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Turning Point

Page 7

by Georgia Hamilton

  He opened my car door for me, as I adjusted my dress he shut the door and I swear I heard him growl, a little subtle rumble at the back of his throat. I watched him walk round the front of the car. Realising I was still very horny, the second he sat down I reached over, putting my hand on his thigh, the second he turned to me I kissed him. I am not one to make the first move but I had to.

  He brought his hand up to cup the back of my head, tilting me to the side so we could get more of each other. This wasn’t just a heavy kiss, it was more, he held me so gently but kissed me so firmly. His tongue invading my mouth, forcing its way in then slowly exploring it all. It was hard for me not to follow. The deeper the kiss got I found myself inadvertently lifting off the seat to get closer to him. His hand stroking my back nudging me into him, before I knew what was happening he’d pulled me over and into his lap. I straddled him, relieved to create some friction to ease the burn. He never let go of me, our mouths fused together. I didn’t expect the restraint he had, I wanted to tear his clothes off and have him right there, I reached between us pulling his shirt out of his trousers when he stopped me.

  “Beautiful, as much as I want this, and I mean really want this, I am not about to fuck you in my car”

  I know I was pouting but I couldn’t help it. I must have looked like a petulant child he kissed my forehead smoothing out my frown and tipped my chin back so I caught him dead in the eyes.

  “don’t think for a second Rayne, that this is anything other than what I said. I want you. You can feel how badly I want you”

  He wasn’t wrong, I could feel his rock-hard dick, straining under me, to let him know I did, I wiggled a little settling my soaked pussy firmly on him. I know full well I was going to leave a wet patch on his jeans but that’s what you get for making me this way.

  “Ok, beautiful, you really need to stop that because you are not helping with the whole, be responsible, do not fuck in the car, do not fuck in the car talk I am trying to have”

  He kissed me once more, and plonks me back in my seat. He leans across me to get my seatbelt (yes, I am sulking heavily) as he comes back across my body he runs his hands up my thigh, his thumbs easing along the inside. I whelp, full on whelp at him. “This is not helping Connor” Letting the seat belt retract, he keeps his hands on their trajectory, his thumbs on the outside of my knickers and he starts to thumb my clit through the thin material. Motherfucker.

  My eyes are tightly shut, intensifying the sensation of him. All I can feel is him, all I can smell is him, all I can hear is our breathing, all I can taste is him, where he was on my lips, in my mouth.

  “You said no touching, this is definitely touching Connor”

  His hands still, then leave me completely. I dare not open my eyes, I know he’s still there, I can feel the presence of him. I can feel the heat from his hands just above my thighs, I open my legs a fraction, an invitation for him to carry on.

  “Not quite beautiful I said no hands” he sexily groans at me

  I open one of my eyes gingerly, his moss green ones are fixated on me. His stare starts at my mouth, drifting slowly south, he holds his fingers millimetres from me, hovering at the base of my neck. I close my eyes again.

  “That’s right Rayne, keep your eyes closed, whatever you do keep them closed” I nod hoping he’s seen my response. I can’t talk. My words have left me again.

  He’s moving so slowly it’s killing me, he’s edging his way down. He’s closer now because I can feel his breath on me it’s measured, unhurried. The very next thing I feel is him slipping his tongue under my dress and into my bra. My nipples are screaming for his attention, he obviously hears as he pulls one into his mouth. My body no longer belongs to me, it arches towards him, wanting him to take more of me, or all of me. He draws it between his teeth and every nerve ending across my body reacts, I feel it down to my toes. My inner core erupts, I can feel myself start to throb. Inevitably my body keeps reaching for him.

  He runs his tongue back up along my neck, he trails kisses up from my jaw and nips my ear

  “You are so damn responsive its unreal, swing your legs over to the centre console beautiful, one each side of me”

  I do as he says, shifting back so I am against the passenger door, each foot resting on the arm rest in between the front seats, because like he said, I am responsive.

  I didn’t think through, however how exposed I am to him. My dress has fallen open at the split to my waist, the way I am positioned my barely covered pussy is in his face. I can feel myself getting wetter the more he stares at me. If looks could kill my knickers would have incinerated 30 seconds ago. How he contorts himself I don’t know but he runs his nose up the inside of my leg, kissing me from my calf to behind my knee.

  Now I’ve heard this a million times, but ladies, get your man to focus his attention to that spot right there. It’s a winner.

  I giggle as his kisses become wetter, he’s open mouth kissing the inside of my thigh he goes all the way up until his nose is grazing my pussy.

  I hiss in a breath because that’s how on edge I am. He’s worked me up so damn good.

  When I think he’s going to keep going he adjusts himself again and starts on my other leg. Usually I would be like, come on mate chop, chop. Get you mouth on me, eat me out and happy days. But Connor is making this all part of the game.

  I forget that we are parked on a side street in his car, where anyone could walk past and see everything we’re doing.

  I am so high on the fumes of my own arousal, there are zero fucks given. When he reaches my knee on the other side, I try to clamp my legs together but his elbows are holding me apart for him.

  Still no hands.

  This time when he gets to my core he doesn’t just graze his nose against me, he grazes on me. Through my underwear his hot breath, his genius tongue is working something exquisite out of me. He bites me through the cotton and I fall closer to the edge. Sensing my response his tongue creeps under the elastic and he’s on me. Not ashamed to say I screamed out in pleasure. His magic tongue is everywhere, he draws me into his mouth, sucking my clit like a new born calf anxious for his first feed.

  “Fuck it”

  In one swift motion he has got his hands underneath me, pulling my underwear completely to the side, given my new position I wrap my legs around his neck. The second his tongue enters me I’m done. He’s fucking me with his tongue better than any dick I have had recently. His hands are kneading into my butt cheeks, pulling me apart as he feasts on me like we didn’t just eat.

  I feel it everywhere when he hums against me, I don’t know what he said because one, he’s muffled by my muff (that blatantly tickled me, not half as much as he’s tickling me right now though) and two I am coming. Hard.

  Usually I have to work at this, you know visualise something or someone else to tip me over, but not with Connor. He just bent down and took it, like it was always his, my body has a mind of its own, reacting to every movement he makes.

  When I think he’s about to slow down, he adds two fingers to the mix, but it feels different, they’re angled differently, he’s got them hooked up in side me, physically drawing pleasure out of me. I thought I had mastered the orgasm.

  Build quickly.


  Roll over.

  But no, this is different. I feel like a virgin all over again because I haven’t felt this before.

  By now I am usually on my side turned away from him, whoever he may be, scrolling Instagram whilst he snores next to me. Roger over and out. Not this time. I feel something building again, suddenly its steaming towards me. Instead of coming down, I come again. Hard.

  My entire body goes ridged and my legs are shaking around him. His fingers still but I haven’t. Every touch is making my body jump. I can hear my heart thumping, its ringing in my own ears. “Open your eyes Rayne, look at me beautiful”

  I glance at him through my lashes, I am embarrassed. I lost complete control, I still cannot control my
body which is involuntarily still jerking. He runs circles on my hips with his hands, I realise that he’s calming me, bringing me back to earth. Not sure I want to be back on earth, kind of like it up here in the stars.


  I promise, I want to speak, in fact I am sure my mouth is open but nothings coming out. I blow a huge breath and lean my head back against the window

  “Are you ok Rayne?” There is a tenderness in his voice that’s soothing but a note of apprehension simmering behind his words. He’s nervous.

  As much as I want to answer I do no more than nod my head and give him the thumbs up

  Chuckling he responds, “That good huh?” I put my thumb up one more time. He bites it which makes me laugh.

  Leaning over me, I think he’s going to hug me. He wraps his arms around me and shifts me back into place in my seat.

  He takes my seat belt again and this time he fastens it. He’s got a shadow on his jawline that I swear wasn’t there earlier, I’ve made his facial hair grow.

  I am so drowsy, drunk on love – LOVE? That’s not what I meant, told you I am drunk on something. ANYWAY, I am drowsy so I rest my head on the window and shut my eyes

  “Sleepy head, do you want to give me your address before you pass out on me. I hand him my phone

  “Press Home in my Waze app”

  I’m guessing I fall asleep. Because now its morning and I am alone in my bed.

  Searching the room, trying to piece missing night together I notice my dress, neatly folded on dressing table stool, I look down and I am in my underwear, padding into the bathroom just to be sure, its confirmed I am alone.

  I throw myself back on the bed, “urgh my head is spinning” I don’t know if I am disappointed that he left me alone or relieved. Relieved I guess, goes to show what a gent he is, I have no doubt I would have given consent for anything he wanted to do to me.

  Eyes shut, shielding me from the morning, I look at my phone to check the time and there’s two messages from Connor.

  The first is a picture of me, asleep in my bed. He said

  “leaving you, looking like that is so damn hard. Thank you for tonight. I broke my promise and for that I am sorry. But if that’s the last time I ever get to see you splinter in ecstasy I would die a happy man. I made you take a paracetamol before you crashed. Hope your heads ok. C xx”

  The second says

  “Home, In Bed. Alone. Sweet dreams beautiful”

  My heart aches.


  Well last night was something else. I woke up this morning after a fitful sleep and went straight to the gym. I’m not one of those beast mode dudes, but I like working out. Especially when my balls are a darker shade of blue. My scrotum wants five minutes alone with my brain to beat the shit out of him. I’m not overly impressed with him either right now.

  How I managed to walk away from her last night, I don’t know. Her phone directed me to her house, she’d passed out 5 minutes into the journey. I didn’t want to wake her up but I didn’t want to wake her up, shouldn’t have worried, asked her what door number was she said 36 and promptly went back to sleep. That sinful dress came apart in my hands when I managed to get her up to her bed. Seeing her in her matching bra and knickers was almost as good as seeing her naked. I didn’t know until last night if her boobs were real, physically spilling out in my hands. God, she felt so good on me. I took a picture of her sleeping, mainly because I wanted to lay down with her watching her sleep but the inner perv in me was beaten again by my brain. That damn thing just keeps making decisions for me that I don’t want or need. I also took it because, life has let me down so many times. Except for Bea, I have never loved or been loved. I don’t allow myself to get close to anyone as they just leave me. I am not afraid to say that I fear how Rayne makes me feel. I have known her a few days and already life looks grey without her.

  Pulling into my space, I drop my car in park and head into Prestige in Vauxhall, its our new flagship and my baby. Aaron and Michael were worried about such a big location on the other side of the river but after months of research, planning and building, it came to fruition two months ago.

  “Morning Mr Benjamin”

  “Morning James” James is the manager of one of our other showrooms, I called him in over here because I trust him to give this the push it needs.

  When I went to Michael about Vauxhall, he laughed. Thankfully after working for him for so many years, I didn’t take it to heart.

  Aaron and Shaan gave me a few weeks to get figures together and Shaan has been on side since he read through the proposal.

  Trent helped a lot with it, I learnt a lot when I worked with him, using those skills have been a massive asset for me. I forget sometimes that I’ve got a senior position with them. It my only constant. I’m working hard to get out of my flat.

  All the people I work with live in places I will never be able to afford. Even with my healthy salary, I would have to save for years to get a deposit together to buy a house near any of them.

  Setting my standards, a little lower, I am about a year away from my target. Part of me wonders if Rayne will still be around when I reach that step. I want her with me. I want to share more than a bed with her.

  “Morning Connor, how you are doing brother?”

  Aaron always made him smile, the dude was another level of ridiculous. He looked like a hippy surfer with dark hair. He looks like Drogo from Game of Thrones, instead of a hair band in his beard, he uses it to hold his man bun in place. We go to the gym together, he finally got me into Taekwondo last year, blows my mind how light he is on his feet. Shaan keeps trying to get him to have a few fights but Aaron’s too chilled for that

  “‘Sup A?”

  Aaron leans back on the slightly ostentatious wingback chair in my office. Although I had a say on the location, stock and staffing here, Aaron remained in control of the décor. As I said Aaron is a hulk of a man, but he doesn’t let that halt his taste. Today he’s wearing very slim fitted orange trousers with a blue strip down the side and a floral shirt with white trainers. It should look ridiculous but he carries it off, he screams money, and spends as much time fending off the woman as he does attracting them. Everything in his life is larger than life but he’s a good guy.

  “All good brother, all good. Things here are going well. I won’t say I’m not surprised, dad and I were doubtful but this” He holds out the stack of orders that James has put on my desk.

  I laugh as I can almost see the dollar signs in his eyes

  “this brother, is amazing” He fans himself with the orders which makes me start laughing

  “I want to celebrate a great first quarter – come to Miami with me next week and we can set the world alight”

  I’m still laughing, Aarons reality and mine is something else – “A, as much as I would love to, I’ve gotta stay here and keep you rich, plus I’ve got my own targets and trying to keep up with you in Miami would bankrupt me”

  I slap him on the shoulder as I make my way to my desk.

  “I said I want to celebrate, so its on the company, call it a team building exercise”

  “what, just me and you – we’re good man. Trust me”

  Aaron shakes his head and tuts at me

  “you, need to lighten up Connor, it’s on Prestige, we can roll out on Thursday live large for a few days, screw everything in sight then back to it, no harm no foul. You can’t say some juicy Miami Poontang wouldn’t be a fucking good bonus”

  Suddenly thoughts of Rayne fill my mind, if there’s going to be any screwing its going to be me and her. After last night she’s at the front of my mind (and trousers) I wanted to text her again this morning but I gotta hold back. I told her date number 2 is up to her, no mater how hard it is, I need to let her come to me.

  “Tempting as that should sound, not for right now A.”

  My phone chooses that exact moment to go off. I scramble for it out of my jacket, audibly I hiss when I see that it’s not Ra
yne calling me. It’s someone I thought was out of my life for good. I silence the phone and throw it on my desk.

  “Obviously not who you wanted?”

  Aaron is staring it me a little bewildered. I’m known for my composure. Never getting rattled, taking everything in my stride but that call just made my blood run cold. What did he want? When did he come back? And what does he suddenly want with me?

  Pushing all thoughts to the side I focus on the here and now.

  “Nope not who I wanted it to be”

  I realise my mistake when the words come out, Aaron leans forward in the chair eager for me to fill him in, he raises his eyebrows at me, holding his hands out almost saying “well” I debate whether to lie but there’s no point. He can read me like a badly written book.

  “I thought it was Rayne” I sigh.

  Aaron’s mouth drops open, “As in Trent’s Rayne??”

  I look away from him out the window and nod. “The one and only”

  “When did this happen? I mean you didn’t say anything when we were going to the party? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “There was nothing to tell until yesterday really”

  Aaron stands up and walks to my desk, sitting on the other side, he shakes his head at me

  “Brother, we are business associates and friends but let me make something very clear, if you have hurt or upset her, it will make things very awkward my man. She is like the forbidden fruit. Trust me Shaan was warned off immediately the first time he met her and that was 10 years ago. Trent and dad are so protective of her and Rose. Man!!”

  Aaron rubs his head like he’s got a migraine. He looks like he is in physical pain. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I am frightened he is going to warn me off her. I can’t lose my job but I want to see where it goes with her, the thought of never seeing her again? I’m not prepared for that.


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