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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 238

by John Thornton

  “There are five people still in suspended animation. All the readings are normal and AI Batibat has been linked in to oversee those five people,” Sandie replied but then hesitated.

  “Sandie? What is it? There is more, what are you not telling me?” Eris demanded.

  “As I was about to say, the abductor, Mariamne, is alive and in guarded custody. She is being prepared for transport to the medical facilities in Alpha. She is obviously deranged, and SB Cotard will be seeing to her medical and mental health conditions. Disturbingly, she recounts that all six of these people are insurrectionists. It is possible, and SB Cotard has yet to determine her trustworthiness in reporting, but it is possible she is telling the truth. None of the Conestoga’s logs have any records of these people. None have identification tracking implants, and the logs on the suspended animation cocoons show they have been in an emergency manual mode for seventy years, eighteen days. In those years, each cocoon was opened for five days out of every thirty. Apparently, according to Mariamne’s rantings, each person took a turn as a sentinel called the guardian. Five days all alone, down in that repository, overseeing the other five occupants.”

  “A rapid emergency reanimation once every month? Seriously? Oh, my gracious. The risk for emotional and mental trauma is immense. How many medical automacubes were there tending to them? Did they use the emergency medical suspended animation protocols? That would be the only way I can imagine they would have any success at all. What do those doctors report?” Eris asked.

  “There were no medical services of any kind attending to those cocoons and their occupants. The logs show they were manually revived and manually reinserted each time. You are correct, they did use the emergency medical suspended animation procedures, but in ways never intended. They coupled that into the long term suspended animation cocoons. In some ways, it was a very unique and innovative arrangement, but far outside of standard operating procedures. It was all dependent entirely on routine and ongoing human oversight.” Sandie stated in a clinical manner, with hardly any expression or altered tones. “Tragically, apparently, it was during Mariamne’s time as guardian that she dressed in the modified labor exoskeleton costume and stalked the corridors seeking children. Claire’s and Dmitar’s accounts confirm she kidnapped them dressed as the monster, and then sought to be their Auntie Mariamne.”

  “A pathological personality.” The lights on the display in front of Eris flashed a series of colors, which reflected off her mocha complexion. The readings were troubling. “That prisoner must be securely confined, away from our people. What we ultimately do with her is a discussion for another time. Sandie hold tight for a moment.” Eris adjusted some controls, and ran another scan of space. Its findings were coming back. “AI Batibat?”

  “Yes, Captain,” the artificial intelligence system responded. “You usually contact me through the lattice of compeers, how may I assist?”

  “Those newly recovered people in Repository 997, I think that was the location,” Eris began. “I want you to…”

  “Yes, Captain, that is a fascinating…”

  “Just listen to me,” Eris interrupted. “Return the prisoner to Repository 997 immediately. I want her in suspended animation as soon as possible. No arguments! All those people in there are each considered as a high-risk security threat to the Conestoga. Do not allow any of them to be revived without my express permission. Keep them safe and securely in suspended animation, but away from all other people. I do not trust any of them. Be on alert for strange or bizarre subroutines. They have modified that repository dramatically. Beware some unexpected human interference. If there are others wandering in those areas, they might come back there. I am authorizing an engineering, a medical, and a security automacube to be present at that location at all times.”

  “Captain Eris, I hardly think that is necessary,” AI Batibat began, but Eris interrupted again. “The proper…”

  “Your position is noted, but the decision is final.”

  Eris tapped her com-link. “Sandie, make sure that prisoner is returned to that original repository. Stabilize any of her injuries, but put her in suspended animation as soon as possible. I will not risk Alpha by exposure to these people. That is unacceptable.”

  “I understand Captain Eris. I am sending out those commands,” Sandie replied.

  “Captain Eris, I hardly feel a wounded person is a threat,” AI Batibat stated. “She is already set for transport and…”

  “Please do what I say, without delay. I will have Sandie override your system if necessary. I appreciate you help, but this subject is not open for debate.” Eris cut the link. She then tapped the com-link on her ear. She also silently prayed for help as she looked at the displays. They confirmed her fears.

  “Sandie, the Jellie ship is on the move again. How soon will the scout be detached? I am afraid the Jellies are about to set off another neutrino disruption charge.”

  “The engineering automacubes have just finished removing the console and are about to move my Atomic Level Processor. I will be unable to interact with anyone during the transition while it is reinstalled into the engineering automacube. After that, the separation of the scout will take fifteen minutes. The remote control for its FTL drive is in place, and can be accessed from the defense station and or from the bridge. Jerome is currently observing the proceedings,” Sandie replied.

  “Make it happen as quickly as possible. The Jellie ship is moving, not toward us, but last time it was moving it set off one of those charges, and we just got lucky. They cannot find us. Not yet, hopefully not ever.”

  “Yes, Captain. Your commands have been implemented. I am going under for now. Sorry I will not be available for a while. God speed to you, Captain Eris. I will respond as soon as reinstallation is completed,” Sandie said.

  Eris smiled. “God be with you Sandie.” Eris adjusted the controls on her chair. “Monika? Are you manning the defenses?”

  “Yes, Captain. Jerome is predisposed,” Monika said. “I see the Jellie ship is moving. We now have seven Willie Cannons operational, as well as the five probes. Some of the Vindicator Missiles are in the hanger bays, but none are yet operational.”

  “I know Jerome is in teleportation seeing to the scout. I understand why he is there,” Eris said. “Hold your fire on all systems until we know what is happening.”

  “I will wait for your orders,” Monika said.

  They both watched their separate display screens as the Jellie ship traveled on its course. There was no discernable method in its mysterious movements.

  “Captain? This is Siva in engineering. I am unable to contact Sandie. Have we been attacked?”

  “No, but Sandie is unavailable for a while,” Eris responded.

  “Sandie told me that would happen, but not when, nor for how long. I also just received some comprehensive plans for repairing the Conestoga’s main drive, using automacubes. To be more precise, the energy feeds into the main drive. Damaged areas were in something called the Shah of Persia Energy Concentrator. Strange name, also known as the Hallway of Forever? Some breaks in that energy channel look like the major problem area which I missed before. Sorry about that. Nearby to that is something called the Burning Netherworld? That spot is serving as a heat sump. Basically, a place where the excess energy has been dumped. It, like that energy concentrator, runs the length of the ship, but that place is overheating due to improper venting which was also contributing to why our alignments and ejections were not working. The repairs are underway, which Sandie arranged. I estimate we could run a full scale main drive test quickly now, if needed. However, that would involve a complete venting of all the overheated chambers to the exterior. No more Burning Netherworld. We shoot out all that heat into space, and we will be glowing like the carousel on a dark night. We will be rather bright on every visual, energy, and if there was conduction in space, even auditory discovery method out there. Eyes, ears, and noses will know where we are. Do Jellies have those? In fact, when we do
this, the Jellies will probably be able to taste our spicy heat.”

  “Understood. Thank you, Siva. I know the needle ship’s main drive with its bow-to-stern energy collector is vastly complicated. My own junior level engineering training barely equipped me for the basics of that drive. I applaud you! Standby to initiate the drive, but wait for my instructions,” Eris replied. Turning away she commanded, “SB Pinaka, give me your best analysis of what the Jellie ship is doing.”

  The main display screen switched and showed the Jellie ship. Its purple glow irritated, but SB Pinaka adjusted the filters and that infuriating annoyance was scaled back to a tolerable bluish purple glow.

  “The lattice of compeers has reviewed all that we have observed of this Jellie ship. We have no suggestions on its possible actions. Sandie was reviewing the records from the Zalians, but those are not yet fully translated, collated, and searchable by the lattice,” SB Pinaka responded. “We do suggest moving the entire human population into the Alpha biome. That structure is the most reinforced section of the Conestoga. Its double hulled shell offers advantages which are not available on the needle ship. It could serve as refuge in time of attack.”

  “The general public does not even know that the Jellies are out there,” Eris lamented. “Panic will set in, if they even believe me. But send out a message to Wanda of the Fruit People, and to Fedders and Dick of the Chicken People, also get word to Khin’s parents, Otau and Majka. Tell them during this last flight, that they suggest people go to Alpha… no wait. Do not do that.” Eris prayed and wondered how much to tell, and to whom. Her mind whirled. Then she decided. “No, cancel my instructions. Tell them nothing. If we get attacked, we will need to have people in various places to respond and report, and that includes across the needle ship. They might not be safest, but everyone is now part of the militia for defending the Conestoga. I just hope we do not need to summon them. Instead, alert every automacube, of all types, to be ready to respond to an incursion. Also, have all emergency bulkheads, containment curtains, and locks ready. If we get attacked, I want to be able to segment the Conestoga to retain atmosphere.”

  “Yes, Captain Eris,” SB Pinaka returned.

  “This blasted waiting is difficult,” Monika stated. Her face was on one of Eris’ smaller screens.

  “Eris? The scout has been shoved away. We did it with a pneumatic burst,” Jerome’s voice came through the com-link. “That should leave no energy on the hull, or if there was some, it will be very minor and hard to see. May I make a suggestion?”

  “What is it Jerome?” Eris asked.

  “If the Jellies detonate another neutrino disruption charge, immediately launch the FTL in the scout. They will think we are running away. It might work like the lure Monika suggested, if the timing is correct.”

  “That is a good idea,” Eris sighed out. She felt nervous when speaking to Jerome, as he was older, from Dome 17 with its advanced technology, and she was unsure of his reactions. “We are hardened now against neutrino disruption, at least in our scanning and perceiving technology. Monika, you will be backup on engaging the scout’s FTL. If a Jellie’s detonation hits us, and I do not engage it, you should not wait longer than thirty seconds before you do so.”

  “Yes, I will do that Captain.”

  So, now we watch and we wait,” Eris said. She wondered again about her decision about keeping people on the needle ship. She prayed about that and wrestled with seeing value in both options.

  “I will return to the defense station,” Jerome said. Nothing more can be done here. The automacube carrying Sandie will accompany me while they finish reinstallation and initiation. Did Sandie tell you how long it would take?”

  “It sounded like it would be almost instantaneously upon reinstallation,” Eris said. “I had expected that Sandie would be back with us by now.”

  “Captain Eris,” SB Pinaka stated. “Detonation detected. This is unlike…”

  All the screens and displays which were glowing in their multiple colors suddenly went to a soft fuzzy gray. The overhead lights remained on, but they were the only illumination now on the bridge. A strange smell and hum floated over the area. No voices came through any of the intercom systems. No discernable images on any screens.

  “SB Pinaka! Report!” Eris commanded.

  There was no response.

  Eris slammed her hand against the display where the FTL scout’s remote control touch switch had been located. Nothing happened.

  Eris’ hand grabbed levers and switches. She quickly dialed some backup manual controls, but could not activate the scout’s FTL remote, nor could she regain any observations or scans of what was happening outside of the Conestoga. No links or couplings were found going anywhere in the nonphysicality. The bridge was isolated. She prayed and closed her eyes

  As Eris’ consciousness rushed into the shadowlands, she summoned forth all members. The two artificial intelligences immediately popped into her perspective. The blue sky was still congealing into its pretty colors and white clouds were forming as the phantasms of those AIs appeared.

  “AI Batibat, AI Seljak, immediately restore all external views. Connect me to the FTL remote control for the scout. Tell me what is happening!” Eris screamed. “Bring Monika in here now!”

  Monika’s image appeared, but was somewhat hazy and still seated before a ghostly version of the monitors in the defense station. Her eyes were flipping from screen to screen, and then looked up. “I am here Eris.” Her voice was controlled, but stressed. “The Jellies detonated something. I am launching the FTL scout.” Monika’s hand was blurry, as she operated the controls in the real world, while the impressions and apparitions of those same controls were reflected there in the shadowlands. “FTL systems on the scout are firing!”

  “Excellent. What happened? We were hardened against the Jellie detonations. I must know what is happening!”

  AI Seljak answered in its somewhat whimsical voice. “Our optics and scanners are now hardened against neutrino disruption charges. However, this time, the Jellies detonated a charge which altered sleptons and pseudo-muons. Defense and Counter Assault Control were protected, partially, from those disruptions, but not entirely. The permalloy which encases….”

  “Explain the details later. And call it the Defense station. Get me some views outside. What is happening?” Eris commanded. “Where is the Jellie ship?”

  “I am linking a monitor to you on the bridge,” Monika stated. “I think it will come in through our com-links. The nonphysicality is not smooth, nor consistent right now. My com-link will send, yours will receive.”

  Eris reached up and, while in the shadowlands there had been no visible com-link over her ear, as she touched herself the com-link’s counterpart in the shadowlands appeared under her hand. A display screen flickered on in front of her, projected from nowhere that was observable.

  “Well done Monika! I can see some readings,” Eris replied.

  Eris looked closely. The Conestoga’s hull was intact, both around Alpha Habitat and the length of the needle ship. Environmental factors were reading essentially unchanged. The display then split and showed status reports on one side, and an external view on the other. As Eris looked to the external view, suddenly there was a white flash where there had only been the blackness of space just moments before.

  “The FTL scout is gone. I hope the Jellies take the bait!” Monika stated. She was unaware that some of her roustabout friends were watching her from within the shadowlands.

  “Destination?” Eris asked.

  “Sandie never said. At least not to me.” Monika still had access to some scanners and optics which were operational. She connected them in quickly to the com-link system, although it was a patchwork, as the detonation and disruption charge had played havoc with couplings and links. It had left life support and the Alpha biome intact, as those systems were more fortified against interruption. Monika’s head was throbbing as she worked, trying to make connections, and at the same time,
be part of the shadowlands as well. It was truly strange, and she felt as if she were in two places at once.

  “Relax Monika, I am assisting in here. You are doing well,” Shadow stated. “I can finalize these links via liaising circuits, and will complete and confirm those couplings.”

  “Monika has rerouted some camera apertures,” AI Batibat stated. “I will drive those views into the bridge monitors which will be reflected here in the shadowlands. You should see the Jellie ship now.”

  A second display opened in front of Eris. The two display screens appeared to hang unsupported in the air. It was incongruous with the fake pastoral setting of the shadowlands. Somehow Eris wondered if Captain Lechner had ever thought his Shadow Level Clearance would be used against a threat originating outside of the Conestoga. Then she thought of the Cosmic Crinkle which was obviously outside of the ship. ‘External threat or internal insurrection? Which was Shadow designed for?’

  “I am what I am,” Shadow stated to Eris.

  Despite all her racing thoughts, Eris could now see the Jellie ship. It had moved toward them. It was flashing very rapidly, alternating between deep purple, and neon blue colors. Eris expected the pink destruction beam to strike at any moment. Then, enigmatically, the Jellie ship was gone.


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