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Hide and Seek

Page 2

by JC Holly

  Terry smirked and sat on one end of the leather sofa. “Water would be good. You lived here long?”

  “I’m surprised you don’t already know, mister detective.”

  “You’re not an easy man to track, Mister Dansen.”

  “Eric, please.” He tossed Terry a water and took a seat opposite. “A few years. I found the place while I was on a run, and decided I had to have it. Took a while to find the owner, but it was worth the hassle.”

  “Definitely,” Terry said with a nod. “It’s a lovely area.”

  “You like the outdoors?”

  “Sure. I don’t get out in it as much as I like, but nature’s in my blood, you know?” He laughed. “Of course you know, you’re a frickin’ shifter.”

  Eric chuckled. “True. I loved being outdoors beforehand, though, too. The change just intensified it.”

  “I hear it makes you age slower, too.”

  “Among other things.”

  “Like what?”

  Eric raised an eyebrow. “Are you trying to get information out of me?”

  Terry smiled. “Not at all. Your case is well and truly closed. As far as anyone is concerned, I didn’t see so much as a glimpse of you.”

  Eric relaxed. The man was clearly telling the truth. He was just curious. About shifters, or about me? The earlier daydreams involving the pair of them resurfaced and Eric had to guide his brain away from smut and back to the conversation at hand.

  “We’re stronger,” he said. “Faster, too. And we heal better. We’re also immune to all disease and illness, and have great teeth.”

  “Great bodies, too, by the looks of things.”

  That was clearly an attempt to flirt. Eric swallowed a mouthful of water to give himself a moment to think. Should he flirt back? As much as he was certain he’d enjoy the end result, the situation with Christophe made the whole thing at least a little uncertain. Christophe wouldn’t think twice about using Terry to get to Eric if it suited his plans.

  On the other hand, there was no guarantee that that would be the case. Hell, Christophe could have hired a handful of detectives to track Eric. One coming back empty-handed would hardly be a surprise.

  He put his bottle of water on the table and decided to go with his instincts.

  “Then how did you get yours?” he asked. “You’re no shifter, but you certainly could pass for one.”

  “Lots of leg-work involved in my job.” Terry’s gaze flitted down to Eric’s legs, then paused for a moment on his crotch. “That, and kickboxing. You never know when someone might take offense to being followed.”

  “I’m sure. Though I’m pretty sure I could’ve taken you.”

  Terry leaned forward in his seat. “Pretty sure I would’ve let you.”

  Eric stood and Terry followed, quickly closing the distance between them. Their lips met in a rough kiss, and Eric pulled the man closer to him until their bodies grinded together as they kissed. Eric took the lead, slipping his tongue inside Terry’s willing mouth, exploring while his hands slid along Terry’s sides.

  Terry broke away first and grinned as he gripped Eric’s belt and tugged it open in one smooth motion. The pants followed the belt to the floor, leaving his stood in his swiftly tightening boxers.

  Terry ran a hand along the bulge, then slowly pulled the shorts down Eric’s legs and dropped to his knees.

  “My my my…” Terry tapped the thickening cock with a finger. “Did that come with the change, too?”

  Before Eric could answer, Terry slid his lips over the cockhead, stealing all words away, other than, “fuck.”

  Sucking gently, Terry moved down the shaft, taking in more and more of Eric’s thick cock until it reached the back of his throat. Slowly, he began to bob on the shaft, taking in as much as he could each time, before sliding almost all the way off again.

  With one hand he caressed Eric’s balls, his touch almost loving in its care. The other hand massaged what cock the man couldn’t take into his mouth. Eric let out a long breath and let his eyes close.

  “That feels incredible.”

  He wasn’t just saying that, either. Terry was definitely experienced, and every move of his mouth and hands brought Eric closer to the inevitable. A little too quickly, in fact. It’s been too long. I’m not going to last.

  He screwed his eyes tight and pictured a brick wall, then began counting the individual bricks. It was a technique that usually worked, but right then and there, it was like holding back a tidal wave with an umbrella.

  “I’m close,” he hissed, before gritting his jaw.

  Terry didn’t slow, though. Instead he sped up, working Eric’s shaft like a piston in an engine. Eric sucked in a breath and held it, but it was no good.

  “I’m coming!”

  With a grin, Terry pulled away and continued to work Eric’s cock with a rapid fist, aiming it at his face. It took only moments before Eric grunted and came hard. His cock spurted forth its thick, hot load, and Terry caught it on his tongue, chin, and face.

  Eric sagged and blew out the breath he’d been holding, then shook his head.

  “Sorry, I usually last a lot longer than that. It’s, uh, it’s been a while.”

  Terry ran a finger through the cum on his chin, then brought it to his lips. “No complaints here. Though I suppose if you really want to make it up to me, I won’t complain.”

  Eric smirked as he bent to pull up his pants. “And how would I make it up to you?”

  Terry smiled. “I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

  Chapter Four

  Terry stepped out of the cabin’s surprisingly large shower cubicle with a wide smile on his face. He’d started the day not even sure if he’d be able to find Eric, and a few hours later there he was, stood naked in the man’s bathroom after sucking his cock.

  While he’d tried to make tracking the man down look like effortless detective work, finding Eric’s cabin had in fact been a mix of hard work and pure luck. He’d headed out that morning and gone back to the warehouse, thinking perhaps there’d be some sort of trail to follow. There hadn’t. As he’d been climbing back into his car, though, he’d spotted Eric leaving a shop and had managed to follow him from a great distance, bringing him to an old dirt track that led into the woods.

  The road had led to five cabins, each more remote than the last, and Eric had been in none of them. Terry had almost given up when he’d heard the sound of someone chopping logs. He’d left his car and headed through the trees on foot until he caught a glimpse of the cabin he now stood in. The rest was a matter of carefully finding a spot and leaning nonchalantly while recovering his breath.

  Sounds from outside the bathroom stirred Terry from his musings. By the sounds of it, Eric was in the kitchen. Terry finished toweling himself dry and headed outside, not bothering to redress.

  Eric was facing away from him, his hands busy with a knife and some vegetables. “Thought I’d make lunch, if you’ve nowhere to be,” he said over his shoulder.

  “Sure.” Terry closed the distance. “Though I have a suggestion first.”

  “Oh?” Eric turned to face Terry and raised his eyebrows as he noticed Terry’s lack of clothes. “I wonder what it could involve…”

  “It involves your cock, my ass, and that kitchen table.”

  There was a moment of hesitation on Eric’s face, but it was quickly overridden by lust as Terry started stroking himself. With impossible speed, Eric dropped what he was doing and moved up against Terry. The man’s clothed cock was already hardening, and rubbed against Terry’s own, sending waves of pleasure through him.

  “Are you sure?” Eric asked, his voice a growl. “We only just met.”

  “You forget.” Terry broke the embrace and moved to the table. “I did a background check.”

  He put his hands and forearms on the wood of the table as he bent over, and jumped slightly as Eric’s hands met his bare skin. They slid over his back, down to his ass, gripping and stretching his cheeks before le
tting go.

  “I’m big, you know,” Eric said.

  “I remember. It was only five minutes ago.”

  The sound of Eric’s belt unbuckling sent shivers racing through Terry. “Ah, but that was your mouth. There’s more room in your mouth.” A finger ran a circle around Terry’s asshole. “I’d hate to hurt you.”

  “I’m stronger than I look.” Terry bit his lip as he felt Eric’s hard cock nudge against his ass cheek. “Try me.”

  “Oh, I’m going to. Wait there.”

  Footsteps headed away, and Terry glanced over his shoulder to see Eric walking toward the bathroom. He was inside for a moment, then returned with a bottle of lube. Just a bottle of lube. No condom. Terry shivered in anticipation as he remembered that shifters never had need of them. This just got even better.

  Eric took his time as he walked back to the table, stroking himself as he moved until his cock was as hard as it had been when Terry had sucked it dry. He shifted his position slightly for comfort, then licked his lips.

  “Don’t just stand there,” he said. “Put that big hard rod to use.”

  A smile curled Eric’s lips, and he flipped the bottle cap and dripped lube onto his cock, then slowly worked it in, paying particular attention to his bulging cockhead. Terry could almost feel it already.

  In a few steps, Eric was behind Terry again, and with one foot he nudged at Terry’s ankles until he spread his legs wider.

  “That’s better,” the shifter murmured. “Ready?”

  “God, yes.”

  Terry gasped as Eric’s cockhead finally pushed up against his asshole. It felt enormous! It wouldn’t fit. It couldn’t fit. What had he gotten himself into? Instead of letting his worries show, though, he pushed back against Eric, who growled, then pushed back.

  There was a moment of sharp pain, but it quickly softened, then disappeared entirely as Eric began to enter him. The man moved slowly, almost lovingly, as he worked himself inside Terry’s ass. Terry put his head down on his folded arms and blew out a breath, trying to relax. After a few moments it started to work and Eric slipped further inside him.

  “Fuck,” Terry said, almost moaning the word. “You’re so big.”

  “And you’re so tight,” Eric replied, as he pulled back out.

  As soon as his cock was out again, he pushed back inside, and Terry sucked in another deep breath. Eric repeated the motion several times, clearly enjoying the sensation, then began to work his way deeper. Every time Terry thought he could take no more, Eric pushed a little bit further.

  The feeling was unlike any other experience Terry had had. He’d slept with a lot of guys, especially in the early years, but none had been anywhere near as hung as Eric. The man filled him completely, and it was heaven.

  “You okay?” Eric asked.

  Terry chuckled. “Never felt better.” He wiggled his hips, biting his lip at the sensations it brought. “How about you?”

  Eric growled softly and slapped Terry on the ass cheek. “Any more of that and I’ll have to punish you.”

  “Really?” Terry wiggled again, harder this time. “Oops.”

  Another slap made Terry cry out, but it wasn’t in pain. It felt incredible, just like everything else Eric was doing.

  “You like that?” Eric asked, as he delivered another stinging slap. “You like being treated like a slut?”

  “Definitely,” Terry said, his voice low. “Fuck me, slap me, treat me however the hell you want.”

  That was apparently exactly what Eric wanted to hear, and he responded with a thrust into Terry’s ass that left him breathless. In seconds Eric built up to a pace that no human would be able to manage for long. Eric wasn’t entirely human, though. Terry had to brace his arms on the table to hold steady, and even then the table groaned in complaint.

  “Like that,” Terry cried. “Fuck, just like that!”

  Eric growled again and sped further, slamming again and again into Terry’s tight ass with his thick cock. Terry worked his hips in reply, extending each stroke to its maximum. His eyes were screwed shut and his jaw gritted, but he didn’t want it to stop. He wanted Eric inside him till the day he died.

  Eric’s hands switched from Terry’s hips to his sides, holding him steady as he worked. Terry could feel the slick sweat on the man’s hands as he gripped him tight and railed his ass over and over. Terry heard groaning and realized it was his own.

  The pair worked together in perfect harmony for what felt to Terry like an hour before Eric started to slow. It was only for a moment, but it was a clear sign that he was approaching the end. As much as Terry never wanted it to end, he knew he couldn’t take much more himself, and slammed back onto Eric’s cock, making himself gasp in the process.

  “Do it,” he said, his voice a moan. “Come inside me, Eric. Treat me like your little slut.”

  Eric’s breathing became more erratic still, and he built in speed once more to an almost impossible pace. As he did, Terry gripped his own cock and began to work in time, building to the point where he could hold back no longer. With a cry he came hard, his cock spurting under the table to the floor beneath.

  The sound was enough to take Eric over the edge, and with a grunt he plunged deep inside Terry’s ass. His cock pulsed once, twice, three times, as he spurted his hot load deep inside Terry, who gyrated and pushed against Eric to milk every drop from him.

  “That’s it,” Terry said. “Fill me with it.”

  Eric gasped and gripped Terry hard as the last of his cum was freed, then sagged and pulled away.

  An hour—or possibly only a few minutes—passed before Terry had the breath to speak. Slowly, he straightened and stretched, then turned and kissed Eric hard on the mouth. Eric returned the kiss with equal force, then broke.

  “That was incredible.”

  Terry nodded. “I assure you I don’t normally bang the people I follow.”

  Eric chuckled. “And I don’t normally bang the people that follow me.”

  “Only the cute ones?”

  Eric shook his head and let out a deep laugh. “You’re something else.”

  Chapter Five

  Terry had been home and in the shower for a full two minutes when he heard a door close. He froze, trying to hear anything other than water. Was that a floorboard creaking? He wasn’t normally paranoid, but something seemed very wrong.

  Leaving the shower running, he stepped out of the cubicle and grabbed a towel, then opened the bathroom door. Two men in sharp suits stood in his living room, and turned to look at him, regarding him in silence. He had a feeling it wouldn’t last long.

  “Afternoon.” He managed to keep his voice from trembling, but only just. “Mind if I throw on some clothes first?”

  Neither man spoke nor moved, so he took that as permission, and ducked back into the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him. Shit. Thanks to being in the shower, he hadn’t heard the men enter. He had a feeling they would have still managed to sneak in even if he’d been lying on the couch reading, though. Everything about them screamed professional, from the sharp suits, to their posture, to the bulges on their hips, betraying their hidden guns.

  There was no doubt in his mind who had sent the men. Christophe hadn’t liked hearing about Terry’s ‘failure’, it seemed.

  He grabbed his clothing from the laundry hamper, then stopped. If the men were shifters they’d smell Eric’s scent on the clothing, and it wouldn’t take long for them to beat his location out of Terry’s face. Instead he pulled on his bathrobe, cinched it tight at the middle and then sprayed a liberal amount of deodorant on himself, then the hamper, to cover any trace of Eric. With a deep breath and a silent prayer he stepped back into the lounge of his apartment.

  “Sorry about that,” he said, aiming for casual. “I wasn’t expecting guests. Drink?”

  The man on the couch, a slim blond man who looked to be in his thirties, shook his head. Judging from his posture, he was the one to talk to. The other one, a brunette built lik
e a tank, was probably mute muscle.

  Terry took a seat in the armchair opposite Blondie and gave him his best ‘I’m not afraid of you’ look.

  “I assume Christophe sent you,” he said.

  Blondie nodded. “He required a follow up conversation.”

  “I see.” Terry crossed his legs and draped his arms over the back of his chair. The trick was to not let them intimidate, or at least make it look like they were failing. “What part of ‘I couldn’t find him’ did he have a problem with?”

  The man stood by the door growled softly, but Blondie held up a hand to silence him.

  “The part where you couldn’t find him,” he said. “Our employer finds it odd that a man with such an impressive reputation for finding people couldn’t find Mister Dansen.”

  Terry shrugged. “Shifters are tricky, as I’m sure you both know.” That’s right, I know what you are.

  “True enough,” Blondie said with a slight nod. “Still, to find nothing at all…”

  “I understand. It’s no doubt infuriating. Here.”

  Terry leaned forward toward the coffee table, and Brunette tensed, his hand moving toward the pistol on his hip. Terry held his hands up and slid back onto his chair, then nodded to the brown folder poking out from underneath a magazine.

  “That has all my notes. As you’ll see, I hit up all my usual contacts.”

  That wasn’t strictly true. His main contact, the one who had clued him in about Christophe, was never mentioned in his files. He didn’t even store the number on his phone. Either would be a deal-breaker, and he had no doubt his super-paranoid source would have found out if he ever did mention him to anyone.

  “I also put in a ton of hours at the local supernatural hangout spots,” he continued. “Nearly had my throat ripped out for asking too many questions in one bar.”

  Blondie raised a sculpted eyebrow. “And yet you’ve returned the generous deposit, also.”

  “Didn’t feel right to keep it.”

  That part, at least, was true. There was no way he was holding onto Christophe’s money when he was giving him nothing in return, regardless of what the contract said. Terry was many things, but stupid wasn’t one of them.


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