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Jennifer's Choice

Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  Wood grunts a little bit as I collide with his hurt body, but wraps his good arm around me and holds me tight as tears fall to his chest. His body is warm, his chest rising and falling as he breathes. That’s all I need to know as I look at his arm in the sling, and see that his upper arm has a bandage wrapped around it.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks,” he tells me, seeing where my gaze has gone. “I’ve been stitched up, and this is all just so I don’t pull the stitches before Doc over here decides to take them out.”

  “I was so scared,” I say, looking at both men in my life. “I don’t want to waste any more time pushing you away or experiencing what I know only you two can give me. I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”

  “We would’ve waited forever for you, J. You and Wade are ours, and we weren’t lettin’ you go without a fight. We’ll do whatever you want, and give you whatever you need from us,” Boy Scout says, standing next to me.

  “Doc, when can I get out of here?” Wood asks, never once taking his eyes off of me as he realizes what I mean.

  “You gonna take it easy?” the older man that walked through the door asks, walking back through a different door.

  “I’ll say whatever I need to say so I can go back to our room, and not be in here,” he says, finally looking at the man.

  We all laugh knowing that one way or another, Wood will be getting out of here. So, Boy Scout and I stand back and wait while the man that’s fixed him up pulls the IV out, and checks his vitals one more time.

  Once he’s given the all clear, Wood tries to get out of the bed all by himself. He has some trouble so his friend steps forward and helps him up until he knows he’s steady on his feet. Wood wraps his arm around my shoulder, trying not to put all of his weight on me, and we make our way out of the room and up to theirs. Well, I guess it’s our room now.

  “You sure you know what you’re gettin’ into right now, Spitfire?” Wood asks, wanting to make sure I’m ready to be with them in every sense of the meaning.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t,” I tell him, watching as Boy Scout unlocks the door and tells Trinity, one of the house bunnies, that she’s free to go. “Thank you for sitting with him.”

  “You’re welcome, Jennifer. Anytime you need him watched, I’ll do it. He’s such a sweet little boy,” Trinity says, a smile gracing her face as she leaves the room and I lock the door.

  Standing in front of the men, I turn around and begin to strip the clothes that I threw on when we left the house off. They each suck in a breath as I stand before them completely naked.

  I don’t try to hide from either one of them or feel ashamed of my body. Wood and Boy Scout are the first ones that have looked at me the way they are right now. There’s a look of lust, hunger, and something almost like love shining from their eyes.

  Boy Scout strips out of his clothes while I make my way over to Wood. Carefully, I help him get the other half of his shirt off his body before dropping down to take his boots off. I don’t feel like a slave doing this, I’m helping my man when he needs it the most.

  Wood looks down at me as Boy Scout takes a seat on the bed to wait for us. As soon as I get his boots and socks off his feet, I stand up and unbuckle his belt before unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down the zipper slowly over his hardness resting just below.

  Licking my lips, I pull his jeans down his legs shocked that he’s not wearing any underwear. His hard length pops out at me, and I slowly stand up never taking my eyes off of his. Wood joins Boy Scout on the bed as I stand in front of them.

  “Let me get comfortable before you get on the bed, yeah?” he asks, looking up at me from his seat while I stand on display in front of them.

  Nodding my head, I wait patiently for him to move around on the bed and lean against the pillows so he’s in a reclined position. Boy Scout doesn’t move from his spot on the bed because he knows that Wood isn’t going to take any help unless he absolutely has to. It’s a matter of pride, and we understand his need for some semblance of independence while he’s healing.

  “Alright, Spitfire, climb on up here,” Wood says, as I set my knee on the bed next to Boy Scout and use him to balance so I don’t move the bed any more than I have to. “Give me a kiss while Boy Scout gets you ready.”

  I put one knee between his legs while I rest the other one on the outside of his massive thighs. Wood naked is a vision. He’s muscular with tattoos going down both of his arms. The hair on his head is shaved close, so close that you almost can’t see it while his beard grows longer. It’s long enough right now that I can pull on it if I want to. His eyes right now are more grey than blue as he stares up at me. The color changes from blue to grey depending on his mood.

  His hard chest leads down to a six-pack and that sexy as hell V. Wood’s legs are strong and hard with a tattoo running down one leg. I can’t tell what it is right now, but I’ll be exploring it later on. His nipples are pierced and as my gaze lowers to his hard cock, and see that there’s a row of barbells going down the length. Fuck!

  Boy Scout is just as sexy as Wood. He’s got muscles that are from a hard day’s work, and not from working out in the gym all the time. There are a few tattoos on him that I want to trace with my tongue as I know some of them represent the pain from his childhood. His dark hair is longer since he’s been letting it grow out and his eyes remind me of warm chocolate melting.

  His chest is hard and leads down to a six-pack and that V that most women drool over. Boy Scout’s legs are firm and slender. I scan his body to find out if he has any piercings. Like Wood, he’s got his nipples pierced and a ring coming out of the head of his dick. Damn, these men are going to kill me with their piercings alone. His eyes follow me as I get in a position that will be comfortable for all of us.

  As I straddle Wood, I have one hand firmly holding the headboard while the other one is resting gently on his good side. My lips touch his, and a jolt runs through my body as he immediately deepens the kiss.

  At the same time, Boy Scout moves in behind me and puts his head under my body. The first swipe of his tongue causes me to shudder above him while I continue kissing Wood. Our tongues are dueling for control until I finally give in and let Wood dominate me. He needs to be in control, and I recognize that in him.

  Boy Scout adds a finger to my wet pussy, sliding it in and out while sucking on my clit. He gently bites down as he slides a second finger inside me and curls them both to reach the spot that drives me crazy with need. As my body tightens, a climax building within my core, I pull back from Wood so I don’t hurt him.

  “No. I want you against me when Thomas makes you scream,” Wood says, pulling me back against him, and kissing down my neck until I lean up enough so that he can pull a hardened nipple into his mouth. “When we’re alone, it’s Thomas and Brantley; not Boy Scout and Wood.”

  Wood switches sides and pulls my other nipple into his mouth. He bites down adding just enough pain on top of the sensations that Boy Scout is making me feel to throw me over the edge of the cliff I’ve been hovering on. I scream out my release as Boy Scout never halts his movements while Wood pulls me back in to kiss him until I’m doing little more than whimpering.

  “I want to feel your mouth on me, Spitfire,” Wood says, looking down at his still hard cock.

  I move my body down his, licking and kissing on my way. When I run my tongue over his nipple, a shudder runs through his body. It’s empowering to know I can make this man feel anything when I’m touching him. Boy Scout is still behind me as I finally make it to Wood’s hard cock.

  Licking the length from the base to tip, my other man lines his own hard cock up with my opening. He slowly pushes inside at the same time I take as much of Wood into my mouth as possible. He’s a big man, and there’s no way that I can take him all.

  I pull one hand out from under me and roll his balls in my hand. He lets out a moan and puts one hand in my hair. It tangles in the silky strands as he gently pushes my head to let m
e know he wants me to move a little bit faster.

  Boy Scout continues to slide in and out of me. His chest hovers over my back as he places kisses along the tops of my shoulders and down around the back of my neck. He’s using one arm to hold himself up while his fingers dig into my hip as he holds me in place. His movements are becoming a little erratic, and his pace increases as he’s chasing his release.

  I moan at the feelings running through my body while Wood’s cock is still in my mouth. He’s back to pushing on my head so I know he’s getting close. Sliding my mouth down his hard length, I breathe through my nose and try to take more of him into my mouth. I continue to roll his balls in my hand giving the slightest bit of pressure as I slide my tongue around his cock on the way back to the tip of him.

  “You don’t want my cum in your mouth, pull off,” Wood says, giving me a warning that he’s really close, and giving me the option to not swallow his cum.

  Sliding my mouth back down his length, he swells in my mouth as a groan slips from him, and he throws his head back and tightens his hold on my hair. His body is shaking and covered in a fine layer of sweat.

  After licking him clean, I pull my mouth off of him as he untangles his long fingers from my hair. My entire body shakes as my insides tighten with my climax reaching its peak before exploding and rushing through me.

  “Thomas!” I yell out, burying my head in Wood’s stomach as my eyes close and I relish the sensations flowing through me.

  Boy Scout groans and continues to thrust inside of me harder and faster. He pulls almost completely out of my pussy before slamming back inside as far as he can. I’m not even over my first release and another one is building up. Adding a slight swivel to his hips, I let the feeling take over my body. Boy Scout reaches around my hip and begins to rub my clit before gently pinching and pulling it.

  “One more baby,” he grounds out, never losing momentum.

  “I can’t,” I say, my body becoming sensitive to the point of pain taking over.

  “Yes, you can Jennifer,” Wood says, pulling my upper body up to meet his.

  Wood kisses me deeply while using his good hand to pinch and pull my nipple. I can’t stop the waves as they begin to crash over me and I cum one more time. Boy Scout thrusts in me one or two more times before he follows me over the edge. His body stills behind me as he stays rooted deep within my pussy.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Boy Scout

  WE COLLAPSE ONTO the bed being careful of Wood and his injury. I keep my weight off of J as I rub my hands up and down her body to help get her breathing back under control. I knew it was going to be different feeling her pussy wrapped around me. It feels like heaven and home wrapped into one. I can’t wait until Wood gets to experience this for himself.

  “Baby, you okay?” I ask, wanting to make sure this wasn’t too much for her to handle.

  “Yeah,” she whispers, lifting her arm up and behind her so that she can feel me.

  “We’ll do different things once I can move around, Spitfire. Thank you for givin’ us that,” Wood says, standing up and making his way to the bathroom.

  He comes back a few minutes later with a wet washcloth and cleans J up before we all slip some clothes on and slide into bed. We never sleep naked at the clubhouse because you never know when something is going to happen.

  Wood and I wait to see how she’s going to want to lay before we wrap her up. Her head is lying on my chest tonight while her legs are tangled up with Woods. I’m sure she’s trying to stay away from him so she doesn’t accidentally hurt him while we’re sleeping.

  “Guys, I’m not on any birth control,” she says suddenly, her voice laced with exhaustion.

  “It’s okay, baby. If you get pregnant, we’ll be here. We’re not goin’ anywhere. If you’re not ready, we’ll use condoms until you are,” I tell her, really hoping she doesn’t want to do that. I’ve already felt her bare, and I know I’m not gonna want to feel any sort of barrier between us.

  J doesn’t answer as a light snore escape her. I kiss her on the top of her head before laying back down and letting sleep claim me. It’s been a long day and within minutes I join J in sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen


  IT’S BEEN ALMOST a month since I got shot. I’m taking it easy, but I’m back to riding and living my life the way I want to. Today, we’re going to meet up with some of the guys from Satan’s Anarchy because they found our missing girls.

  Scarlett and Goldie both work as strippers at Allure before they went missing. At first, we thought they moved out of Benton Falls or simply moved on with their lives. When Stryker and Fox went to their apartments, they found all of their stuff there.

  Grizzly looked in their lockers at Allure and found all their stuff still in them too. Renegade called and let us know that when they rescued their girl Callie, they were told by two of the other girls that they worked for us.

  Killer, Boy Scout, Alex, and I are now going to be the ones to bring them back home. Renegade told us that they’ll need time to heal physically, and he doesn’t know how they’re going to be mentally or emotionally when they get back.

  It doesn’t matter to us; we’ll make sure they have a roof over their head, and find them some other work if they don’t want to strip anymore. Slim’s pissed as fuck that none of us caught on to the fact that they were taken from the strip club in the first place. Fox would be going with us, but he’s been tasked with setting up an entirely new security system at Allure and Phantom. Next week, he’ll do the rest of the businesses we own.

  Today I need the long ride to clear my head and get out of my own way. Ever since Jennifer gave herself up to us, there’s been a new confidence to her, and a light that shines brighter than ever. It’s like my getting shot woke something up in her, and I love that she’s relishing in being open with us.

  She’s not as worried that we’re gonna leave her at the first chance we have or fuck around on her with the house bunnies. They hold no appeal to us and they’re pissed that we don’t pay them any attention anymore. I’m sure there’s going to be blowback from that, and that we can stop it before it happens. That’s not what I need to clear my head though.

  The life that Boy Scout led before I met him has been weighing heavily on my mind since he broke down and told us his horrid story. I hate that I didn’t see it sooner, or do anything to help him before I saw him start using the gym at the school. We saw one another every day in the halls at school, and I just ignored him. I ignored the look of defeat, sadness, and a pain so deep that he was ready to end it. If that had happened, I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done.

  The other main thing weighing on my mind is that we know who attacked us, but that’s it. Ghost may have gotten a man, but he died on the way to the clubhouse so we couldn’t get anything from him. Other than knowing he was part of Snake’s Revenge, we don’t know anything more.

  There are no clue as to where they stay, why they’re in our territory, or even how many guys we’re looking at going up against. I’m not scared of them; none of us are. What pisses me off is that we don’t know what they’re after. Are they gonna come after the ol’ ladies and kids?

  For now, we keep our eyes peeled and a few guys go out every day and see if we can spot them around anywhere. Slim’s been on the phone with all his contacts to see if they know anything about them. No one has a clue about this club. It’s like they just appeared out of nowhere, and now they’ve vanished just as quickly. The entire situation is a mindfuck like nothing we’ve seen before.

  Pulling up to the old truck stop at the halfway point between Benton Falls and Shadowville, the guys from Satan’s Anarchy wait for us at the back of the parking lot. They’re partially hidden by the trucks that have pulled in, and I’m glad we’re not doing this trade in the open for anyone to see. Not when we don’t know what shape the girls are in.

  “Good to see you guys again. I wish it were under better circumstances,” Renegade says,
shaking our hands before turning toward the van the girls are in.

  He opens the side doors and we get our first glimpse at Scarlett and Goldie. They’re in rough shape, and I can’t begin to imagine the hell that they’ve been through. The girls are skittish as they get closer to us; practically running from Renegade and his men.

  I know it’s just because we’re familiar to them, and they don’t really know anything about the men that saved them. Hell, if I were a female that had just been to hell and back, I’d probably run from them too. Renegade and his men are some scary motherfuckers.

  “They taken care of?” Killer asks, wanting to know about the men that had them.

  “Yep. Ended it for now. I’m not sure what else is gonna happen or if there will be any blowback, but it’s not on you. We ended it, and they’ll come after us,” Renegade says as Grave steps up next to him.

  “You need us, let us know,” I tell him, knowing we’ll have their back if they need it.

  “Appreciate it. You got any leads on that fucker that hit you?” Grave asks, folding his arms across his chest as Alex loads the girls in the van he’s driving.

  “Know it’s Snake’s Revenge. Guy we got died before we could ask him anythin’. I’m surprised Slim didn’t call and talk to you about them,” I answer, wondering why he didn’t talk to Renegade about the club we’re hunting.

  “Probably knew we’ve been busy on our end. I’ve never heard of them, but I’ll make my own calls, and see what I can dig up. You got Fox diggin’ into them?” Renegade asks, looking around the parking lot as cars and trucks continue to come and go without a care in the world.

  “Yeah. He pulled the guys I.D and has been tryin’ to get anythin’ he can on him. Other than knowin’ he’s got a rap sheet a mile long, and most of the arrests were made up by Station Center, there’s nothin’,” Boy Scout answers, looking back at Alex in the van with the girls.


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