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Jennifer's Choice

Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  By the time Wood walks back out from his shower, dinner is ready, and I’ve already got Wade’s put on a plate and cut up for him. There’s very little sauce on it; just enough to let him have a taste without upsetting his stomach. As we sit down, Wood sits on one side of me while the high chair is at the end of the table and then Boy Scout sits on the other side of my son.

  “How was your day?” I ask, not wanting to have a night of silence through dinner.

  “It was okay. Busy,” Wood answers while Boy Scout says his was slow and boring. “What did you do today, Spitfire?”

  “I cleaned and hung out with Wade. We played out back for a little bit this morning so he’d go down easier for a nap. Then I caught up on homework I need to turn in tomorrow,” I say, watching as Wade picks up a few pieces of the slippery noodles in his hand and shove them in his mouth.

  “Did you get it all done?” Boy Scout asks, putting his fork down and taking a sip of his beer.

  “Yeah. It was some accounting work I needed to finish up. Then study for a test,” I tell him, looking between the two men.

  They both murmur their approval before finishing their dinner. While I take Wade directly into the tub, they clean up the kitchen and make sure all the food is put away, and that I don’t need to do anything other than sit on the couch between them so we can get this conversation over with.

  As I share my story with the guys, I stand up and begin pacing back and forth across the room. It’s the only way I’m going to get through this talk. At a few parts in during my story, Wood and Boy Scout flinch. I’m almost ready to stop telling them what I’ve been through, but I know they need to hear it.

  The guys seem to be digesting everything. Looking up under my eye lashes, I don’t see pity or disgust in their eyes. Wood looks at me like I’ve been to hell and managed to survive somehow. There’s a hint of pride and anger that I’ve had to go through all that. Boy Scout looks at me with a sheen of tears filling his eyes. I can’t imagine the horror he’s going to tell us, but I can feel nothing but strength and power coming off of him and being directed toward me.

  Wood wraps his arms around me and positions himself behind me so that he can have contact with me without pulling me away from Boy Scout. I place my hand on Boy Scouts cheek and he leans into my touch.

  “Baby, I knew you were strong as fuck, but I didn’t know you were that strong,” Boy Scout says. “I know you think that you’re weak and not a very strong person; but you’re wrong. It takes a really strong person to overcome everythin’ you’ve been through and want to make a better life for your son and you. It just makes me fall for you even harder than I already am.” He brushes his lips against mine before settling back in his corner of the couch. “You’re not damaged and broken. You were in a place some consider rock bottom. Now the only place you have to go is up.”

  “I agree with Boy Scout. You’ve had one hell of a beginnin’ to life. No one was there to protect you like they should have. You don’t have to worry about that anymore. From the day we met you, there was somethin’ about you that made us want you. No, it’s not gonna be a traditional life, but it’s the one we live and the one we want,” Wood says pulling me back against his chest. “Jennifer, it’s okay to want us both. We’ll make this work and be a family. Wade and you are already our family, you just need to accept it, and realize we’re not goin’ anywhere,” His heart beats against my back as he wraps his arms around me, but lets me keep contact with Boy Scout.

  “What happens when you decide I’m not enough for you two? I may have fucked more men than either one of you, but in the grand scheme of things, I’m as inexperienced as a virgin. I’m not good at this stuff like Collette and Ginger,” I ask, needing to know what they say to that before I make any final decisions.

  “Collette and Ginger are property of the club. Yeah, they’ll be around and they’ll be pissed that they don’t get to sink their claws into us, but that’s on them. If they step out of line in any way, they’ll be banned from the club. Any protection that they were gettin’ is gone and they’d be on the street,” Wood says, turning my head until I’m looking at him. “We don’t want them and would never turn from you to them. We don’t give a fuck how experienced you are or aren’t in the bedroom; we’ll teach you anythin’ you want to do or know.”

  “Why would we waste our time on them when you are the one that makes us feel things we’ve never felt before?” Boy Scout asks, reaching out to lay a hand on my bare thigh.

  “I know. It’s just, I hear them making comments and things whenever I’m at the clubhouse. They say it’s just a matter of time before you’re back in bed with them while I’m at home with Wade. Waiting on you, and never realizing that you’re keeping your side piece,” I tell them, wanting them to know I do have reason for my fear of that happening and it not just me being insecure.

  “We’ll take care of them, Spitfire. We’re not goin’ anywhere, and we’ll prove that to you every single day,” he says, nodding to Boy Scout so that he can share his story with us now.

  In a way, I feel freer than I have in my entire life. It’s good to let this stuff out, and not worry about what they’re going to do when they find out. The story is out in the open now, and they’re not running scared, they’re not judging me, and they aren’t going to use it against me. Instead, I feel like they’ll make sure no one mentions it while they guard my secret with their lives. If anyone finds out, it won’t be from them. The love I feel right now coming from Wood and Boy Scout is more than I ever dreamed possible.

  Chapter Eleven

  Boy Scout

  I SIT BACK on the couch, keeping my hand on J’s leg. She’s grounding me and reminding me they’re my family and I shouldn’t feel like they’re going to judge me and make me feel less than I am. I have no clue how they’re going to react to what I have to tell them. It scares me, but I know that if J can share her story, I can share mine. Shaking my head, I clear my thoughts and let the demons out of the boxes I keep them hidden away in.

  “When I was born, I didn’t have a dad. As soon as he found out my mom was pregnant, he took off. At least, that’s the story she tells. Honestly, she probably didn’t know who my dad was and didn’t care to look for him. That would mean she’d have to care about me. My mom was a junkie. Anythin’ she could ingest, inject, or smoke, she was doin’. Started before I was born and lasted until the day she died of an overdose.

  “As I got older, I knew somethin’ was different. When I was in school, I’d see dads pickin’ their kids up, and moms that actually cared about their kids. My mom never showed up for anythin’ and didn’t even care if I went to school or not. The only reason I went was so CPS wouldn’t come take me away from her. It was bad enough on me when the school called them because I wasn’t washed and didn’t have clothes that actually fit me. There were bruises on me because my mom took her anger and frustration out on me when she couldn’t get her next fix. That’s not where my abuse ended though,” I say, taking a deep breath and turning away from J and Wood before I continue.

  “The sexual abuse started when I was about thirteen. I was tall and found things to do so I could gain weight. Even went so far as to steal food from wherever I could. When I started to really grow, my mom had a fit because she had to get me new clothes. Anyway, her solution to that problem was to start pimpin’ me out to her friends.

  “At first it was just the females. Then one day, a man that came over to get laid and give my mom her daily fix decided he wanted me to suck him off. I was fifteen the day that happened. He forced himself on me and took more than I wanted to give. I tried to fight back, but he was stronger and bigger than me. With no food in the house, it was hard to gain muscle because I couldn’t work out the way I wanted to.

  “That went on with different people until I hit seventeen and gained a ton of muscle. Between Wood and a coach at school, I was fed properly, clothed, and encouraged to work out. Yeah, J, Wood and I have known one another a long fucking time. Anyw
ay, I was seventeen when I took my first life. The man that had raped me repeatedly was my victim. See, he didn’t care that I was bigger and could fight him off. He thought I’d stay the submissive, and take what he wanted to give me.

  “I left my house that day and started crashin’ on Wood’s couch. He gave me a roof over my head, food, and made sure I graduated from school and had a job to pay for what I wanted. I’ve never told a single person what actually happened behind closed doors in my old trailer; until now. That was a shame I kept to myself and still think about every single day of my life. Wood and the club are the only ones I’ve ever let close to me, and it still wasn’t enough to let them in to share that with.”

  I keep my head down and hold my breath to wait and see what their response is going to be. It seems like hours drag by before my arms are spread apart and J climbs into my lap. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me close to her body.

  Her tears soak my shirt as she lets us comfort one another. My body is shaking with the feeling I have running through me right now. Instead of pushing me away or being disgusted by my past, she’s comforting me, letting me know without words that she’ll have my back. She’s crying for the little boy that was violated and had his childhood stolen from him. The little boy that no one protected until Wood came into his life.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Wood asks, wrapping his arms around J and me. He’s always going to be our protector. The man that will do anything in his power to ensure we’re happy, safe, and loved for the rest of our lives.

  “If that happened to you, would you tell anyone? I thought somethin’ was wrong with me and that if I shared my secret everyone would think I was a fuckin’ freak,” I tell them. “I was a scrawny kid growin’ up, you saw me, Wood, and I couldn’t fight back. The guy scared the livin’ shit out of me and that made me feel worse.

  “It’s one thing to know that your own parent doesn’t love you, and is willin’ to trade you for drugs. It’s another thing completely when you’re sexually abused by not just women, but a man or two because you were scared and couldn’t fight them off. My mom laughed at me while I was bein’ violated, and didn’t let me forget a single second until she died.”

  Tears run down my face as my shame continues to pour out of me. J still has her body wrapped around mine, peppering my shoulder and neck with feather-light kisses. A shudder runs through my body at her brief, repeated contact. My cock hardens as I look over her head at Wood. He knows what I’m thinking-just like I know he’s thinking that tonight isn’t the time to make her ours in every way possible. Tonight is a turning point for sure, but it’s not the time to bring sex into the relationship.

  “Guys,” she murmurs, keeping her head in my shoulder as she wraps one arm around Wood while keeping the other one firmly around me. “I think I’m ready. Wade and I will move in with you.”

  Wood and I look at one another and smiles break out on our faces. I knew something had changed within her; something made her want to open up to us. When we decided tonight would be the night to open up and bare ourselves, I didn’t think she’d agree to move in right now. We want it, and it’s good to know that she wants it too. It shows us she’s in this for more than just our protection or some misguided need to have her saviors by her side while stringing us along.

  “You sure?” Wood asks, pulling back and looking down at her as she finally lifts her head.

  “Yes. Tomorrow after I get out of class I’ll get things packed up and let you know when I’m done. It’s a short day because my afternoon class got canceled. He’s out sick and we’ll have to make it up in a few days,” she says, pulling away from me and getting off the couch.

  “We’ll be here as soon as we can. We can order out for dinner and have a quiet night at home,” I say, watching her walk toward the bedroom. I’m sure she’s exhausted after the sharing we did. I know I am.

  “Let’s head to bed,” Wood says, making his way to the door to begin locking up and making sure everything is closed tight for the night.

  I follow the path J just took and find her already under the covers with her shorts lying on the floor. My lounge pants join her shorts before I climb in beside her and wrap her in my arms.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, needing her to know her acceptance of my past is a balm for my soul.

  “Thank you too. We’re more alike than either one of us knew,” she says, kissing my chest and rolling to her back to wait for Wood to join us. I’m asleep before he makes it to bed that night.

  Chapter Twelve


  I CAN’T BELIEVE Jennifer and Boy Scout have been holding this terror inside. It makes me wonder how the fuck they function as ‘normal’ people with the things that have been done to them and the lives they’ve led.

  Honestly, I don’t know that I could’ve held up the way they have under the demons, ghosts, and past they must live with every single day. It also makes me glad Boy Scout and I can keep Jennifer’s demons away so that they don’t terrorize her in the night like I’m sure they do during the day.

  After making sure the apartment is secure and Wade is sleeping soundly, I walk into the bedroom. Boy Scout and J are wrapped around one another and, I can see the change in them both as I stare for a few minutes.

  In sleep there’s always a tension marring their faces and their sleep is restless. Tonight, Boy Scout looks like a man without a care in the world. There’s no tension or lines marking his face; he looks like a younger version of himself right now.

  Jennifer has her back to him, a faint smile on her face while her beautiful blonde hair is fanned out on the pillow above her head. Her eyes aren’t dancing all over the place like she’s checking her surroundings every second, and her hand is lying on my spot of the bed. She’s waiting for me to join them. So, I strip down to nothing and climb in bed next to her. It’s the first time I’ve laid next to her with nothing on.

  As I climb in bed, the nightlight usually plugged in by the door hasn’t been plugged in. A smile pulls at my lips as I get comfortable and wait to see what Jennifer is going to do tonight. At least one part of her body has to be touching Boy Scout and I every night we share a bed. Sometimes it’s our legs tangled together while other times her upper body is draped across my chest. It’s those days I wake up once or twice through the night with a mouthful of her hair and her hand dangerously close to my cock.

  Tomorrow is a new day, and I can’t wait to all be under one roof without us having to travel over here on a daily basis. Alex, and the other Prospects, will still be watching over her while we’re away on business, but there won’t be as much traffic to keep an eye on. We live on a dirt road, way out in the country. It’s close enough to town and the clubhouse, but far enough out we feel like we’re all on our own. We’ve already been talking about buying the land next to ours so we can expand if we ever feel like it. Or, one of the other guys can buy it and build a house out there too. That’s the last thought I have before I’m pulled under by sleep. At the same time, Jennifer puts one leg between mine and the other one is thrown over me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  JENNIFER AND WADE have been to our house several times. The first few times, she was scared to do anything or let Wade doing anything. Boy Scout and I assured her that there was nothing that could be broken or damaged in any way. We weren’t going to get pissed if something happened.

  We were having dinner one night and Wade started playing with his food in the highchair. When Jennifer went to get him, she knocked a glass over and it broke on the floor. Jennifer looked at both of us and tears filled her eyes.

  I picked her up and set her on the table so she wouldn’t cut her bare feet while Boy Scout took Wade from the highchair. He made sure that Wade was fine in the walker we bought him before taking care of the mess on the floor.

  “Jennifer, why are you so upset over a glass breakin’?” I ask, making sure that there are no little shards in her feet.

se it’s your stuff. I don’t want to break your things or wreck your house,” she says.

  “We’ve told you that there’s nothin’ that either one of you can do to destroy the place. You need to relax and realize that sooner rather than later you’ll be livin’ here. We want you comfortable and not always scared to do shit around here,” he says.

  “Everything just looks so new and not ready for a small child to be around it.”

  “That’s just shit. If somethin’ happens, we’ll fix it. There’s nothin’ wrong that you can do. We’re not gonna change our minds about wantin’ you or push you away. Things happen and we know that better than most after bein’ part of the club,” I say.

  Boy Scout finishes cleaning up the mess and places a kiss on her head. He walks out to play with Wade and I make sure that Jennifer can relax. Leading her to the bathroom, I run her a bath and let her soak for a while.

  One way or another, we’ll make sure that she understands that this is just a house and nothing is gonna happen that’s not fixable or replaceable. Our house is new-we built it for our family. As soon as we met Jennifer, we knew she was the one and built the house to ensure we had enough room.

  The rest of the night, we spent watching a movie and playing with Wade until it was time for him to go to bed. Jennifer put him in the room next to ours and then got ready for bed herself.

  Boy Scout went to take a shower while I went through the house to make sure everything was locked up tight. As soon as Boy Scout was done in the shower, I hopped in and took one. I wanted to rub one out and take care of the hard dick I always seem to be sporting around Jennifer, but I decided not to.

  I climb in bed next to Jennifer and see that she’s already passed out. Boy Scout is sitting up in bed messing around on his phone. Looking over at him, I know that we need to talk about making Jennifer comfortable here. I nod my head and we both get out of bed and walk out to the living room.


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