Book Read Free

Queen's Gambit

Page 31

by M. Lorrox

  “I’m sorry, Dad.”

  “I know you’re having a hard time. I understand what happened, June. I don’t blame you; no matter what happens.”

  Sadie pulls her hands back and smacks them against her thighs as she stands. “Well, I have to get up very early to see Charlie off; he’s going on a mission.”

  Skip stands as well. “Is it dangerous? When will he be back?”

  Sadie pours a glass of water. “If it wasn’t dangerous, they wouldn’t be sending him and the other knights along, but Charlie can take care of himself.” She smiles. “He should be back sometime Saturday. I can’t really say much else.” She walks over to the bedroom door and taps quietly.

  Charlie answers, “Yes?”

  “Skip wants to talk to you.” She turns and winks at Skip then waves to June. “Good night, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Good night, Sadie.”

  Charlie walks out and Skip extends his hand. “Good luck, Charlie.”

  He takes the hand in a shake, and they both extend their other arms around to execute a manly hug. “Thanks, buddy. I can tell you more about it after it’s over. Take care of yourself tomorrow.”

  Skip smiles. “Oh, tomorrow! The field trip; did you talk to Sadie yet?”

  “Plan on going; I’ll talk to her right now.”

  Skip nods. “Alright. See you Saturday, bud.”

  Charlie turns to June. “Good night, June. I’ll see you Saturday.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Eddy, we need to talk before I go; come to bed sooner than later.”

  “Okay, Dad.”

  Charlie walks into the bedroom and shuts the door. Pretty much on cue, Rusty jumps up and trots over to the door leading to the hall and starts to scratch at it.

  Eddy stands up. “Really, Rusty? As soon as he goes to bed?”


  “Shhh. Fine.” He picks up Rusty’s leash and collar and glances at June. “Want to come down while I let him out?”

  She looks at Skip. “Is that alright?”

  He nods. “Don’t be long.”

  She jumps up and slips on a pair of shoes, and the two of them walk out with Rusty.

  They leave through the front doors, then walk to the side of the hotel where Eddy bends down to take the collar off Rusty. “Now you listen, bud, Dad’s going to be away tomorrow, so we can’t have you being all useless like you were today. Get me?”


  “Alright. And be nice to the bellman.”

  Rusty sneezes and trots toward the back of the hotel.

  Eddy turns to walk inside, but June motions to Rusty. “I don’t get why you’re okay with just letting him run around by himself. I bet they have pounds and things, and what about the traffic?”

  He waves her concern away. “He’s probably the last thing to worry about.” He reaches out and takes her hand. “I’ve been thinking… You and I have, uh, never kissed.”

  She laughs. “You had to think about that?”

  He shakes his head and furrows his brow. “No, I mean... What?”

  She takes a step toward him. A little streak of light shines on her face from a street-lamp nearby. “Would you like to kiss me, Eddy?”

  He smiles and places a hand along her lower back. “Yes, I would.” He leans in and closes his eyes.

  She licks her lips and adopts a sultry and breathy tone. “Well, maybe I’ll let you when there’s a bit more romance and a lot less traffic noise.”

  He opens his eyes. “Huh?”

  She takes a step back and pats him on the front of his chest. “Besides, I didn’t say yes. Consent is as easy as tea, Eddy—a girl’s got to say yes.” She smiles and walks toward the front doors of the hotel.

  What does tea have to do with...anything? “Hey, wait up!” He jogs up next to her. She extends her hand out for him to take, and he does.

  Back in the room, Eddy and June say good night, and Eddy returns to the room he shares with his mom, dad, and sister. Charlie and Sadie are waiting up for him.

  “Dad, you said you wanted to talk?”

  “Yeah. It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to give you over to Captain Sarkis while I’m gone, because you’re not technically a Squire of the Order, but I had another idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re going to serve your mother.”

  She smiles.

  Uuuugggggghhhhhhh. “Okay, no problem.”

  “Good answer.”

  Early Friday morning, Charlie wakes up and gets dressed. He puts on his royal-blue Council Guard formal uniform, even though he knows he’ll be given an Army Combat Uniform before getting on the C-130. He slides on a shoulder belt, threads it through a loop on his jacket’s shoulder, and attaches it to his waist. He picks up Patton’s sword and starts to attach it, but then he pauses and puts it back down. He closes his eyes and frowns, then walks through the living room over to Skip and June’s bedroom. He taps on the door and listens. He’s pleased to not hear any noise from inside the room.

  He slowly opens the door, and he keeps his eyes on the ground just in case June isn’t dressed. He walks over to the corner by the window, to where he stored his swords and staff, and almost jumps when he sees June sitting in the chair. Is she awake? Her eyes are open. He whispers, “June?”

  She just stares out the window. He slowly extends his hand to touch her shoulder. The instant he touches her, she snaps. In a flash, her hand clamps down on his, and she snarls and bares her teeth at him.

  Charlie tries to yank his hand back, but her grip is stronger than he expected, and she still holds him. She growls like an animal at him and squeezes his hand even harder.

  He shakes her. “June, wake up.”

  She blinks and tilts her head. She lets go. “Charlie?”

  He takes his hand back. “Are you alright? Were you sleeping?”

  She looks away. “I don’t know. Maybe. I was trying to meditate; just staring out the window and allowing my mind to let go of things.”

  Charlie clears his throat. “I thought you were going to bite me.”

  She looks at him in shock. “What are you talking about?”

  “Just now, you don’t remember?”

  She shakes her head and then sulks.

  Charlie places his hand back on her shoulder. “You probably need some blood. I can talk to you later, don’t worry too much about it today, alright?”

  “Okay. But, what are you doing in here?”

  “Oh, right.” He turns to the corner where his weapons rest. “I needed my sword.” He lifts off the blanket that covers both samurai swords and the monk’s spade, and he picks up Ketsueki Seishin—the Muramasa katana—then turns back to June. “Sorry to disturb you.”

  She recoils into the chair. “Get it away!”

  Charlie lowers the blade and puts it to his side. “What’s wrong?”

  “When you touched it, it... I... I dunno.” She shakes her head back and forth and keeps her eyes locked on the sword.

  Charlie sighs. “I know. Don’t ever touch it, okay?”

  “I don’t want to be anywhere near it.” She draws her legs up to her chest and hugs them.

  He nods and points with his free hand to the shorter sword, the wakizashi. “That sword is much more friendly. It’s called Ukigumo, which means Floating Cloud. If you ever need a sword to protect you, that one will do nicely… You’ll get through this, June, we’re all here for you. I’m going to put my sword away in the other room, and I want you to come out and get some blood, alright?”

  She shakes her head. “Not until it’s away.”

  He starts walking. “Count to twenty and come on out.”

  Charlie returns to his family’s bedroom and leans the sword against the door frame, then he meets June in the kitchen. He pours two glasses
of blood, and he gives her one. They both drink.

  “Feel any better?”

  She nods. “Yeah, a little.”

  He chugs the rest of his glass and sets it in the sink. “Listen, June, I’m going to ask Eddy to try and get a large amount of blood for you to take a hot bath with. It’s one way to make you feel great and sleepy. If he can pull that off, will you try it?”

  She stares at him for a moment. “That sounds super gross.”

  “It takes some getting used to, but I promise you’ll feel like a new person after. You’ll try it?”

  She nods and holds up her glass. “I drink the stuff. I guess it can’t be much grosser than that.”

  He chuckles. “Good, I’ll tell him. I have to go. Why don’t you go back to your room.” He steps over to her and gives her a giant hug.

  “I’m scared, Charlie.”

  He kisses her on the head. “We’re all here with you, and we all love you.”

  A few tears roll down her cheek, and she lets go of the hug. She wipes her face with her hand. “Good luck on your mission.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t need it.” He winks. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She smiles. “See you tomorrow.” Then she returns to her room.

  Charlie watches her go, then he pours another glass of blood and chugs it. He pulls out a few bottles of to bring along in case they run out of supplies on the mission, and he sets them on the counter. Then, he puts his boots on.

  When he’s all dressed and has his gear ready, he walks into his bedroom and picks up the sword. You damned thing. I might have some death for you today. He carries it out to the kitchen and sets it on his bag, then he wakes up Eddy and Sadie to say his goodbyes.

  Sadie walks with Charlie out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. Once they’re inside, Charlie turns to her. “June scared the shit out of me earlier. There’s something different, something dangerous happening.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He rubs his forehead. “She was totally zoned out, and I couldn’t get her attention, so I touched her shoulder.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “I thought she was going to break my hand and bite me.”

  Sadie scrunches her brow. “What? That doesn’t sound good.”

  He leans over. “What if she bites Skip, and something is in her saliva?”

  Sadie’s eyes flash wide. “Oh my god. I never even thought of that…”

  “Neither had I until about ten minutes ago.”

  The elevator doors open to the lobby’s level and they step out. “What should we do, Charlie?”

  He waves to Tiger who stands in the lobby, looking his way. “Warn Skip, and we’ll find a way to test it. Maybe one of my officers can help.” He stops walking and turns to her. “Don’t alarm June though, she’s got enough on her plate.”

  Sadie sighs. “I know. Poor girl.”

  Charlie gives her a hug and whispers in her ear, “I love you, Sarra, I will see you tomorrow.”

  She whispers back, “And I love you, Carles, and you better.”

  “Life in the blood.”

  “Death in the blood.”

  They release each other from the hug and kiss with passion seldom seen at such an early morning hour. She returns to the elevator, and Charlie walks to the lobby. Tiger whistles. Charlie walks past him toward a shiny coffee urn sitting on a table against the wall. “Don’t even start.”

  Sadie sips her coffee while checking over her day’s schedule when Skip walks out into the living room, stretching and yawning. “Good morning, Sadie.”

  She looks up from her phone and smiles. “Good morning. How’s June?”

  He shrugs. “Seems out of it. If I didn’t know better I’d say she hasn’t had her coffee yet, but that’s my issue, not hers.” He walks over to the small coffee maker and starts another pot. Over his shoulder, he hears Sadie sigh. “Another busy day of meetings?”

  “Yes. I have some at the Pentagon this morning, and there’s something planned for the afternoon, but details are hazy.”

  Skip sits down at the table beside her and rubs his eyes. Then he jolts up. “So, did Charlie and you talk about the field trip today?”

  She sets down her phone. “Yes. All the kids are going, right?”

  Skip nods. “Last count I heard was about two dozen kids and another ten or so chaperones.”

  “It’s a little concerning to me because I don’t know the organizer.” She smiles at Skip. “But you seem to think Katlyn is something special. Am I right?”

  He smiles, nods, and squints a little. “Yeah, she really is.”

  Sadie reaches out and pats his hand. “I’m happy for you. And I trust your judgement. I’m sure Minnie will just love seeing the exhibits and being around other kids her age.”

  The coffee starts to drip into the pot, and Skip gets up from the table and walks back over to it. “She’s made one friend already. What’s the boy’s name...? Herbert, I think.” He expertly swipes the pot away and replaces it with his mug, catching the dripping coffee as it comes out. “No, maybe that’s his dog. Stuffed animal.”

  Sadie chuckles.

  “I remember, it’s Tommy.” He turns back around while he waits. “Anyway, you’re right. Minnie is enjoying being around the other kids.”

  Sadie turns to him. “Can I give you a word of advice?”

  “Of course.”

  “Try and keep tabs on Valentine. If she sets her down someplace and leaves her, I guarantee we’ll have to go back to find her.”

  He chuckles. “Never leave a man behind, right?”

  “Yeah, or in this case a personified magic unicorn that prefers feminine pronouns.” She gets up. “I’ll wake Minnie and get her ready for the trip.”

  Skip nods and turns back to his coffee mug. It’s just about to overflow. Yikes! He slides it out and the pot back in, spilling hot coffee on the counter. That’s what I get for being impatient. He grabs a paper towel and cleans up his mess while his cup of coffee sits, temporarily ignored.

  An hour later, everyone is bustling about the suite. Eddy and June make breakfast while Sadie shows Skip the bag she carries for Minnie on outings. Meanwhile, Minnie is bouncing up and down on the couch.

  Sadie finishes going through the bag with Skip, then she puts her shoes on. She hugs Minnie goodbye as June tastes the big batch of oatmeal with a spoon. “It’s ready.”

  Eddy spoons some into a bowl and hands it to his mom. “Here you go. Have a good day.”

  “Thanks, you too.” She takes a bite and burns her mouth. “Nice and hot.” She turns to Skip. “Will you walk down with me? I want to go over the schedule one more time.”

  He shrugs. “Sure.”

  In the elevator, Skip starts to go over the field trip’s details, but she interrupts him. “Skip, the reason I wanted you to come down is so I can tell you something about June.”

  “Oh? What’s up?”

  “Something occurred to Charlie and I; you might be at risk.”

  “How so?”

  Sadie shrugs. “We think we should test her saliva, to see if it carries...pathogens.”

  He furrows his brow. “I thought the vampy-ness, you know, overruled, and that it only transmits through direct blood contact.”

  “Right, but what if somehow she can still transmit the other one? Through saliva, like all the others that are infected by it do?”

  “Oh. Oh shit.”

  “Yeah.” The doors open, and Sadie steps out and turns, holding the door. “Just be aware. We’ll figure out a way to test it. I wouldn’t worry her though.”

  He nods. “Thanks for telling me.”

  “Of course. I have to get going. Will you take my bowl back up?” She hands it to him. “Have fun today with Minnie.” She smirks. “And Katlyn.”

  He nods. “As much fun as a field t
rip with two dozen kids can be. I think Katlyn will be a little preoccupied.”

  “Later, Skip.”

  “Bye, Sadie.”

  She walks away, and the elevator doors close.

  Back in the room, Eddy and Minnie eat some oatmeal. June tastes the pot again as Skip walks in. “Hey Dad, I added some brown sugar, it’s pretty good now, want some?”

  He looks at her with the spoon in her mouth. “I think I’ll pass on the oats this morning, thanks though.”

  “Okay.” She spoons herself a bowl and sits at the table to eat.

  Skip walks to the fridge and hunts inside for his leftovers from last night’s dinner. Spicy Thai noodles and eggplant it is.

  General Campbell leads the platoon of two squads out of a set of doors and onto a runway at Joint Base Andrews, just southeast of Washington DC, in Maryland. Before them are two massive planes—a pair of C-130 Hercules. Each has four, huge turboprops under its wings, and both have their rear hatch opened. General Campbell turns and stops in front of the platoon.

  He yells over the distant rumble of an aircraft taking off elsewhere at the base, “Soldiers! Alpha Squad, led by Lieutenant Walker, will proceed to the Herc to your left. Bravo Squad, led by Lieutenant Rodriguez, you will proceed to the Herc on the right. Good luck and Godspeed.” He salutes the squads, and they all salute him back. He walks down between the two columns of soldiers, and the lieutenants who were in the front of each line turn around to face their squads.

  Lieutenant Walker walks backward. “Alpha Squad, let’s go!” He turns and jogs toward their plane.

  Lieutenant Rodriguez smiles. “Don’t let Alpha get to their plane first, let’s go Bravo!” He turns and runs. The soldiers follow, and Alpha Squad picks up their pace as well. None of them run at their top speed though—they know they’ll need their energy later. Both squads slow as they reach their planes.

  Charlie remembers the packs he used to wear during wartime, but the modern gear seems a lot heavier. These boots are great though, I gotta get me a few pair. Everyone is carrying a similar pack, but the vampires have blood supplies in addition to rations in theirs. The non-vampire soldiers carry assault rifles with stowed bayonets, Tiger carries a sniper rifle, and Charlie carries his katana. When the Alpha Squad reaches the loading platform of the plane, a member of the flight crew steps out and speaks with the lieutenant. Everyone else just waits.


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