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Trapped in Time 1: The Time Takers

Page 20

by Saxon Andrew

  Andy stared at Maxus for a moment and nodded.

  • • •

  Dernzak looked at his second-in-command and shook his head, “They should have been back by now.”

  Rison nodded, “I told them no longer than two weeks. Something must have happened.”

  “There has to be another cave south of here. I refuse to believe they were killed by the reptiles.”

  “We’ve been successful against them so far; I can’t imagine them all being killed by the carnivores.”

  Dernzak thought for a moment, “Take a hundred warriors to investigate. Make sure you send a runner to keep me informed.” Rison nodded and went into the cave to select the ones leaving. Dernzak wondered what could have killed fourteen of his finest warriors. He’d soon know.

  • • •

  Enapay sat on top of the cliff and watched the Grey Men start exiting the cave and forming up into ten units of ten men each. He saw them start moving out along the cliff wall and he stood and ran away on the path on top of the cliff. They were coming. He ran for two hours and arrived at the rope. He only knew it was there because of the hook cut into the path. The rope was covered by camomaterial and was invisible. He repelled down the cliff wall and found Harvey waiting at the bottom of the cliff. “Ten units of ten men each.”

  “They don’t know about the cliff?”

  “They’re marching overland.”

  Harvey looked at the forest and didn’t see anyone, though he knew there were seventy archers hidden in the tree line. “Send the scouts north and meet them as they come out of the first forest. Allow them to exit the trees and hit them from behind.” Enapay nodded. “Enapay, fire your arrows and get up the ropes immediately. They’ll be shooting into the tree line and you’ll die if you’re slow getting away from those beams.”

  “We will run into the forest as soon as we fire and go up the ropes before they can attack.”

  “That would be good.”

  Akira had walked up as Harvey spoke with Enapay and watched the runner go to assemble the scouts. “How are we going to get a shot at them? That beam has twice the range of our bows.”

  “We are going to have to provide a distraction and provide cover for our archers after we take a shot.”

  “Just how are we going to do that?”

  “That beam does not kill anything but the bodies of all animal life. It has no effect on plants, rocks, or other non-living things. Our archers are going to have to create a barrier to get behind the moment they fire.”

  “That’s all well and good but you know as well as I do that they will advance on our positions continuously firing those beams in front of them. We’ll be trapped behind our cover.”

  “That’s where the distraction comes in. We’ll start herding the dinosaurs in the forest south of our location toward them. I’ll need the archers in the forest to blow their whistles and force them out into the clearing. I suspect they’ll back away from the trees long enough for us to head south.”

  Akira stared at Harvey, “That sort of timing is not going to be easy.”

  Harvey pointed toward the tree line, “How far can you see into that forest?”

  “Not very far, but that beam will make it through any small opening.”

  “So if we start piling up ferns ten yards into the tree line…”

  Akira nodded, “The beams will be blocked.”

  “You need to get the Outsiders and women to use their cutters and start building the wall now. We’ll set it up just inside the tree line so every archer will have a clear shot. Each archer will fire at a specific target which we’ll determine as they approach. We’ll all fire together and then use that great defensive tactic that has worked throughout human history.”

  “What is that?”

  “We run like our pants are on fire.”

  Akira smiled and started to walk away but stopped and said, “If we’re successful, what do you think they’re going to do?”

  “If we can reduce their numbers by half, and I really think we can, I expect them to go back to their cave and plan a much larger attack.”

  “Is that why you’re attacking them this far south of their cave?”

  “I really anticipate we’ll defeat this first group. I want them to take as much time as possible getting back to their cave. The scouts will slow their retreat even more. It’s going to take them two days to get through the forests that run up to the cliff to arrive here. It’s going to take them longer than that to get back if the scouts can harass them effectively. I’m hoping Andy will be back before they start the next attack.”

  “And if he isn’t?”

  Harvey shrugged, “We can only run so far.”

  Akira nodded and went back into the forest.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Andy looked at Carrie and put both of his hands on her shoulders and forced her to look into his eyes, “I know how much death you faced in surviving in your time. I wish I could tell you that was over but in reality, you and I both know it’s going to be just as bad if we intend to survive here. It will possibly be worse. However, you are my best warrior and I need you invested in doing what’s necessary.”

  “I will. We need the beams if they’re still there.”

  “Now go over the signals.”

  “The rear cutter will indicate they have bows.”

  “Good, go on.”

  “The left wing cutter will be turned on if they have cutters. The right wing if they have the beams.”


  “If it appears they are using force to control the people, I’ll turn on the bottom two cutters repeatedly. If not, I’ll only turn one on.”

  “We’ll be arriving by midmorning and I need you to go there now and determine what we’re facing. Come back and let us know as quickly as possible.”

  “I’ll stay in the air and join you on the ground once you come down the cliffs.”

  Andy stared at Carrie for a moment and said, “I don’t want to lose you, Carrie. I’ve lost too much already. Don’t take any chances.”

  Carrie stared at Andy and after a moment nodded, “I’ll take off two hours before sunup. That should put me over the cave at sunrise. If you don’t see me when you arrive, it’s because they haven’t come out of the cave. Stay on the cliff until I can determine what we’re up against.”

  Andy nodded and walked over to the cliff. He turned around and looked at Carrie for a moment and then reached for a rope and started climbing up the cliff wall. Carrie watched him go up the cliff and wondered what she had seen in his eyes. “You mean a lot to him.” Carrie turned and saw Joshua standing behind her. “He knew that Linnae had chosen you to join them.”


  “Linnae loved you like a sister, Carrie. He remembers her every time he looks at you.”

  Carrie shook her head, “Joshua, I’m not the one he needs in his life.”

  “That’s not the question you should be asking, Carrie.”

  “Oh; then what is?”

  “Who do you need in your life?” Joshua turned and walked away and Carrie was struck speechless by his comment. She thought about it and blew out a breath. She hadn’t given a thought to romance. Or had she? She remembered watching Linnae and Andy together and was in awe of them. She thought Linnae was the luckiest person in the community to have found Andy and formed a bond with him. She just wasn’t worthy and he deserved better than her. A voice inside her head said, “Who would that be?” She was shocked that the voice sounded like Linnae.

  • • •

  Andy grabbed Maxus’ hand as he reached the top of the cliff and was surprised to see Julia present. Andy’s surprise was clear and Maxus shrugged, “She’s only four months along and she’s the best shot we have with a bow. She insisted on coming.”

  Andy looked at Julia, “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Would you prefer I get my initial training on fighting with my husband when the red beams show up?”

  Andy t
ilted his head and looked at Maxus, “Is she always this quick with an answer?”

  “You have no idea.”

  Andy smiled, “Well, welcome to our little raiding party.”

  Julia smiled, “I thought it was going to be harder than this to get my way.”

  Andy shook his head, “New times require new behaviors. If you’re the best Roman with a bow, you’re earned the right to be with us.”

  Maranda walked back from the front of the gathering and said, “When do we get this outfit moving. Some of us are getting homesick for our former cave.”

  Andy started laughing and said, “Don’t be so quick to judge what we’ll encounter.”

  “Oh, we won’t; but God help them if they’re like the last ones that lived there.”

  Julia said, “Maranda’s a better shot than I am.”

  Andy looked at Maranda, “Is that true?”

  “I think you’ll find all of the women that were slaves are better with a bow than most men; we practice more.”

  Andy stared at Maranda, “So you won’t ever have to endure it again?”


  “Alright, the Romans will lead us and you can keep your suits open and skullcaps in your pockets until we’re ten miles from the cave. Maxus, lead us out.”

  Maxus ran to the front of the group and yelled, “Forward at quick time.”

  Andy watched the legionnaires move forward in unison and was once again amazed at the ability of the Romans to cover so much ground without tiring. He knew from his history classes the ancient Roman armies would march for days with few breaks; their stamina was incredible. The women and Atlantans were pushed to keep up. Andy finally slowed them down and yelled, “I don’t want you arriving worn out. The Romans will wait on us to arrive before taking any action.” Andy stayed with the slower group and watched the Romans move steadily ahead. They really were incredible.

  • • •

  Carrie arrived above the raiding party when they were still six miles away from the cave. She had her skull cap on and was able to see them clearly in the moon light. She smiled when she noticed the Romans had a two mile lead on the others. Boy could they keep up a pace for an extended time. She moved toward the cliff and caught an updraft and climbed higher as she turned circles in the fast moving air. She was able to see Andy with the second group and saw that woman Maranda was walking beside him. That black haired beauty was good with a bow. She felt something and didn’t like her being so close to him. She shook her head and pushed the thought out of her mind and turned south. She arrived at the cave as the sun came over the horizon. She caught another updraft and climbed higher into the morning sky. She started circling and waited for some kind of activity to appear outside the cave.

  She looked off in the distance and saw the vast plain with patches of forest dotting it. This world was truly beautiful. The volcano in the distance had sunlight on its summit and the smoke coming out of it was beautiful. The mountains around it had snow on their peaks even though the temperature at ground level was about eighty degrees. The clouds reflected the sun’s light and appeared like wispy tendrils of a giant insect’s wings.

  She remembered that finding insects in her former life was next to impossible; most of them had been blasted by the nuclear bombs or eaten by the starving survivors. The red clouds also reminded her of the deadly red beams. She hated them with a passion. She felt a tear start as she remembered killing a young boy who had raised a hand beam to kill her. She had fired first and ran to avoid being hunted by the boy’s family. He was so young. She could still see the shock and pain on his face as he died from the hole blown through his chest. She looked down at the plains again and knew the life and death struggle between the carnivores and the plant eaters was nothing compared to humans hunting humans. She lost track of time and casually looked down toward the ground and saw a group of men outside the cave. She flew quickly toward the cliff and rose a thousand feet higher; she had not been paying attention.

  The men had spread out and sat down facing the forest. They appeared to be talking and after a few more minutes, she saw some women come out of the cave and hand the men something. After a moment, she saw it was food packets. She saw the Romans had arrived on top of the cliff and were staring at the men on the ground. She continued to circle and, over the next hour, various groups of people would come out of the cave and sit with the men outside. Something was odd but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was. It was another twenty minutes before she determined what it was; the same women came out each time with many different groups of men; it was clear the men were treating the women with extreme courtesy. They were helped off the entrance and a man would hold their hands as they walked down the slope. Almost like they were being escorted. She saw a Raptor stick its head out of the forest and the men immediately rushed the women inside the cave.

  The men, who had spread out, ignited cutters. She stared at the men and none of them were dressed in the clothes of the Atlantans; that was odd. The Raptor saw the blue beams from the cutters and disappeared back into the trees. A giant Allosaurus charged out of the trees and the men moved forward to meet it. They extended the cutters to their maximum length and spread out in front of the huge carnivore. Before it arrived at their location, it turned and ran back toward the forest and, after a moment, disappeared. They didn’t have the hand beams. If they did, they would have used it against the charging dinosaur. She had seen enough. She circled back over the cliff and saw Andy and the rest of the raiding party arrive.

  • • •

  Andy looked up and saw Carrie move away from above the clearing in front of the cave and glide toward the cliff. She moved beyond the cliff where the men in the clearing couldn’t see her and she flashed the left wing cutter and one of the cutter beams below the frame. They had cutters. That had to mean there were Atlantans present. He waited to see if Carrie would turn on the right wing’s cutter but it remained off. He was surprised that she indicated no one appeared to be forced to another’s will. He decided to move in and take a closer look at what was going on.

  “Everyone, set the hooks and move down the cliff. The Romans will go first.” Andy set a hook and followed the Romans down, where they formed up into an attack formation. The women arrived right behind them and moved into the formation as they took their bows off their shoulders. Andy moved out in front of the formation, held up his hand, and opened and closed it two times, telling everyone to remain silent. He started walking forward and the raiding party advanced right behind him. He arrived less than ten yards from the men sitting in front of the cave and raised his hand. The raiding party came to a stop and Andy pointed to the right and held out three fingers. The Outsiders moved silently away from the formation and surrounded the men. They went to a knee and pulled an arrow.

  Andy heard conversation and saw ten women come out of the cave and move toward the men. Ten men escorted the women out of the cave and helped them sit down on the ground. The group stared out at the trees not saying anything. Andy heard one of the women say in English, “It’s so beautiful to be so dangerous.” Six of the men nodded.

  Andy felt something to his right and he looked and saw Carrie standing next to him. He shook his head and put his fingers on his lips. She nodded and pulled the fabric of her camosuit. Andy wondered what she was trying to tell him and he looked at the eighty people sitting outside the cave and noticed they were all dressed differently, except for a few exceptions. Then he understood, none of them were dressed like Atlantans. He looked at Carrie and nodded. He made a decision. He took off his skull cap and said in English, “Please don’t do anything stupid. You’re surrounded and I really don’t want to harm you.”

  The reaction was instantaneous; all the men jumped up and surrounded the women. Cutters were ignited and the group stared at the head floating about six feet off the ground. One of the men said, “What are you doing here!?!”

  “Before I get into that, you need to put down your weapons so we can
talk without someone doing something stupid.”

  “We will not disarm ourselves again.”

  Andy stared at the man and reached up and unbuttoned his camoshirt revealing the blue archers uniform under it. The men were shocked at what they saw. Andy said, “I have you surrounded and none of you will live if you make a move to attack us.”

  The woman said, “It appears that you are the ones attacking us.”

  Suddenly, the giant Allosaurus charged out of the tree line rushing at high speed toward the men surrounding the women. They turned from Andy and rushed forward to protect the women and raised their cutters. The Allosaurus was twenty yards from them when it was hit by eight arrows and dropped to the ground. The stunned men watched as an arrow appeared in midair and was fired into the giant carnivore’s head; its roars abruptly stopped. They turned and looked at Andy.

  Andy shrugged, “If I really meant to harm you, I could have killed all of you without being seen. I’m not here to harm you.”

  The woman walked out from the men around her and said, “Then why are you here?”

  “I’ve come to take something out of your cave.” The men looked at each other and Andy saw their immediate nervousness. “It’s not your food. It’s something you are unable to access but we need it to defend ourselves against another group of humans that are attacking us.”

  Suddenly, men started pouring out of the cave entrance carrying spears and swords; the woman held up her hand and yelled, “Stop!” The men stopped and stared at her as she motioned them forward to join them. The men were holding swords and pikes; none of them had cutters. Andy wondered about how that could be. The woman turned to Andy and said, “We have recently overthrown the Atlantans that had enslaved us. We managed to kill all of them but not without a huge price.”

  Andy looked at the gathering in front of him and said, “They were holding your women hostage.”

  The woman looked surprised, “They were. We thought we could kill the guards fast enough but we were wrong. They killed all but twenty of us before they were overwhelmed.”


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