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Page 9

by Jessie Cooke

  “Let go of me! I’m not talking to you, face down on your lap!” She was face down on his barely covered lap, wearing a very thin shirt that was riding up her back and showing signs of her little lacy panties...and he was too damned pissed to be horny any longer. He let go of her, but when she grabbed for the phone again, he pulled it back. “No phone, psycho! Talk!”

  “You think I had my sister killed to set you up? You’re the psycho one.”

  “Then tell me how you even know my brother!” When most of the time I wish I didn’t.

  “I don’t know him. When I was looking for you I came across his name and number on one of your arrest reports.” Wesley frowned. It had to be his very first arrest report because from then on, he’d always put down Dax as his next of kin. He had decided that he didn’t even want them to call Chris if he was found dead in his cell.

  “So you called him?”

  “All I had as an address for you was the ranch. I knew I couldn’t just go out there and demand to see you, so yes, I called him.”

  “That motherfucker gave you my address?”

  “Yeah, he did, and your phone number.”

  “Piece of shit.”

  “Wow, he seemed genuinely concerned about you. He said he was going to call you himself.”

  “Well, he hasn’t, and for your information he’s a big fucking liar. He’s not concerned about me. He just wants to be involved in this so that he can see me crash and burn, and obviously help the process along.” Chris loved to see Wesley miserable. He’d always been that way, maybe because Wes had come along when he was six years old and took the baby spot, or because Wes was always their mother’s favorite...whatever it was, Chris derived actual pleasure out of watching Wesley’s life fall apart. Sometimes Wes thought that was the only reason his brother had married his best friend, and the woman Wesley thought he would spend his life with. Not that Sylvia wasn’t a great catch, but Chris never appreciated her.

  “He’s coming here to help.”

  “Yeah, to help find a way to put me in jail for this. You didn’t think it wise to ask me before you invited him here?”

  “I didn’t invite him. He just texted me last night and said he was coming. With all that was going on today I just forgot to tell you. Now, can I have my phone...please?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe there’s something else on here I should know. Maybe you were texting Buzz all along...or the killer.”

  “Fuck you! Pam was my sister!”

  Wesley knew he’d taken it too far. He handed the phone to her and said, “Word to the wise, don’t get too close to my brother. Christopher is like a snake. You never know when he’ll lie quietly and play dead as you pass him in the grass...or when he’ll strike.”

  She sighed, set the phone aside, and said, “I don’t have any desire or intentions of getting close to your brother. I’m sorry my phone call to him is bringing him here when you so obviously don’t want that. I promise you, I didn’t invite him and there’s no conspiracy least not one that I’m involved in. I just want to know who killed my sister.” Her voice cracked, and she looked away. Wheelie could see her shoulders shake and he knew she was crying. He kept forgetting that she had a lot more reason to be upset about all this than he did. She’d lost her sister, and he was so self-involved that he hadn’t shown her any empathy about that at all. He reached out and gently put his hand on her shoulder. He was a little punchy around her, never sure when she was going to want to fight.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about everything.”

  She wiped at her face before turning around to look at him. “It’s not your fault. I’m so stupid. If I wasn’t so immature and dead set on pissing the old man off, none of this would have happened. The worst part is, he’s right. I profess to be a grown-ass woman and if I would have acted like one and just watered the fucking plants at the house like I was supposed to while they were gone...Pamela would still be alive.” She dissolved into a puddle of tears then and Wheelie put his arm all the way around her and pulled her into his side. He didn’t say anything. He figured he’d already said enough to make things worse. He just held her and let her cry against his bare chest. Eventually, she gave in to her exhaustion and fell asleep.

  Bri woke up slowly. She could feel her body pressed into something, or someone, warm. He smelled good, like cinnamon and spice. She felt a warm hand on her back, rubbing slowly and gently. It felt really good and she was afraid to move or breathe too deeply. She didn’t want him to stop. Suddenly the memories of earlier came flooding back. Her father, Wesley’s accusations, the tears she’d been trying so hard to hold back. He’d been so mad at her, yet he’d reached out and then held her and let her soak his bare chest with her tears until she passed out. He was an enigma. Was that why she couldn’t stop thinking about him?

  Maybe it had just been too long since she’d been with a man. After Brayden, she couldn’t bring herself to trust anyone enough. She almost laughed at that. Here she was letting herself be convinced that the man who had to be the last one to see her sister alive didn’t kill her. This was a fine one she picked to trust all of a sudden. Maybe she was just doomed to always be attracted to the wrong guy, but she’d never felt the kind of overwhelming attraction to anyone that she felt toward Wes. It was the kind that you read about, where the chemistry was just so thick you could almost touch it. She’d felt it the moment she met him, and she got the feeling he did too. That was another reason she’d been so upset with Pam and taken it all out on her.

  The tears threatened to well up again and she had to switch gears to avoid another tsunami of them. She breathed in his spicy scent one last time before slowly pulling her body upright. The room was dark and she could see out the window that the sun was just setting.

  He smiled at her. Jesus, he looked good sitting there next to her in just his shorts. He had two tattoos that she could see. One was a skull like the one they wore on their patches, only it had a red rose at the bottom with the name “Bella” inked inside. She felt stupid when she realized that she was instantly jealous of this “Bella” person. That tattoo was on the right side of his chest. Along the inside of his arm was something written in symbols...Chinese maybe? She didn’t know what it said, but it looked hot on him. “Did I sleep all day?”

  “No, about four hours,” he said.

  “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said. “You needed it. I slept some, too. Dax texted and said they want us at the police station first thing in the morning, so at least we don’t have to go in today. I guess it’s taking them a while to process the scene because of all the...nature, out there.”

  “They want us both at the station?”

  “All of us.”

  “Should be fun,” she said, thinking exactly the opposite. But now that Buzz was dead, she had no idea which direction to look. All she could hope was that the police did, or even her asshole father.

  “Can’t wait,” he said with a grin. “Are you hungry?”

  Yeah, I’d like to start by licking you from head to toe... “A little,” she said out loud. She knew that acting on her thoughts would be a terrible idea. He’d had sex with her sister, and look how badly the last time she went there turned out. Jesus, what a fucking mess. Without warning the tears were back and Wesley’s strong arms were back around her. He was going to start thinking she was just turning on the waterworks to get him to wrap her up in them. When she was able to get a decent breath, she sat up and wiped her tears away. Looking at his chest and seeing them there, she reached out and touched him. She’d planned on wiping them off, but once her palm made contact with his hard pecs, it took on a life of its own. She let it begin to wander slowly across his chest, and she felt and heard him suck in a hard breath.

  She explored, without looking at his face, tracing the lines on his chest and belly with her fingers. It took her a while to get her brain to turn back on, and when it did, and she realized what she was doing, guilt over
Pam overwhelmed her once again and the tears returned. She half expected him to put his arm around her again, but this time he took a different approach, and took her by surprise at the same time.

  Wes grabbed her hands and pushed her back on the couch so that the top half of his body was over hers. He leaned down and began to kiss her tears off her face. She was on the verge of apologizing again when his lips found hers and stopped her. He cradled her head with his hands and kissed her, and all the pent-up sexual tension she’d been feeling since the moment she met him boiled to the surface. The kiss was soft, sweet, and sexy all at the same time, and when he pulled out of it and looked down at her, she could see sincerity in his eyes. “I’ll stop, if you want me to.”

  She didn’t want him to. Her brain wanted to take her back through the whole mess again. He slept with my Brayden. No! Not like fucking Brayden. But this was worse, wasn’t it? Pam was murdered not long after he slept with her. But he’s not Brayden. Brayden was a monster, an abuser who masqueraded in his handsome face and athletic body as a normal man. How did she know Wesley was any different, though? He surely was no upstanding citizen. He was part of an MC that her father had warned them to stay away from for as long as she could remember...and they’d found another dead body today, the only other person alive that she thought might have known who killed Pamela.

  As if he could read her thoughts...or maybe it was just a look on her face or in her eyes...he let go of her face and started to sit up. That was the exact moment that Bri convinced herself that an hour of getting lost in his hard body, brown eyes, and long, thick hair wouldn’t change anything. Had she put any real thought into it, she would have realized how stupid that was...but she didn’t want to think about it. If she turned him down, what would change? Pamela would still be gone. Buzz would still be dead. Her father would still be a controlling asshole. Being with him wouldn’t make things better, or worse. But maybe it would help some of the stress that she was feeling. Maybe it would be like opening a pressure valve and letting out enough steam to keep her from exploding. Maybe after three years, Wesley Anderson was exactly what she needed.

  That was the argument that ultimately won out. She reached up before he’d moved completely away, and she put her arms around his neck. He gave her a questioning look, but she didn’t give him time to speak. She pulled herself up and pressed her lips against his. It only took him a second to respond and when he did, it was with a delicious, erotic kiss.

  Bri was breathless this time when he released her from the kiss. She used both of her hands to push against his chest. He looked disappointed, but he immediately pulled back. When he did, she sat up and pulled the t-shirt she was wearing over her head. The look on his face then sent a thrill through her body. She leaned in and kissed his lips and then his neck and shoulder and then down along the front of his chest and across the tattoo that carried another woman’s name to eternity. She tried not to think about that, or Pam, or Brayden, or her dad, as she continued to kiss her way down across his hard stomach to the top of his boxers. When she got there, she slipped her fingers underneath the elastic band and he lifted his hips to help her pull them down. It was official—all of him was beautiful.

  She kissed and licked across his hips while he let his fingers run through her hair and then after teasing him to the point of making him groan, she finally kissed the tip of his cock.

  “Oh fuck,” he said. Bri smiled and let her mouth wrap all the way around the head before wrapping her hand around the shaft. His grip on her hair tightened while she began to flick her tongue and swirl it around the head and pump him up and down in her fist at the same time. He was rocking his hips up and down and moaning when she opened her mouth wider and took more of him in. She licked and sucked, hard, until she had him all the way in her mouth. He was cursing and saying her name and petting and pulling her hair. She started to bob up and down on it, and the thrust of his hips fell into a rhythm with the movements of her head. The harder and faster she sucked, the more aggressive he got, pushing and pulling her head up and down and whispering her name in a raspy voice until all of a sudden, with a loud growl, he pulled her up off him by her hair.

  She looked up at him and she could see the fine line of pleasure and pain on his face. She was feeling it herself. “Was I doing it wrong?”

  He chuckled and his body shook and then shuddered and then shook again. “You fucking know you weren’t. I just didn’t want the first time...” She didn’t know what her face must have conveyed to him, but he quickly corrected himself. “...or the only time we do this, to end with me coming in your mouth.”

  She smiled. “How would you like it to end?”

  “For starters,” he said, breathlessly, “in my bed, and hours from now.”


  Wheelie was afraid they’d finish what Bri started, and she’d regret it in the morning. He was also afraid that she’d change her mind on the way to the bedroom, and he’d regret it in about five minutes. He wanted her so fucking bad. When she was sucking his cock, and looked up at him with her sexy hazel eyes, he’d almost lost it. He prided himself on being able to go sometimes for over an hour. But fuck, this woman was going to test him.

  When they got to the bedroom she lay on the bed and crooked her finger at him. He didn’t know if it made him an asshole for going through with it, believing she’d have regrets or not, but he just couldn’t stop himself at that point. She’d have to tell him no, and she didn’t look like that word was anywhere in her vocabulary at the moment. He went over, and standing above her next to the bed, he took the sides of her panties in his hands and pulled them down her legs and off over her feet. So. Fucking. Beautiful. His cock was rock-hard and straining in her direction.

  She reached for his cock, but he moved slightly and took hold of her feet instead of letting her touch him. He pushed them up so that she would bend her knees and when she realized what he was doing, she propped herself up on the pillows against the headboard and let her knees fall apart. For a woman he was worried would have regrets, she sure as hell was willing right now. He looked down and groaned when he saw her fully exposed pussy. He could see how wet she was, and he suddenly couldn’t wait to taste her. He crawled up on the bed and between her legs, breathing in her sweet, sexy scent when he got close, before letting his tongue come out and slide over her swollen, wet lips. He felt her body shake and she let out a sexy little moan. He licked her again and her hands tangled up in his long hair. He licked her harder this time, dragging his tongue across her protruding clit. She convulsed that time, cried out, wrapped his hair around both of her fists and pushed his face in deeper.

  Wheelie was getting off on how responsive she was. He opened her up with his fingers and let his tongue go crazy. She was thrusting her hips up off the bed and arching her back, and her cries were getting louder and more breathless the harder he licked and sucked. He felt her muscles tensing and thought she was about to pull his hair out by the roots...and he knew that one more touch was all she needed. He pushed two fingers up inside of her and took her clit in between his teeth. He nibbled on it gently while moving his fingers in and out of her and she actually screamed as her stomach muscles tightened up. He felt a rush of warm liquid on his face and fingers and he almost came himself just feeling, tasting, and smelling her arousal.

  As soon as she settled down from her orgasm, she pulled at him until he moved up her body and they were face to face. She was so fucking beautiful, and the way she was looking at him made him want her even more. He kissed her hard, and while his tongue explored her hot, wet mouth, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her sexy legs around his waist. Wheelie kept his tongue in her mouth but let his hands slide down under her round ass and pulled her up off the bed. He felt the head of his cock press into her, and since she wasn’t resisting, he was tempted to slide himself into her skin to skin. Luckily, his brain wasn’t completely disengaged. She whimpered as he pulled out of the kiss and lowered her back down to the
bed. He had to get up and get a condom from the dresser.

  He could feel her pretty eyes on him the whole time. He stood next to the bed and put the condom on, and suddenly she was up on her knees, arms around his neck, and lips pressed into his again. They fell back onto the bed with his weight crushing her for a few seconds. She didn’t seem to mind, though. As soon as he pushed his weight off her, she reached for his cock, opened her legs, and guided him into her pussy. They both groaned as he entered her. She was wet, and warm, and fit him like a tailored glove.

  Wheelie sat up and while he moved in and out of her, he reached down and finally got his hands on her beautiful, full breasts. Her nipples were big and round and hard, and they made his mouth water just looking at them. He let his hands slide underneath her back and he pulled her up so that she was arched off the bed and he held her there so that he could get one of those delicious nipples in his mouth while he fucked her. She was moaning, and her head was hanging back with her hair flowing across the pillow. Just looking at her would be enough to make any red-blooded man have the best orgasm of his life. Wheelie had fucked a lot of women in his life, but Bri was the hottest and So. Fucking. Sexy.

  “Harder,” she whispered. He wasn’t sure if she wanted him to suck harder or fuck harder, so he picked up his pace as he moved in and out of her and he used his teeth to scrape against the side of her breast. One of those things caused her to cry out his name and dig her nails into his shoulders. He had to let go of her breast because he needed to fuck her faster at that point. He sat up again and held onto her hips and drove his hard cock into her hard and fast, over and over until she was shuddering and shivering again. What finally put him over the edge was the sound of his name on her lips. It had been years since he’d had sex with a woman that called him by his real name. When she yelled out “Wesley!” in that sexy, raspy, breathless voice, he came with a force that he was sure rocked the whole apartment, maybe even the entire building. It was a feeling that touched every part of him and as exhausted as he suddenly was, he knew it wouldn’t be long before he wanted to do that again.


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