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Hannah's Horror: A Romantic Mystery

Page 6

by Isabella Kole

  "But it didn't happen. And now, we have protection," she argued.

  "You chose to come here based on a legend. Your curiosity got the better of you, and you threw caution to the wind, forgetting about safety."

  "Chad, no, that isn't the way it was."

  "Wasn't it, Hannah?"

  "You are actually angry with me. I…we…solved a fifty-year-old mystery. That is wonderful."

  "Yes, it is, but I still have to worry that you found yourself to be just a bit too brave in the process. I am not angry, I love you, and I am concerned for your well being."

  "What exactly are you getting at, Chad?" she asked.

  "Come here," he commanded softly.

  Expecting him to enfold her in a comforting embrace, Hannah was shocked when Chad took her gently by the wrist and guided her across his knees. She gasped. "Chad…wh-what are you doing?" she asked.

  "I am following through on that promise I made to you the other night. I think the time has come for some discipline in this relationship. Don't you agree?"

  "D-discipline?" she stuttered.

  "Yes, Hannah, discipline. I am often too busy for you, I realize that, and I let you get by with things I think aren't exactly safe. But, no more. I want you to know that I care, about you, about us and about our future together. If you keep going off half-cocked, making foolish mistakes and taking chances with your life, there won't be a future. It will catch up with you someday. I can't bear the thought of losing you because of some crazy scheme."

  Hannah listened to what he was saying. It was true, he often was too busy for her, for them, because of his hectic schedule. She never complained, she accepted it for what it was, knowing that, someday, things would be better. When he finished his residency, they would embark on their new life together. If she was truthful with herself, she had to admit that, at times, she felt slighted. Now, he admitted to her that he really did care what happened to her. Maybe she did take unnecessary chances. She had never looked at it from his point of view. And this discipline thing, wow, she was seeing Chad in a completely new light, one that she thought she might like.

  That is, until the first swat hit her bottom. "Ouch!" she screamed out.

  "Settle down, baby," he said in a commanding but soft tone.

  He wrestled with her shorts and panties until they were down around her knees. Hannah gulped as she realized he was not fooling around. He was seriously going to spank her bare ass. She gritted her teeth and steeled herself for what was to come.

  Chad did not disappoint. His hand landed several more, hard, hot smacks to her bare bottom, reddening the once white skin. He lectured her as he spanked, telling her again how worried he was for her during the whole murder mystery episode.

  Tears pricked her eyelids, and even though she willed them not to fall, they did. They rolled down her cheeks. Still, he did not let up, demonstrating to her that he was indeed committed to their relationship. He told her that he would see to it that she would not sit for a week if she ever pulled a stunt like this again.

  "Chad…" she said in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry, I never thought…"

  "That's just it, baby. You didn't think. It's all well and good you were able to solve this crime, but I just feel there was a better, safer way to do it."

  Another hard slap echoed through the room, and Hannah wondered how thin the walls were. Would Cassie and Alan hear this? And what about the guard outside the door? How would she ever show her face outside this room again?

  Just when she reached the point where she thought she couldn't take any more, Chad smacked her already sore ass one more time on each cheek, moved to her sit spots and then added a couple more to the tops of her thighs before he scooped her up for the embrace she envisioned earlier.

  "There, there, baby, all is forgiven. I just had to make you understand how dangerous this whole thing was. I know it probably started out as fun and games for you, but it could have ended very differently."

  She sniffled as she snuggled closer to him, breathing in his scent as she buried her face in his chest. "I know," was all she could say.

  "How about we move over to the bed and just relax the rest of the night? We can watch a funny movie and have some laughs before we go to sleep," he suggested. When she nodded, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He undressed her, helped her slip a gown over her head and soon joined her. They found the perfect movie on the TV, and they laughed together, snuggled and fell asleep long before the movie ended.

  When the word finally came from the local police that they were to come to the station, both girls were relieved, as well as their boyfriends. Chad and Alan had their hands full the past few days, keeping them calm and pointing out the errors of their ways. Turns out, Hannah discovered, Alan had thoroughly disciplined Cassie, too.

  One of the polite young officers who had been guarding them escorted the four of them, along with Steven, to the station. Most of the guests had checked out after the discovery, but a few remained, curious to know the outcome of the mystery, Steven told them. The owner visited him one night and filled him in.

  "Come on in. I'm sorry you've had to stay quiet for so long. The FBI has the results of the tests. I want you to know what they came up with," the police chief of the small town said, when he welcomed them into his office.

  "You were right about the powdery substance, Miss Stone, a drug that causes effects that mimic a heart attack. Mr. Carrington's family has given permission for his body to be exhumed, and a full autopsy will be done to check for the presence of the substance."

  "And what about the picture, was the woman Pamela Sue?" Hannah asked.

  "Indeed it was," he replied.

  "The most important piece of the puzzle, the knife, was it the one used to kill Robert Thorndale?" Steven asked impatiently.

  The police chief scratched his head and cleared his throat. "I don't know how to break this to you, Steven, but the knife had Mr. Thorndale's blood on it, along with the blood of another person. That other person's prints were also on the murder weapon. My officers and the FBI are arresting him as we speak. I know this will come as a shock to you, as it will to the entire community, but the blood and the prints belong to Mr. Art Patterson, the gardener at the inn for all these years."

  Cassie let out a deep breath. "It's true," she said.

  "What?" the officer asked in confusion.

  "I had a really creepy feeling every time I was around him. When the box was discovered in his garden, I just knew it was him," she replied, leaving out the part where her friend had received clues from the ghosts who haunted the inn.

  "He told her she reminded him of another young woman who had stayed at the inn many years ago," Alan added.

  "They'll be bringing him in for questioning soon. I'd advise all of you to high tail it out of here before that happens. You're free to do as you please now. I don't see the need for you to be under constant supervision, now that the murderer has been arrested."

  They returned to the inn, and Steven gladly took his place at the front desk, relieving the clerk who had been filling in for him for the past few days. The girls decided to get out for a while and asked the guys to drive them to Davenport to take in some of the sights there. From there, they drove to the home of Pamela's sister to tell her the good news. The authorities arrested Robert's murderer, after fifty-one years of evading capture. The woman cried tears of joy.

  "Thank you for all you've done. She's coming, you know. Pamela will be here soon."

  "Yes, I know she will be," Hannah answered softly as she patted the woman's hand. "We must be going. We'll be leaving the area soon to go home. It's been a pleasure to meet you, both of you." She shook hands with Pammy as they prepared to leave.

  Cassie told both women goodbye, and they joined Chad and Alan, who were waiting in the car, to take them back to the inn.

  As they entered the lobby a short time later, they heard Steven say, "Ma'am, I'm so sorry, that room is taken. It won't be available for a few more
days. I can easily put you into a different room."

  An elegant, elderly woman stood at the desk. She answered in a tearful voice, "Young man, I'm afraid you don't understand. I must have that particular room."

  Hannah looked at Cassie. Wordlessly, the two walked slowly to the desk.

  "Ma'am, did you say you would like to stay in number 5?" Hannah asked.

  "Miss Stone, don't worry. Your reservation is fine," Steven assured her.

  "Ma'am, may I ask, what is your name?" Cassie asked.

  Hannah held her breath, waiting for the woman to reply. When she did, the girl nearly fainted on the spot. "My name is Pamela Sue Thorndale. I'm to meet my husband here, in room number 5. He is waiting for me. Surely, if you explain, the person in that room will move."

  Steven's mouth gaped open. "Did you say…no…it can't be…"

  Hannah spoke up. "Steven, please let me handle this. Mrs. Thorndale, my boyfriend and I are staying in that room. You are right; your husband has been waiting for you. I spoke with him just the other evening. I'm sure Steven can find another room for us. If not, we can stay in our friends' room. It's right next door to yours. I'll be more than happy to let you have the room you requested. Does it hold a special meaning for you?"

  "Oh, yes, my dear," the woman replied. "My Robert and I spent our honeymoon in that room. Those were the happiest few days of my life. I told him I would come back here. He's been waiting a long time."

  "Yes, yes, he has." Hannah patted the woman's hand. Turning to the man at the desk, who, by now, was looking at both of them in astonishment, she said, "Steven, would you be so kind as to send a housekeeper to our room in, say, ten minutes? We'll clear out our things and move them next door." Luckily, Cassie's room was furnished with a foldout couch, rather than the two chairs in Hannah's room.

  "Yes, Miss Stone…I'll take…care of that… right away," the man stammered.

  "Now, why don't you have a seat over here by the fireplace, Mrs. Thorndale? I'll have my friends make you a nice hot cup of tea. There are teabags and hot water right over there. You can tell them how you like it, and while she is helping you to get comfortable; I'll go move my things out of your room. The housekeeper will make sure everything is freshened up for you and your husband. You'll be relaxing in your own room very soon," Hannah said soothingly as she led the woman to one of the wing chairs by the brick fireplace.

  "I'm Hannah's friend, Cassie. I'll be happy to make a cup of tea for us. We can get acquainted while we take tea and cookies together," Cassie said kindly. She waved to Hannah as a gesture to go ahead to the room as she placed her room key in her friend's hand. Alan assisted the elderly woman.

  Hannah walked to the desk and whispered to Steven. "It's all coming to pass, right before our eyes." She and Chad nearly flew to their room after that. She opened the bureau drawers and grabbed her clothes, throwing them into her bag. Taking the things she had hung in the closet off the hangers, she added them and went into the bathroom to retrieve her toiletry items, while Chad packed his own things. Once she and Chad cleared everything out of the room, she whispered, "She's here, Robert. Your Pamela will be here in just a little while. The man who has kept you apart will pay for his crime, and you will be able to live happily throughout eternity with your bride." She turned and walked out of the infamous room. After placing their things in their friends' room, they went back to the desk, and she informed Steven that the room was ready for fresh linens. "Make sure it's taken care of with loving care, Steven. Mrs. Thorndale is a very special guest."

  "Yes, Hannah, she certainly is. I'll take care of it right away," the man said. He still appeared to be in a state of shock. "I've phoned Jim. He's coming by to speak to Mrs. Thorndale and to tell her personally about the man responsible for her husband's death."

  With that taken care of, they joined Pamela Sue, Alan and Cassie by the fireplace. The two women were laughing gaily together as Alan watched in amazement.

  "Your young friend told me the two of you just returned from a visit with my dear sister and her daughter," the elderly woman said.

  "Yes, we spent a very pleasant few hours with them," Hannah said. "Your room will be ready for you soon, Mrs. Thorndale."

  "Thank you so much for understanding that I must have that room. My time is growing short on this earth, and I wish to spend my last hours there, where I was the happiest."

  "I understand. It's our pleasure to accommodate you, Mrs. Thorndale."

  A short time later, Steven walked over to where the three women sat laughing and talking, with Chad and Alan listening intently nearby, to inform them that Mrs. Thorndale's room was now ready for occupancy. "I'll let you get settled. The owner of the inn is on his way over. He'd like to speak with you if it's not too much trouble."

  "Thank you so much, young man. You'll never know what this means to me." The woman stood up and pressed some bills into Steven's hand. "For your trouble," she explained. "Phone my room when the owner arrives. I'll be happy to speak with him."

  "Let us walk with you. Our room is next door. If you need anything, we'll be there all night," Hannah said as she took Pamela Sue's arm.

  "Yes, don't hesitate to call us," Cassie added.

  They made sure Mrs. Thorndale had settled comfortably into her room before they went to their own room.

  "Oh my, this is all so incredible," Cassie remarked when they were finally able to relax and talk alone.

  "I know, so sad to know she came here to die, but so happy to know Robert will be here, and they will cross over together," Hannah added with a smile.

  Alan added, "This is all so surreal. I still have a hard time believing it, even when I've witnessed it with my own eyes."

  "I agree, bro, really heavy stuff," Chad agreed.

  "I won't sleep a wink tonight," Cassie said.

  "Neither will I," her friend replied.

  Chad chuckled. "Guess we're all in for a long night. Maybe we need some beer and chips. We can play cards all night." He winked at Alan.

  "I think we should let her sister know she's here. Perhaps Pammy will drive her over so they can say goodbye," Cassie said suddenly.

  "You know, that's not a bad idea," Alan said. Chad nodded in agreement.

  "I have the number in my cell," Hannah said as she pulled out her phone. She waited for an answer.

  "Hello," Pammy's voice came on the line.

  "Pammy, it's Hannah Stone. When we arrived back at the inn this evening, Pamela was here. She's checked into the room she and Robert shared on their honeymoon. I thought you and your mother would want to know."

  "Oh my, how is she? Did you speak to her?"

  "We did, and she has come here to die, with Robert. I would advise you to come quickly. Tomorrow may be too late."

  "Thank you so much."

  A short time later, Jim told Pamela Sue that the police arrested her husband's killer earlier that day. When he told her it was the gardener, Mr. Patterson, she hung her head and cried. "He…he had made advances towards me in the gardens one afternoon when I was alone. I was appalled and quickly informed him that I was a married woman. It was that night we were attacked on the riverfront."

  The owner of the inn put his arms around the woman to comfort her. "He won't hurt anyone, ever again."

  Shortly after the man had gone, Hannah and Cassie looked in on the woman. "Would you care to join us for dinner? We have a surprise for you," Cassie asked kindly.

  "A surprise, you say? I don't know how many more surprises this old heart can take in one day, but since you've both been so sweet to me, I'll accept your offer of dinner before I turn in for the night."

  Cassie escorted Mrs. Thorndale into the dining room, while Hannah stopped at the desk to let Steven know they would be in the dining room when Mrs. Thorndale's family arrived. Chad and Alan had gone on ahead to procure a table large enough to accommodate all of them.

  They had just finished their salads when Pamela's namesake walked into the dining room with her husband and children
. Her mother, Pamela's sister, was with them. They spotted the group immediately, and Pammy waved to them.

  The hostess smiled at them as she led them toward the table, but not before Pamela looked up and saw her younger sister. "Oh my, it can't be…that woman looks just like my mama did."

  "That's because that woman is your younger sister, Amy," Hannah informed her proudly. "I hope you don't mind that I phoned your family and told them you were here."

  Cassie made room for Amy at their table, and the two sisters hugged tearfully. Throughout the meal, they reminisced and told the rest of them about their childhood days. Finally, after so many years, Amy introduced her sister to her namesake and her family, and long after the meal was over, they continued to visit and catch up on each other's lives in the lobby. The group sat around the brick fireplace until it began to grow late.

  "I'm afraid we must start back home, it's late," Amy said. She hugged Pamela one last time. "I know this will be the last time I see you, dear sister. I know that soon you will be at peace, and you and Robert will reunite, after all these years. I love you. God bless you, sister."

  "God bless you, too." Looking up at her niece, Pamela added, "Thank you so much for bringing your mother and your little family by tonight. It's a memory to be cherished."

  "Yes, for all of us. It's so good to finally meet you, Aunt Pamela." The younger woman hugged her aunt for the last time and watched as her children did the same. It was a tearful, yet happy reunion.

  Hannah and Chad walked them out while Cassie and Alan escorted Pamela Sue to her room. The time was drawing near, and they were all keenly aware of it.

  A short time later, the occupants of room number 7 received a surprise visitor.

  "Don't be frightened. Hannah, Cassie, it is Roman, coming to say goodbye and to thank you." The ghostly white apparition nodded toward Chad and Alan, who listened in awe as he spoke.

  Cassie looked over at Hannah. She had not encountered either of the ghosts until now

  "I'll allow you to see me in bodily form, that will make this easier," the voice said. Soon he appeared before them, a dapper young man, dressed well, in the style of the forties.


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