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The Librarian and Her Beast_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 9

by Laura Ann

  He tilted his head to the side, pursed his lips and nodded. Very pointedly, he looked at her short legs and back up at her.

  “I didn’t say I was any good at it, I just said I played a sport.”

  One of his sunshine smiles broke across his face and he pulled her into his arms. “Thank you.”

  Piper felt tears prick the back of her eyes as she enjoyed hearing his voice and was grateful she now understood the sacrifice it took for him to say anything to her. Leaning back in his arms, she grabbed his whiskery face with her small hands, looked him in the eye and replied, “Always.”

  After a kiss that was all too short, Nash was on the road with a promise to text when he arrived.

  The only thing that kept her from jumping into his car and joining him was the fact that her dad was doing so well. She knew it was only a matter of time before she was able to come back to school and, more importantly, Nash.


  “Well hello, handsome.” Miranda used her best sultry voice as she spied the tall, quiet drink of water walking down the hallway. She pursed her lips just slightly and checked her posture, knowing it was a perfect way to get attention from men. At least most men. Her frustration at Nash’s resistance and his infatuation with Piper was growing daily. How dare he pay attention to that tiny librarian over her! Nobody in this school held a candle to her and she wasn’t about to let them forget it.

  Nash’s stride sped up, he nodded, and continued past her.

  Gritting her teeth, she forced in a deep breath. She would bide her time. Something would present itself, it always did. And then she would have him for herself.

  Throwing back her shoulders, she strutted towards the teachers’ lounge and boldly threw open the door, striking a pose before entering. Every head swiveled her way, and she drank in the admiring glances from the males, ignoring the rolled eyes of the females. This was what she deserved. Admiration and envy.

  Heading towards the table where her followers were sitting, she spotted something shiny sitting on a chair. Walking over, she discovered it was a phone. “Anyone lose a phone?” she asked, smiling sweetly, ready to be the hero for the poor owner.

  “Oh, that’s where Nash was sitting. Hand it here and I’ll run it to him.” Rory stood from her chair across the room.

  Nash’s! This was gold. “Oh, no!” She cooed. “I just saw him in the hallway. I’ll run it to him myself. No biggie.”

  “You haven’t eaten lunch and I’m finished. I can take it.” She tried reaching for it, but Miranda pulled it away from her.

  “I wasn’t hungry anyway. I’ll just head out now.” Turning on her stiletto, she made for the doorway.

  “You better make sure you actually give it to him.” Rory had her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

  “Of course I will! How could you think I would do anything else?” She held the phone to her chest and put on the innocent look her mother had spent hours teaching her.

  Rory huffed and went back to her seat, gathering her lunch debris.

  Hurrying out the door, Miranda walked straight to the women’s restroom.

  “Well, Nashie, let’s see just what you have on here...” Scrolling through the phone, she found little of interest. Apparently he wasn’t a big app guy. Only game he even owned was that stupid bird and pig one. Spotting an unread text, she clicked the icon and read,

  Wk is crzy slw! Miss u so much! Chat 2nite?

  “That little tramp! Nash is mine!” Tapping her finger on her pouty lips, she thought. “How can I fix this?” Eyeing the phone again, she scrolled backwards through more of their messaging.

  I told u I dnt care abt the sttr. When I get bck, ull c I mean it.

  “Sttr? What does that mean?” With a shake of her head, she moved on, reading more.

  “Oh hey, Miranda! I didn’t realize you were still in this wing of the school. Bell is going to ring in a few minutes.” Mallory said.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Miranda waved her off and went back to playing with the phone.

  “Is that Nash’s phone? I thought you were taking it back to him. Why do you still have it?”

  “Because, you idiot. I’m gonna make sure Piper gets out of my way for good. She doesn’t deserve that man. Only someone as beautiful as me should be on his arm.” After a few clicks, she smiled in satisfaction. With an elated giggle, she strutted out of the bathroom without a backward glance.


  Nash woke his phone up after class was over, excited to see if he had any messages from Piper before he headed out to clean up his office in the locker room. The season was over and Piper was supposed to be back next week. He couldn’t wait to spend more time with her.

  He looked up his texts, only to be disappointed that there was nothing. Frowning, he felt slightly deflated. She always sent him a few words, maybe the day had been rough with her father? He stuffed his phone in his pocket, working to convince himself that she would answer him when she had time.


  Piper sat on the sofa, nervously playing with her phone. She had texted Nash hours ago and still hadn’t heard back from him. School should have been over a while ago. Does he not want to chat? He always answers me back. Would I look desperate if I texted him again? Who am I kidding? I AM desperate.

  “What’s got you so worked up, girl?” Her dad’s raspy voice called out from his recliner.

  “Oh...nothing,” she replied.

  “Stuff ‘n nonsense. Something’s making that leg of yers bounce faster than a jack rabbit outrunning a coyote. Now what is it?”

  “Really Dad, it’s nothing. I’m just waiting for Nash to call.” She set the phone down, forcing herself not to look at it any longer.

  “Well, why don’t ya just call him then? Why wait?”

  “Because I texted him earlier. If he wanted to talk to me, he would have answered.” She felt a hollow sensation in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t stop the thought that he might have changed his mind about her. Maybe me being gone so long has finally taken its toll? Or maybe Miranda has finally gotten his attention. Her shoulders slumped. This line of thinking was getting her nowhere. “I think I’m going to bed, Dad.”

  “Alright, pumpkin, but you should just call that boy. Ain’t gonna hurt nothing for you to call first.” His eyes never strayed from the television as he spoke.

  “Thanks, I’ll think about it.” She headed down the hall, knowing he would turn off the television when he was ready for sleep.

  NASH COULDN’T HELP but glance at his phone, just one more time. Why wasn’t she answering him? Had she finally decided his stutter was too much? That he was the freak his stepmother always said? She had warned him that no woman would want a man who couldn’t speak right. He hung his head in his hands, shame ricocheting through him. He knew it had been too much to hope for. That she would stick around after he confessed his feelings and his faults. Shutting off his phone to avoid the temptation to sleep with it in his hands, he headed for bed, sorrow dragging his feet.

  BY MORNING, PIPER WAS livid. If he doesn’t want me anymore, then he should have the decency to just say so. Not give me the cold shoulder. If he hasn’t said anything by noon, I’m gonna give him what for.

  NASH FELT OVERWHELMED with grief. If something had happened to Piper’s dad, he knew she would have let him know. No answer all night meant she simply wasn’t speaking to him. Maybe she has decided to stay with her dad and is too scared to tell me. I don’t know if I could continue a long distance relationship. What we’ve done has been hard enough. His restless night wasn’t helping his disposition, and he knew he carried a scowl on his face as he entered the school that morning. Entering his classroom, he took a deep breath. The end of the day couldn’t come fast enough.

  PIPER TOOK A DEEP BREATH and squared her shoulders. Punching “send,” she waited for the phone to ring. It had barely connected when it was answered with a frantic sounding, “P-piper?”

  Ignoring the pleasant shiver his vo
ice sent along her spine, she shouted, “Nash Wilde! I have something to say to you! How-how dare you treat me like this!” She fought hard to keep the tears from her voice, but she knew she didn’t succeed. “If you changed your mind about us, then you should have darn well said something. Not just refused to speak to me like a little child. Was this all some joke to you?”


  She cut him off. “Have you been lying to me this whole time? Do you even have a stutter? Or a stepmother? Who was your accomplice? Miranda? Well, let me tell you—”


  His booming voice stopped her short. Her breath was heavy and she sucked in a lungful of air to calm herself.

  “I d-did not l-l-lie. I d-didn’t want...” He growled in frustration. “Video?”

  Could she handle a video chat? She was afraid seeing his eyes would cause her to lose her anger. But it was obvious her comment about his stuttering was off base. “Okay,” she heard herself say. After hanging up, she waited for him to put the call through, pushing the answer button when it rang.

  Her heart skipped when she saw the distraught look on his face. What is going on? Why didn’t he just text back? A lump filled her throat and she held back tears. “I’m sorry for yelling, Nash. I just-I thought we had something special. And when you refused to answer me yesterday, I thought—” She sniffed. “I thought you changed your mind, but didn’t have the decency to just tell me.” Stupid tears. Never stay where I want you. She wiped them away angrily, but couldn’t make her eyes meet the phone.

  “Piper?” His voice was halting and held a tone of confusion.

  The screen was wavy when she looked up, but some rapid blinking got things back under control.

  His brows were furrowed. Taking a deep breath he said, “I answered you. Y-you never answered me.”

  Now it was her turn for confusion. She cocked her head to the side. “I sent a text yesterday asking if you wanted to chat last night and you never answered. I waited all night and finally got angry this morning.”

  He shook his head vehemently. “N-never got it.”

  “Are you serious?” One look in his eyes and she knew he was. “This whole thing was over a lost text? Oh Creakin’ Caleb.” Her face burned with humiliation. “I’m so sorry, Nash. I don’t even know what to say.” Her last word broke on a sob, she let her head hang between her arms.

  “P-p-p-” Nash took a shuddering breath and tried again. “Pipe?”

  “Yes?” She didn’t move to look back at the phone. He must truly hate me now. All this stupid drama over something that didn’t even happen. If he wasn’t going to dump me before, I’m sure he will now. When he stayed silent, she finally lifted her head to look at the screen.

  Her eyes widened in disbelief and she felt another sob coming on. He didn’t have to speak, she could read his eyes perfectly, he cared about her. She opened her heart and tried to let it show in her eyes. It must have been successful, because his head tilted in understanding.

  Reaching forward with a single finger, he ran it down the screen. She could almost feel the light caress on her cheek, wishing he was by her side.

  “Can you forgive me?” she asked.

  He put a hand to his chest.

  “There is nothing to forgive on your end, Nash. But if it makes you feel better, I forgive you. Can we talk again tonight?”

  He nodded, then his head darted up and looked over the phone. Looking back at the screen, he nodded in farewell, and they signed off.

  Resting her forehead on the table in front of her, she tried to wrap her mind around the situation, and calm her pounding heart. What in this world have I done to get such a wonderful guy?

  She jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw her dad smile at her. “You need to go back.” He said.

  “What? I thought we decided I would head back over the weekend,” she countered.

  “Sweetheart. You two need to be together, and I’m fine. I’ve been fine and you’re not going to be that far away if I need anything. Go back. It’s only a few days early. It won’t make a difference here, but it will make a lot of difference to him.”

  Piper thought hard. He’s right. He’s doing really well. A couple of days early won’t hurt anything. “Thanks Dad.” She stood and kissed his cheek. “I love you, but you’re right. I need to be with Nash right now. I’ll go get my bag.”


  Within an hour, she was on her way. She had a hard time keeping her foot off the gas pedal. Excitement at the prospect of surprising Nash made her foot feel particularly heavy.

  Down, girl. Getting a ticket or in a wreck is not going to help you see him faster. Besides, at the rate you’re going, he won’t even be off work by the time you get there.

  Setting up her bluetooth, she turned up her music and tapped the steering wheel in time to the beat. About halfway to her destination, her phone rang. Glancing down, she didn’t recognize the number. Hitting the button, she asked, “Hello?”

  “Is-is this Piper?” A quiet voice asked.


  “This is Mallory, from Middleton Prep.”

  “Okay.....” Why is this chica calling me? She’s Miranda’s lap dog.

  “Well, I uh, I just...” Her voice trailed off.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” Piper tried to keep her voice from sounding irritated. Did Miranda put her up to something?

  “I just—” She took a deep breath. “Look, Miranda got ahold of Nash’s phone when he accidentally left it in the teachers’ lounge. I found her in the bathroom messing with it before she gave it back to Nash. I don’t know exactly what she did, but I don’t think it was meant to be a good thing.”

  Piper was speechless. Miranda had Nash’s phone? Is she serious? Suddenly the light bulb clicked. The missing text! Racing Rhett, that woman is a witch! “As grateful as I am for the information, I don’t understand why you are telling me this.”

  “I just, I... nevermind.” The phone call ended.

  “Huh...” Piper wasn’t sure what to make of the phone call, but one thing was certain. She was not going to let Miranda get in between them again.

  AFTER PULLING INTO a parking space close to Nash’s car, she turned off the car and and pulled on her coat. Nash won’t be out to his car for a bit yet, maybe I can get a little shut-eye. Leaning her seat back, she closed her eyes for a few moments, but her mind was too wound up to sleep. I can’t believe how low that woman will stoop to get what she wants. Whatever happened to moral decency? Or losing with dignity? Why can’t she just let things be? Ugh. Maybe I should change her name from Lady Long Legs, to Merciless Maneater.

  Her eyes popped open in aggravation. A flash of red caught her eye as she stared into space. Speak of the she-devil. What in the name of Captain Ahab is she doing? Craning her neck, she tried to see what the leggy teacher was up to.

  Crouched on the ground, Miranda appeared to be fiddling with something. Opening her car door as quietly as possible, Piper snuck over to the Miranda’s car. What the-! She’s letting the air out of her own tire!

  “What are you doing?”

  “Ahh!” Miranda screeched and spun around. After spotting Piper, a sneer crossed her face. Standing up to her full height in a pose of intimidation, she peered down her nose at Piper. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be gone ‘til next week.”

  “That really isn’t your business. And I repeat, What. Are. You. Doing?” Piper put her hands on her hips and refused to back down from the seething woman.

  “That’s none of your business.” She mocked. “But, maybe your coming back early was a good thing. I can just break the news to you now.”

  Piper eyed her warily, an uneasy feeling started churning in her gut.

  “I’m sure it won’t be hard for you to believe. I mean, after all, we all knew that Nash was just playing around when he was spending time with you. But Nash and I have grown quite close while you were away, and it’s becoming quite
serious.” Her voice dropped in insinuation. “Don’t let your feelings hurt too badly though. I mean, no one in the school can compare with myself. I was bound to catch his attention. You simply aren’t enough woman for someone like Nashie.” She smirked at Piper, running her eyes from her head to toe in disgust.

  Piper’s insecurities about herself came rushing forward. She’s right, I’m not enough woman for Nash...NO! No. She’s just trying to get you out of the way. There is no way Nash would betray you like that. Taking a deep breath and feigning a courage and confidence she didn’t feel, she stalked towards Miranda.

  A flitter of fear quickly crossed over the Kindergarten teacher’s face. It emboldened Piper. “Nashie?” She sneered. “Do you really expect me to believe that story? I know that man better than anyone. And I know how he feels about stuck-up redheads who won’t mind their own business. Taking his phone, deleting texts—”

  Miranda’s mouth dropped in shock before she caught herself. “I don’t know what—”

  “Oh I know all about what you’ve been up to, you long-legged viper,” Piper spat.

  Miranda’s eyes widened and she stepped back from Piper’s advances.

  “Your little plan to break us up didn’t work. Which is why I’m here. Because I couldn’t wait any longer to see that man I’m in love with. And who loves me back.”

  The redhead’s eyebrows slashed down in anger at the pronouncement.

  “And just what were you planning to do out here, hmmm? Letting air out of your own tires? Feigning the damsel in distress?” Miranda’s face became an unbecoming shade of puce, letting Piper know she had hit the nail on the head. “Why would you need to do that if things were so serious?” She used her fingers to imitate quotations over Miranda’s description.


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