here is super strict.”

  Piper ground her teeth in an effort not to wipe that smug look off her best friend’s face. “Anyhoo! I was going to say that I have been watching him, trying to get a feel for how he acts around others.”

  “Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like I’ve learned much.” Lucy fluffed her hair. “Yeah, I haven’t been close enough to really know what’s going on.” She chewed her thumbnail as she thought.

  “There’s only one solution to this problem.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?” Piper mumbled.

  “You’re going to have to get closer. Go sit in the bleachers. Peek through his classroom window. Sit in on a lecture. Anything. Get to know the guy. Sit by him at lunch. Give him a chance.”

  “He hasn’t spoken to me since the disaster date almost a week ago!” Piper said.

  “You literally walked out of the date. Of course he has stayed away. You’re gonna have to be the one to reopen the communication here. By the way, did you ever thank him for saving your life and your virtue?”

  Piper winced. “I said thank you after he dropped me off.”

  “Pssht. How quaint. Guy takes out two baddies for you and all he gets is a pat on the hand. Oh sure, that’ll bring him running back. Nothing says ‘you’re my savior’ like a nonexistent reward.”

  “When did you get to be so sarcastic?” Piper crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I’ve always been this way. You’ve just gotten sensitive with the whole ‘falling in love’ thing.”

  “What? I am not in love with him!”

  “Just calling it like I see it, chica.” Lucy smiled. “Now, I gotta scoot. Go out and sit on those bleachers and keep an eye on lover boy. Then go home and bake him some lusciously, sinful brownies. Works every time.”

  “Every time, huh?” Piper looked skeptical.

  “Every. Time.” With an emphatic nod, Lucy turned and headed toward the doorway. “Besides,” she called over her shoulder, “You already said food was important to him. Might as well use it to
your advantage!”

  “Stinkin’ friends. She’s no more help than a blind dog in a field of sheep.” Grudgingly she followed Lucy’s footsteps and headed towards the doors.

  Okay, here we go. You can do this. It’s no big deal. He probably won’t even notice you sitting here. Piper pumped herself up as she slowly made her way to the football bleachers. Slowly and deliberately, she climbed the metal steps, trying hard not to make any sound. Won’t even notice. You can just observe and he will never see you.

  She turned and sat down, only to gasp when she found a pair of dark sunglasses focused directly on her. A pleasant tingle ran down her spine, as if his gaze had reached out and was caressing her skin. She could imagine those chocolate eyes under the dark glasses and they held her immobile. Finally she broke the spell by giving a tentative smile and a small wave.

  One side of Nash’s mouth twitched slightly, before he gave one of his signature nods then turned back to the field.

  One of these days, I am going to make that man laugh. Just so I can hear how it sounds. I’ll bet it matches the rest of him. Deep and rich....mmmm....chocolate......

  Her musings were cut short with a jerk when a large crash happened on the field.

  “Good work! Way to go!” One of the assistant coaches yelled from the sidelines.

  Glancing at Nash, she realized he was only clapping and nodding. The rest of the practice went much the same way. Nash nodded, clapped, drew pictures on clipboards and slapped backs, but almost never spoke. Only once did Piper catch him leaning into an assistant coach and the message must have been short, since it lasted only a split second.

  So it’s not just me. But surely....I mean...he’s a teacher, right? He has to speak. How does it work when he’s in the classroom? He can’t just—

  Loud stomping startled her and she realized someone was climbing the bleacher stairs. Looking up from her lap, she saw the object of her thoughts towering over her. Even after he sat down, leaving a small space between them, she felt dwarfed in his presence. Neither spoke a word.


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