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Dawn of Love_A contemporary reverse harem romance

Page 5

by Bea Paige

  “Earth to Louisa,” Hudson murmurs as he pulls away.

  I can hear Bryce’s chuckle and Max’s snigger either side of me. “Get in your seat,” I say, slapping him playfully on the arm.

  The captain speaks over the tannoy system and within a few minutes we are coasting along the runway, getting ready for take-off. I can hear Nisha talking animatedly to Calum. I’m pretty sure she’s discussing what film to watch first. Having all the latest blockbusters available on the in-flight movie system is as much a novelty as flying first class is.

  The plane makes the familiar rumbling noise as the engines power up for take-off. Bryce takes my hand in his and grips it firmly. I’m not afraid of flying, I find the whole experience exciting more than anything. Bryce, however, has his eyes squeezed shut. He doesn’t open them until the plane has evened out.

  “Thank fuck for that,” he says, relief at a successful take-off relaxing his features.

  “I didn’t know you were afraid of flying,” I say.

  “I’m not. I just don’t like that part. Once we’re up in the air, I’m fine.”

  Raising his hand, Bryce motions for the air stewardess and asks for a beer for himself and a bottle of sparkling water and a glass of Prosecco for me. Within a few minutes she is back with the drinks. I take mine from her and pop them on the table in front of me.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  “Would you like me to get you anything else? A cushion, blanket perhaps.”

  “No, thank you. I’m great for now.”

  Leaving us to relax, the air stewardess makes her way over to Hudson and Max, who order some drinks from her too. Bryce leans over, gives me a kiss on the cheek and hands me a set of headphones. He points at the TV screen fitted into the partition in front of me.

  “For the movies. They’ve even got the Avengers film Max and I saw yesterday.”

  “No thanks, I’d rather read.”

  “Fair enough. What book are you devouring today?”

  “I don’t think you’ll know it.”

  “Try me.”

  “It’s just a paranormal romance… Vampires and wolf-shifters, stuff like that.”

  “And you say my tastes are strange.” He shakes his head, pops in his headphones and settles back to watch a movie. I make myself comfortable, open my book and lose myself in the story about three ridiculously hot vampires and their lover.

  An hour or so later my eyes are beginning to tire, so I pop my book on the table and stretch my arms and legs, circling my feet. Max told me I should move my legs regularly to prevent blood clots. It’s such a long flight and sitting in the same position for long periods can cause them. The thought of getting sick and not being able to enjoy this holiday is enough to get me following Max’s instructions.

  Looking over to my left I see that both Max and Hudson are asleep. My bladder is so full from the sparkling water and Prosecco that a trip to the bathroom is needed. Getting up, I make my way to the front of the airplane. Nisha is watching a movie.

  “Everything alright, Nish?” I ask her.

  She pulls out one of her headphones. “Sorry, what was that?”

  “You okay?”

  “Never better,” she says with a wide grin. “I mean, look at us. We’ve practically got the whole plane to ourselves.”

  “Cal alright?” I ask, nodding in his direction. He’s fast asleep and snoring gently.

  “He’s fine. Just a little tired after all the exertion last night.” Nisha winks, then pops her headphones back in.

  “I bet,” I say, laughing.

  A few rows on I reach the bathroom, expecting to find a pokey little room with a silver toilet bowl that smells of bleach. I should have known that wouldn’t be the case. The room is actually really spacious and smells of the White Company candles. It even has a shower.

  “How the other half live,” I say to myself, realising that I am now the ‘other half’. Well, at least by association. How times have changed. I pee, then wash my hands and use some of the hand cream available. Looking in the mirror, I comb my fingers through my hair and let out an excited squeal. I’m going to sodding Thailand! How amazing is that. It won’t be long until I am relaxing on the private beach Hudson has told me so much about. Seriously, this has got to be the most exciting thing I have ever done, aside from sex with my men, of course. Although that’s a different kind of exciting all together.

  My thoughts are interrupted by a gentle tap at the door.

  “Hold on, I’m just coming.”

  I unlock the door and pull it open. “Sorry, I was just…”

  Bryce steps into the room, a devilish look on his face.

  “Bryce!” I say, but he places his finger against my lips, kicks the door shut behind him and locks it with his free hand.

  “Now, as I recall, there’s a club you’re interested in joining, is there not?”

  I let my gaze fall to his crotch, at the ample bulge I see there. All my men are well endowed, but Bryce, well, let’s just say his cock is in proportion to his large frame. Bryce backs me up against the sink.

  “Maybe,” I say coyly.

  “Sweetheart, I am more than willing to introduce you to this exclusive club.” His lips part as he gazes at my mouth then lowers to my chest. Although he’d never admit it, my breasts are Bryce’s favourite part of my body. Hudson loves my arse and Max my mouth, given we spend so much time kissing.

  “So how do we do this?” I ask quietly. I am acutely aware of the way his thumb is circling the skin on the back of my neck. It’s exactly the same pressure as when he plays with my clit. A thread of excitement thrums through me at the knowledge of what I am about to do.

  “Sweetheart, we can do this however you like,” he says, twining his fingers in my hair and pulling my head back, exposing my neck to him. He leans down and licks my skin from the dip in my throat up to my ear, before tugging on the lobe gently.

  “There’s something sinful about fucking fifty thousand feet in the air, with people just outside the door, isn’t there, Louisa?” he says as he grinds his cock against me. I groan at the friction, at the fire he stokes in me. With his free hand, Bryce finds my breast and squeezes gently, his lips running across my cheek. I turn my head, finding his mouth.

  We are a rush of hands, a crash of lips. We frantically pull at each other’s clothes. Bryce unbuckles his jeans, pushing them and his underwear down in one swift move. His cock springs free. I take it in my hand, gently gripping it at the base, holding him there as I kiss him. He tastes of power and strength and virility. Bryce unzips my jeans and pulls them down over my hips to my knees, allowing me to widen my legs a little, then he turns me around so that my back is against his chest and my body is pressed up against the wall. He enters me in one swift movement and I have to hold in the cry of pleasure as he thrusts with purpose. To get me off, to get him off. Bryce is always a thoughtful lover, he understands my body, what I like, what I dislike, what I love. Today, he senses my need for utter abandon. He knows I want him to take me like this. He knows I need to be fucked. With my palms, cheeks and chest pressed up against the bathroom wall, Bryce slides in and out of me, one hand gripping my shoulder whilst the other plays with my clit. I bite down on the scream that wants to erupt from my mouth with every thrust. The orgasm he gives me has my legs turning to water beneath me, and my eyes rolling back in my head.

  Bryce bites down on my neck as his own orgasm overtakes him. For long moments I remain pressed against the wall, Bryce’s body encasing me whilst our hearts beat and our breaths come out in heavy pants. Eventually, he pulls out of me. He turns me around to face him and kisses me tenderly. Then he pulls up my knickers and jeans, zipping them up.

  “Welcome to the club,” he says, smirking.

  Chapter Seven

  We land in Bangkok exactly eleven hours later, no head wind and a talented pilot has us arriving ahead of schedule. Apart from my rather enjoyable encounter in the bathroom with Bryce, the rest of the flight was uneventful. I sl
ept a little, chatted with each of my men, ate some food, read some more and watched a couple of movies. Soon we were over the mainland and making our descent to the runway. Now, as I step off the plane into the midday sun, the intense heat and humidity hits me immediately. I instantly regret my decision to wear jeans.

  “Holy cow, Louisa, it’s so hot!” Nisha says, linking her arm through mine as we walk across the asphalt. A shuttle bus is waiting for us, and we all pile on it. Inside it has plush, cream leather seats and air conditioning. We are the only passengers. Everyone else on the flight is heading to two not-so-new-looking buses.

  “Welcome to Bangkok,” says the driver in perfect English. He is wearing a suit and a pleasant smile. “I understand you have a connecting flight to Krabi International airport.”

  “That’s correct. It leaves in about an hour,” Hudson confirms.

  “Plenty of time to have your passports checked and your baggage transferred,” the driver explains with a polite nod of his head. “Please relax while I take you on the next part of your journey.”

  Nisha grins at Calum, who is unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. “This is the best fun I’ve had in years,” she says.

  Calum chuckles. “What, travelling in this shuttle bus?”

  “Yep, that and flying. I mean, it’s so exciting.” Nisha talks animatedly for the rest of the short ride to the terminal. I, however, am feeling wrecked. I might have slept a little, but not nearly long enough. Max is sitting beside me, and I lean into his arms.

  “Hey, you feeling alright, Icy?”

  “More like melty,” I quip.

  Max chuckles. “It’s not too much longer. A short wait for the plane, maybe an hour’s flight, then another hour’s journey to the resort. It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

  “I know it will.”

  “Once we arrive at the resort you can relax.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I say as I run my finger down the tattoo on his arm. I have the sudden urge to run the tip of my tongue along its length. The heat is most definitely getting to me.

  After getting our passports and visas checked there is very little time until we need to board our connecting flight to Krabi. The flight is short and before long we are landing once again. By the time we leave the airport I am beyond exhausted. Even Nisha has lost a little of her enthusiasm. Two taxis have been arranged to collect us. A car for Nisha and Calum, and a seven-seater for us. Both are luxurious. I climb into the vehicle and sit next to Hudson this time. He doesn’t strike up conversation, he simply pulls my head into his lap, and lifts my feet up onto the seat.

  “Sleep a little. You look done in,” he says, swiping my hair back from my face.

  I don’t sleep. I doze. Somewhere between unconsciousness and wakefulness I dream of white sandy beaches, clear azure waters and three very naked men.

  “Baby, we’ve arrived.” Hudson’s voice filters into my thoughts, and my eyes flutter open. Sitting up, I blink back the suddenly bright sunlight that glares just beyond the open door. Shading my eyes with my hand, I wait for them to adjust to the light. Bryce is talking to a Thai gentleman dressed in a white linen suit, who in turn instructs a young man to collect our luggage. Within a minute they are stacked on a gold luggage trolley and are being taken away, presumably to our accommodation for the next couple of nights.

  “Let’s get you to our bungalow,” Hudson says, pressing a kiss against my cheek. He gets out of the car, and I follow him. The temperature here is cooler, but not by a great deal. Less humid, I guess. I can smell the freshness of the air, and the salt of the sea just beyond the line of trees that run along the grounds of the complex. The main hotel is a double-story white building. It is far more modern than I’d expected and sits in well-tended gardens with beautiful exotic flowers brightening the borders. Nisha and Calum’s car pulls up, and the door is flung open. Nisha steps out, squealing in excitement.

  “Lou, look at this place. Isn’t it beautiful!” she says, twirling on her feet.

  Hudson takes my hand in his, whilst Max flanks me. I give him a tired smile and he raises his hand, resting it against the base of my neck. Max’s hands are surprisingly cool.

  “It’s gorgeous, Nisha.”

  “I can’t wait to take a look around.” She glances over her shoulder and points through the line of trees. “Is that the beach?”

  “Yes, a private beach for the residents of the complex,” Calum explains, his eyes twinkling with happiness. He looks at Nisha adoringly.

  “Can we go to the beach? I’m dying to see the sea. I want to know whether the water is actually the colour of topaz and the sand the colour of linen.” She’s practically bouncing up and down.

  “Sure, why not,” Calum says. “Do you guys want to come?”

  Hudson looks at me and I must appear as exhausted as I feel because he shakes his head. “You guys go, we’ll catch you later at dinner.”

  “No problem.”

  “Before you go, take the key to your bungalow,” Bryce says, throwing him the set. Calum catches them. “Your bungalow is in the eastern portion of the complex by the spa. Ours is next door. Have fun.”

  “See you at dinner,” Calum says, smiling.

  “She’s like a kid who’s had too many sweets,” Max jokes as we watch Nisha practically drag Calum towards the shore. Calum appears to be enjoying himself thoroughly.

  “Nisha’s excited. It’s not every day people like us get to holiday in places like this.”

  “People like us… What do you mean by that?” Bryce asks, frowning.

  “By people, I mean Nisha and me. You guys aren’t included in that sweeping statement.”

  Bryce is still frowning. In fact, Max and Hudson are giving me a funny look too. “You know what I mean. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone,” I mumble.

  “Come on, let’s get Louisa to the bungalow,” Max says, breaking the tension.

  Seemingly out of nowhere, another member of the hotel staff appears with a tray of delicious-looking drinks. He offers me one and I take a sip. It’s fresh pineapple mixed with coconut juice and is delicious.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  Once Max, Bryce and Hudson have all helped themselves to a drink as well, we follow the concierge to our accommodation. We take a stone path around the main hotel lobby area and beyond through more beautiful sculptured gardens. Everything is lush and green and there are even more exotic flowers growing along the path. I see little red flowers with white centres growing up from the ground, and above us bright yellow flowers hang in golden showers. We head past a gap in the trees, where another path cuts across us and leads to the white sandy beach beyond. I stop, momentarily taken aback by the stunning view. Paradise, that’s what this place is. Dotted along the beach are sun loungers covered by parasols. There are even a few hammocks hanging from some of the palm trees. In the distance I can just about make out a familiar-looking couple strolling hand in hand along the shore. Nisha has her trousers rolled up and is walking through the surf. I can hear her laughter over the waves lapping against the shore. It makes me smile.

  “Hey, baby, you happy?” Hudson asks me.

  I turn to face him. “Thank you for bringing me here. It’s beautiful.”

  He takes my hand. “Thank you for coming, you’re beautiful,” he says in response. We catch up with Max and Bryce. There are a few holiday makers milling around; couples in swimsuits and sarongs, holding hands as they wander to the beach, couples sitting at tables, served by waiters and waitresses in pristine white uniforms. Interestingly, I don’t see any children.

  “Is this resort for adults only?”

  “That’s right. I love kids, but I don’t want to hear them screeching while I’m trying to… relax,” Hudson says.

  “You love kids, eh?”

  “Does that surprise you?” he asks.

  “Honestly, yes, a little.”


  “I just figured kids weren’t on your agenda.”

sp; He gives me a lopsided look. “They weren’t until recently.”

  “What changed?”

  “You changed me. Now, I can see myself being a dad. I want to be.”

  “Wow. I’m not sure what to say to that.” I glance at Max and Bryce, who are chatting up ahead of us. I wonder what they think of fatherhood, whether they want children too. Is this something we could do? Or would it become too complicated, given our unusual relationship.

  “Something to chat about another time, maybe?” Hudson says, noting my thoughtful look.

  “Yeah, another time,” I agree.

  Eventually, the concierge brings us to our bungalow. I should have known it wouldn’t be a small hut made of wood, which is exactly how I’ve been imagining it. Our bungalow is more like a mini hotel with a wide, open porch, and a steepled roof edged in gold that reminds me of the temples found here in Thailand. It is built with dark mahogany, instead of the rough wood of the rustic Petite Cabane in France.

  Bryce hands the concierge a few notes, whose eyes widen in appreciation at the amount. He places his hands together in a prayer position, bowing slightly before walking off back towards the main building.

  “So, what do you think?” Max asks me as Hudson and I join him and Bryce on the porch. I look at him, a feeling of contentment settling in my chest.

  “I think you are all wonderful,” I say, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him on the mouth. “This place is beyond anything I ever imagined. I can’t believe you own it!”

  Max grins. “It is pretty special, isn’t it?”

  “It’s amazing! I can barely take it all in.”

  “Well, there’s more through here. Come on inside and take a look at the most exclusive bungalow on the resort,” Bryce says, holding the door open for me. I step into the bungalow and stop in my tracks.

  “Holy shit,” I say.

  Inside the bungalow is light and airy with high vaulted ceilings, white walls and shiny, dark wood floors. The whole back wall of the bungalow is open, where two large concertina doors have been pushed back. Beyond is a decked area and a large infinity pool with views out onto the beach beyond. The pool has high walls either side, blocking any prying eyes from neighbouring bungalows and focussing the eye on the turquoise water.


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