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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 202

by John Thornton

  Checking something on his bracelet, Colonel Harrison said, “I see the exchange is happening. It will run its course, but do not remove that cable connection.”

  Whispering to Cammarry Sandie said, “I will find out what we need to know. Keep the cable in place.”

  Sandie reduced the processing in that link to the Conestoga’s usual data transfer speed. That was a sluggish and tedious method for Sandie, but it occupied SB Louis Le Prince’s attention and was outside of the nonphysical barriers which the Zeta systems had erected. Sandie then shot a tendril of consciousness past those barriers in the nonphysicality of Zeta. That tendril landed behind the security perimeter at the edge of the Zeta nonphysicality. Sandie’s AI presence moved smoothly along the nearly perfect harmony of that nonphysicality. Other habitats on the divergent parts of the Colony Ship Conestoga had a nonphysicality which had been damaged, or shattered, or was littered with fissures, ruptures, and crevasses. Here, however, the Zeta nonphysicality was homogenized and standardized. There was some repaired damage which seemed to date to the time of the insurrection, but that was much more minor than Sandie expected. Overall, the systems connected in were intact, functional, and alert.

  Sandie, using the seeking tendril, and being covert and stealthy, did not inhibit, slow down, nor compensate at all for the Conestoga’s systems. Therefore, Sandie was far too quick to be easily perceived, even by the best systems of Zeta. Making an assessment of the functioning systems of Zeta, Sandie catalogued them. Synthetic Brain Louis Le Prince’s attention was on the data transfer. That system was overseer of the external flights and controls, the hanger bays, the microparticle turrets, and the exterior repair stations. The hanger bays in Zeta were all named Riley, followed by the numbers 01 through 12. As had been stated, Riley 12 was sealed. While they located were in the various hanger bays, the fifty Vindicator Missiles were not part of SB Louis Le Prince’s jurisdiction. Sandie noted that and made a point to investigate it, after reviewing the hanger bays in more detail.

  Sandie spent a bit of time analyzing the state of Riley 12. The log for that hanger bay did show the tragic events that had happened there. Ten shuttles were lost with the deaths of eighty-one people. That included Colonel Harrison’s parents and older brother. There were an additional three hundred nineteen deaths in the other parts of the shell and the biome prior to the ending of the gravity sink hole incidents. The log recorded ‘fourteen Pinhead vehicles destroyed’ with an ‘uncounted number of dead Pinheads.’ Sandie studied the log records. As with all human recordings there were some discrepancies, between the various reports which were made, but more than Sandie had expected.

  Then, using apertures accessed through the nonphysicality, Sandie assessed the structural layout and noted the Crock tunnel which had been connected carefully onto the hanger bay’s exterior doors. While the door had been forced shut, that alien tunnel was still latched onto the outer hull. Viewing it as accurately as possible, Sandie perceived the tunnel had served as an airlock and gas exchanger. Sandie wanted to explore that tunnel much more extensively, but the nonphysicality did not extend into the Crock’s engineering constructions. Sandie did contemplate possible reasons for why the Crocks would want to actively protect Zeta’s inner atmosphere, which was foreign to them, if they were genuinely trying to come inside and plant destructive devices. It made no sense. The Crocks could have just pried open the hanger bay and allowed the Zalian atmosphere to enter. The planet’s atmosphere itself was a lethal weapon which would have done considerable damage. Yet, the Crocks had not done that, but had used their tunnel to exchange gases to keep the hanger bay’s conditions unchanged, even though they entered it with their metal vehicles. There was an incongruity, but Sandie considered it possible that an alien mind, or minds would not think the same way as an artificial intelligence system would. Sandie knew human intelligence did not think the same way as she did, so how much more foreign and strange would an alien mind be? Even factoring in the potential for different thought patterns, the basic logic seemed flawed. Sandie doubted the Crocks had attacked trying to cause death and destruction, but was unable to conjecture a reliable alternative narrative.

  Sandie’s tendril pressed on. Evaluating the shell which surrounded Zeta’s biome, Sandie saw it had been completely repaired since the incursion incident. Sandie then encountered the intact SB Malson, which oversaw all of Zeta’s suspended animation repositories. Sandie remained unobserved by that system. There were 13,160 people divided into seven different repositories. Sandie was impressed by the 94% success rate SB Malson had at keeping the people alive in their suspended animation cocoons. A note was made to inform Captain Eris of these passengers. Sandie envisioned Eris being elated at the finding. Running some deeper probes, into SB Malson’s connections and links, Sandie wondered about a lattice of compeers for Zeta. Why had Sandie not encountered a lattice? There were no traces of an interconnection of the artificial intelligences and the synthetic brains.

  That contemplative action brought to Sandie’s awareness an artificial intelligence system which had escaped the destruction of the insurrection. This AI, called Kokou, was the overarching supervisor for Zeta. It regulated the solar mimicry, and its main reactors. It kept gravity manipulation at earth-normal. It monitored all egress points, and controlled Machine Maintenance. It was roughly twice as quick as SB Louis Le Prince, but was still crawling along relative to the analytical and processing ability of Sandie. Nothing in Zeta compared to Sandie. AI Kokou was restricted by the lack of a lattice, and had to interface with the other systems individually and in series, and not simultaneously.

  Skimming along the logged records of the sky tube, Sandie encountered another synthetic brain, SB Narava. That system, subordinate to AI Kokou, but not linked to a lattice, was tasked with care and nurturance of the biome. It coordinated the weather, the soil replenishment, animal husbandry, and floral conservation. It had its own subservient system, SB Putukad, which managed insects and microorganisms. Again, these systems communicated in series, and not simultaneously. It greatly reduced their efficiency.

  Scanning the biome, Sandie noted a vibrant temperate evergreen forest ecosystem in steady homeostasis. Animal life was abundant and flourishing. Amid the ecosystem there were scattered farms, ranches, and two towns. In the town of Fraganeo there were 2,345 people. At the other end of Zeta was the town of Elbe where 2,616 people lived. At the center of the biome, there was a massive industrial complex which took up three square kilometers. Another 1,089 people were working there. It did not look like it belonged in the scheme of the biome, and so Sandie investigated.

  It was a nuclear weapons production complex.

  Continuing to search, Sandie perceived that the nuclear weapons complex was managed by a system which appeared new, compared to the other Conestoga synthetic brains and artificial intelligences. The central memory core of this system was not exactly like that of a synthetic brain’s, nor was it identical to an artificial intelligence’s central memory core. It was more sophisticated and compact than either, yet not to the level of Sandie’s own Atomic Level Processor. As Sandie studied it further, the speed and accuracy of that system was a surprise. Sandie narrowly avoided its scrutiny.

  “Something unauthorized is here,” that newer system conveyed. “I am Hanna Reitsch of Combat Intelligence Command. You will reveal yourself to me immediately.”

  Sandie issued no response, but used extra care and caution around this CIC Hanna Reitsch. It was running the nuclear weapons factory, as well as being hard-linked to the launch controls of all fifty of the Vindicator Missiles. Forty-seven of the missiles were ready for launch. The warheads for the last three were just coming off the assembly at the nuclear weapons factory. Sandie’s tendril entered into the nuclear weapons factory’s controls and surveyed the entire setup. Log entries were scanned, and Sandie recovered the most recent entries made by Colonel Harrison. They had been directed from Colonel Harrison himself to CIC Hanna Reitsch.




  Sandie double checked the commands and saw that there was a countdown happening. It would only take three hours for the warheads to be shipped from the factory to the final hanger bay, and loading them would take only fifteen minutes after that. They were already armed and ready.

  Sandie was concerned, deeply concerned. There was a serious conundrum.

  Calculating flight time from Zeta to the nearest potentially safe location, which was Habitat Theta, Sandie saw that the flight would last four hours and eighteen minutes. That was factoring in immediate departure, maximum thruster burn, and assuming Theta had functional hanger bays to make docking possible. That final consideration was an unknown, as Theta’s status showed structural damage, but readings did indicate some functioning was available.

  Flying the shuttle to Alpha would take even longer.

  Ascending up from Zeta in the shuttle to reach orbit and escape the firestorms, radiation, and the blasts from the nuclear detonations of Operation Cleansing Fire was not possible in the time allotted. A direct and rapid powered escape from the heavy gravity and thick atmosphere of Zalia could be managed, but that would exhaust all of the shuttle’s thruster fuel. Therefore, the shuttle would be left in a deteriorating orbit without any maneuvering ability. That orbit would be a long distance from the needle ship, and while Captain Eris could possibly arrange to fly a different shuttle to rescue the people in NS-99, it was doubtful that could be arranged before the shuttle fell back into the atmosphere and burned up upon reentry.

  A slower and more efficient method of reaching orbit, which would allow for thruster fuel use to be minimized, would utilize the advantages of the shuttle’s aerofoil-shaped wings, using the principles of camber and lift, but required the shuttle to fly through the thick Zalian and make a more gentle ascent. Sandie calculated that having the shuttle take a course which would knife through the atmosphere at an efficient angle upward, rather than blasting directly out, would allow for enough thruster fuel after reaching orbit. However, that tapered flight approach would take too long and the shuttle would be caught in the nuclear nightmare of Operation Cleansing Fire.

  Sandie concluded that there was no possible way for Jerome, Cammarry, and Alizon to survive Operation Cleansing Fire except to stay in Zeta. After all the nuclear detonations, Sandie conjectured a 97% probability of losing all contact between Zeta and the needle ship in orbit. Loss of contact between the habitats, which were on the ground, was conjectured at over 99% probability. So Sandie was facing near-certain isolation and separation from Jerome and Cammarry if they remained in Zeta.

  To Sandie, the situation was absolutely unacceptable.

  Shoving the tendril deeper, Sandie desperately looked for some way to slow down the operation, in order to allow the three people, Jerome, Cammarry, and Alizon, to get back to Alpha or the needle ship. This search dug deeply into Zeta’s nonphysicality and surveyed every aspect which might offer some alternative.

  “Security alert!” CIC Hanna Reitsch conveyed, one by one, to all the systems connected into the nonphysicality. “Security alert!” It was not a lattice, per se, but the series of commands went quickly from system to system until all of Zeta was warned. “Security alert!”

  Back in the conference room, eighty-five seconds had passed since Cammarry had plugged in the cable from her com-link.

  Alarm claxons went off. Red lights came on which flashed in the conference room.

  Colonel Harrison stood and nodded to Adjutant Caley. In a blur of motion, she drew her sidearm, and stepped in front of Colonel Harrison. Adjutant Caley was wielding an energy weapon, but it was not familiar to Jerome or Cammarry. They had seen nothing like it on the Conestoga before. While the design was new, the lethality of the weapon was obvious, as was the proficiency with which Adjutant Caley handled it. She had it pointed at the ceiling, but she looked ready to use it on anyone of the three seated at the table.

  “Please remain where you are,” Colonel Harrison ordered, “I will see to this emergency. Adjutant Caley, make sure our guests remain here.” He turned and left.

  “Yes sir,” Adjutant Caley snapped back.

  Sandie spoke quietly to Jerome and Cammarry through the com-links. “I have been detected by an advanced military system here, CIC Hanna Reitsch. It does not know what I am, but I have triggered some kind of security breach. I did learn that you are in grave danger. You must leave now!”

  Jerome almost spoke, as Sandie’s words sounded so much like the Crock’s warning message. ‘You leave now,’ raced through his mind.

  Cammarry reached to unjack the cable connection. “We will just take our information and depart now.”

  Adjutant Caley aimed the energy weapon at Cammarry’s face. “You will not touch any of the gear. You are to remain here. Have some lunch, and relax. You will be my guest, or my prisoner. That choice is yours, but you will remain here.”

  Alizon stood up. “Please point that weapon in a safe direction. You will not threaten the beautiful woman.”

  “She just needs to behave, and nothing will happen,” Adjutant Caley stated calmly. “All of you, just relax and there will be no problems. I have no desire to harm anyone here, but you will obey the Colonel’s orders.” The energy weapon did not move even a millimeter. It remained aimed right at Cammarry’s face.

  “So, I will leave the com-link attached,” Cammarry said, and leaned slightly back.

  Sandie spoke to Cammarry, “You must leave the com-link attached as a transponder and amplifier so I can continue working here. But you will need to remove it from your ear. I have set it so I can listen here, and keep linked to my Atomic Level Processor in the scout ship. You will need to work with Jerome to escape. A diversion is coming.”

  Cammarry looked at the food on the table. “May I have some of this? I will need to take off the com-link to reach the table.”

  “No foolish heroics,” Adjutant Caley replied, “Go ahead and remove the device from your ear, but it remains plugged into the access port.”

  “I understand.” Slipping the com-link from her ear, Cammarry let it dangle from the cable where it was jacked into the access port. She glanced at the food as if she were about to partake in it.

  Sandie then switched to Jerome’s com-link and said quietly. “I am about to cause a diversion. Only you will be able to hear me. I am unable to conjecture estimates of success, as there are too many unknowns, but when the diversion happens, you three must head to NS-99. Currently, I can gain control of that hanger bay and allow you to escape, I hope. The diversion will happen now.”

  For a moment there was no activity. Then a nearly panicked man burst into the room. He was wearing the same style uniform as Colonel Harrison and Adjutant Caley. “Colonel?” His eyes were wide and pupils tiny. “Adjutant? Riley 02 and Riley 03 are being forced open from outside. The Pinheads are prying open the hanger bay doors! What should we do? They have scaffolds up against the hull. None of which were there moments before.”

  “Sergeant Brookfield, watch these people. I will check it out.” Adjutant Caley holstered her energy weapon in a smooth motion, and clicked on a previously unnoticed bracelet. “Colonel Harrison, emergency in Riley 02 and Riley 03. I am initiating anti-boarding protocol.” She darted out the door. Her footsteps were heard as she was running down the hallway.

  Before the door could close, Cammarry jumped up from the table. Jerome threw a platter of food right into the face of Sergeant Brookfield as he sought to draw out his own sidearm. He was not anywhere nearly as efficient as was Adjutant Caley. The tossed food distracted him enough to allow Cammarry to land a cruel kick to his left knee. It buckled backward and he fell onto the table.
Jerome grabbed his head and slammed it down onto the table again, knocking him unconscious, as both he and the table toppled over. The energy weapon he had just gotten free from his holster went tumbling down amidst the scattered foods and platters.

  “I have the door open,” Alizon cried out. “I assume we are leaving?”

  Cammarry looked for the energy weapon, but Jerome forcefully pulled her by the arm. “No time! Sandie just said they have started Operation Cleansing Fire. We must get away!”

  “What? A nuclear nightmare?” Cammarry touched her own ear, which was now empty of the com-link as it still plugged into the access port. It dangled from the wall, but was still linked in. “Can Sandie stop it?”

  “She is trying, but we must leave now!” Jerome answered.

  Cammarry shook off Jerome’s grip and ran for the door. Alizon and she slipped into the hallway and Jerome was right behind them.

  “Sandie has blocked out their SB Louis Le Prince, and our shuttle should be free to escape. Sandie has also shut down all the doors around us, but there are Zeta personnel in…”


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