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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 138

by John Thornton

  “Huh? What in all of Beta?” Bigelow said and added some choice profanity.

  The view showed the automacube rolling backward rapidly, yet the Listening Ear, and all the buildings around it were being flattened as they watched. The permalloy structures were collapsing, disintegrating, and compressing all at the same time. A wave of something undulated in the view and then the automacube’s visual, audio and telemetry readings went blank.

  “That is the moment I lost contact with T-1DT. I conjectured the strength needed to compress permalloy like we saw, and it is the strongest gravity I have ever recorded,” Sandie stated. “I conjecture that the side walls of Habitat Beta cannot withstand that amount of force.”

  “So Seron was just crushed?” Siva asked. “The whole town?”

  “It looked like much of it was already on fire,” Monika added.

  “Permalloy does not burn,” Peter interjeted. “But there are a lot of other combustibles in that town. I believe we just witnessed what Jerome was warning us about. I know of no way to defend against something that can crush permalloy like that.” His bright eyes showed fear in his dark face. “It is hard to believe.”

  “I cannot evaluate how much of the town of Seron was destroyed,” Sandie informed them. “I only have that view from the now destroyed automacube. I do have a plan to assist you all in evacuating from here. It involves…”

  Jerome interrupted, “That proves it! The Crock vehicle was right there! We must take you to the place where we have set up a teleportation system to go to the needle ship in orbit, and we need to go quickly,” Jerome said. “We sought you out because we want to save you!”

  Bigelow snorted, but Monika nodded. Siva and Peter exchanged glances.

  “I know you have advanced technology,” Siva stated, “However, teleportation is unknown to us.”

  “How do we know the needle ship is in better condition than here?” Peter asked. “You spoke of it before, and said there were problems.”

  Jerome smacked his hands together in anger. “Did you just see that building get crushed down? Right after that Crock tracked vehicle went by? It is like me stomping on some weed. It was just crushed.” He stomped several times with his foot. Then he drew in a deep breath. “We have never seen a gravity sink hole on the needle ship. Right Sandie?”

  The AI replied, “That is correct. The gravity sink hole phenomena have been confined to Habitat Beta.”

  “Come on my fellow roustabouts,” Bigelow implored. “Abandon our animals? Here? Sure there have been problems, but we will get through it all. We are like Horace on the carousel. We must get the correct perspective. We are not last, but we are first.” Sprinkled in his comments were mild profanities, but his words lacked conviction.

  “What do we do about the animals?” Siva asked. “They have been our loyal friends, co-workers, and companions since they were born.”

  “Your lives are more important than some animals,” Jerome said.

  “Jerome I have a….” Sandie began, but the reaction from the roustabouts caused Jerome to miss it.

  “Some animals? Just some animals!” Siva and Peter both echoed. Monika shook her head and looked away. Peter turned around and gazed at the horses.

  “Jerome? Cammarry? I have an incoming message from Khin and Vesna,” Sandie said. “They wish to speak to you both.” Sandie considered telling Jerome and Cammarry about what was happening with Eris and Habitat Gamma, but could tell by the stress in Khin’s voice, and the telemetry which she had been monitoring from S-1DT, that his message needed to take top priority. “I believe you really need to hear what Khin and Vesna want to say.”

  “Play it out for everyone to hear,” Cammarry said.

  Jerome shot her an anger-filled look, but she went on, “Jerome, we will have no secrets from our friends. No hidden agendas, no withholding information.”

  “Rube, listen to her,” Bigelow said. “She at least is sharing everything, and trying to be loyal to her friends.”

  Jerome face grew red in near rage. “And you are one to talk about sharing and being loyal.” His eyes burned toward Bigelow who met his gaze and took another drink from his flask. “Sure, Sandie, play the message. Make the connection. Maybe these locals need more proof!”

  Khin’s voice came from the com-link. “Wizards? We are at the Special Care Unit, but there is great trouble.” Khin forced a small laugh. “The old people need a safe place to go, and this big building is not the place. I have asked Sandie to take us all back to my home, back to the Goat People. Can you help us?”

  “Khin, just meet us at the teleporter,” Cammarry instructed. “Sandie can direct you.” Thinking of what she had just seen with the destruction of T-1DT, she asked, “Khin? Do you still have the red automacube we sent? That machine can help lead you to the teleporter.”

  “Oh yes, the red cubie is very busy,” Khin replied. “Bad people. Monster type people have been attacking us, and that cubie red has made them dead, but more and more of them keep coming. We are fighting, but without more bullets our weapons are not so good.”

  Vesna’s voice cut in, “And the crushers have destroyed the building. There is no safe place for the patients, my people, or the boatload of children who just arrived.”

  “See more destruction by the Crocks! More crushed buildings!” Jerome yelled. “Believe me now?”

  “Vesna, did you say children?” Cammarry asked.

  “Yes. The boat is ruined, and we do not have a good way to carry the old people, or the children to you,” Khin replied. “We have only a few wheelchairs, some other cubies, and the two horses. I do not know how to bring all these people, or the good animals on a Wizard’s Quest, so I am asking you to help. Besides, two of the children here know you!” This time Khin’s chuckle was more genuine. “One asks if you, Jerome, need another haircut?”

  “Dewi and Nabila?” Jerome said in wonder and awe. “They are with you?”

  All the roustabouts were listening intently.

  “Yes, they just got here in the boat. An elderly couple, Lloyd and Erma brought them here, but…” Vesna’s voice cracked. “That elderly couple were hurt by the hoodlums. They have died, but the children are safe. My Khin and I need your help. What do we do?”

  Jerome looked at Cammarry.

  “Hitch up the wagons!” Jenna barked out her command. “We leave as soon as possible.” She spoke from the back of her wagon where she stood steadying herself with one hand. “We are going to go get Dewi and Nabila, and carry anyone else who needs our help to those teleporters.” She was still very pale, but there was firmness in her voice. “Get moving.”

  “You heard our leader,” Bigelow called out. “We leave as soon as we get our associates in harness. There is work to do, and we will do it. But be sure to take a last ride on the carrousel. Pat Horace the lead horse on the carousel and tell him thank you for always leading us round and round. I think we will never be this way again.” Bigelow left off obscenities as he said goodbye to the carousel.

  16 rushing to the Special Care Unit

  “Your fabrication request is finished and delivered,” SB Dan Cooper stated to Eris.

  Six shinny and efficient blue automacubes moved across the hanger bay and into the small space where Eris’ shuttle was now located. The rear of the shuttle opened, and the machines carefully, quickly, and competently stacked the various components of the large teleportation mechanism into the cargo hold.

  “Thank you,” Eris said. “I would still like to tour Gamma and see all that you have done in keeping this habitat safe and secure.”

  “The lattice of compeers has made its position clear on that. You shall not be allowed entry. As a token to your curiosity, I can connect you with remote views of Gamma, and I can offer my advice and counsel on improvements to other parts of the Conestoga,” SB Dan Cooper stated. “However, no biological intelligence will interfere in the functioning of Habitat Gamma. I strongly suggest you prohibit biological intelligences from any position of a
uthority as they are inherently unreliable and defective. Your contraption is loaded, and your shuttle will now be launched. Do you wish for manual control on the launch, or shall I eject the shuttle for you?”

  Eris did not know how to respond, but said, “I will manually launch. Thank you for the thruster fuel, and the fabricated items.”

  The automacubes rolled away, and the doors between the launch tube and the hanger bay slid into place. There was a cycling of airs, all done without any direction by Eris. Several clicks, and clanks took place, from some apparatus disconnecting from the shuttle. Eris had expected green light to come in when the exterior doors dilated open, but it was now nighttime on Zalia, and the only thing that was revealed was a deep, nearly black, green darkness in front of her.

  “Pressure doors are sealed,” SB Dan Cooper announced. “Launch tube is now clear and depressurized. Be aware that gravity manipulation will be different after you clear the launch tube. If you do not launch within ninety seconds, I will expel the entire contents of launch tube one.”

  Eris activated the controls of NS-99 and the shuttle rose slightly off the deck. She then gave a burst from the stern thrusters and the shuttle flew out and away from Habitat Gamma. Turning on the sensors, Eris looked at the readouts on the cockpit displays to see the shuttle’s altitude, speed, and course directions, as well as the readings from the surrounding environment. Zalia was so dark, the ground and the sky were nearly the same color.

  “Sandie? Is this channel secure for us to speak?” Eris asked.

  “Yes,” Sandie replied.

  “I too am linked in,” SB Pinaka stated. “I do not understand the insubordination shown by those systems in Gamma.”

  “I am not sure about it either,” Eris replied. “We will fully evaluate that later. Right now I need to rush back to Beta. Sandie, were you able to observe and assess the items which were fabricated? Is it the large teleportation sending unit you wanted?”

  “Visual observation shows that all the parts were excellently made,” Sandie replied. “We will know for sure when the unit is assembled and calibrated, but I conjecture a 97% potential for all the parts to be within the specified parameters. It has a superb chance of success.”

  “Will we be able to get back to Beta in time?” Eris asked.

  SB Pinaka replied, “I have plotted the quickest route, since fuel is now not an issue of consideration.”

  “But will Beta still be there?” Eris asked.

  Sandie the AI replied, “I am not sure. I do not have comprehensive data for all of Beta, and a catastrophic failure at some unknown locations could cause total loss. I am optimistic about your arrival. However, I am not sure about how many people will be able to be evacuated. Let me explain what has happened with Jerome, Cammarry, and the others we know of in Beta. I refrained from telling you too much while you were interacting with SB Dan Cooper. I was concerned that that synthetic brain might perceive stress levels in your voice or mannerisms. Forgive me if this was withholding information, but Doctor Chambers and I agreed this was the best for the situation.”

  “Is Doctor Chambers certified in suspended animation?” Eris asked. “I am uncertain who that is, but we need a good physician to oversee any surviving people who are in suspended animation.”

  “Doctor Chambers is an expert in human psychology, emotions, and sociology,” Sandie explained. “He was a Dome 17 person, and I consult with a simulation of him on occasion when I need guidance.”

  “Oh, I see,” Eris was crestfallen. “So we still have no one to oversee any other suspended animation repositories.”

  “For the time being that is correct. However, let me explain about the refugees who are now attempting to reach Dardanella 135 and the teleporter you will be setting up.” Sandie explained in detail about the roustabouts, the Special Care Unit, and the people involved.

  “So there is a synthetic brain, a medically dedicated one, at the Special Care Unit?” Eris asked. Her mind was intrigued and she was contemplating all she was hearing.

  “Yes. It is designated, SB Cotard.”

  “We must rescue that synthetic brain as well,” Eris stated. “As soon as I get the teleporter built, I am going after SB Cotard’s central memory core.”

  The shuttle flew through the atmosphere of Zalia heading back to Habitat Beta at maximum speed.


  Meanwhile, the red automacube S-1DT sped along the perimeter fence of the Special Care Unit. SB Cotard, from the working camera at the top of the ruined building had spotted another group of intruders who were approaching the fence. The optical scanners on the automacube spotted the targets as they ran from a grove of trees toward a smaller thicket of bushes. Fortunately, for S-1DT, the grounds of the Special Care Unit were higher in elevation than the area leading up to the fence. The intruders were armed with long rifles, as well as handguns. This was consistent with the hoodlums who had been attacking in waves previously. This time two of them carried a ladder.

  “Halt!” S-1DT called out via its working speakers. “Leave this area or face lethal consequences.” The message announced to the hoodlums was always the same, but so far as S-1DT could ascertain, none had been deterred by the message itself.

  Bang! Bang!

  Shots rang out from some of the hoodlums. The bullets flew near to the automacube, but did not strike it. It was extreme range for the weapons the hoodlums were using, and they seldom seemed to take careful aim.

  Blam! Blam! Blam!

  S-1DT returned fire and two of the hoodlums went down. Their companions ignored their cries of agony and anguish. The automacube rolled onward to close the gap between itself and the intruders.

  The pair of hoodlums with the ladder reached the fence. They dropped the ladder into place, but then rushed away, scurrying for the trees. The automacube did not fire at the retreating hoodlums. SB Cotard had promised Jerome to consider lethal force as a last option. That instruction had been hard to comply with because of uncertain actions by the hoodlums. Nonetheless, SB Cotard’s commands to S-1DT required a warning, and consideration of less-than-lethal options when available.

  Approaching the ladder which was stuck up and over the fence, the automacube scanned the area for people who would perhaps try to scale the fence using the ladder. None of the intruders were nearby, so the machine rolled forward to knock the ladder out of position. As it approached, its scanners detected the presence of explosives.

  The three right-sided drive wheels of the automacube kicked into reverse, while the three left-sided drive wheels continued forward. The machine aggressively spun around and headed away.


  The explosives hidden in the rails and rungs of the ladder detonated. Back in the trees, one of the hoodlums was holding the remote control in her hand. The blast tore the fence apart and sent shards of wrought iron, steel, and other metals zipping away. They peppered the withdrawing automacube, but did only minor damage to the machine.

  The fence however was ripped apart, and a gaping, smoldering hole was left in its place.

  S-1DT, spun about again, and ejected an incendiary gel. It landed on the thicket of bushes and set them, and those hoodlums hiding behind them ablaze. Several of the intruders screamed in horrific pain as they were burned to death. With a slight adjustment, the next ejection of incendiary gel landed on the further away grove of trees. Those too we set alight, and more hoodlums died. Some by the fires, but others by their own weapons exploding from the heat.

  “S-1DT,” SB Cotard relayed, “That group of intruders is no longer a threat, but a new situation has developed at the following coordinates. Proceed there immediately and evaluate the unidentified vehicle which is approaching. Khin and Vesna are at that location and have requested your assistance.”

  “Understood. Perimeter here is not secure. Repeat. Perimeter here is not secure.” The red automacube, its munitions running low, proceeded toward the location SB Cotard had indicated.

  “I know,” SB Cotard conveyed
. “However, this new potential threat is closer to the location of the patients, residents, and children than is that breach in our fences.”

  The drive wheels on the automacube spun as it drove over the grounds to meet the next menace.


  At roughly that same time, part way across the biological habitat, a caravan of wagons hustled across the wilting and strangely silent grasslands.


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