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A Dragon's Awakening

Page 29

by Aya Knight

  Malakhar laughed. “Saldin; that filthy fool has come on his own terms. He desires to slay the weak-hearted Illadar and obtain Jedah’s praise. He longs for prestige from the other knights in order to remain the general’s favorite little pet. It was his decision to exclude Jedah from knowing of this plan. He desires to prove himself with this victory.” Malakhar’s footwork was flawless as he gracefully weaved to each side of Kale’s strikes. “I have come with the sole desire of defeating you so my oath will finally come to an end. Jedah desires you alive so he may claim the killing strike—I merely desire the satisfaction of weakening you for the trip. My magical abilities have grown enough to keep you alive for the journey back to Mirion—with or without your limbs.” Malakhar snickered.

  “The only one who falls tonight shall be you.” Kale pushed his weight in Malakhar’s direction, forcing the black blade inches away from the dark elf’s face.

  Malakhar’s black eyes narrowed as his scabby nose flared. He yelled out in a foreign tongue and an invisible force struck Kale, sending him flying many feet away.

  Kale’s back landed hard against the ground as his hands lost grip on the hilt of his weapon. He watched in disbelief as his sword spun away from him.

  “No!” Kale cried out as he reached hopelessly for the weapon.

  Malakhar slowly advanced toward Kale, who was now staggering to stand with his back against a wall.

  “What a pity this fight should end so soon. I expected more from you, Firehart,” Malakar sneered.

  Kale was prepared to attack using nothing but his own scorching hands, though he knew getting past Malakhar’s blade would be an obstacle.

  The most sinister look Kale had ever seen crossed Malakhar’s face as the dark elf took a swift step forward, extending an open palm.

  “Do not let him touch you!” Neelan shouted frantically as she used the last of her strength to dive into Malakhar. She threw her weight on top of the dark elf as they both tumbled to the ground.

  As the hood of her cloak fell back upon her shoulders, Malakhar cringed.

  “A high elf—disgusting. What a foolish girl to throw your own life in danger for an unworthy man…if you can even call him that. What a pity; I’ll have to deal with you now as well.” Malakhar gripped her neck, mere seconds before Kale managed to retrieve his sword. The dark elf squeezed tightly as Neelan cried out in anguish.

  “Get your hands off of her!” Kale charged at Malakhar, still hunched over Neelan like a hungry tiger.

  To Kale’s surprise, as he swung his sword forward, it sliced into Malakhar’s back, singing the fabric of his cloak while piercing through his flesh. Blood immediately began to leak from the gash as Malakhar screamed in pain. Kale took advantage of the dark elf’s brief moment of disorientation as he slammed his foot forcefully into Malakhar’s rib cage. Malakhar instantly hit the ground, growling in anger as he reached behind to feel the damage which had been done.

  Kale quickly knelt by Neelan’s side. “Neelan—Neelan, please answer me!”

  Neelan softly groaned—her long lashes fluttered as her eyes struggled to keep focus. “Kale, I cannot move my arms or legs. He has cast a curse upon me.”

  Kale stood as his wide eyes finally took note of the wound between her ribs. Half of Neelan’s torso was now soaked with her own blood.

  She was so badly hurt, and yet she risked the last of her strength to save me…

  An entirely unfamiliar emotion flowed through Kale’s body as he found a renewed rush of adrenaline. Seeing Neelan in this state made him certain he never wanted to leave her side—never wanted to lose her. He knew now, Lorin’s words had been true. She loved him—and he loved her too.

  “Please hold on, Neelan, for me. We will get out of this together.”

  Kale looked toward Malakhar, who had begun to pull himself up. Kale had no hesitation as he leapt forward into the air, bringing his sword above his head while lunging down toward the dark elf.

  Malakhar’s arm shot up with amazing speed, despite his injury. His black sword yet again deflected Kale’s blow.

  “How sentimental; a dragon and an elf in love—it’s almost…humorous. You sicken me, Firehart. To have such power as a dragon, such strength, and yet here you stand before me as a pathetic human. What a waste.”

  “This fate was not my choice.” Kale angrily pushed his blade closer toward Malakhar’s chest.

  “Ah, now you see a glimpse into my own life. I certainly did not choose this grotesque body. As I’ve said before—we are not so different.” Malakhar’s black eyes pierced Kale’s.

  Kale shot a brief glance toward Neelan who helplessly lay upon the ground. “You get through each day fueled by revulsion for the world. There is nothing you desire to save. I am fighting to protect everything I have grown to love. Do not compare us again, you depraved abomination.” His voice was low and deep. “This ends now.”

  He focused more energy than ever before into his weapon as it rapidly changed from red to yellow. Kale stepped back, allowing room to swing as he lunged the blade toward Malakhar’s torso.

  Malakhar sidestepped to avoid the blow as he raised his blade to collide with Kale’s. Both men continued to swing violently at one another, equally determined to rise victorious.

  Suddenly, as both swords crossed, Kale’s blade snapped. He stepped back in shock as the remaining half folded over in a melted clump. He had disregarded Elanya’s warning to take caution while utilizing his powers. Her enchantment was not able to sustain such a high degree of heat.

  “No…” Kale whispered to himself as Malakhar’s blade thrust forward—plunging into the right side of his chest. Kale grunted as he felt the blade tear through his flesh and muscle. “My time to die shall come,” Kale wrapped his hands around Malakhar’s blade, enduring further pain as the razor-edge dug into his palm and fingers, “but today is not that day.”

  Holding the blade, Kale pulled Malakhar toward him. The tip of the blade dug deeper into Kale’s body, causing him to feel painfully nauseous. He wanted to close the space between them so he could take hold of Malakhar’s cloak and ignite the dark elf into a standing torch. I still cannot reach him. Kale gritted his teeth. At this rate I will kill myself, or be cursed. Before Malakhar could react, Kale lifted his leg, slamming his foot forward with all the strength he could muster. As the sole of his boot collided with Malakhar’s gut, Kale released his grip upon the blade which sent Malakhar flying backwards.

  The inhuman strength of Kale’s kick had been so severe Malakhar immediately spat blood as he pathetically attempted to lift himself upon all fours.

  “K-Kale, please come to me quickly!” Neelan’s voice was hoarse as she called out from the same area in which Malakhar left her immobile.

  Kale rushed to her side, gently brushing the hair from her eyes. “What is it? I must finish this battle before he recovers, I must get you help.”

  “Pull me up; we are going to use my bow. Should you attempt to use close combat he will only place a curse upon you as well. Quickly now before he is able to stand, this may be our final chance at victory…” Neelan struggled to speak.

  “I’ve told you, Neelan, you are not fighting anymore. I will do this alone.”

  “Shut up, Kale! I have a single arrow left and I am not about to trust you to make the shot. Quite honestly, you are a horrible archer.”

  Kale knew arguing would only cause her to unnecessarily exert herself. They also greatly lacked time as he could see that Malakhar had conjured a minor healing spell upon himself.

  The dark elf staggered to his feet, still holding his blood-drenched sword within his grasp.

  “All right.” Kale carefully placed an arm under her body as he lifted her into a seated position.

  “Take my bow, and then lift my arms into place. I still have movement in my torso and will take aim,
you finish the shot. We get one chance Kale—just one.”

  Kale lifted her arms upon his own as he gripped the sturdy wood frame of the bow. As Neelan maneuvered the bow toward Malakhar, Kale pressed his cheek to hers as they both concentrated upon the arrow.

  One shot. Kale repeated in his mind.

  Malakhar regained his strength and walked swiftly toward them with his sword held out to the side. His blackened eyes were wide with rage.

  “The games are over, Firehart. General Jedah will have to suffice without the killing blow, for it is I who now starves for the honor.” He cackled maniacally.

  Kale felt Neelan’s warmth against his face and could feel her breath, panting in sync with his. He closed his eyes, allowing his hands to infuse with power which he carefully directed solely onto the arrow itself.

  “Now!” she commanded.

  Kale’s eyes shot open as the arrow launched from the bow. Upon leaving Kale’s fingertips, the arrow ignited into flames. The swift escape of the projectile saved Neelan’s hands from any burns. They watched as the arrow flew toward Malakhar with blinding speed, piercing precisely through the center of his pallid skull, incinerating the flesh. The dark elf flew backward, slamming forcefully into the stone wall behind. A loud crack could be heard as his skull impacted. Within seconds Malakhar’s limp body fell to the ground succumbing to the flames which fed off his garments.

  “It is over.” Neelan smiled sweetly at Kale as she caressed his cheek with her fingertips. The curse had been completely lifted upon Malakhar’s last breath and she could once again move her limbs.

  “Thank you for risking your own life to save me. I—I never want to lose you. I could not have done this without—”

  Kale watched in horror as her eyes rolled back into her skull. “Neelan?!” He began to gently shake her limp body. Kale’s eyes glanced down toward her wound which still secreted blood. “Not now, not after all we’ve accomplished. We did it, Neelan, we won. Please, wake up!” Kale pressed his forehead to hers as he gently stroked her silky hair. “Don’t you dare leave me…” He whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek, falling upon her eyelash. Kale’s heart raced. He couldn’t understand why he had never noticed it before—Kale was undeniably and deeply in love.

  Straining with all his might to hold Neelan within his arms, he fought to stand. He nestled her body against his chest, cradling her as he walked out of the secluded area. He needed to find Thomas quickly so the sorcerer could aid Neelan before it was too late. With each step Kale took, more blood seeped from his open wound as it trickled down his torso and leg.

  “It’s going to be all right,” he whispered to Neelan. “We are going to be together forever, you’ll see.” For the first time in Kale’s life, he knew what it meant to love and to truly ache in pain at the thought of losing someone.

  As Kale emerged into the main section of the town square, he gazed upon the many deceased, blood-drenched bodies of knights and townsmen. He took another step forward and felt his legs begin to tingle. His vision grew more blurred with each patter of his footsteps, until he could no longer stand. Kale collapsed to his knees, using the final amount of strength within his body to ensure he would hit the ground first. He tucked Neelan against him, protecting her from harm as he allowed himself to fall backwards. Kale pulled her body tightly into his arms as they both lay amidst the many corpses.

  “I am so sorry…” He softly kissed her forehead as everything went black.

  Chapter 25: To Freedom

  “His eyelids are moving! Kale is waking.”

  Kale could hear a woman speaking over him as he wrinkled his forehead, allowing the sunlight to flood his eyes. “Wh-where am I?” His pupils dilated to view a familiar cleavage-stuffed bodice leaning over his torso. “Theresa?” He glanced around at the recognizable walls of the inn.

  “Everyone, he is all right!” As Theresa spoke, cheers erupted from all around. “We’re all glad that you’re alive. And, yes,” she flipped her dark ponytail over a shoulder, “I forgive you for your crude behavior in the tavern.” She playfully smiled. “I’m just grateful you returned to protect us.”

  “I am glad you’re all safe.” Kale struggled to sit upright in the narrow bed, but a spike of pain struck his chest, causing him to groan loudly. A flood of memories rushed through his mind. “Neelan!” Kale ignored the pain as he climbed to his feet in a panic. “Is she all right?!”

  Two arms slid around his waist from behind. “You’re awake!” Neelan’s voice chimed.

  Kale immediately spun around, disregarding the spiking pain that throbbed from below his pectoral as he stared down into the violet eyes of Neelan. “I thought I’d lost you,” Kale softly spoke. A wave of emotion coursed through him at the sight of the woman he so longed to be with for eternity.

  Without hesitation or regard to the others who stood around him, Kale gently tilted Neelan’s chin upward as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. He had never felt so happy in all of his years alive; despite the awkward grunts which could be heard from Theresa.

  Neelan closed her eyes as she rose up upon the ball of her feet, giving in completely to the kiss.

  “All right, all right, give it a rest you two.” Theresa placed her hands upon her wide hips.

  Kale glanced around at the many familiar faces which surrounded them. Thomas and Illadar gave him a friendly wave while chuckling to themselves. Soon, the crowd enfolded Kale and the room suddenly felt incredibly small. Many praises and words of gratitude filled the open air.

  “Excuse me,” a woman spoke.

  Kale felt a gentle tug on the back of a new black tunic he wore.

  “May I please have a word?” she questioned.

  Kale turned to see a middle-aged woman in a long rose-colored dress standing before him. Her eyes were red and swollen which revealed a heavy sorrow. Kale nodded, allowing her to take him by the hand as they weaved through the crowd of individuals who continued to converse amongst themselves about the previous night events. As Kale passed, many of the townsfolk gave him a firm pat upon his back; most unaware of the injury that surged with pain. Kale was surprised to see no blood saturated his new tunic. The wound felt much better than before he collapsed, which made him wonder what had occurred since the battle.

  As they left the inn, the woman led Kale toward the town square where he saw six, long, rectangular boxes, all aligned in a perfect row. The woman stopped walking and turned to face Kale. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she took Kale’s hand into hers, squeezing tightly.

  “My husband, Forwin, will be laid to rest within the earth’s soil tonight.” Her voice shook as she spoke.

  Kale’s heart sank as he realized the boxes were actually coffins which held the bodies of the townsmen who had fallen in the battle. Forwin died trying to protect the woman who stood before Kale–and to protect the town which was his home.

  “It’s my fault.” Kale could not contain the truth that tore at his emotions. “The army came here because of me. Had I not come to live within Braxle, none of this would have happened. I tried to save everyone—I truly did.” He lifted the woman’s hand near his face. “I cannot change the past, but please accept my sincerest apologies. I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  At that moment, Kale wanted, more than ever, to turn back time to when he was a dragon. Having his current knowledge, he gladly would have accepted Thomas’ plea for them to both escape to another continent. He would easily sacrifice the ability to remain on Ravondore in order to avoid all the terrible events which had happened because of his existence.

  “I believe you misunderstood my intentions, young man.” The woman rubbed her index finger across her lower eyelid. “I wanted to thank you, for coming back to ensure our safety. Without your return, we all would surely be dead. The rumors of General Jedah’s army are not for the fain
t of heart. They show no mercy. You could have run and left our fate to their steel blades, but instead you placed your own life in danger for us. You are a noble and courageous man, Kale. I am certain that Forwin died proud to have fought by your side.” She glanced to the ground. “While I now ache in the pain of my sorrows, I know he would never regret his choice to join you—therefore, nor do I.”

  Kale swallowed hard, touched by the woman’s kind words. “He was a brave man. I am the one who is honored to have known such a loyal and determined human—person. Even if our time together was short, I shall never forget him.” Kale struggled to look into her eyes, still filled with guilt. The anguish she felt, regardless of her attempts to remain strong, struck Kale’s heart with each glance of her tear-filled eyes.

  “She’s right you know.” One of the surviving men sauntered toward them. He stared glumly down at the coffins. “Though, it’s painful to see our friends have moved on from this life, most of us support you and have nothing but respect for your decision to return. We don’t know, nor do we care to, the reason such an army seeks to kill you, but we feel you are truly a good person.”

  “Indeed, you will always be welcome to return to Braxle, once your conflict with the general of Mirion has been resolved,” Lord Zalimond spoke as he approached Kale. “You shall have a home here, should you desire to return.” His lips curved upward into a smile from behind his bushy mustache.

  “Thank you. The words you have shared with me today will remain in my heart. I am forever in debt to your people for what I have caused. Again, I am so very sorry.” Kale humbly bowed.

  “It is time to go now.” Thomas approached Kale, placing a hand upon his shoulder. “We must return to the forest.”

  Kale glanced over to see Illadar and Neelan standing by Thomas’ side.


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