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Into the Raging Mountains

Page 52

by Caroline Gill

  With a gasp he came forward, all the way back to the present situation, holding his control of invisibility with ease. That was the first time he was aware of a rather uncomfortable awkwardness; he could not ignore nor mistake the half-clad woman currently attached to his chest. Quizzically, he took note of her presence. She clung to his shoulder, ribcage, and thigh. Her piercing eyes bore into his. It had been a long while since he was this close to anyone. It wasn't that he was attracted to her, but she was spectacularly adhered to him. Rather like cow's glue to a paper, he thought.

  Unbidden, a flood of emotions and physical awareness saturated his thoughts. He returned her gaze, waiting for her to speak or attack. He was certain she had had some terrible need to reach him, considering the almost death she had already encountered at his burning hands. Yet the red -cloaked woman had literally thrown herself at him again, demanding his attention, refusing his rebuffs. He waited for her to speak her demands or entreaties, something worth more than the value of her life.

  She continued to look at him with a determined gaze, pinning him to the spot, but she said nothing.

  He asked the first most obvious question that came to him. “Are you the Fire Maid then? The one we came to find?”

  Her gaze did not waiver but she shook her head in denial.

  “Well, you obviously have my attention. Is there something you need of us?”

  A steady nod of affirmation.

  With a returning nod, Ilion said,“You have my assistance and my gratitude, woman.” Trying not to look away from her face to the rest of her body, he continued, “Now, could you please release me and we can figure this out?”

  His request was weighed behind the heavy, dark eyes. She removed her stranglehold grip on his body and stepped away. Ilion thanked the gods he was still invisible as it took him a moment, well, technically many moments to regain his composure. Taking several deep breaths, he released the pattern of invisibility and stepped out of the doorway, rejoining Alizarin and the stranger.

  This almost seemed a different woman than the creeping, wincing, fearful thing that had opened the sealed doorway with a line of power. How much of the transformation was his fire and how much was Alizarin's topaz was hard to be certain. But this woman was unashamed and whole. Standing there in his second cloak she was every bit the image of a long-ago queen. Her eyes were still wild, still commanding. Her need for their help was great for her to risk so much.

  Alizarin walked to him. “Did you have any success? Any inspiration?” As she leaned closer, she couldn't help herself from inquiring, “What did she want from you, Ilion? I could not stop her. Did she harm you?”

  “It is fine, Alizarin. I am fine. As to the mystery guest, let's ask her together, shall we?”

  His friend smiled and took his hand. He pulled her close for a moment, smelling the oils of her hair. It was a respite of calm in a turbulent and relentless time. Holding her tight for a few breaths, Ilion kissed her face on the temple, nose, and lips. They both smiled. Then, turning to the stranger, Alizarin stated the simple facts.

  “You want something. You need us for a task. Tell us what the price for our freedom is to be.”

  Standing imperiously a small distance away, the red woman nodded as they spoke but did not answer their statements. Instead, she just turned, looked over her shoulder and walked out of the caverned room into the tunnel. Ilion and Alizarin watched her leave.

  “Nobody just answers questions around here, have you noticed?” Alizarin said.

  Ilion smiled. With a flourish of his lone bit of clothing, none too risqué in his manner, he offered his arm to Alizarin. Hauling a pack on each shoulder, they followed their silent and insistent liberator into the cool darkness.



  Alizarin d'Trellista d'Napthol- a baker by trade, daughter of Trellista, owners of Sunbaked Goods in the country of Tamborinton proper

  Andal- A far country known for its spices and little else

  Archeton- A long destroyed kingdom

  Azure- Daughter of Tatanya, mountain villager, blue of eyes, skin, and hair


  Baby- Gretsel and Londer’s son, of the Corded Family Farm

  Belna- a child of exceptional singing voice in ancient times

  Bilton- a mountain villager, owner of a trade shop

  Bira- goddess of fire, offensive strategy, loyalty, and truth; sister of Kira and Mira

  Bira-Kang- a temple dedicated to the eponymous goddess

  Bira-keng- the sacred, written language of Bira

  Bira Tre- the trio of goddesses who in ancient times had sovereignty over the lands of Vestra

  Blood candle- an instrument for blood magic

  Breina- a mountain villager, maid to the priest; sister to Margreetha

  Brigget- sister of Lorayn, school mate of Azure, mountain villager


  Cacao- hot drink of chocolate, cinnamon, and honey

  Call to Offering- a religious ritual of the mountain village

  Carriage of Lightning- a mythical vehicle

  Castol- a farmhand at the Corded Family Farm

  Cethel d’Ranada Tranan- school mate of Azure, mountain villager, son of Centen the Forester and Ranada

  Cehan- a man who sought the perfect wife

  Cinnamon- a doll

  Circle Present- a religious concept in for life as it is lived in the present

  Companion's Right- an oath that binds the companion of a dying man; all possessions of the dead transfer to the companion, including divine assignments or missions; the companion is responsible for last rites

  Connac- Alizarin's neighbor in Dressarna, husband of Testa

  Corded Family Farm- ancestral home of Rethendrel and Gretsel surrounded by vast apple orchards

  Council of Elders- head men of the mountain village

  Cycle- length of time for Vestra to travel around its sun once


  Danya- daughter of Sansha and Pod, mountain villager

  Darkened Path- the involuntary service of the Mighty One

  Darnan- a priest of Kira

  Dirtmen- Cethel's name for the hunters invading the mountain village

  Dressarna, a port city, capital of Tamborinton

  Dome of the Angels- an iconic landmark in Dressarna, the largest dome ever built, supported by 12 columns and rising more than 4 stories; It is the main building in the city’s ancient temple complex of Bira Tre

  Drinking- a religious rite of the Gray Way.

  Drogos- A place of infinite darkness and solitude, endless sorrow and woe; three different prisons are found within it: one of sorrow, one of pain, and one of revenge

  Durnit- owner of Too Hot to Handle, a cacao shop across from Sunbaked


  Evensky necklace- one of the three mythical necklaces stolen from Bira


  Falcon God - the gray god of ambition, predation, and dominance, also called the Falcon Sun

  Falcon Priest- a follower of the Gray Way

  Falcon Sun- a name of the Falcon God

  Fighters of the Forest- a name given to themselves by the young Lurkers

  Fire Maid- the intended recipient of the Kiran priests' scroll, identity or location unknown


  Gathering- a meditative discipline involving holding physical poses while praying; various poses are mentioned as Ilion uses them; it is both a meditation and a way of communication with universal gestures that are taught to all followers who learn the discipline

  Gerantha- owner of Churning Time, a creamery across from Sunbaked, Alizarin's store

  Glisten tree- a tree that has an edible sap used to sweeten food throughout Vestra

  Glyphed Men- hunters employed by the Gray Priests

  Godsday- the day of worship, falling every tenth day

  Gods’ Tongue- mountain village name for patterns of speech and writing formerly used in Vestra, but retained for religious services in the village

ats- a term used in Dressarna proper for the multitude of barbarian tribes that dwell on the far upper peninsulas and in the unknown tundra lands beyond

  Gray Priests- the Falcon Priests

  Gray Way- the religion of the Falcon God, also called the Way of Nothing

  Great Grief of Bira Tre- a fable of the deception and theft caused by Thenta to the Bira Tre; a name used in the mountain village for the Raging Mountains

  Green Lady- Ilion's name for the hired woman who represents the buyer of the Staves of Thenta

  Growing season- the season falling between Planting and Harvest

  Groupmind- a mental connection used by the Lurkers to communicate silently

  Gurgling Dove- a tavern in Dressarna in which Ilion is part owner


  Harvest- the season following Growing season and before the Hard Cold season.

  Harvest Gathering- a celebration in the mountain village marking the end of the season

  Harvest Jelly- a rare and expensive fruit preserve prized throughout Vestra

  Harvest Nightfall- the beginning of the Harvest Gathering in the mountain village

  Helt- barkeep and inn owner

  Hesnar- an ancient household god, no longer formally worshipped in Vestra

  Hope and Returning- a religious concept in the faith of the Bira Tre

  Horseflies - familiars of the Thief Goddess Thenta

  Hounds of the Gods- a name of the Lurkers

  Huntress from the Western Mountains- a young woman competing in the Dressarna Auction against Ilion; glyph marks her face as she competes in the black market exchange in Dressarna against Ilion


  Ilion- man of vast knowledge of ancient cultures, artifacts, and rare objects; he works in the city of Dressarna as a procurer of difficult-to-find things, legal and otherwise


  Jakor- an old acquaintance of Ilion's with a murky past; competing in the Dressarna Auction against Ilion

  Jalon- a mountain villager

  Jaspin- son of Tatanya, brother of Vestin and Azure

  Jerusha- a mythical woman with a celebrated pickle

  Jutann- a small settlement in the Raging Mountains


  Kalina- former teacher of Jakor and Ilion

  Kand- apothecary of the mountain village

  Karch- a resident of the foothills south of the Raging Mountains

  Kings of the Hunt- a name of the Lurkers for themselves

  Kira- goddess of defensive war, courage, and discipline; sister to Bira and Mira

  Kira-Tang- a temple dedicated to the eponymous goddess

  Knife of Darkness- a poisoned weapon used by the servants of the Mighty One


  Lanscom- a farm hand at the Corded Family Farm

  Laughing Journey- a rite of passage for the Huntresses of the Western Mountains

  Laylada- an orphan, raised by Sansha and Pod; she loves to cook and take care of village children, the heart of Azure's friends

  Londer- Gretsel Corded’s husband, farm hand at the Corded Family Farm

  Long Cold season- the season of snow and ice following Harvest

  Light of Paradise cakes- made by Alizarin from a recipe her mother gave her

  Lookout Rock- the children’s name for the promontory of broken stones that towers over the mountain village at the edge of the forest

  Lorayn- sister of Brigget, school mate of Azure, mountain villager

  Lurkers- powerful predator reptiles bound by magic by the Gray Priests to seek out what they cannot find


  Man of Order(s)- a priest

  Mardint- mountain villager, husband of Tabitha

  Margreetha- mountain villager, sister of Breina

  Marna’s Dream- a myth

  Meeliss- mountain villager

  Mighty One- reference to an unknown deity

  Mindlink- see Groupmind, connection used by Lurker pack

  Mira- (Mari) goddess of birth, growing, harvest, and learning; sister of Bira and Kira; still popular as a household god, though mainly as a superstition

  Mira-Sang- a temple dedicated to the eponymous goddess

  Mira-seng- the written language of the worshippers of Mira

  Mooncycles- there are two moons, but one is unreliable in its orbit; the more constant and bigger of the two is called Centara and is on a waxing and waning cycle of 38 days


  Naming Ceremony- held for babies who reach the age of two cycles

  Nashan- a mythical man who sought Roselyna and became a tree


  Older Daughter/Oldest Daughter- a name given to Azure by the Lurkers

  Onnadir- neighboring country to Tamborinton


  Parsimint tea- a bitter tea known to have potent antitoxic properties

  Planting season- the season following the thaw, in which seeds can be planted and not be destroyed by frost

  Promontory- the mountain village's name for the collapsed rocks and broken columns that is the highest point in the valley; the children call it Lookout Rock


  Raging Mountains- a mountain range on the sunrise side of Vestra that has the highest peaks in the world; impassable for the most part and still active with volcanoes

  Rag Lady- name given to the temple guide of Bira by Ilion

  Rantha, a mountain village child

  Rat Thief- the name given by the village gossips to whatever force or person is taking the corpses of the rodents.

  Rethendrel Corded- traveling farmer/merchant who befriends Alizarin; husband of Theress and brother of Gretsel; owns a traveling cart and travels with his donkey Samton

  Rite of Flying- a ritual of the Gray Way

  Roach- the villager's nickname for the woman who lurks in the shadows, begs for food and forages through the trash; older than the oldest villager, her origins are unknown and her actions misunderstood

  Ronnit- a stranger searching for Ilion after the staves are stolen; he and his "wife" accost Alizarin in their search

  Room of Flames- a test encountered by Ilion at Bira-Kang

  Rose Ale- a favorite drink in Dressarna, known for its refreshing bubbles


  Samton- Rethendrel's donkey

  Sansha- herbalist in the mountain village, trained in healing arts and the way of the Bira Tre; sister to Tatanya, mother of Verta and Danya; adoptive mother of Laylada; wife of Pod

  Sand - a division of time named for the movement of sand through a small glass

  Sarned- a resident of Dressarna acquainted with Theress

  Serpend Islands- a distant land

  Serpent Comb- a gift to Alizarin from her mother

  Slanttic- a creature of shadow and power

  Song of Sleeping- a song sung by Belna in ancient times

  Standaf- farmer in the mountain village; loses a number of farmcats

  Staves of Thenta- four honey-white staves, carved strong and straight, topped with an intertwined spiral, interlacing pierced in an elaborate honeycomb;

  Spindle- an unknown artifact that the Falcon Priests are searching the Raging Mountains to find

  Stuck Pig- a meat shop in Dressarna


  Tabitha-a mountain villager, wife of Mardint

  Taleth- barkeep at the Gurgling Dove

  Tamborinton- the country that encompasses the northern Delta, with Dressarna as its capital

  Tamborinton Amber Fire- the cinnamon-colored, sharp amber ale that is brewed with peppers distilled in honey; the signature drink of Dressarna’s upper class

  Tatanya- mother of Azure, and twin boys Vestin and Jaspin, of the mountain village; sister to Sansha

  Testa- Alizarin’s neighbor in Dressarnam, wife of Connac

  Thenta- goddess of Thieves, patroness of the Guild which rules Dressarna

  Theress- wife of Rethendrel and mistress of Corded Family Farm

  Thieves’ Auction- a select and underground market sponsored and ran by the Thieves Guild of Dressarna

  Thieves Guild- rulers of the City of Dressarna

  Thug 1- Ilion’s name for a Gogonat mercenary in the employ of the Green Lady

  Thug 2- Ilion’s name for a Gogonat mercenary in the employ of the Green Lady

  Torand- a mountain villager

  Tomlin- a mountain villager, brother to Centen, uncle to Cethel

  Townhall- the largest building in the mountain village, used for a variety of purposes

  Travels of Thantos- a myth

  Trellista D'Napthol- Alizarin's mother, also a baker

  Trillen- nearest city to the mountain village

  Trizzanen- a creature of shadow and power

  Trydan- a farmhand at the Corded Family Farm


  Urrdsa- midwife for the area around the Corded Farm

  Ver- nickname of Ilion's youth

  Ver’Ilion d’Coeur, Ilion’s full name

  Verta- daughter of Pod and Sansha, a mountain villager

  Vestin- son of Tatanya, brother of Jaspin and Azure


  Waystation- temporary structure built for travelers each cycle consisting of a wooden lean to, a working well, a few tables and a pole for hitching animals

  Wethor- farmhand at Corded Family Farm

  Wilted Leaf- Kand’s apothecary shop in the mountain village


  Yelton- school mate of Azure, mountain villager


  I could not have found the strength to do this on my own. Writing a book is not for wimps.

  There are many, many hands in this pie. Elizabeth Steen-Larsen for inspiring a story out of me every Sunday, while inspiring me every day with her love, and Doc for reading like a champ, pithy comments aside. Chris Skelton, for teaching me the willingness to throw caution to the wind and follow my own path, and the courage to stop second-guessing my own imagination. Lynn Durkee, who took me in as an orphaned writer and read, and read, and read. Lynn, you are amazing! Kevin Rutter, for weapon and survival advice, and for cheer and brotherly love. Valinski, for a bit of inspiration.


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