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Blood Debt (The Blood Sisters Book 2)

Page 17

by Jill Cooper

  “More pressing than our father? Your brother?” Jessica narrowed her eyes.

  Aunt Gwen sighed with a big eye roll. “We don’t have time for melodrama, girls! Yes! I’m sorry to say, yes! If Lourdes walks free, we have to find out. And fast. She’ll bring destruction for the whole planet with her. Not just us.”

  Amanda implored her sister. “Jess…”

  “You shelf this discussion for now. Do you understand?” Gwen used her stern voice. The one she used when a conversation was over, but it wasn’t. Far from it. The anger festered fast in Jessica, but when Amanda nodded she conceded.

  For now.

  Gwen turned to Jessica. “I know you’ve been through a lot, but until we know that Lourdes is safe in the underworld, you need to push it aside. Can you do that?”

  Jessica nodded, but it was far from the truth. “What about Duncan?” God, Duncan. They were going to have so much to tell him.

  “He’ll have to catch up to us.” Gwen started out of the basement, and just like that Jessica had a new mission. A new reason to keep fighting.

  But her heart deep inside just wanted to cry.

  Amanda took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Your sadness rivals mine.”

  “We’ll help Dad,” Jessica said. “We will. One way or another. If I have to take a sword back into the underworld myself, we’ll free him from that place. Make it so he and Mom are back together. He gave his life for us; we won’t let him be tortured.”

  Amanda’s face lit up with hope and she folded into her sister’s arms. Jessica breathed in the scent of her apple shampoo and buried her nose against Amanda’s hair. It all sounded good, didn’t it? The grandstanding, the heroic babble, but Jessica didn’t know if she really could.

  God help her, Jessica just didn’t know.


  Jessica didn’t want to be here. Didn’t want to be getting ready to rush off into battle, but there was no choice. Up near the altar of the church, Jessica stood as everyone else gathered supplies. She needed to get her head in the game and she didn’t know how. Not after everything she had just gone through. A good night’s sleep, at least, would help put things into order.

  Would she feel better if she turned herself over to the police? She could tell them all how she slaughtered the Black Scorpions and clear Ron’s name. It wouldn’t change anything, but shouldn’t she be punished?

  “You should stop thinking things like that because we need you. I need you,” Amanda said.

  Turning, Jessica sighed as she took in Amanda’s face. She had a determined lip pucker, but her eyes were soft. Sad. In her hands, she held Jessica’s shotgun. “Here I thought holding those gave you hives.”

  Amanda turned her hand over and Jessica saw a blister rising up on the inside of her wrist. “I’ve learned to embrace the pain. Well, still working on it, I feel a little green. Without you around, I had to get strong. I had to keep going. Before, I’d turn away from pain, but I learned if I grabbed onto it, if I held it, I’m even stronger. My power’s growing, but I don’t want to face it alone.”

  Amanda offered Jessica the gun, holding it out straight, but Jessica turned her head. Couldn’t look at it yet. “Our car is here, you know. Dad’s car.”

  It meant so much, always had. Now knowing Dad was in the underworld suffering, when Jessica had been so close to him— “So what? Just get back inside? Start driving and pretend that none of this happened? That doesn’t sound like you.”

  Amanda shook her head. “If the world needs saving from Lourdes, I think we have to do it, don’t we? Maybe along the way figure out what happened to Dad and if there’s a way we can help him. I can’t believe he fought demons.”

  Jessica could, after her vision. “He gave up his life for Mom. For us. Wanted to keep us safe. He didn’t realize it was you until the bitter end. I wish I could’ve saved him.” She ducked her head down low, feeling the compounding of guilt.

  “So make his death mean something. Help us, please, Jessica.”

  The shotgun seemed to glisten and Jessica took it. The weight of it; heavier than ever. “All right, but just so you don’t have to hold it anymore.”

  Amanda smirked in a way that was uncommon for her. She was changing, growing. Becoming more her own person.

  It terrified Jessica that Amanda might be changing. What if she didn’t recognize who her sister turned into, thanks to all that power? Glancing to her left, Jessica saw Gwen. Stomping down the stairs, they stood side by side. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  Gwen did a double take and Jessica snorted. “Please, after keeping that secret for twenty-five plus years, there’s no way you told us everything. I always knew you had secrets and regret, but that was bigger than I’d ever imagined.”

  “If your faith in me was rocked, I am sorry. More than you’ll ever know, child.”

  Jessica bit her lip. “You make so much more sense to me now, actually. The drive. The mission. Since you were personally responsible, it makes sense.”

  Gwen’s tongue clicked inside her mouth. “So much for not casting blame.”

  “I don’t mean to. That’s Amanda’s thing, not mine.” Jessica stared her down. “It’s her, isn’t it? That’s what you’re holding back. You always said we had to keep her pure. Keep her powers from mutating into something more and now that’s all gone. She was on drugs, she’s embracing pain and allowing her powers to evolve into something more.”

  Gwen nodded. “I’m afraid for her. Can we keep it at that?”

  “We better or else she’ll just read it in our minds, but if something happens to her, I’m blaming you. And that priest.” Jessica tore out of the church, feeling a little better—a little bit like her old self.

  And it was good for a few minutes to be alone.

  Outside played like a scene out of a wild west movie. There were bullet fragments everywhere and there were skid marks on the street that went straight down a hill into a ditch from big wheels—like a bus or a semi. In the middle of it all, was Amanda. She was crying and clutching something tight to her chest.

  To see her so upset lit a fire under Jessica. “What is it?” She grabbed Amanda’s arm and spun her around.

  Jessica saw the jacket she clutched had the Black Scorpion patch on the back. It was Duncan’s jacket and that realization punched her straight in the gut.

  “He’s gone,” Amanda’s voice wobbled in distress, “they’ve got him. He’s gone.”

  24: Duncan Jasper

  When Duncan came to, he lay still on the floor of the bus.

  Sticky and matted with grime, the night’s events flashed through his mind. His face ached where he had been punched. His chest burned when he tried to take a deep breath, thanks to the kicks he hadn’t bothered to fight against.

  Promise was a promise, right?

  “He’s awake, mistress.”

  “I can see that from the shallow breaths he’s taking.” Vain kicked him in the gut and Duncan groaned. His eyes shut tight to block the pain assaulting him. “Next time,” the cold tip of a dagger pressed up against his neck, “I’ll kick you somewhere more painful.”

  Pleasure enriched her voice. Vain leaned over and looped her rope around Duncan’s throat. He peered at her through one swollen eyelid. Couldn’t grab the rope as she tightened it because his arms were fastened behind his back. Hurt, damn it hurt. His shoulder blades burned and his fingers tingled, barely able to feel a thing.

  Vain wrapped the rope around her gloved hand. “Sorry we had to interrupt the festivities, but someone is very eager to see you. Be a man, force a smile and be a good little prisoner for me, won’t you?”

  She blew him a kiss. Might as well be covered in posion.

  Duncan chuckled, thought to retort, but Vain pulled him through the bus. He had to grit his teeth just not to scream out in agony as his face smashed into the floor. With the stairs coming, Vain picked up speed and Duncan tried to get up on his knees. Must have had a broken rib, because trying to stand caused clenc
hing pain and all the air in his lungs expelled.

  He fell down the stairs of the bus and his face smashed into a dock. His nose broken, the richness of his blood spilled against the wood. Behind him, the demons laughed as they followed. Duncan’s temper boiled, he never liked being the butt of anyone's jokes, but he wasn’t able to stand up for himself.

  Couldn’t stand at all.

  Blood filled his mouth. Duncan turned his head and spat it out. He caught sight of a short pier and harbor… some sort of fishing port. Moaning, Duncan lifted up onto his knees. The world spun something fierce and the buildings around them were starting to split in two.

  So much for his stupid plan to escape. He hadn’t thought Vain would be this tough on him. Right now, Duncan didn’t think he had the strength to walk, let alone escape.

  Vain tugged on the rope and Duncan jerked forward. Almost fell again, but he forced himself up and followed. Pain shot up his thighs, but it was better than the alternative. Vain threw him a smile as she opened the door to a warehouse and held it open. “You go inside and say hello. Your biggest fan is waiting for you.”

  Suspicious, Duncan limped forward. In the darkened warehouse he caught the sound of women, many women, crying. One with short hair was familiar.

  These were the woman from Vaughn’s strong hold.

  His heart plummeted, but maybe that’s why he was here. Maybe if he had to be Vain’s prisoner, he could find a way to save this woman. “What the hell have you done, Vain?”

  Her jaw shifted, penetrating anger from her eyes. “Fine then. Have it your way.” Shoving Duncan into the warehouse, she kicked him in the back and sent him sailing onto his chest across the threshold.

  Groaning, he rolled over and saw cages of woman all around. Their frail, thin bodies hunkered down, with no room to move. Their eyes were afraid, the ones who weren’t stoned out of their minds, and one extended her fingers toward him. “Help me. Please. Help me.”

  This was what he hated the most. These girls had to be freed. He missed the opportunity before when he fled Vaughn’s compound, but now he had a second chance—if he could get free. If somehow he could find a way.

  Vain grabbed him by the scruff of his collar and angled his head back. “If you’re a bad boy, I’m sure we can find a cage for you.” She patted his cheek and then drove his chin down onto the ground.

  It cracked hard and sent stars sailing around his head. Duncan moaned. He had to find a way to conserve strength to get out of this mess—a mess of his own making, but the girls would come. Duncan prayed against hope that Amanda had been able to remove the mark. Jessica would be okay and she’d come from him.

  He couldn’t think of the possibility that Jessica killed Amanda. The only possibility his heart could stand was that Jessica would come for him. Nothing could stop that girl. With her in his corner, Duncan just had to bide his time.

  Familiar laughter echoed through the space and Duncan winced. A boot pressed into his lower back. “I never thought I’d see the day, Jasper.”

  Vaughn. Duncan’s skin curled at the notion that he was under Vaughn’s direct control again. “Guess I just can’t get enough of you.”

  Stepping off of him, Vaughn kicked him in the gut. The pain in Duncan’s ribs increased ten-fold. Unable to draw breath, Duncan writhed as Vain rolled him over onto his back. His hands pinned behind him, he cried out in agony as his shoulder crunched in an unnatural angle. “Say hello to my girls. All works of beauty, in their own way. Just like your—.”

  “Don’t say it,” Duncan said through gritted teeth.

  “Sister,” Vaughn sneered. “You’re in no position to issue threats. I’ll do as I want, take what I want. I thought by this point, you’d learned your lesson.”

  Duncan tilted his head back to catch a breath. Out of the corner of his eye, Vain shifted her weight, anxious to get her hands on him again. “Tell me what you did to that girl. The one you sent to me. How the hell did you get her to blow like that?” Duncan asked.

  Vaughn stood up straight and headed toward a hanging black curtain in the room. Duncan took the opportunity to roll onto his side and caught Vain’s eyes. “You don’t really want to work for him, do you? These girls, they could’ve been you.”

  “Shut up.” Vain placed the tip of her boot against Duncan’s throat. “Or I’ll make it so you’ll never speak again.”

  Why did he even try? Duncan had always thought, beneath the lust for power and money, Vain had to have some humanity left. To kidnap and sell girls into the trade? How could a woman do such a thing? Duncan understood the demons, but Vain? No, he’d never understand her or her motivations.

  “Come on out,” Vaughn said to someone in a soft voice. Duncan had never heard him use a tender tone before, but then he saw why. “That’s it, sweetheart.” Coming close again, Vaughn ushered a young lady forward. She wore only an unbuttoned black dress shirt, her arms clamped around it kept it closed.

  Her hair was unkempt like she hadn’t been out of bed in days and her eyes had a mist of green floating through them. Duncan’s jaw tensed the closer she got.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Vaughn pulled her hair to the side and nuzzled her neck. The girl’s face contorted into a sob as he kissed her, ravaging her skin with his mouth while his hands pressed against her breasts. “Soon she’ll bear me an heir. This time, I’m sure of it.”

  “Like you’re always sure of it?” Vain rolled her eyes. “No woman is strong enough to carry a demon of your caliber, Vaughn.”

  He laughed. “Doesn’t make trying any less fun.”

  Duncan’s hands clenched as they yanked on the handcuffs. “You’re a sick monster, Vaughn. She’s just a kid.”

  “A work of art,” Vaughn caressed her middle and beneath his touch, she shuddered. “You asked how I made that girl explode. Now you’ll get to witness it yourself.” Vaughn snapped his fingers and a demon handed him a needle. The green essence of a demon sparkled inside, but darker and more intense than any Duncan had ever seen before.

  “A special dose,” Vaughn’s tongue licked his lip as he slipped the needle beneath the skin of a girl trapped inside a cage. She moaned and fell against the bars. “Concentrated. More than any human can handle unless your name is Amanda Blood. She, in fact, gave me the idea.

  “You see regular drugs weren’t enough for Amanda. I needed to make it stronger, but then when I gave it to other girls, I considered it a failure. They exploded. Then I realized I could turn them into weapons.” Vaughn sneered.

  “You’re giving it to all these girls?” The idea sickened him.

  “And they will be my special bait and prize for Jessica Blood. Once Vain is finished having her fun with you, you’ll be next.” Vaughn pointed the needle at him. “String him up in my private bed chamber. Have your fun with him before it’s my turn.”

  “With pleasure,” Vain’s voice purred as she grabbed Duncan’s leash and yanked him up to his feet. She shoved him past the curtain and he fell face first onto the bed. The sheets were sullied and wreaked of sweat.

  What happened here, to that girl…Now what, he was just expected to lay there and take it?

  Vain rolled him over onto his back. Her mouth opened and her eyes sparkled crazily. Wide and full of lust, she straddled him and tore his shirt open. Duncan stared up at the ceiling as her mouth found its way to his pecks.

  “You’re really okay with exploding girls?” Duncan gritted his teeth. “Really?”

  “Admit it,” Vain whispered, her fingers stroking his chin, “you’ve missed this.”

  She really didn’t have a soul. Duncan licked his lips and ignored the anger ravaging deep in his gut. “The only thing I know, I’m not sure how I ever managed to pretend to love you in the first place.”

  Rearing up high on her knees, Vain punched him across the jaw. The blow forced his head to the side. Preoccupied with thoughts of the girls in their cages, Duncan’s body barely registered the blow. He needed to help them, but with so many demons around
, how could he escape?

  Duncan needed to find a way. If those girls were getting the new drug, they were ticking time bombs. It wasn’t something he could just let happen.

  “So you rather be with those other girls? Jessica and Amanda? What do they have that I don’t?”

  “Other than a soul?” Duncan asked, bracing himself for the next punch, but instead Vain just unzipped his pants and he turned his eyes away from her.

  “Not going to fight me?” Vain asked, disappointment in her voice.

  Duncan licked his lips. “I promised you I wouldn’t. Do what you want with me, for as long as you want, but know there’ll be no enjoyment. I won’t get a single thing out of it, other than a stomach ache from how sick you make me.”

  Vain grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. “We’ll see about that, won’t we?”


  Duncan lay unconscious on the bed. His face bloodied, his mouth parted as he struggled to breathe through his swollen nose. Shirt ripped apart, Vain stroked his bruised chest, her bloodied fingers against his ribs. His breath snorted in pain from her touch and she smiled. At least that brought her pleasure.

  Stepping off of him, Vain zipped up her leather suit. She’d give it to Duncan Jasper, when he said something, he gave his word. He hadn’t called out or gasped during sex even a little bit. Frustrated, Vain took her pound of flesh another way.

  Pity. A real pity.

  Had Vain ever really loved him? Probably not, but she wouldn’t be used. No one played with her blackened heart.

  Walking away, she found Vaughn pacing between the cages of the girls. “Have your fun?”

  “Some, but I’m not ready to let him go yet.”

  Vaughn snickered. “When have you ever been ready to let something go?” He slid his hand down onto her lower back and Vain allowed it. Inside she was revolted, but she allowed it.

  “Touché,” Vain smiled. “Walk with me, Vaughn. There’s something we need to discuss.” Vain grabbed the edge of his cape and dragged him over to the cages.


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