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Jessie the Lyrics Fairy

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by Daisy Meadows

  It’s about time for the world to see

  The legend I was born to be.

  The prince of pop, a dazzling star,

  My fans will flock from near and far.

  But superstar fame is hard to get

  Unless I help myself, I bet.

  I need a plan, a cunning trick

  To make my stage act super-slick.

  Seven magic clefs I’ll steal —

  They’ll give me true superstar appeal.

  I’ll sing and dance, I’ll dazzle and shine,

  And superstar glory will be mine!


  Title Page




  Off to the Island

  A Meeting with Destiny

  Memory Mayhem!

  All Change


  All the Fun of the Festival


  Also Available


  “Rainspell Island, here we come!” cheered Kirsty Tate, pointing ahead to the green island that had just come into view. She and her best friend, Rachel Walker, were on the deck of a ferry heading to the island, which was a very special place. Not only was it where the girls had first met, it was also the place where they’d had their very first fairy adventure.

  “Almost there,” said Rachel. “I can’t wait to see The Angels again, can you?”

  “It’s going to be awesome,” Kirsty replied. The Angels were the girls’ favorite band. They were performing at the five-day Rainspell Island Music Festival! Kirsty and Rachel were going to camp out at the festival with Rachel’s parents.

  “Music, fashion, fun — we’re going to have the best time ever!” Rachel smiled.

  “And what would make it even better,” Kirsty said, lowering her voice, “is if we could meet some new fairies, too.”

  The girls exchanged a secret smile.

  It was thanks to the fairies that they were here at all. One Christmas, they’d won a competition to meet The Angels and had ended up helping Destiny the Rock Star Fairy find her missing magical objects. To thank the girls for their help in making their Christmas concert a success, The Angels had invited them to the summer music festival as their special guests.

  “We will be arriving at Rainspell Island soon,” a voice said over the speaker just then. “Thank you for traveling with us today.”

  The island was really close now, and the girls could see a huge stage set up in one of Rainspell’s lush green fields. There were tents of all sizes and campers everywhere, some flying colorful flags.

  “That must be the festival!” Rachel said excitedly. “Oh, I have such a good feeling about this, Kirsty. I know we’re going to have a fabulous time!”

  The girls left the ferry with Mr. and Mrs. Walker and made their way toward the busy festival site. They could hear loud music and smell hot dogs, onion rings, and cotton candy. Then Kirsty gasped. “There are The Angels!” she cried. “Look — they’re over by the main entrance!”

  There was a long line to get into the festival, but as soon as the three Angels spotted Kirsty and Rachel, they waved them over. “Hey — welcome to Rainspell!” Serena said with a smile. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “You, too,” the two friends said together.

  “We have your backstage passes here,” Lexy said, holding up laminated passes on pink ribbons. “With these, you’ll be able to skip the line and go straight in with us.”

  “We can even show you Star Village, if you’d like,” Emilia suggested. “There’s a lot of really cool stuff going on there.”

  “Thank you — that’s so nice,” Mrs. Walker said, looping her pass around her neck. She looked almost as excited as the girls, Rachel noticed with a grin.

  Together, they all walked to Star Village, a collection of tents where you could try all kinds of fun things: learn musical instruments and dance routines, experiment with hair and makeup, and even design funky costumes just like real stars.

  “We’ll leave you here to check it all out,” Emilia said after a while. “We need to do our sound check now.”

  “The campsite is the next field over, when you want to set up,” Serena said after she noticed the bulky tent bag that Mr. Walker was carrying.

  “I hope you’ll come and see us perform later,” Lexy added. “We’re opening the festival this afternoon.”

  To the girls’ delight, the three singers broke into one of their greatest hits, “Key to My Heart.” They sang the chorus in harmony:

  “You’re always there to hold my hand,

  You stand by me, you understand.

  When I’m with you I feel so glad,

  The truest friend I ever had.

  I know we two will never part,

  And that’s the real key to my heart!”

  “I love that song!” Kirsty smiled. “It makes me think about being best friends with Rachel.”

  “Me, too!” Rachel said.

  The Angels gave them high fives. “That’s great,” Lexy said. “See you later!”

  Kirsty and Rachel grinned as the band walked away.

  “I can’t believe we’re actually friends with The Angels, Rachel.” Kirsty sighed. “They are so cool!”

  “I know,” Rachel said dreamily. “It’s almost as amazing as being friends with the fairies,” she added in a whisper. “We’re definitely the luckiest girls in the world!”

  When they reached the campsite, Kirsty and Rachel helped Mr. and Mrs. Walker put up the tent. The girls would be sharing one of the sleeping areas, so they blew up their air mattresses and unrolled their sleeping bags. It was going to be cozy in there at night, Kirsty thought, putting her pajamas under her pillow with a smile.

  Rachel’s parents were just hammering in the last tent stakes when Rachel spotted a sparkly piece of material at the bottom of the tent bag. “What’s this?” she asked, picking it up.

  “It’s a flag I brought to fly from the top of the tent,” her dad replied. “It’s so colorful, it’ll make it easy for you girls to see it through the crowd and find your way back to the tent.”

  “Cool,” said Rachel, unrolling the flag. As she did, something glittery fell out . . . and then soared up into the air. It was Destiny the Rock Star Fairy!

  Kirsty ran over and waved happily at their pretty fairy friend. She didn’t dare to speak, though, in case Rachel’s parents overheard. The girls knew that they had to keep the fairies a secret from everyone else.

  She and Rachel motioned for Destiny to follow them to the back of the tent, where they could talk without having to worry about being overheard.

  “Hello!” Kirsty said. “What a nice surprise. Have you come to hang out with the stars at the festival?”

  Destiny smiled. Her magic made sure that concerts went perfectly in the human world — and in Fairyland, too. “I’ll be popping in and out,” she replied, “because the Fairyland Music Festival starts today, too. In fact, I was wondering if you two would like to come to Fairyland with me and watch the rehearsal?”

  “Yes, please!” Rachel said at once. Her heart thumped at the thought of going back to Fairyland. It was the most exciting place ever!

  Even better, time stood still in the human world while they were in Fairyland, so nobody would know that the girls had been gone.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Destiny exclaimed. With a wave of her wand, a fountain of sparkling fairy dust swirled all around the girls. In the blink of an eye, they were whisked off the ground.Everything blurred before their eyes in a whirlwind of rainbow colors

  When the glittery whirlwind finally cleared, Rachel and Kirsty found themselves in a Fairyland meadow — and they were fairies! Kirsty couldn’t resist fluttering her wings and floating up into the air. Being able to fly was so wonderful!

  “Oh, wow, is that a fairy campsite?” Rachel asked, gazing at the field in front of them. They could see a lot of colorful toadstool-shaped huts and tents.

  “I bet that’s Danielle the Daisy Fairy’s tent,” Kirsty said with a giggle, pointing to a tent with a colorful yellow and white flower design.

  “Yes, this is the festival camping area,” Destiny said, fluttering into the air. “Let’s see how everyone is doing backstage.”

  Kirsty and Rachel flew after their friend, looking down at the festival site with interest. They could see the Music Fairies setting up their instruments onstage, the Dance Fairies stretching and warming up, and the Petal Fairies decorating the equipment with garlands of colorful flowers. Everyone seemed very excited.

  Backstage, Destiny headed straight for a group of seven fairies who were deep in conversation. “Kirsty, Rachel, these are my very good friends the Superstar Fairies,” she said, and introduced them all. There was Jessie the Lyrics Fairy, Adele the Voice Fairy, Vanessa the Choreography Fairy, Miley the Stylist Fairy, Frankie the Makeup Fairy, Alyssa the Star-spotter Fairy, and Cassie the Concert Fairy.

  To Kirsty’s surprise, the Superstar Fairies seemed awfully distracted. “Hi,” they said, but their smiles didn’t last long. Maybe they were just nervous about performing?

  “Good luck! I’m sure the rehearsal will be fine,” Destiny said breezily. “Let’s take our seats in the audience,” she added to Rachel and Kirsty.

  As the girls turned to leave, Rachel couldn’t help noticing that the Superstar Fairies immediately huddled together and began whispering anxiously. “We’ll just have to hope for the best,” she heard Jessie say. How strange!

  Destiny led them to their seats near Queen Titania and King Oberon, who waved and smiled. A cheerful song started playing, and the Superstar Fairies came onstage to begin the rehearsal!

  Rachel listened eagerly. She was sure that fairy pop music would be awesome! But then the fairies started singing, and Rachel almost immediately changed her mind.

  “Oh, no,” Kirsty murmured, as Cassie and Jessie both forgot the lyrics of the first verse.

  “Oops,” Rachel whispered, wincing as Vanessa and Alyssa got their dance routine wrong and bumped into each other.

  Frankie’s dangly earrings fell out and Adele’s dress ripped . . . and all of them were singing out of tune!

  Destiny looked horrified. “This is a disaster!” she whispered.

  “What’s wrong?” Kirsty asked. She was sure the Superstar Fairies weren’t usually this bad.

  “I think they must have forgotten their clefs,” Destiny whispered back. “A clef is a symbol used when writing down music, and all the Superstar Fairies have magical G clef necklaces. When they wear them, it helps keep pop music wonderful in both your world and ours. Without the necklaces, performances can go very wrong — like this one.” She scratched her head. “But I don’t understand. They always wear their magic clefs. How could they have forgotten today, of all days?”

  Rachel’s heart sank. “So without their clefs, performances in the human world will go wrong, too?” she asked. “I hope they remember to put them back on soon!”

  Just then, a cold breeze swept through the audience. Icicles appeared around the stage, and a white layer of frost covered the ground. Kirsty felt goose bumps prickle across her arms, and she glanced at Rachel in alarm.

  “Oh, no — is Jack Frost here?” She gulped.

  Before anyone could reply, Jack Frost and his goblins strutted onto the stage. Jack Frost was dressed like a rock star, and Destiny gasped in dismay as she saw that seven necklaces were hanging around his neck — each with a music clef of a different color on it.

  “Oh, no,” Destiny cried. “So the Superstar Fairies didn’t forget their magical clefs. Jack Frost must have stolen them!”

  Queen Titania had also noticed that Jack Frost was wearing the magic clef necklaces. She quickly rose to her feet. “Those don’t belong to you,” she called out. “Please give them back to the Superstar Fairies.”

  A sly smile appeared on Jack Frost’s cold, pointy face. “No way,” he said. “Not now that I know what they do.” He played a series of chords on his guitar, the notes ringing out perfectly around the stage. The goblins clapped, and Jack Frost bowed.

  “I’ve definitely got the Frost Factor,” he cackled, “and I’m going to use these magic clefs to make me the biggest star that the Rainspell Island Music Festival has ever seen. Nothing’s going to stop me now!”

  A flash of icy blue magic lit up the stage and, before anyone could react, Jack Frost and his goblins had disappeared. With a quick glance, Rachel could see that Destiny had turned pale and all of the Superstar Fairies looked very upset.

  “Your Majesties, Kirsty and I are staying at the Rainspell Island Music Festival,” said Rachel. “We’ll try our best to get the magic clefs back for you while we’re there.”

  “Thank you,” King Oberon replied, looking serious. “That’s very kind. Jessie, maybe you can take the girls back to the human world and help them.”

  “Of course,” said Jessie at once, jumping lightly off the stage. She had black hair and big dangly hoop earrings. Over her dark leggings, she was wearing a long, colorful shirt. Over that, she had on a T-shirt with lots of shiny bottle caps sewn on one shoulder.

  “Good luck,” Destiny said. “And please do your best. Without those clefs, I’m afraid pop music is in big trouble.”

  “We’ll try our hardest,” Jessie promised. “Let’s go!”

  She waved her wand and a flurry of orange sparkles swirled around the three of them, lifting them into a glittery whirlwind. The anxious faces of their fairy friends vanished before Kirsty’s and Rachel’s eyes as they were swept away.

  Moments later they were back on Rainspell Island, and they were still fairies. “Let’s fly around and look for Jack Frost,” Jessie suggested. “But remember to stay out of sight. There are so many people here, we can’t let anyone see us!”

  The three fairies zoomed high above the crowds, searching for any signs of Jack Frost or his goblins causing trouble. They flew into the backstage area — a large, airy tent lined with comfortable couches, special practice areas where the performers could rehearse, and tables full of sandwiches and cookies.

  Kirsty felt tingly with excitement as she spotted her favorite boy band, A-OK, practicing their harmonies. She saw other pop stars there, too. “Sasha Sharp, Groove Gang, Dakota May, Jacob Bright . . .” she said, pointing them out to Rachel. “Wow!”

  “No one looks very happy, though,” Rachel said as one of the A-OK boys put his head in his hands.

  Dakota May came to a stop in the middle of her song and let out a wail. “I forgot the words again!” she cried.

  “They keep forgetting their song lyrics,” Kirsty realized.

  “Oh, no,” Jessie groaned. “It’s because Jack Frost has my clef. When I’m wearing it, it helps superstars compose great lyrics — and remember them, too!”

  “Look, there are The Angels,” Rachel said, spotting them rehearsing in a far corner. “Let’s see if they’re having better luck.”

  Unfortunately, as they flew closer, it became obvious that The Angels were also struggling.

  “You’re always there to . . . make my tea . . .” Serena sang. Then she looked confused. “No, that’s not right.”

  “You’re always there to . . . hold my bags . . .” Emilia tried next, frowning. “What is that line again?”

  “We have to find my magic clef as soon as we can,” Jessie said. “The Angels are supposed to be opening the
festival in half an hour, and they can’t remember the first line of their biggest hit. This could go horribly wrong!”

  “Well, there’s no sign of Jack Frost in here,” Kirsty said. “Let’s try looking somewhere else.”

  The three fairies flew out of the backstage tent and around the festival site. There were lots of people having fun in Star Village, enjoying the sunshine and setting out picnic lunches, but Jack Frost and the goblins were not in sight.

  Rachel was just starting to wonder if he was even at the festival at all, when she noticed a big crowd pouring into the karaoke tent. “We could try looking in there,” she suggested.

  Jessie and Kirsty agreed, and they flew closer. Someone inside was rapping! As they approached the tent, the three fairies realized the same thing at the same time: the rapper’s lyrics were coming out perfectly.

  “He’s the only person we’ve heard at this festival who is getting the words right,” Jessie said. “I bet that means he’s near my magic clef!”

  Kirsty, Rachel, and Jessie immediately flew over the crowd and into the karaoke tent to investigate. Inside, there were small karaoke booths set up with microphones and TV screens. All of the booths were empty except for one, where the rapper stood, surrounded by a huge crowd. He wore a shiny green jacket and a hat with a large brim that hid his face from view. As he finished the rap, he bowed low, and the audience cheered.

  The rapper swaggered around. “Thanks,” he said into the microphone. “Glad you liked it. That was a song by Jax Tempo, my hero! He’s the only rapper in the whole world who’s better than me.” He patted his throat. “Gotta protect this voice of mine now, so that was the last song. Later, guys!”


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