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Dawn of Love_A contemporary reverse harem romance

Page 1

by Bea Paige

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One



  Bea Paige’s Books

  Other books by Bea Paige:

  Books by Kelly Stock

  UK English and Slang Key

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  Author’s Note

  Dawn of Love

  Brothers Freed – Book three

  Copyright ©: Kelly Stock writing as Bea Paige

  First Published: 26th March 2018

  Publisher: Kelly Stock

  Cover by: Andreea Vraciu

  Kelly Stock writing as Bea Paige to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Bea Paige’s Books

  The Brothers Freed series (contemporary romance / reverse harem)

  Book one - Avalanche of Desire

  Book two - Storm of Seduction

  Book three - Dawn of Love

  Other books by Bea Paige:

  Sister of Hex: Accacia (paranormal romance & fantasy / reverse harem)

  Out now:

  Book one - Accacia’s Curse

  Book two - Accacia’s Blood

  Book three - Accacia’s Bite

  Coming Soon:

  Sister of Hex: Fern

  Book one- Fern’s Decision

  Book two - Fern’s Wings

  Book three - Fern’s Flight

  For an up-to-date list of books by Bea Paige please visit:

  Books by Kelly Stock

  Who is Kelly Stock, I hear you ask? Well she is me! Bea Paige is in fact my not so secret pen name. If you like Accacia’s Curse and want to give my urban fantasy series a read, then why not check them out?

  The Soul Guide Series

  Prequel to The Soul Guide - Secrets & Souls

  Book one - The Soul Guide

  Book two – Tortured Souls

  For an up-to-date list of books by Kelly Stock / Bea Paige please visit:

  UK English and Slang Key

  This book has been written by a British author who uses UK British spellings. Also, please see a list below of those words that may be unfamiliar or confusing to non-native Brits.

  Curry – British way of describing an Indian meal

  Holdall – same as a suitcase, a bag that carries personal belongings

  Holiday makers – people on holiday / vacation

  Mod cons – appliances that contribute to a well-run house, like washing machine, dishwasher etc

  Notes – slang term for money (paper form, not coins)

  ‘Off the cards’ – when something isn’t going to happen

  Orangery – a building like a conservatory where historically oranges were grown

  Plait - braid

  Prat – idiot, stupid or foolish person

  “Strength to strength” - progress from one success to another, something gets stronger

  Takeaway – takeout

  Tannoy – a public address system

  “Wet the baby’s head” – To have an alcoholic drink to celebrate the birth of a new baby

  This book is for all those people who have found love, and for those who still seek it.

  Chapter One

  The phone buzzes on my desk and I pick it up. It’s Max. My boss, my lover, my friend and now my family.

  “Afternoon, Icy, would you come into my office please? I need some assistance.”

  “Sir, I’m afraid there’s no one here by that name,” I say, putting all the emphasis on Sir.

  “Hmm, I like the sound of that, Icy. I think you should refer to me that way all the time. It has a nicer ring to it than Jester or Max, don’t you think.”

  My eyes flick up to Sarah, who shares the office with me. “Max,” I mouth.

  She pulls a funny face and I stifle a laugh. I’ve been working here for two months and we’re getting along famously. We are already at the comfortable stage where we can tease each other. It feels good to have another female friend in my life. Sarah is one of the few who knows about my relationship with all the brothers. Like Calum, she knew the brothers growing up. For a few years they were all in the same care home. Sarah has a lovely girlfriend called Jessica and they have a cute two-year-old boy together. Ty is adorable and totally won over my heart the very first time I met him.

  “If you require my assistance, Sir,” I say, laying it on thick, “I will be with you shortly. But Icy, she stays at home.”

  “Spoilsport,” Max says with a laugh and hangs up. I can’t help but grin.

  Putting the phone down, I pick up my pad and pen. “Max needs me for a bit, probably has a letter to dictate or something,” I say to Sarah.

  Sarah shoots me a look. “Sure he does. Do you want me to hold all calls?” she asks sweetly, a twinkle of amusement in her eye.

  “No, don’t give Max any more ideas. He’s incorrigible.”

  “Frankly, I don’t blame him. I mean, you are hot stuff.”

  “Shush, don’t let Jessica hear you say that,” I say with a wave of my hand.

  “She agrees with me…” Sarah bursts out laughing at the look on my face. “What? Sometimes we discuss how ridiculously hot my co-worker is.”

  “Oh, bloody hell.”

  I leave our office, smiling at Sarah’s tinkling laugh, and head towards Max’s, which is situated alongside our own. When I enter he has his feet up on the desk and a wide smile on his face.

  “Shut the door,” he says in a voice that is far too sexy for the middle of the day in an office full of employees.

  “I’ve brought my pad and pen. Do you have a letter that needs dictating… Sir?” I add, my own voice dropping lower. When he is playfully sexy like this I can’t help but join in.

  Max removes his feet from the desk and saunters towards me. He is looking particularly gorgeous today in a button-down, black shirt and a pair of grey cotton trousers. He pulls off smart casual better than either Hudson or Bryce, who look more at home in a smart suit, or at the other end of the scale, tracksuit and hoody. I’m not sure which I prefer. If I had to choose it would Bryce in a suit, Hudson in a tracksuit. There was something so attractive about Bryce’s huge muscles straining against a well-tailored suit, and Hudson freshly showered wearing his trackies after a session in a gym.

  “Earth to Louisa,” Max says, clicking his fingers.

  I laugh. “Sorry, my mind wandered for a moment.”

  “I sure would like to know where to.”

  “I bet,” I say, taking a seat on the Chesterfield sofa in the corner of his office. “So tell me, what is it that you need exactly? I’m quite busy. My bosses are slave drivers.”

  Max sits down on the sofa next to me, smiling languidly. “Is that so? Sounds to me that your bosses are taking advantage of you. Perhaps they’re a bit uptight?”

  “Uptight?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “He certainly wasn’t uptight when we made love last night. Nope, I’d say he was pretty much the reverse of uptight.” In fact, Max had been incredible. We’d made love for hours, this time just the two of us. Bryce and Hudson had drawn the short straw and flown out to Amsterdam a couple of days ago for a business meeting, so it has been just myself and Max. Apart from Nisha dropping in to see us for a meal, we’ve only had each other and as much as I’ve been missing Bryce and Hudson, it has been lovely.

  Max slides along the seat towards me and raises an eyebrow. “Sleeping with your boss, are we? Isn’t that against employment law?”

  “You tell me, Boss,” I say, placing my pen and pad on the low coffee table in front of us. “I could always resign.” I cross my legs in front of me, acutely aware I am wearing the tight pencil skirt Max loves to see me dressed in. His eyes linger on my bare calves and high heels. Despite insisting that casual attire is fine for working, I like wearing more business-like clothes. It makes me feel good about myself. I also feel confident, sexy.

  “I don’t think that will be necessary,” he says, sliding a warm hand up the front of my shin and under the hem of my skirt.


  “No,” Max repeats, his fingers straying higher. “Bryce and Hudson are back tonight. This may be our only chance to be alone for a while.” He looks almost wistful. We would have to chat about that. For a couple of weeks now, I’ve been feeling a bit of tension between the brothers. Not enough to worry me, but enough to make me think a discussion is needed to lay some ground rules. All of them want to spend time alone with me as much as they want to spend time with me together, and a couple of times more recently there have been moments where it has been a little tense when it came to the alone time and doubling up. A rota doesn’t sound like the right kind of term to use in a relationship, but ours is beginning to need something like that, some way we can rotate the time we spend together. That talk is for later when the guys are home, right now me and Max have some horniness to address.

  “Then I guess we’d better make the most of it?” I uncross my legs, parting them as much as the skirt will allow.

  “Damn it, Icy, I swear you wearing this skirt and looking all hot secretary has me in all kinds of bother.” He presses a hot kiss against my neck, his fingers now blazing a trail towards my crotch.

  “Hot secretary. I think you’ve been watching way too much porn,” I giggle.

  Max laughs softly in my ear. “I can’t help it if you’re fulfilling every fantasy I have. I’m a lucky man, I guess.”

  “You guess?” I pull a face, feigning upset.

  “I am a lucky man.”

  “That’s better. Now stop talking and kiss me. Sarah’s got us covered for the next half an hour or so.”

  “Second to you, Sarah is about the best bloody PA ever,” Max says, before sliding his lips against my own. His kiss is warm and familiar and melts me entirely. Each of the brothers have their own style of kissing. Max often kisses me slowly, savouring the moment when our lips collide. He could kiss for hours, and frankly I could let him. There have been many occasions when I have almost orgasmed from his kisses alone, which is a bloody feat in itself. Bryce’s kisses are more urgent, a clashing of lips, teeth and tongue. Most of the time he kisses like he makes love, passionately and with utter abandon. Those times I am completely lost in his arms, both physically and metaphorically. Hudson is somewhere in between. There are days when he takes my breath away with a kiss and I feel the love behind it, the honesty. Ever since he admitted he loved me, it’s like a bottle has been uncorked and all this emotion is flooding out of him. It’s beautiful. Other times the dark, hard-edged part of his nature takes over, and he kisses like he has everything to lose and nothing to gain, like it’s the last time we’ll ever be together. On those occasions, I feel such a surge of love and heartbreak for him because I can almost touch the damaged parts of him when he is raw and unguarded like that. They all have a similarity though; their kisses are full of love. I am loved by these men. It’s still a wonder to me.

  “Icy, I could kiss you forever and never come up for air,” Max murmurs against my lips.

  He eases me down onto the sofa and I wrap my arms around the back of his neck. Until now, none of the brothers have instigated sex at work, but I must admit, the thought of him taking me right now is a huge turn on. Groaning into his mouth, I pull him tighter against me. Max is as excited by the notion of us fucking on this sofa as I am. My skirt has made its way up around my waist and Max’s hands have found their way up my shirt and under my bra. The pad of his finger swirls over my nipple, sending pleasurable waves right to where I want them. He grinds his hips against mine, the firmness of his cock sliding deliciously against my already wet knickers.

  Then the phone rings.

  “Damn it,” Max groans, instantly stilling.

  “Ignore it,” I say, pushing my hips up against him.

  “Christ knows I want to, but it could be important.”

  The phone rings incessantly. Whoever it is, they’re not going away.

  “You’d better answer. It’s Friday afternoon, it might be something you need to deal with before the weekend.” I sigh, thoroughly disappointed now. “We can always fulfil your secretary fantasy another time.”

  Max gives me a quick kiss on the mouth. “Hold that thought, okay.” He stands, pulling me up with him. I adjust my skirt and shirt, and Max does up his belt. If anyone were to walk in now it would be so obvious that he and I have been busy making out. Just as well he has a large mahogany desk to sit behind to hide his excitement.

  “Max Freed,” he says as he snatches up the phone. He looks at me and mouths, “Hudson.”

  “Yes, Louisa’s here. I can put you on loudspeaker if you want.” He pauses. “Sure, hold on.” Max presses a button and Hudson’s voice fills the room.

  “Louisa, how’s Max treating you?” Hudson asks.

  I glance at Max and we share a smile.

  “Max is being a most attentive boss. How’s it going in Amsterdam? Are you enjoying the tourist spots? Red light district interesting, is it?”

  Hudson laughs. “I have no desire to go there, baby. Although Bryce did smoke a joint last night. Now that was pretty entertaining.”

  “He smoked a joint?” Max says with a laugh. “The last time he did that we were seventeen and he puked up half his stomach.”

  “Well, that’s because you were drinking cider as well.”

  “Tell him not to make a habit of it,” I say, partly amused and partly annoyed. I know Bryce wouldn’t t
ake it up, but my history of dealing with the other side of addiction isn’t something I want to replicate any time soon.

  “Hey, baby. It wasn’t a whole joint, just a couple of puffs. He didn’t particularly like it… the hash cakes, on the other hand, were great.”

  “Hash cakes?!”

  “I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” Hudson says quickly, recognising when I am losing my sense of humour. Nisha had lost her mum to drug addiction, which had started with smoking the odd joint and ended up with heroin and cocaine abuse. It isn’t a subject I like to joke about.

  “Hey, Louisa, sorry. I’m being a prat. Honestly, we were with clients who live in the city. It’s normal to smoke hash here. Bryce and I were being social. It’s not something we’d ever take up, I can assure you.”


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