The Librarian and Her Beast_A Middleton Prep Novella

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The Librarian and Her Beast_A Middleton Prep Novella Page 4

by Laura Ann

  His dark glasses made it difficult to see his eyes. Slowly, hesitantly, she reached up and took hold of his sunglasses. Pausing a moment to let him object, she took a deep breath and lifted them from his face.

  His words are in his eyes.

  Right now those eyes told her he was wary. Suddenly overcome with a guilty conscience, she started to stammer. “Nash...I’m uh, I mean... well what I wanted to say was, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I avoided you all week. Especially after you saved me, I mean, you—”

  He stood up, cutting off her explanation, reaching out his hand in invitation.

  Taking a moment to fortify herself, she put her tiny hand in his large, warm one. With a small tug, he pulled her to her feet and started back down the bleachers. She followed him in a state of shock mixed with wonder. His hand feels so perfect. Solid, slightly callused, and strong. Like I’m the little woman and he will always take care of me. She had to catch herself before she giggled out loud at the thought.

  Before she knew it, they were at her car. How did he know which one was mine? He dropped her hand and took a step back, crossing his arms in front of his chest, accenting his muscles. Her fingers felt cold from the loss of his touch, but her cheeks heated up at the sight of muscles.

  “Uh, thank you for walking me to my car.” She said lamely. Then she remembered Lucy’s suggestion. “Nash?”

  He tilted his head, a sign she took to mean he was listening.

  “Are you allergic to anything?”

  He shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing together.

  “Do you like chocolate?”

  A small grin crossed his lips and he gave a single nod.

  Her heart skipped a beat and she felt like she had won a small victory. “Alrighty then, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Her courage failed at the last minute and she ended up asking it like a question.

  Several emotions ran through Nash’s eyes, so quickly Piper couldn’t catch them. When they finally settled, she couldn’t quite figure out what they were saying. Then, just like the night of the attack, he slowly ran a single finger down her cheek. With a nod, he turned and walked away.

  Piper didn’t remember unlocking her car, or driving home. Sitting in her parking spot, it finally came to her. Longing. I’m almost positive his eyes were full of longing. Her smile almost split her face as she walked into her apartment. Maybe there is hope after all. With a heart full of happiness and a cheek full of residual tingles, she headed to her kitchen to make those sinfully delicious brownies.


  Piper woke early the next morning. She wanted to beat Nash to school. Her arms were full of her overly-large purse and a tinfoil-covered plate with a card attached to the top.

  Careful not to lose anything, she set it all in the car and set off. Once at the school, she loaded up and headed in.

  Should I drop off the brownies first? Or my stuff at the library. Hmm....if I go to the library first he might get to his class before me. But I don’t want to risk dropping the plate with my arms loaded like this.

  Making a decision, she headed towards Nash’s classroom, her fear of being too late overriding her fear of dropping the plate.

  The halls were eerily quiet as she wandered down one, then another. But as she neared Nash’s door, she heard muted sounds coming from within.

  Dashing Darcy! He’s already here. Why the heck is he here so early?

  She slowed her pace and crept up to the door. Biting her lower lip she contemplated her next move.

  Positioning herself right next to the door window, she leaned in ever so slightly, trying to sneak a peek. Nothing. Grrr. Maybe from the other side. Ducking under the window she came up the other side, and to her dismay, she saw a flash of red. Oh no she didn’t! If crazy Miss Long Legs thinks she can—

  “Ahhh!” Piper stumbled forward as someone burst out of the door. The plate of brownies was smashed into her chest, but she kept her feet. Looking down at the plate, she could tell it was severely flattened. “No!” she cried out before she could think about it. Her eyes misted over with tears.

  “Oops. Sorry.” A voice behind her dripped with sarcasm and venom. “Have a little accident, did we?”

  Turning around, Piper glared at the redheaded siren. Straightening her shoulders, she refused to give into the bait. “What were you doing in there so early?”

  A little smirk curled the edge of her perfect pout. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Of course I’ve never been one to kiss and tell.” Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she strutted down the hallway.

  She couldn’t have. Could she? Surely he wouldn’t... Her thoughts trailed off as the door opened again.

  Nash stood in the doorway, looking at her with surprise.

  His eyes dropped to the plate in her hands and he looked up at her again. This time his expression appeared quizzical.

  “” Fighting back her tears, she stood as tall as she could and pulled her pride from where it had deflated a few moments before. “So, I guess I misunderstood yesterday. Here.” She shoved the flattened brownies at him. “I won’t bother you and La—” She caught herself before using one of her nicknames. “I mean Miranda, again.”

  Turning around, she started to walk away when a hand caught her shoulder. She looked back and saw that Nash was grinning widely.

  Ignoring how handsome it made him, she let her temper run free. “Oh, so this was all a joke to you? You thought it was funny to lead me along? Well let me tell you, mister—”

  Her well-intentioned scolding was cut short when he bent over and covered her mouth with his. As quick as it arrived, her temper disappeared, apparently along with her self respect. Dropping her bag with a thud, she swung her arms around his neck.

  Using that as security, he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her to his level. With her feet dangling, he pressed her into the door, further trapping her in his embrace.

  Oh my. This must be what heaven is like. *sigh*

  Quickly her thoughts became jumbled as he left her lips, but found her earlobe. Her breathing became erratic and she thought she might be hyperventilating. Brushing his lips along the outer shell of her ear, she barely heard him whisper. “Only. You.”

  Her heart sped up even more at his declaration, which she previously would have thought impossible without going into cardiac arrest. Slightly turning her head, she dared to glance up into his eyes. “Promise?” Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper.

  Watching him closely, she looked for any signs of deceit, but his eyes were clear and soft. Instead of his usual perfunctory nod, he slowly tilted his head down and back up. Keeping eye contact during the entire movement. Her heart and hope soared.

  A door slammed in the distance and she suddenly realized she was still pressed against the wall. “ much as I enjoyed what happened here, I think I need you to put me down. Someone might see us.”

  Nash’s eyes changed from melted chocolate to a light, caramel shade. Wrinkles appeared as the side of his eyes and his lips compressed. “I’m serious, Nash! I don’t want to get in trouble.” She started wiggling in order to get free, but gave up after only a couple of seconds. Rockin’ Rhett, this guy is strong. And big. And strong. Whew, those biceps- FOCUS PIPER!

  “Nash,” she said firmly. “Will you please put me down?”

  His usual sharp nod reappeared.

  She waited, but nothing happened. “Now?”

  He pretended to contemplate, then reluctantly nodded again. Slowly he slid her to the floor, keeping contact the whole time. Her heart rate picked right back up. I’m gonna need to start doing cardio or my heart is going to explode every time I’m around him!

  “Stinker.” She muttered, as she finally touched ground, and gave him a light smack on the arm.

  His smile was smug as he backed away from her, giving her breathing room. She straightened her shirt and ran her fingers through her hair. When she finally looked up, Nash was holding her bag extended towards her. She reached for it, b
ut instead of releasing, he tugged her closer, practically knocking her off balance with his strength, then pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead.

  This man is going to put me in an early grave. Piper thought as her heart once again gave away her exhilaration.

  “Yes..well...thank you. I mean, uh...I just...I know...library... uh, yeah.” She snapped her mouth shut as a last resort to contain her verbal wandering. Throwing her shoulders back in an effort to regain her dignity, she started to walk away.

  Don’t look back. Don’t look back. DO. NOT. LOOK. BACK! She was practically screaming at herself as her head took matters unto itself and looked over her shoulder. Nash stood in the hallway, one hand still holding that flat plate of brownies, the other arm akimbo on his hip, watching her go. Her hand apparently also had a mind of its own, since it rose and gave a small wave.

  Instead of waving back, a smile, brighter than a July sun, broke out across his face. Piper felt her skin heat and knew a dark, red blush was about to overtake her face. Ducking her head to hide her goofy smile, she sprung forward, practically sprinting back to the library.

  SEVERAL HOURS LATER Piper plopped herself in a chair next to Rory in the teacher’s lounge. “Whew! What a day!” She exclaimed.

  “Hey, babe. What happened? Some senior come and put a bunch of books back in the wrong place?” Rory chuckled.

  “Hardy, har, har. No, it just was crazy busy. Apparently everyone decided today was a good day to take a literary journey.” She opened her lunch box and began pulling out her food.

  Lucy smiled and leaned across the table. “Word on the street is that Old Lady Hubbard passed out her semester assignments early this year—”

  “Did you really just say ‘word on the street’? Luc, you are not a gangster. Never do that again. Seriously, never.”

  Charlotte giggled from Lucy’s right side.

  “Oh whatever, I’m much hipper than you, little librarian. So back off.” Lucy stuck her tongue out.

  “Mature, real ma—” Piper stopped talking as her attention was arrested by the tall, dark man standing at the doorway.

  Lucy turned around to see what had caught Piper’s eye. “Ah, should have seen that coming.” She turned back around and opened her mouth, preparing to give Piper a hard time, but snapped it shut when she heard a chair screech across the floor.

  Rory and Lucy’s jaws just about hit the table and Charlotte adopted a “deer in the headlights” look when Nash dropped a chair next to Piper and sat down.

  “H-hi,” Piper managed to breathe out. “Did, did you have a good morning?” Immediately her face started to burn as she thought about what he had done that morning. What they both had done.

  Nash smiled wickedly as he correctly interpreted the color staining her cheeks. Plopping his brown lunch sack on the table, he reached inside and pulled out a dark, ball-shaped object.

  It was the size of an apple and Piper stared at it curiously, trying to figure out what it was. When Nash lifted it to his mouth and took a bite, she got a whiff of dark chocolate. It’s the brownies! He took the brownies and smooshed them all together! Oh my goodness!

  “Is that—” She couldn’t contain her giggle. “Nash.” She giggled again. “Is that...?” She couldn’t finish the question. Her whole body shook with laughter, although she was desperately trying to contain herself. A small part of her was mortified and didn’t want everyone else to know what he was eating.

  Nash answered her query with his usual head nod and grinned while he chewed.

  The other three ladies at the table had gone from gaping to looking at the two of them like they were crazy.

  “Is that what? What are you eating, Nash?” Lucy finally asked.

  “Is that some kinda new protein snack or something?” Christian said as he joined the group. He pulled out a chair on the other side of Rory, directly across from Charlotte, and sat down with his tray of food from the cafeteria.

  Charlotte glanced his way when he spoke and Piper could have sworn she blushed, but with only her profile visible, she couldn’t be sure. Mmm...interesting. Maybe Charlotte is the one who strikes his fancy!

  Her attention was caught by Nash putting his hand on the back of her chair. Glancing at him again, she saw him shake his head at Christian’s question.

  “Well then, what is it?” Lucy asked again, a bit of irritation in her tone.

  Piper saw her friend’s eyes narrow as she saw his hand on her chair. Looking thoughtfully at Piper, she started to grin. Uh oh. Now I’m in for it.

  “Nevermind, I don’t really care. But, I’ll tell you something I do care about—”

  Before Lucy could finish her sentence, the door banged open. The entire table swung around to see who had entered. There, in all her glory, was Miranda, striking a pose that said she knew she had everyone’s attention. Sweeping her eyes across the room, they finally stopped on Nash. With a smug pursing of her lips, she started to sashay in his direction.

  Piper bristled at her intense focus. Brazen hussy...ugh!

  Just before Miranda reached the table, she felt Nash run his fingers through her hair. It sent a delicious tremor down her spine. Looking over at him, his eyes were back to their caramel shade. Cupping the back of her head, her pulled her in and whispered in her ear, “Ready?”

  In the back of her mind, she registered that everything had gone deathly quiet. Even the clacking of heels on the linoleum had stopped. Pulling slightly away from him, she whispered, “For what?”

  He waggled his eyebrows twice and then moved in. Piper gasped slightly as he once again took her lips. Everything around her faded as she let herself go for those few moments. As he slowly pulled away, she realized someone was hooting and hollering and someone else was screeching like a banshee. Blinking life back into focus, she felt her telltale blush once again rise. Allowing her hair to cover her face, she leaned forward and rested her forehead against Nash’s shoulder.

  “HOW DARE YOU!” Miranda shrieked.

  Piper peered through a slit in her thick locks.

  The fiery redhead stood with one hand on her cocked hip and one pointed accusingly at Nash.

  “The librarian? Really? The mousy little librarian! You would take her over someone like me?”

  Piper gasped in offense at the words spewing from Miranda’s mouth. Her shoulders slumped and she felt her eyes begin to sting. She glanced sideways to see how Nash was reacting. Her eyes widened when she saw his jaw grinding.

  His chair squealed and then fell as he stood up to his full intimidating height. Towering over Miranda with a murderous expression on his face, she finally quit talking. Putting his hands on the table and leaning across, he put his face into her personal space.

  Miranda blinked rapidly and a flash of fear crossed her face. It was quickly replaced with her usual confident demeanor.

  “Yes.” Nash spoke into the stillness of the room.

  “Excuse me?” Miranda shook her head in disbelief.

  “Yes.” He spoke clearly one more time. Then, straightening up, he reached over and grabbed Piper’s hand. Pulling her with him, he made for the door.

  She practically had to sprint to keep up with his stride. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw a huge smile splitting Lucy’s face as she watched them go. The other women at the table were sitting in stunned silence, but to her curiosity, Christian was nowhere to be seen.

  Upon reaching the door, Nash halted, opened it, and guided her gently through. After the door closed, he took her hand again and continued walking back to the library.

  “Nash?” Piper timidly asked after a moment.

  He didn’t respond, nor did his quick pace decrease.

  “Nash!” she said more forcefully, tugging on his hand that gripped hers. “Please Nash, just stop for a moment.”

  He did stop, but she could see him struggling with a strong emotion and he didn’t turn around.

  Reaching out with her other arm, she rested it on his forearm. “Thank you.”
  She heard him suck in a sharp breath and then he turned to her, his eyes questioning.

  “Thank you. Thank you for standing up for me, thank you for protecting me, and most of all....” She paused and gathered her courage. “Thank you for choosing me.”

  His entire demeanor softened at her words. Reaching out, he drew one finger down her cheek, an action she was beginning to adore, and followed it with a usual nod.

  With a lighter step and much more aware of her pace capabilities, they continued down the hall towards the library.

  Upon arrival, Piper was surprised by a loud growl. That quickly turned into mortification when she realized it was her stomach. “Oops. Sorry.” She said sheepishly. She hadn’t gotten a chance to eat before Nash rescued her from Miranda’s sharp tongue.

  His shoulders slumped when he realized what happened. Looking at him, she realized she could recognize remorse in his eyes, so she quickly tried to reassure him. “Don’t worry though. I always keep a granola bar and an apple under my desk. Can I offer you one? You didn’t get to eat either. Except that brownie baseball.” She laughed lightly at the memory. “Sorry those got squished by the way.”

  He was smiling and shrugged. Just then another growl ripped through the room. Only this time it wasn’t Piper.

  “Whoa.” Her eyes were wide as she looked at Nash’s stomach. “That was impressive.” Looking up at his face, she realized there was a faint blush of pink on his cheeks. “Are you blushing?” She couldn’t help it, she laughed. Seeing this football giant blush at his growling stomach was hilarious.

  Grabbing her in pretend anger, he growled against her throat and she squealed in delight, loving how she fit inside his arms. strong.

  Putting her down, he looked at her and spoke, “6?”

  Is it weird that I’m starting to understand Nash-ese? “That sounds great.” She said with a smile.


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