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The Librarian and Her Beast_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 7

by Laura Ann

  Piper held the door open as they walked out. “Did you find a date?” she asked Lucy.

  “Nah. I’ll be too busy running around helping. Plus there isn’t anyone I’m interested in anyway. I don’t want to send someone the wrong message.” Lucy’s tone was perky, but her slumped shoulders gave away her true feelings.

  “You could have just gone with a friend, ya know. Christian would have helped out, and wouldn’t have taken it the wrong way if you asked him.”

  Lucy walked around the car and got in the driver’s seat. After closing the door, she said, “Christian has his eyes elsewhere. Or haven’t you noticed?”

  “I’ve wondered. However, he and Charlotte both do nothing but blush when the other is around. Neither one is brave enough to make a move.” She laughed a little. It’s actually been very entertaining to watch, if it wasn’t also sad.

  “Yeah. That one might take awhile.” Lucy grinned. “But whatever. I’m better off by myself. Like I said, I have to work most of the evening anyway.”

  “Okay, but next time, we’re getting you a date.”

  “Yeeeah, we’ll see.” Lucy grinned at her. “Maybe I like tall, silent neanderthals and the only one around is taken.”

  Piper smirked. “Maybe Nash has a brother?”

  Lucy laughed. “With my luck he would be a total chatterbox. Wait, you don’t know if Nash has a brother or not? How can you not know that by now?”

  Rotten Rhett, why did I say anything? I should have kept my big mouth shut. Piper sighed. “No, he doesn’t talk about his family or past at all.”

  “Well duh, he doesn’t talk. But I would have assumed he would let you in on his family. You know, maybe pull out a picture or play 20 questions?”

  Piper snorted. “Now you’re just being ridiculous. If Nash wanted me to know something, he would tell me in his own way and in his own time. The couple of times I’ve steered the topic in that direction, he shuts down. Completely.”

  “Huh. I would expect someone to tell their significant other about their family, no matter how bad they may be.”

  The tiny voice of doubt that sat in the back of Piper’s mind came racing forward. Truth was, she had already thought of all the concerns Lucy just mentioned, but she continued to push them back, trying to convince herself that Nash was doing what he thought best. If he wanted her to know, he would make sure she knew.

  When Piper didn’t respond to her comment, Lucy stopped pushing and let silence take over the car. After a few awkward minutes, they arrived at Piper’s apartment. Nash was sitting on the stairs and stood when they pulled in. Lucy grabbed Piper’s arm. “Look Pipe, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to make Nash out to be a bad guy. Truth is, you guys are wonderful together, and he treats you like a queen. There must be some reason he hasn’t let you know about his family, but if it were me, I would want to know. However, this isn’t about me. This is about you and him. So I’ll try to keep my worries to myself.”

  Piper nodded, then opened the door and got out. Nash walked up to her and wrapped her in his arms, lifting her to his level.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  His eyes bore into hers, concern clouding their depths.

  “I’m fine. Lucy and I just disagreed about something, is all. I don’t like fighting with her.”

  He nodded once and grunted. Leaning forward, he paused just millimeters from her lips, as if asking permission.

  Giving a small laugh under her breath, she said, “Yes, a kiss would make me feel better.”

  He wasted no time in administering his brand of medicine. The kiss was short, but thorough. Putting her back on the ground, he reached around her to the car door. Opening it, he attempted to pull out the dress bag.

  “Wait!” Piper yelled.

  Pausing, he looked back at her.

  “You can’t see it yet! Not until the day of the dance!”

  Lucy laughed, making Piper jump. She’d almost forgotten her friend was still there.

  “This isn’t a wedding, Piper. I think the ‘no seeing the dress’ rule only applies to brides.”

  Piper felt her cheeks blush, as her mind wandered to those possibilities, but she kept herself in the present. “Doesn’t matter. I want it to be a surprise.” Reaching around Nash, she hefted the large dress bag out of the car. Struggling to contain the puffy dress in her arms, she shuffled up the sidewalk. Unable to see the steps beneath her arms, she started walking slowly and reaching out her foot where she thought the steps might be.

  “Ahh!” She screamed when she was pulled off her feet and swung into strong arms. “Nash! What are you doing?”

  Lucy was laughing hysterically in the background. “You have to give him credit, Pipe. He didn’t take the dress from you, you’re still carrying it!”

  Piper sighed in defeat. “Stinker,” she mumbled. “Whoa!” She tensed up when she felt Nash’s arms let go of her for a moment, before catching her again. She glared at him. “You did that on purpose!” she accused.

  He shrugged, but his eyes had lightened to their playful caramel color and were filled with mirth.

  “Hmph,” she huffed. Oh well, at least this way, I don’t actually have to walk up the flight of stairs, not to mention being in his arms is my favorite place to be. Giving in, she snuggled into his arms and enjoyed the ride.


  Piper waited anxiously next to the window. Nash was picking her up any minute and since he was always on time, she knew he would be there within the next 30 seconds. Lucy had helped her get ready for the night, but then had to leave since she was one of the teachers in charge. Okay, deep breaths. I can do this. It’s only a stupid dance. Oooh, I hope he likes the dress. I can barely breath in it; he HAS to like it. She saw his car pull up and every muscle in her body tensed. His door opened and Nash stood. Oh my Heavenly Heathcliff. Whoever invented tuxes should go straight to heaven. Piper realized she wasn’t breathing, and took in a ragged gulp of air.

  Grabbing the doorknob with a trembling hand, she opened the door and stepped out. Steeling her nerves, she walked towards the stairs. At the top of the staircase, she paused and met his eyes. He stood at the bottom, his eyes big and round, pulling her into their fathomless depths of chocolatey goodness. Slowly, she walked down, careful not to trip in the high heels she was wearing.

  On the second to last step, he extended his hand, and guided her down the rest of the stairs. Piper blinked when she reached the bottom, breaking the spell. “Wow, Nash,” she said. “You look fantastic.” She cursed herself when her voice came out husky, and cleared her throat, hoping he didn’t notice.

  Gently cupping her chin, he slowly lifted it up as his head descended. Just before reaching her lips, he whispered, “Beautiful.” His lips lightly caressed hers, then he straightened and guided her to the truck, lifting her in and buckling her up. She felt like she was floating the whole way to the school.

  PARKING AS CLOSE AS possible, Nash helped her down from the passenger seat and they walked inside. There were still 30 minutes until the dance started, but the place was crawling with people. Teachers,staff, and even some students scurried all over the gym, fixing last minute decorations and making things just right.

  Nash directed Piper towards the refreshment table while she let her eyes wander. Wow. They really go all out. How the heck did they get those streamers all the way up there? Good grief, I hope they had a machine that blew up all those balloons. Otherwise I’ll bet a few dozen people passed out before they were done. Her thoughts made her giggle, causing Nash to glance in her direction.

  “Sorry. Just a silly thought,” she explained.

  He shook his head and pulled her to a stop at the table.

  “Pipe!” A voice yelled from across the room.

  Spinning around, Piper saw Lucy making her way across the room. Her fairy wings sparkled in the mood lighting and gave her an ethereal glow as she walked quickly in their direction.

  “Ah! You’re here! Yay! Nash, you look great. Piper, you sti
ll look fantastic, a true princess and prince.”

  “Thanks! Your Tinkerbell costume turned out great! Your blonde hair is perfect for it!” Piper said.

  “Awww, thanks! Okay, you guys are just going to stay here. Watch the boys, they work really hard to sneak in the booze. Particularly the football boys.” She raised a single eyebrow at Nash.

  He put up his arms in a surrender motion.

  Piper laughed. Wrapping her arms around his middle, she said, “We will keep a close eye out.”

  Nash grunted.

  Two hours later, Piper wasn’t sure whether she wanted to laugh or strangle the students. “Can you believe that kid who thought we wouldn’t see his arm reaching from under the table to pour in that bottle of alcohol? Seriously? Makes me want to smack some sense into him, except it made for a great laugh. So did watching them scramble every time you looked at them and flexed your muscles.” She paused and sighed in contentment. Maybe when Principal Grimm takes over in a few minutes, Nash and I can get in a dance or two before we go home.

  A strong arm slid across her waist and she looked up at his handsome face. “Thanks for coming with me,” she said.

  Nash nodded.

  “Alrighty folks. Looks like it’s my turn for the evening. Thanks for your help. Now go have fun.” Principal Grimm shooed them away from the table and Nash offered his arm after releasing his grip on her waist.

  Piper didn’t even try to control the wide smile that took over her face. Slipping her hand onto Nash’s forearm, they headed towards the dance floor. The song ended just as they reached the edge of the floor and Piper paused, unsure. After a moment’s pause, another song started. It was slow and melodious. The kids all slowed down and started pairing up. Nash tugged, continuing to the floor. Pulling her around to face him, he put his arms up in a traditional dance stance.

  Piper held her breath and raised her arm to meet his hand and the other to sit on his bicep. Nash swayed slightly to one side and then swept her into a waltz step. Freakin’ Frederick! He can dance! Like REALLY dance!

  She found herself unable to look away from his face as they swirled around the room. Everyone else ceased to exist and she felt safe in his arms. His gaze was intense, and seemed to see straight into her soul. Slowly Nash brought them to a stop, and she finally registered that the music had changed. There was a hard, fast beat thumping through the room and the reverberations finally brought her back to her senses. Blinking, she looked around to see if anyone was watching them, but everyone else was caught up in their own moments.

  Nash reached out and took her hand, leading her toward the gym doors. Piper chuckled when he swiped a cupcake from the dessert table as they walked out.

  Piper’s head lay contentedly on Nash’s arm as they drove back to her apartment. The peaceful silence was shattered when her cell phone rang. She sat up and turned slightly away from Nash so she could retrieve her phone from its hiding place. I hope he’s not looking. There are only so many places to put a cell phone when wearing a fancy dress. She knew she hadn’t been as discreet as she thought when he chuckled beside her.

  “Oh hush.” She smacked his arm. “Hi, Dad!” she answered the phone.

  “Is this Piper Belmont?” A voice she didn’t recognize was on the other line.

  “Uh, yes. How did you get that phone? That is my father’s number.”

  “Yes ma’am. This is Nurse Smithy from County Hospital. I’m sorry to tell you, but your father has had a heart attack and has been admitted to the cardiac ward. We used his phone to find his next of kin. Is there anyone else you would have us call? Your mother, perhaps?”

  Shock hit Piper like a brick. The phone shook in her hand and her mind scrambled to catch up. She lurched sideways as the truck suddenly pulled off to the side of the road.

  “Ma’am? Can you hear me?”

  Nash took her face in his palms and looked her straight in the eye. “Breathe.” His deep voice penetrated her fog.

  Startled to realize he was right, she took in a shuddering, shallow bit of air.

  “Again,” he commanded.

  She followed his instructions and got her body functioning again. Putting the phone back to her ear, she said, “Could you repeat your last question, please?” She hated how weak her voice sounded, but it was all she had.

  “I wondered if there was someone else you would like us to call? Like your mother?” The nurse said.

  “No. No. She died many years ago. Thank you though. Is-is my father going to be okay?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t give any more over the phone, but he’s under the care of Dr. Schmidt, who would be happy to talk to you in person.”

  “Okay...I’m on my way, thank you.” Piper hung up the phone and burst into tears.

  Strong arms wrapped around her and she leaned into his strength. How can this happen? Why did this happen? I can’t lose him, he’s the only family I have left!

  Nash rubbed comforting circles on her back, keeping her tucked safely in his embrace until she was able to get her emotions under control. “I’m okay, thanks. Can you finish taking me home? I’m going to need to grab a bag and change clothes before I rush off.”

  He studied her face intensely for a moment, then nodded and put the truck back in gear. After arriving home, he unbuckled her belt and pulled her into his arms, carrying her up to her apartment,nly putting her back on her feet after getting them inside.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. Hustling into her bedroom, she tore out of the dress and frantically packed an overnight bag, throwing in anything she thought she might need. After hurrying back out to the living room, she found Nash holding a box full of food and books. Tears filled her eyes again and she ran across the room, throwing her arms around him and letting the waterworks begin anew.

  “I have to go,” she said after several minutes. Sniffling, she stepped back and looked up into his eyes. She had learned that his eyes were the secret to his emotions and right now they were a mix of sadness and longing. “Will you walk me to the car?”

  He nodded.

  After locking up, they put her stuff in the backseat and he opened the driver’s side door for her. Leaning down, he gave her a gentle kiss and helped her settle in.

  “Oh! Would you mind letting Principal Grimm know what’s going on?” she asked.

  He grunted his assent, then stepped back and shut her door.

  Starting the car, she backed out and turned the car to head toward the street. Looking in her rearview mirror, she took one more moment to memorize the amazing and handsome man that stood in the parking lot watching her go. With one last sob, she pulled out and entered traffic.


  “Your father is going to be fine, but he has a long road to recovery. The neighbor brought him in with chest pains and we were able to get him into surgery quickly. Because of that, there was minimal damage to his heart. The next 6-8 weeks will be rough though, and he will need to make several lifestyle changes, but in the end he should be fine.”

  Piper nodded. Her eyes were puffy and red but she was so grateful to hear that her father was going to be okay. “Thank you, Dr. Schmidt. I really appreciate everything you have done. Your whole staff.”

  With a tired smile, he patted her shoulder and left the room.

  Walking over to her father’s bedside, she felt tears prick her eyes again as she looked at his prone form. His skin was pale. The numerous tubes and monitors were intimidating and frightening. Pulling a chair over, she grasped his cold hand and leaned forward, bringing their entwined fingers to her forehead. “Everything is going to be just fine, Dad. I’m here now and I’m going to take care of you.”

  Maybe I should never have left home. With Mom gone, he has no one to care for him. Her thoughts trailed off when her phone buzzed in her pocket.

  Safe? Dad?

  Piper smiled at Nash’s text. He texted like he spoke. Her smile faded when she realized that if she moved closer to her dad, she would have to leave Nash behind. Can I r
eally do that? I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with him.

  “Oooh.” A raspy moan came from the bed.

  “Dad?” She stuffed her phone back in her pocket and stood up so he could see her better.

  His eyes were partially open, but they were glazed.

  “Hey, Dad. I’m here now, you don’t need to worry. Everything is going to be fine.” She brushed his hair from his forehead and tenderly kissed his brow. He obviously hadn’t had a haircut in some time. He needs to take better care of himself.

  His eyes fluttered closed and he was back asleep within seconds.

  “He probably won’t be fully awake ‘til sometime tomorrow afternoon, hon.” A nurse spoke from over her shoulder. “He’s on pretty heavy pain medications.”

  Piper spun around. “Oh. Okay, thank you.”

  After the nurse finished her work, Piper switched to sitting in the recliner. Pulling her phone out again, she pulled Nash’s number, tapped the video call, and waited.

  His concerned image quickly appeared on the screen.

  “Hi,” she said, weariness coating her voice. “I made it here safe. Thanks again for helping me get off so quickly.”

  He nodded. “Dad?”

  “Doctor says he’s going to be okay, but he looks so scary.” She glanced over at the bed, then back at the screen. “He’s under really heavy medication, so they say he won’t wake up ‘til tomorrow afternoon. He’s got tubes coming out of everywhere and it’s hard to believe he’s going to weather this alright.” She sighed. “He had emergency bypass surgery, but they think it all went well. The doctor says he has to make some lifestyle changes.” She wiped some stray tears from her cheeks.

  Nash tilted his head and stared into her eyes.

  “Yeah, I wish you were here too.” She said. “I could use a big, strong, silent shoulder to lean on.” She smiled gently.

  He chuckled and nodded.

  “I miss you already,” she whispered.

  He grunted and nodded.


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