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Trapped in Time 1: The Time Takers

Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  Jenak was shocked. Andy said, “Why are you doing this?”

  “We can no longer be a part of this. We’d rather die than continue the hideous things we’ve been forced to do.”

  Andy smiled and said, “Captain, did you not hear me say I was going to kill everyone that didn’t put their weapons down and step back.” The Captain’s brow furrowed and he nodded. “Well, you’re standing in the way of us doing it. Please put your weapons down and move over to the cliff wall.”

  The Captain couldn’t believe what he heard. He said, “May we take our weapons over to the wall with us. They’ll be coming to kill us along with you.” Andy nodded and the forty one troops walked over to the cliff wall.

  The High Royal saw the Captain talking with the two men and he couldn’t hear what was being said. He looked at the Senior Advisor and he said, “I suspect he’s telling them how he’s going to kill them slowly.”

  “They don’t seem to be bothered by what he’s saying.” The Senior Advisor shrugged. When the line of troops moved over to the cliff wall the Royal screamed, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? CARRY OUT YOUR ORDERS!!!”

  Jenak yelled, “They have chosen to leave your service. We will spare them.”

  The Royal said loudly, “Activate your weapons; kill those traitors at the wall as well as those two impudent trespassers.” More than a hundred and sixty cutter blades appeared over the four lines of Atlantans and the Royal yelled, “Attack!!”

  Andy dropped his hand.

  • • •

  The women on top of the cliff saw their former captors charge toward the two men standing alone in front of them. They jumped up and saw the unbelievable. The front rank of the Atlantans didn’t take a full step before they fell to the ground. The second rank stumbled over them and fell on top of the first line. Thirty Atlantan warriors that charged toward the warriors against the cliff wall didn’t make it half way to them. A few moments later, the only Atlantans left standing were the Royals.

  The Royals looked at their dead and dying warriors lying in front of them. One of the Royals turned and ran toward the cave and was hit in the head with an arrow. Karon was amazed at Linnae’s accuracy. “Great shot!”

  “You’ll be doing this soon, kiddo.”

  “I really hope you’re right.”

  Jenak looked at the Royals, “I trust you’ll stay where you are.” The High Royal didn’t make a move. Jenak looked at Andy, “What do we do now?”

  Andy looked over his shoulder, “Karon, please come here.” Karon looked at Linnae and saw her nod. She moved forward and Andy said, “Take off your skull covering.” The Royals suddenly saw a woman’s head appear floating above the ground and one of them collapsed to the sand in disbelief. Andy looked at Karon, “Where are the ones that made you go to the river?”

  Karon sneered, “They’re lying on the ground in front of you.”

  Andy had allowed the two guards to regain consciousness and he grabbed one of them by the front of his shirt and yanked him to his feet. The Guard saw Karon’s face and knew he was in trouble.

  Jenak smiled, “You know the drill.” The guard looked at Andy and saw he was looking at a bucket just outside the tree line. He looked at Jenak and saw the anger on his face.

  “You can’t do this.”

  Jenak snorted, “Did you ever stop to tell yourself that when you sent the women?” Jenak notched an arrow so fast the guard saw a four bladed arrow head appear a foot from his face. Jenak said, “Who knows; you might actually make it back.”

  Karon said to Andy, “Please let me kill him!”

  Andy looked at Karon, “It is not in my nature to kill an unarmed person.” Andy turned and pointed toward the river. Jenak drew the arrow back and the guard started slowly walking toward the bucket. He had watched the women make the run to the river numerous times and he knew that if he ran, he was dead. He picked up the bucket and slowly walked to the River’s edge. He dipped the bucket and filled it with water. He could hear the Raptors moving in the underbrush and his mind yelled for him to run. He forced himself to slowly stand and start walking back.

  Karon said through gritted teeth, “The scum is going to make it.”

  The guard arrived at the edge of the tree line and smiled just as six Raptors jumped him. The first one dug the deadly hooked claws on its hind legs into his back and ripped him apart. The Raptor rushed in and pulled the guard’s body apart and ran into the brush with their prize. Loud cheers could be heard from the top of the cliff and the Royals looked up and saw the women staring down at them.

  Jenak looked at the second Guard, “Your turn.”

  The guard sneered, “I will not go to that river!”

  Andy looked at Karon, “Do you have a cutter?” Karon activated her cutter and the blade was six feet long. Andy looked at the guard, “Tell him what I’m saying Jenak.” Jenak nodded, “I am going to allow this young woman to start cutting off pieces of you until you decide to go to the river. I want you to guess which pieces she is going to cut off first.”

  The guard looked at Andy and then at Karon. The rage on her face was clear and he knew she was waiting for the leader to turn her loose on him. He stumbled to his feet and began moving slowly toward the river. He didn’t make it to the bucket, which had been dropped just outside the tree line before ten Raptors rushed out and tore him apart. Once again the cheers were loud from the top of the cliff. Andy looked at Jenak, “Are you sure about the Royals?”

  “Andy, they will always be a danger to us if you don’t remove them. They’re more evil than you’d ever fathom.”

  Andy nodded and said, “Tell them that due to their lofty status that they may take a cutter with them to the river.” Jenak told them and suddenly the entire tree line was covered in Raptors. The High Royal said, “None of us will be alive momentarily.”

  Andy lifted the whistle from around his neck and blew it. Half of the Raptors turned and ran away at their fastest speed. The other Raptors watched them run and after a moment, turned and ran away with them. The High Royal and the forty Atlantan warriors standing at the cliff wall were stunned. Jenak looked at the High Royal and said, “Don’t tell me you never got around to training your pets.” Jenak’s face turned grim, “You heard our leader. Pick up a cutter and head for the river.” Andy spoke and Jenak said, “He says that if you can make it to the river and swim across, you should be safe.”

  The Royals didn’t move until Andy fired an arrow between their feet faster than they could follow. The five picked up a cutter and started moving toward the River. The five made it to the river bank and the High Royal ordered one of them to start swimming. The swimmer made it twenty feet out from shore when something huge lifted his body out of the water and bit it into two pieces. The surviving Royals turned and started running back toward the cave. Andy said, “Linnae!” Andy shot the High Royal in the head and Linnae killed the other three.

  Karon watched the Royals die and looked at Andy, “I thought you wouldn’t kill an unarmed….” Karon stopped in midsentence and smiled. “They were armed.” Andy nodded.

  Andy turned around and said, “Harvey, Arashi, and Ayo, go in the cave and get everyone outside.” The three took six archers with each of them and went into the cave.

  Andy looked at Karon, “How many are in there?”

  “About a hundred women; the men have been killing their mates to replace them with one of us; once we were trained on how to obey.”

  Andy shook his head, “Linnae, see if the food doors can be opened by different races.”

  Linnae went inside as the women began exiting the cave. Andy saw they weren’t in good shape. The men must have been rationing their food to make sure they had enough for themselves. The women were weak and frightened. Andy looked at the forty Atlantan Warriors standing at the wall and motioned them over to him. They left their cutters at the wall and stared at Andy wondering what was going to happen to them. “Jenak, tell them about our community and see if you think they can be trusted.”
  Jenak nodded, “They did what I did, Andy. I think they’ve demonstrated that they can leave their history behind.”

  “Make sure.”

  “I will.”

  Andy turned around, “Chatan, go to the top of the cliff and tell the late arrivals to stay there and be prepared to pull some supplies to the top.” Andy didn’t see him but he heard Chatan run away.

  Karon looked at Andy, “What are you going to do with us?”

  “We’re taking you to your new home.” Karon smiled and hugged Andy.

  Linnae came out of the cave and saw Karon hug Andy, “Hey, hey, he’s mine.”

  Karon smiled, “I think he belongs to all of you. I’ve chosen the one I want, if he’ll have me.” Karon paused, “If he’s not already taken.”

  Andy smiled, “You should ask him.”

  Karon looked at Andy, “You’re right.”

  Andy looked at Linnae, “Get one of the former Outsiders and talk with the Atlantan Women. See where they stand on changing their ways.”

  Linnae nodded, “Four more food rooms opened and they’re completely stocked.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Linnae nodded and went to find Lenak.

  Harvey came over and looked at the men gathered at the top of the cliff. He saw Chatan looking down and he made a motion of pulling a rope. He pointed toward the cliff over the cave entrance and Chatan disappeared. “I’ve told him to move the ropes over to the cave entrance.”

  Andy nodded, “I should have thought of that. We need to keep the women in the cave until we move all of the food.”

  “You also have to go in and open the room to the compound bows and arrows.”

  Andy shook his head, “Harvey, you are wise beyond your years.”

  Harvey smiled, “Maybe; it’s you and Linnae that is the glue that binds us together.” Harvey walked back to the cave and Andy was surprised at his remark. This additional food and weapons were going to be a godsend to the community. There was a lot of work to be done. Andy yelled at Harvey before he entered the cave, “Will you see if Enapay is up to going back and delivering a message to Maxus?”

  Harvey nodded and entered the cave.

  Andy walked over to the group of women and Linnae stopped speaking. They all looked at Andy and immediately determined by the deference shown by Linnae and Lenak that he was the leader. “Lenak, please translate what I say.” Lenak nodded. “I know you’ve been through a lot and I’m going to ask for your patience.” The women started looking fearful. “I’m concerned that if we move you out of the cave now all the doors will close and won’t open. I need you to stay here until we can move everything out.” The women stared at Andy and he saw they expected him to leave them in the cave. He said, “My Mate will stay with you until we can take you back to our community; while you’re here you may eat as much as you wish. I’ll also leave enough archers to defend you against any threat. We will not abandon you.”

  A woman spoke and Lenak said, “How do we know your words are true?”

  Andy looked at Linnae and she said, “He does not deceive or tell untruths. That is part of the reason why I love him.” The women stared at Linnae and she said, “He is what brought all of us that are so different together. Look around at our community members and ask them if he can be trusted. We will not allow you to be harmed again if it’s in our power to prevent it.”

  Another woman spoke and Lenak said, “They ask if I will stay with them to help them communicate.” Lenak listened and then said, “They also ask if they may go inside and get something to eat?”

  Andy looked at the woman who asked and every one of them saw his sorrow. He looked at Lenak and said, “You will stay here as well and please take them inside and allow them to eat their fill.”

  Lenak told them and they stood up and began moving toward the cave. One of them ran up and hugged Andy. He put his arms around her and returned the hug. He released her and said, “We have a safe place for you to live.” The others had stopped moving when the woman rushed up and hugged Andy. Lenak told them what he said and for the first time many of them felt something foreign; hope.

  Linnae watched them go to the cave and said, “I don’t want to be away from you.”

  Andy looked her in the eyes and smiled, “Are they worth it?”

  Linnae stared at Andy and after a moment went into his arms, “This is what made me love you from the first moment I saw you.” She held him tight and Andy knew there was too much to be done. But it would be done; one day at a time. Linnae sighed and said, “You need to take the other women back.”

  “I know.” Andy kissed Linnae tenderly and went over and grabbed a rope. “Tell Harvey to send up some food for the women. They’ll need enough to build up their energy before we set out for the community.” Andy looked over and saw Karon standing with Harvey and Jenak. “Tell Karon that I need her to go up and join the women.”

  Linnae looked and saw Karon and smiled, “I’ll send her up when she finishes talking with Jenak.” Andy looked over at them and nodded.

  • • •

  Karon found Harvey and said, “Will you help me for a moment?”

  “What do you need?”

  “I need to speak with the one named Jenak.” Harvey nodded and they went looking for him. They found him as he came out of the cave.

  Jenak looked at Harvey and Karon and Harvey said, “She wants to speak with you.” Jenak nodded.

  Karon kept her eyes on Jenak and said, “Please tell him this exactly as I say it.” Harvey nodded. “I thank you for saving my life. I know you put yourself in danger to do it. I will never forget your bravery.”

  Jenak listened and smiled, “Tell her it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

  “Also tell him that I don’t want to ever be away from him but I know he probably already has a mate.”

  Jenak listened and looked at Karon. “Tell her I am not paired with anyone.”

  Karon listened and said, “REALLY?” Jenak didn’t need a translation. He nodded. “Will you allow me to be with you as much as you can bear?”

  Jenak listened and pulled Karon into his arms. He hugged her tight and said, “It is you that I hope will stay with me as long as you can stand it.”

  Karon spoke and Harvey laughed. “What did she say?”

  “Forever is not long enough.”

  Jenak leaned down and kissed Karon hard. He broke the kiss and she stood there with her eyes closed. She said something and Harvey answered. Jenak looked at Harvey, “She says she is going to learn our language. There are some things she wants to say that only you should hear.” Jenak started laughing and Karon wrapped her arms around him again. Linnae walked up and said, “Karon, Andy thinks you should go with the women back to our community. They need to see you working with us.”

  Harvey told Jenak what Linnae said and he nodded. “Tell her I’ll see her as soon as I can.”

  Karon hugged Jenak one more time and went to a sling. She put it around her and pulled the rope. She moved up the cliff quickly but kept her eyes on Jenak all the way to the top. Harvey looked at Jenak and smiled, “I think you have found a precious jewel.”

  Jenak kept his eyes on Karon and said, “Maybe coming here was worth everything.”

  Harvey hit him on the back with his hand, “Indeed it is; let’s get to work.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Maxus was manning the wall when Enapay arrived and he climbed down quickly out of the tower and ran over the exhausted runner. “Tell me what happened!”

  “We were victorious over the Outsiders. However, Andy needs you to come and take his place.”


  “We have found four more rooms full of food that have not been opened. We also found an unopened room with the modern bows and arrows. Andy wants you to engineer what we need to transport them here.”

  Maxus was stunned at the magnitude of the find. He shook his head and started furiously thinking. He looked at Enapay and said, “We can’t take all
of us; who will defend the community?”

  Enapay smiled, “There are two hundred women here that are second and third ranked archers.”

  Maxus shook his head, “I keep forgetting to include them.”

  “I suspect some of them are better than us.”

  “I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. I really think the whistles will keep most of the nasty dinosaurs away.” Enapay nodded. Maxus looked across the clearing and yelled. Three Romans came running and Maxus said, “I need you to take three lines and go to the tar pits. Skim off the top layer of lubricant oil and bring it back here.” They saluted and ran toward the cave.

  Enapay looked at Maxus, “What are you going to do?”

  “We’re going to build a pulley system and go to that cave to build some wagons to transport the materials here.”

  “Why don’t you build them here?”

  “They would have to be rolled thirty miles there and thirty miles back. If we build them there, they will only have to roll thirty miles. Wooden wheels don’t need to be stressed sixty miles.” Enapay tilted his head and nodded. “I’m going to take some of the former Outsiders with us; they’re brilliant when it comes to cutting with the cutters.”

  “I think Andy is going to bring back all the members of the scouting party except for Hotah. He’s also going to bring Arashi back with him as well.”

  Maxus smiled, “That should handle our defense needs. The Vikings and Samurai should be more than we need.”

  “I think he wants you to take most of the Vikings with you.”


  “It’s a tall cliff.”

  Maxus looked up at the top of the cliff and shook his head, “He’s right; I should have thought of that. We’re going to need their strength.”

  “One of them could probably lift a wagon by himself.”

  “I doubt it but they are the best resource we have at brute strength.”

  “Linnae is going to stay until the last group of women are brought back.”


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