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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 121

by John Thornton

  The display went dark, and reverted to look like a blank permalloy wall again.

  “The suffering of children is often harsh and brutal. The plight of orphans cries to the heavens,” Jerome recited. “That poor girl has gone through much. How old is she, fifteen?”

  “Something like that, and she is all alone,” Cammarry reflected. Remembering her own time in the Special Care Unit. “Sandie, what is your assessment on her, Eris?”

  “Visual observation showed a woman aged 16-18, visible traumatized,” Sandie replied. “Obviously Eris is well educated and competent and her claims of being a Junior Engineer appear valid. I may know more after interaction with SB Pinaka.”

  “You say ‘appear valid’ but there is something more, right?” Cammarry asked.

  Sandie answered, “I conjecture a high probability that Eris was lying about establishing a security system at her location. She showed visible signs of dishonestly, however, those signs were so overt that I also conjecture a strong probability that Eris has a basically honest and trustworthy personality. I consulted with my simulation of Doctor Chambers and he agreed that Eris is probably lying about the security system, and he added, quoting, ‘Of course that young woman is lying. She is terrified and seeking some kind of security.’ I agree with Doctor Chamber’s assessment.”

  Jerome then said, “We know suspended animation is used on the Conestoga, and we have seen those people awakened and abused as slaves in Habitat Alpha. Why would people be awakened now? Here on the needle ship? But more importantly, how do we help this girl?”

  “Jerome,” Cammarry stepped over and hugged him. “We cannot just leave her alone with the Conestoga’s synthetic brain system. I know what they can do, and it is not nurturing, safe, or helpful. Maybe this Pinaka will be different, but without Sandie overseeing the others, most of the synthetic brains here are not to be trusted. We must go get her.”

  “Sandie? How long will it take us to reach her?” Jerome asked.

  “The passages between here and Navigation and Astrogation are convoluted due to damage. I can estimate a time frame of eleven hours of walking, but that is only a rough estimate. If doors need to be cut open, or other unforeseen problems arise, it could be much longer. Additionally, I advise against moving toward her.”

  “We must go and help her,” Cammarry insisted.

  “Eris may see that as a hostile move,” Sandie stated. “That would greatly hinder future working relationships with her. SB Pinaka has just set up a flimsy barrier around the nonphysicality of that location. EA-270 is within that and currently cut off from me. I can easily overcome that barrier, but again, I believe Eris would consider that as a hostile act. Therefore, I am doing the interaction with SB Pinaka at the slow pace set by that system.”

  Jerome continued to hug Cammarry and added, “We do not want to scare her, and if we leave here right now, we will not be able to do as much about that Crock machine in Beta. We still are unsure what that is about, and I want to be close to the teleporters in case we need to go to Beta. If the Crocks are setting more gravity sink holes, Khin and Vesna and the roustabouts there are in danger. But I too want to help Eris.” Jerome pulled away from Cammarry and flexed his arms several times trying to reduce his tension. “If only we had a full complement of resources. Sandie? What is the latest information on that Crock machine?”

  “T-1DT is tracking it from a distance of ten meters. Here are the current, real time images from our adventurer,” Sandie replied. “We have only conjectured it is a Crock vehicle, but nothing to dissuade from that conjecture has yet been observed.”

  The same display where they had just seen Eris now lit up and show the perspective from the automacube in Habitat Beta. The light from the sky tube was bright and warm, flooding the area with brilliance. The Crock machine was moving along the seacoast. The light from overhead reflected up from the water. A few trees were scattered about on the coast, but mostly it was a gently sloped plain descending to the rocky coastline. There was a bit of wind noise on the automacube’s microphone, but some animal sounds, chirps, buzzes, calls, and cackles could be heard. The most impressive noise was a deep purring or rumbling sound from the Crock machine as its treads churched up twin pairs of furrows in the ground. Its bulk was now much more clearly seen. It was various different colors, two shades of forest-like green, two shades of buff or brown, and some intermixed shades of gray. Those large swaths of color were painted on the exterior in a camouflaged pattern. They did match fairly well to the surrounding landscape and foliage. It continued to churn its way across the land, the purring noise intensifying when it had to climb a slight grade.

  “That machine’s exterior sides look like it is made from plates of metal, riveted together,” Jerome said. “Is that correct?”

  “Yes,” Sandie replied. “It is not permalloy, but a much softer metal like steel. There does appear to be some kind of gasket and seal system around those riveted together plates. There are slight leaks from the interior which is where we are detecting the chlorine residue. My best guess is that its exterior is overlapping plates of steel sealed together by a rivet system. Its double-dual track system and the treads also are some kind of steel. I cannot give an exact metallurgical analysis from a distance.”

  “Sandie, have the automacube pan its view out over the sea. Is that a gravity sink hole? Off about thirty meters?” Cammarry asked.

  The perspective shifted away from the mysterious vehicle. The waves of the sea in the place Cammarry indicated showed a very flat circular area. It was obvious something was altering the water there, for there was a distinct circular area where the waves were significantly dampened. It looked odd and unnatural.

  Several white birds, with black tips to their wings, flew into view.

  “I hope they can see that thing and avoid it!” Jerome stated emphatically.

  The birds did not angle or alter their flight. One of them looked like its wing tip suddenly struck an invisible object in the air. It careened out of control and swirled round and round. Despite its valiant struggle to continue flying, it fell into that dampened area. Its wings were flapping wildly, but it struck the water hard. The wings quit moving. Its dead body quickly sank beneath the watery surface. The other bird which had been flying with it flapped mightily and soared away while screeching in terror.

  “That poor flying animal. We must find a way to stop these Crocks from placing more of those traps!” Jerome punched his fist into his palm.

  “Yes, that area is consistent with what we have come to call a gravity sink hole. From your descriptions, I believe that one is larger than what you previously saw,” Sandie the AI answered. “Were it on land we might get a better evaluation of it. Jerome, I remind you, we do not yet have proof of a connection between the mystery vehicle and the Crocks, nor do we have supporting evidence the Crocks are causing the gravity sink holes.”

  “That child, Adeilson, he watched for those in the water,” Cammarry added. “He knew they were happening over the water regularly. He also spoke of the dangers of the Ferryman.”

  “Sandie, I do not believe it is a coincidence that we see a Crock vehicle, and now witness animals dying in a gravity sink hole. I stood at that window and watched a Crock trying to gain access to the habitat! Now they have found a way inside and caused more gravity sink holes. How do we stop it?” Jerome asked.

  The Crock machine’s treads continued to push it ahead at about six kilometers per hour. It climbed a slight ridge, the purring rumble deepening and increasing as its treads chewed its way up.

  The observing automacube, T-1DT sped up and zipped over the incline and down along the small stream that was between those two banks. Several small furry animals rushed off in haste as the automacube’s six drive wheels easily allowed it to outrun the Crock vehicle.

  “Look at the way those animals ran. Something is down near that stream!” Jerome stated. “That horse, Old Bill, acted like that when he perceived a gravity sink hole. I am certain somet
hing is there!”

  The Crock vehicle reached the top of the bank, its treads extending out and over before its left track changed speed and the whole vehicle turned. Its obviously heavy weigh loosened some of the dirt on the bank, and furrowed out the grasses and weeds which were growing there. It was heading directly toward the area that the small furry animals had avoided.

  “See it is moving right toward that spot. Look at those bushes, they are stooped over from the heavy gravity.” Jerome crossed his arms over his chest. “Are they causing another? Or are they widening this one?”

  The automacube had rolled back and up the stream’s bank to allow for better observation. So far, the Crock Vehicle had paid no attention at all to the automacube.

  “I am taking readings,” Sandie stated. “Jerome is correct, there is a gravity sink hole at that location. I also agree with his assessment that the rabbits were able to perceive it and avoid it.”

  “But what is that Crock vehicle doing?” Cammarry asked.

  Out of the front of the Crock vehicle, which was angled upward between the twin sets of treads, an apparatus extended forward. It opened into a blade shape, nearly horizontal, which extended across the entire front of the machine. That then bit into the ground. The deep rumbling purr became even more pronounced as the machine shoved dirt directly toward the gravity sink hole. It piled a meter-high berm up right against where that spot was. The treads on the machine then reversed, the blade lifted, and the Crock vehicle backed away. Its twin dual treads altered speed and changed its direction. It then went forward again, blade down, pushed up another meter sized berm. Then it backed up, realigned itself and started again.

  “Is that how it established a gravity sink hole?” Jerome asked. “It is destroying the foliage, and plowing up everything around.”

  Sandie responded. “It is unusual activity. It has now cordoned off all sides of that area, on this side of the stream.”

  The Crock vehicle then moved down toward the sea a distance, turned and the proceeded straight up and over the incline. This time at the stop it did not turn, but instead pressed forward. The rumbling sounds roared, and a burst of green vapor escaped from a seam in the vehicle’s side plating. The treads pushed it across the stream, where it dropped on the other side. Its treads catching the ground and pulling the rest of the vehicle over. It had bridged the stream without much trouble. It then maneuvered around and began shoving dirt up in a berm against that side of the gravity sink hole as well. Soon, though its efforts, the gravity sink hole was barricaded on all sides except for where the stream came in and went out.

  “Is it protecting the gravity sink hole?” Jerome asked.

  “Or protecting people and animals from getting into it?” Cammarry countered.

  “Well, it can obviously detect where it is, so it must have some connection to it,” Jerome snapped back. “Are they setting up gravity sink holes in certain places to breach open the entire habitat? That would quickly kill everyone inside except for them.”

  Sandie than said, “Jerome you are correct, but only in part. That vehicle can detect the gravity sink hole’s presence. I cannot explain why it has done what it did. I can observe that those berms are fairly significant obstacles, being roughly a meter high and nearly vertical. The purpose of that earthmoving is unclear. It might be to protect the gravity sink hole, or it might be to protect life from entering that gravity sink hole. The evidence does not allow for a solid conjecture in either case. Additionally, there may be other reasons which we do not know. Consider the flow of the stream. It is gathering under the gravity sink hole, as more water is entering it than is leaving.”

  “And no way to just ask?” Cammarry wondered. “That Crock we saw did have a way to communication. It gave us a message, ‘You leave now.’ Is there some way to contact that machine?”

  Sandie replied, “Using T-1DT, I have tried various antique ways of communication: flashing lights, radio, microwave, as well as other more advanced methods but have gotten no response of any kind.”

  The automacube used its six drive wheels to climb up onto the berm. From there it could continue to observe the Crock vehicle as it moved away, again following the shoreline. Then the view changed, and the perspective was on the gravity sink hole straddling the stream. The water was flowing into it, but was no longer flowing out. A whirlpool began to spin, and in just a matter of moments, the area where the stream had flowed, was now draining water from the stream, and the water was just disappearing below the ground level. The yellow automacube, T-1DT used its manipulation arm to toss small clots of dirt out and into the gravity sink hole. It was taking measurements and readings.

  “Beta does not need another drought,” Cammarry said. “Where is that water going?”

  “I am unable to determine that. From my research, it is highly probable, that the habitat has vast underground regions with both replicas of natural subterranean biomes as well as mechanical areas, and storage areas,” Sandie replied. “The water is draining in an unplanned and probably unsuitable way. The gravity inside that sink hole is roughly eight times than of Earth normal. That kind of pressure will do structural damage.”

  “Damage designed and implemented by the Crocks! So what do we do?” Jerome asked. “I feel helpless just standing here watching. We need to stop those gravity sink holes, not to mention reconnect to the roustabouts and help them find those missing children. Can anything be done to speed up the manufacture of our items in Alpha’s Reproduction and Fabrication?”

  Sandie replied, “Yes. I have been working on that. On a positive note, the food ration bar processors are completed and being brought here shortly via TA-242. I was also successful in finding a method of hybridizing fugal growth as starter elements for the food ration production.”

  “That will secure our food sources, but what about changing the events in Beta?” Jerome flexed his muscles again. “I am torn. I know our best equipment and monitoring things are up here, and with that new girl, Eris, we have further potentials, but it looks like Beta is just being ripped up while we ignore it.”

  Sandie again replied with a cheerful tone. “I have implemented a new design of automacube, designation RE series. RE-1DT, and RE-2DT will be ready in approximately eight hours. Delivery here will depend upon the ability to use the teleporter in Alpha. I believe we can use these new automacubes to greatest help in Beta. They are a mixtures of security with engineering.”

  “Good!” Jerome felt some elation. “The more forces we have the better to confront the Crocks and force them to stop these gravity sink holes.”

  “Should you connect that SB Pinaka, the one Eris is working with to the reconstituted lattice of other old Conestoga SBs you have rebuilt?” Cammarry suggested. “That may allow for better integration and use of all the things available to us.”

  “I have considered that, however, SB Pinaka is highly suspicious and I do not wish to ruin the potential. I am slowly allowing that system to learn about us. The reconstituted lattice is still evolving and advancing under my direction. Right now introducing a potential hostile synthetic brain to that might harm the evolution. I will conjecture when the best time for integration will be.”

  “So we just wait.” Jerome slammed his fist into his palm. His mind was conflicted. He appreciated being safe on the needle ship, but he felt committed to Khin and Vesna, which compelled him to do more than just dispatch machines to assist. The roustabouts were also an abiding concern on his heart. He thought of Monika and remembered her special kindness to him when he stayed with them while he searched for Cammarry. Yet the last parting with Bigelow had left a sour feeling with Jerome. On the other hand, those children who were mission, Dewi and Nabila might be in grave danger. Jerome remembered how the child Adeilson had said the Ferryman was causing children to be murdered. Jerome pumped his arms up and down in callisthenic movements, yet he still felt conflicted about the courses of action available.

  Meanwhile, Eris had shut down the communication with
the two strangers.

  “SB Pinaka? What did you think of those two people I spoke to?” Eris asked with a yawn.

  “Insufficient information to make a proper assessment. I am not designed for psychological profiles or human resource management. Their claims of advanced technology seem dubious, however, I am in dialogue with the system named Sandie. That is the most advanced and fastest artificial intelligence system I have ever encountered. Sandie is far superior to any of the primary artificial intelligence systems installed into the Conestoga. Therefore, I tend to believe their account for the moment. I will have greater data to relate to you after the period of interactions with Sandie. I do have their location on the needle ship computed. There is a funicular car access point only two decks away. They apparently are unaware of it, or are being deceptive, as seen in their comments about how long it would take to reach you here.”

  “Well, secure the funicular doors on this end as best you can. I wish I did have four security automacubes protecting me, but do what you can. Set up some protective barriers in the nonphysicality. Now I need to go find a place to sleep. Is the duty-shift apartment near here still functional?” Eris asked. “It should be just beyond that door.” She pointed.


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