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She Does It His Way

Page 15

by Jasmine Chaletra

  "Dale!" Leila screamed as she was thrown over the edge, the severe tingling sensation shoots through her entire body. "Oh fuck me Daddy!"

  "Arghh, yes baby!" Dale pounded himself one last time and his hot semen covered her baby girl’s insides, over pouring and warming her up.


  Leila loses the strength in her legs and she becomes brittle, slowly falling when Dale catch her. He grabbed her around her waist and helped her up. His big and rough hands gently hold her, caressing her skin. Leila quivers, still moaning when she felt that his cock was still hard and still inside of her. Her insides pulsated around his hard cock. Leila twisted around to look up at Dale’s gray eyes and she smiled sadly,

  “I’m selfish, aren’t I? I don’t want to share you with my mother.”

  Lovingly, Dale kissed her deeply and he pulls away softly, “Your mother and I are together because of business. Our marriage is exclusively about business. You are everything that I want.” He cupped my face in his hands, licking away the soft tears. "I've had my eyes on you for the past four years. Always."

  Overwhelming joy and pleasure hits on Leila as Dale’s passionate words echoes in her mind. She could feel his cock twitch inside of her and she enjoyed it but it was immediately interrupted by a knock on the bathroom.

  “Leila! Is that you? Do you know where your father has gone to? I couldn’t find him anywhere.” Katrina’s voice calls from the other side of the door.

  Leila’s throat run dry, the anxiety eats her up but when her eyes gazed at Dale, glancing at his body that was lean with muscles, she was in awe, seeing the thirty-three years old brimming with confidence.

  “I don’t know mom. Maybe he’s outside.” Leila answered, feeling the extreme desire to own Dale.

  “Okay then.” Katrina responded and her footsteps echoed, getting far away from the vicinity.

  “Do you want this to stop?” Dale asks seriously, his voice strained as he embraced her soft body.

  Leila kissed his cheeks and smirked, “Never.”

  The last word was uttered and the only noises that came out after were moans, screams, groans and flesh hitting together.


  Chapter 1

  I put off the physical I needed for my study abroad program longer than I should have, so when it came time to make an appointment, I had to see a doctor I didn't know. My family doctor was on vacation, and the only doctor at the office was a man that I'd always noticed leering at me when I came in for a check-up.

  I can't say I blamed him entirely; I was a tennis player and my eighteen-year-old body was muscled and lithe, but long-limbed and graceful. My D-cup breasts were occasionally a hindrance to my running, but I'd learned how to conceal them in high-end sports bras. However, when I wasn't running, I didn't much care for covering them up. I was a big fan of my cleavage, so I showed off my tits whenever possible.

  Today was no exception. I had a date later, so I had shown up at the doctors in my “going out” outfit: a deep red tank top, short khaki shorts, and sandals. My underwear matched the tank top, just in case things went really well on the date. I never liked to be caught unprepared.

  I could see a nurse behind the reception desk, eying me suspiciously. I tried not to make eye contact; I wasn't really in a rush to go back and I could see her pulling my filing from a stack on the desk. I couldn't help but fiddle anxiously on the couch, as I waited for someone to come and collect me from the waiting room. The nurse rolled her eyes at me, before dropping my file on the desk, picking up her purse, and leaving through the back exit.

  Well, that's weird, I thought.

  The waiting room was totally empty, and I didn't hear so much as a sound from anywhere else in the building. It was a ghost town, and I was the only one still lingering. Part of me wanted to run, but I really needed this physical or the school would never let me go on the trip.

  After what felt like hours of uncomfortable fidgeting, the leering doctor poked his head out of the exam room and gestured for me to come in.

  “Maria Morgan? This way.”

  I raised a cautious eyebrow.

  Didn't nurses usually start the exam? Was there really no one else around?

  I walked into the exam room with a bit of apprehension. "Have a seat," the doctor said, pointing to the chair next to the exam table. I don't know how I hadn't noticed it before, but this doctor was hot. He was probably in his mid-40s, but you wouldn't have guessed it unless you noticed the flecks of grey hair among the black at his temples. A pair of wide-rimmed glasses only amplified his bright green eyes, and his dimples gave him a boyish look of mischief.

  I felt my heart race in a way I wasn't used to, especially around a man that age. What was it about him that made me want to rip off my clothes and jump him right then and there?

  "Hello, Miss Morgan. My name is Dr. Marcos. What can I help you with today?" When he shook my hand, his finger brushed across my wrist and sent a shot of electricity through me.

  "Well, I'm going on a study abroad trip to Spain and I need a physical to be approved for the trip. So I need you... to... examine me,” I whispered nervously. Why did he make me so nervous?

  "An exam, hmm? When was your last physical, Miss Morgan,” he said. There was a seductive rasp to his voice that made my blood run hot.

  "Before I came to college, but that was two years ago. And please, call me Maria.”

  "Maria it is, then. Are you you feeling okay? Any problems I should know about? You look to be in peak physical condition, I have to say...” Dr. Marcos said, looking me over.

  "I think I'm fine, I mean, as far as I know. But, I guess that's your job, right?" I couldn't even look into his eyes. They were so green, it was distracting.

  "We should probably go ahead and do a full-body physical, just to test everything and make sure you feel as good as you look." He set about taking out instruments, and pulled down a sheet of paper on to the exam table. "Go ahead and disrobe, and we'll set about getting you checked out.”

  I took off my tank top and shorts, and set them on the chair, then kicked off my sandals. But as I stood there in my red lace bra and matching panties, I didn't know if I should go the rest of the way...

  “Underwear too?” I asked with a hint of apprehension.

  Absentmindedly, Dr. Marcos answered over his shoulder, “Mmmhmm.”

  I anxiously took off my underwear, then lay down on the exam table. I began counting ceiling tiles, as the doctor clicked and clacked his instruments around by the sink. What is he going to do with those?

  Dr. Marcos made his way over to me and stood next to the exam table. I could feel him taking in every inch of my body with his eyes.

  "There are several tests I'm going to perform, Maria, to make sure you're physically up to the challenge of long-distance travel. First, I'm going to look in your eyes.”

  He leaned over me with a small penlight, his arms brushing against my breasts, and sending a shiver through my body.

  “Your eyes are bright, and beautiful, I must say. I don't see any abnormalities. Can you open your mouth for me now?"

  I nodded and opened my mouth. He drifted over top of me, his face so close, I could have leaned up and kissed him.

  Why did I just think that?

  “No abnormalities in the throat either. Everything looks nice," he whispered as he examined my mouth.

  “I'd like to perform a breast exam. I'll be taking my gloves off so I can feel any abnormalities, should there be any. But at your age, and in your physical condition, I highly doubt it's an issue. Are you ready, Maria?"

  I shook my head that I understood, but really, I wasn't sure what was going on. I didn't have time to think about it though, because all at once, he placed his large, strong hands on my breasts, squeezing them and kneading them with a firm but gentle touch. He looked deep into my eyes, his serious eyebrows raised as if he was about to start something...

  "I think I'd like to see how your breasts taste next, just for s
cientific purposes, of course," he whispered as his lips touched down on my left breast. His warm mouth latched on to my breast, creating a stream of electricity that coursed through my entire body.

  "Mmmm," he moaned as he sucked a little harder.

  His lithe tongue flicked my nipple before he lightly nibbled on it. "Your nipples are very firm. Everything seems to be in working order here. I'm very impressed."

  Oh my god! What is happening right now? And why am I enjoying it?

  Chapter 2

  “Doctor Marcos! I... What are you doing?” I stammered.

  His eyes drifted up to meet mine, the seductive twinkle in them amplified beyond measure.

  “I've wanted you since the first time I saw you come into the office. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind, Maria. I'd like to teach you what it means to be a woman. If you'll let me.”

  I wanted to argue. I wanted to fight back, but his hands on my body felt amazing. And the sight of him, his lips on my skin, his hands exploring my body, lit a fire in me like I'd never known. I nodded, unable to form any coherent words.

  With a sly smile, he winked up at me. “I think it's time to begin your gynecological exam...”

  My head shot up with a start. I opened my mouth to object, but I couldn't. I wanted to see how far he was going to take this. I had to know what it was he was going to teach me.

  “Dr. Marcos, I don't know...”

  “Shhhh, Maria. The doctor knows best,” he growled.

  Dr. Marcos removed his hands from breasts and I felt my body rise with him. I wanted more, and wasn't ready for him to stop. But then I realized he was pulling the stirrups out of the exam table.

  "Now, I want you to inch your way down to the edge of the table and slide your feet into the stirrups."

  I did as he told me, and felt my sex begin to pulse just knowing he was so near me.

  "I want you to open your legs wide for me, Maria. Let me see you."

  I had a hard time telling my body to relax, but the feel of his gentle hands on my knees encouraged me to open up for him. The feel of his fingers grazing across my pubic area sent shivers across my body. His hands brushed gently across the softness of my skin, and I heard him let out a small moan.

  "You're so nice and smooth, Maria. Trimmed so clean and neat, I could just make a meal of you. "

  He slid each of his thumbs into me, opening my folds as he lowered his head closer to my sex. My back arched, and I grabbed hold of the edge of the exam table to sturdy myself. "Your lips are so pink and full. Very nice, Maria. I must say, you look very healthy. I don't think I'll have a problem signing off on your travel forms."

  Licking his thumbs clean, Dr. Marcos picked up my chart and jotted down several notes before continuing. Once he set the chart back down on the side table, he smiled at me and said, “Time to move on to the internal exam. You might feel something a little cold, but it will only last for a second”.

  All at once, I felt a metal instrument press against my pussy, and spread my lips wide, giving him more access to my distended clit.

  "Oh my, that's just lovely. Your clit is so swollen. I think you're ready for me, Maria.”

  His finger began to trace circles around my clit, sending waves of desire through every inch of my body.

  "I'm glad you're enjoying this, Maria. Trips to the doctor shouldn't be frightening.”

  Suddenly, I felt the warmth of his breath against the skin of my pussy. His skillful tongue licked up and down in long strokes before he zeroed on my clit. Dr. Marcos sucked and bit down softly on my clit, and I had to chew on my lips to stop myself from crying out. When he pulled his mouth away and I felt him slide a finger inside me, I almost flew off of the table.

  "You're so hot and so wet, Maria. You feel amazing. I want to feel every inch of you, chronicle every single reaction."

  He slowly moved his finger in and out of me. As his finger pumped in and out, his other hand came up to massage my swollen clit. My whole body began to shiver as an orgasm built up inside of me. Out of nowhere, he slipped a second finger into my sex, and twirled them in a unison as his other worked it's magic on my clit with even more fervor. An orgasm sent me into a dizziness I couldn't explain, couldn't have remotely expected or prepared for when I walked into the office this afternoon. Spasms of pleasurable agony shook my body,

  "Brilliant Just the reaction I was hoping for."

  Dr. Marcos turned around to the tray of instruments behind him. "I'm going to need a little lubricant for this next portion of the examination. Are you ready, Maria?"

  Through the haze of my first orgasm, I nodded as best as I could. I felt like I could barely keep control of my senses. The doctor came back with a tube of lubricant and applied a generous amount to his hand.

  "I hope you don't mind if I explore a little further, Maria.”

  I felt his finger poke around my ass. Once again, I moved to stop him, but the words died in my throat.

  "Mmm, are you ready?" He asked, looking up at me with those sparkling green eyes.

  He pushed a little harder, giving me time to adjust to the sensations. Finally, with one quick thrust, his finger entered me and it felt amazing, better than I could have ever imagined He maneuvered his finger back and forth, whispering softly, "Just relax, Maria. It will feel better if you relax.”

  With a sly smile, he offered, "perhaps it will help if I give a little attention to your clit." His other hand began to play and tease me, bringing the rolls of pleasure back, from my head to my toes.

  "I wonder how much we can fit inside you, Maria."

  He paused for only a second before I felt another his fingers pressing against me. In a flash, he inserted two fingers into my pussy, as he slowly resumed his machinations on my ass. His fingers stretched and toyed, and the sound of his gentle encouragement only increased my desire.

  "You're doing very well, my darling,” he whispered with a smile.

  All at once, Dr. Marcos pulled away, stopped his tender treatments, and said, "Would you like me to continue the exam, Maria? We can stop if you want?"

  Before I knew what I was was saying, the words spilled out of me.

  "Oh, please, yes. Don't stop. I need you to keep going. Don't ever stop.”

  “Whatever you want, Maria. I'm here to help you,” he said as he let his scrubs and underwear fall to the floor and his massive cock sprung forth.

  "Can you take your feet out of the stirrups and roll over for me please, Maria?”

  I did as he asked, rolling over and relishing the feel of the cold metal against my breasts. Dr. Marcos stepped onto the footrest on the exam table. For a second, his fingers found their way back into my warmth, but then his cock took the place of his fingers. He gently eased his rigid cock into my wetness. All at once, he let out a moan of pure ecstasy.

  "Oh yes. That's excellent," he groaned huskily.

  His fingers began drumming a beat on my clit as he steadily worked his way in and out of my pussy. His cock was so big, and I couldn't help but feel that my body was expanding to fit him. As he pumped in and out, he began his explorations of my ass again. I was completely filled up, and it felt amazing.

  "Yes, that is amazing," he moaned as he grabbed hold of me and pushed deeper inside of me.

  "Please, harder!" I cried out. He rode me with even more intensity, mercilessly driving his cock further and further into me. My orgasm overwhelmed me, causing me to tighten even more around his cock. I cried out in pleasure, as he gently pulled away from me.

  "Maria, will you please get on your knees. I'd like to see how you take me inside your mouth. "

  I nodded, as if having some sort of out-of-body experience. The floor under my knees was cold, but it felt good, bringing my body temperature down after everything the doctor had inflicted upon me. I hungrily took his huge cock into my small mouth, swallowing in as much as I could fit. I let my tongue trace circles around the head as my hand gently massaged his balls.

  His moans turned into grunts that
signaled his orgasm was drawing nearer, so I let my mouth work more furiously. Abruptly, he pulled away from me and looked deeply into my eyes.

  “Lay back down. I want to come inside you, Maria.”

  Chapter 3

  Dr. Marcos lifted me from the floor and lay me back down on the exam table. In a quick thrust, he entered me again, his strokes slow and steady. Then, in a blinding flash, he quickly drew back and plunged deep inside of me. With each thrust, his breaths exploded from him, sharp and loud. I found myself calling his name, even though I didn't really know it.

  “Dr. Marcos! Oh yes, please! More!”

  I thought I might pass out from wanting, as he gripped my hips so hard, I thought they might bruise. He'd ceased to be gentle with me, and I didn't even care anymore.

  He positioned me until his cock hit my most sensitive spot, and he leaned over me, grabbing hold of my shoulders. I ran my fingers through his thick black hair, all the way down his back, scratching my nails into his flesh. He increased the speed of his thrusts, bringing us both closer and closer to the peak of our pleasure.

  Suddenly, I was grateful there was no one else in the office, because there was no controlling my cries of ecstasy.

  My orgasm rocked me from top to bottom and back again. I briefly opened my eyes and saw a look of pure satisfaction in the doctor's face. Holding onto my thighs, he pounded into me over and over again. I felt the rippling shudders of his climax as he came inside of me, and when he collapsed on top of me, the smell of sweat on his skin was intoxicating. I almost came a third time, just from feeling his strong body on top of me.

  Dr. Marcos crawled off of me and whispered, “I'll give you a minute.”

  After getting myself cleaned up and inching back into my clothes, Dr. Marcos came back into the room and handed me a piece of paper.


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