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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance

Page 138

by Dark Angel

  I need to do something now. Before more protesters come.

  "Put me on," I say into my phone and there's a whine of a microphone to my right.

  Soldiers, protesters, even NYPD look to my right.

  "Susan?" Kate says, puzzled and angry. "What are you doing here."

  "She's holding a speaker, Kate," I say into the phone and hear my voice echo through the wireless loudspeaker that Susan Duran is setting up on the sidewalk.

  That's right.

  Thought I'd forgotten about her, didn't you?

  Thought I'd cast her aside.

  You thought she was a traitor.

  What can I say?

  In the game of politics, sometimes you gotta play your fucking cards close to the fucking vest.

  I couldn't risk you telling anyone. I don't know who. I just couldn't.

  And I couldn't risk Amy finding out just yet.

  Which I can tell she's figuring out as her eyes widen, seeing Susan.

  For the first time, Kate looks like she's a bit off balance. She hasn't expected this.

  The soliders are confused. They're starting to see the light a bit. A good thing too. There are now at least a hundred protesters who are starting to swarm past the barricades and into the restricted area next to the building entrance of Kinky Amy's.

  "People of New York," I say into the phone and hear my voice come out commandingly through the loudspeaker. "Hear me out."

  The protesters stop their chants and listen to me. NYPD officers are already paying attention.

  The National Guardsmen with their scopes on my chest were always watching too, I guess.

  Well, fuck. Here goes nothing. By the end of this, either Kate is gonna be done for, or I'm gonna be dead. We'll see.

  "My name is Parker Trask, and I've had the honor of being the Mayor of New York City," I begin and I quickly begin to fall into my comfort zone. "I've lived in this city since birth. I love every damn block."

  Some isolated cheers.

  "All I ever wanted to do was serve the public," I say into the phone and hear myself through the microphone. "And I surrounded myself with people who loved the same things I did. One of those people was Susan Duran, who used to be my campaign manager."

  Kate looks towards Susan and I continue.

  "Sure, Susan left because at first she thought I was fucking my stepdaughter and she wasn't okay with it," I say and I can see more protesters coming towards the scene. Everyone is listening. This is the most drama they've had since the last author thing that happened on Facebook.

  "And I can even understand that, folks," I say into the phone. "I can understand that she didn't feel comfortable. I can't fault her for leaving."

  Kate starts to look sick.

  The protesters are now joined I can see by more people.

  Young and old. Black and white. Rich and poor.

  People that have been been and always will be New Yorkers. They come form uptown, downtown, Midtown, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and yes, even the Bronx.

  They've found whatever method of transportation (since the state's shut down most of the subway lines) to get to Times Square.

  They've crossed the barricades through sheer force of numbers.

  All to get their voices heard.

  "The fact of the matter is, people of New York," I say through booming words. "If you want Kinky Amy's to go, I'll be the first to shut it down. But only after the people vote on it. Only after the people get a say."

  There's widespread murmurs of assent.

  "There is no way in fucking hell that I'm ever, ever going to let the government come in and impose morality on this city," I say and for the first time there are cheers.

  "I will fight to my last fucking breath to prevent that from happening because the moment someone else starts telling us whats right and wrong, that's the moment we start to lose our New York City values!" I shout.

  The crowd is with me. They're eating this shit up. Because I fucking mean it.

  But it's not over yet.

  Because while Kate is looking at the maybe 1000 people now surrounding the National Guardsmen and NYPD near the entrance to Kinky Amy's, I'm not done with her.

  I'm not done with her for torturing Amy.

  For being a bad mother.

  A horrible human being.

  Trying to ruin the woman I love.

  "I'd do all that, but in this instance, we're not here suffering as a city because of our values and morality, folks," I say into the phone and boom out of the speaker. The news helicopters are flying and the tv crews are filming this. I've gone international.

  The eyes of the world are on New York City again. To see what we say. What we do.

  "When Susan came to me several hours ago, she was concerned," I say. "She still didn't agree with the fact that I was working with Amy and sleeping with her too, but she saw the press conference and was willing to make peace with everything that she was initially disagreeing with. I asked her why, because I was curious how she could change her mind. And she played this for me."

  I look to Susan.

  Susan holds up a tape recorder. One of those old school micro tape recorders with the small cassette. Something totally non-digital. That would never get picked up by a digital bug sniffer.

  She presses a button.

  At first it's hard to make out, but Susan holds it near the microphone and then all of a sudden you hear Susan and Kate.

  "I'm sorry, what did you say, Governor?" Kate asks and you can hear her clearly.

  But not as clearly as you can hear Kate.

  "I've been looking for a way to bring down that damned Parker ever since I left him," you hear her say. "And put my brat daughter in her place. Make her understand who the boss is in this family. She's never learned that there are consequences to her decisions and someone needs to teach her that there's consequences in going against me and opening that business of hers."

  I can see the resolve of the National Guard waver. They're starting to put down their guns.

  "I've got Judge McGill in my pocket, and what Amy didn't know was that I sent her over to Parker to spy on him ready to bring out obscenity charges and paint the two of them as colluding and whip the public into a frenzy," you can hear Kate say. "But they seem to have done that just fine on their own. And you're going to start leaking this shit all over to the media, Susan."

  You can hear Susan take a gasp.

  "I don't know if I'm comfortable doing that, Governor," she says. "I came to you because I don't agree with how Parker is conducting his campaign. But I'm not going to start throwing mud."

  "You will if you don't want the last five years of your tax troubles and the installment payments you're making going out anonymously to the press," Kate says.

  Another gasp. Most likely coming from Susan. "That's right," you hear Kate say. "I did some digging. Looks like you're paying off some back taxes that you should have paid. How embarrassing is that going to be when it comes out? How badly will it affect your career."

  "Bitch!" someone from the crowd yells to Kate. People cheer.

  "By the time I'm done with Parker Trask, his career will be dead, my daughter will never question me again, and his precious city will be nothing but a slum," Kate's voice booms out.

  I swear to God, it's like a fucking tinderbox.

  "Get the fuck out of our city!" I hear someone say.

  "Fuck off, lady!" I hear someone else.

  "Recall Kate Meelios!" I hear another chant.

  "Recall the Governor! Get the fuck out of New York!" more people yell.

  Remember, this shit is captured on live television. New Yorkers are watching. They're getting fucking upset. And they're taking to the streets.

  Coming here.

  You already see them from every direction. On the horizon.

  "Guardsman, shoot that man!" Kate says, flailing her arms at me. I look down. The red dot on my chest is gone.

  "I'm giving you a command!" Kate yells.

  It take a long moment.

  And then the Commander of the National Guard stands up and looks at Kate.

  "No, ma'am, I cannot follow that order," he says to her. Then he turns to his men. "Fall back, soldiers. Let's take the Governor home."

  You can feel the crowd cheer and shout and jeer Kate as the National Guard break formation and fall back. NYPD continues to stand guard but there's no need now. People are clapping and cheering. Hell, they're streaming content from Amy's website on the jumbo trons on 42nd street in the heart of Times Square. One last fuck you to Kate Meelios.

  That's when I feel a delicate hand touch me.

  I look over.

  It's the most beautiful girl in the world.

  Sure, she's a brat. A bad brat at that.

  But she's a brat I wanna fuck till my eyes cross.

  "Let's get out of here," Amy says, a smile on her face as her eyes tell me she's thinking the same thing as me.

  Looks like I'm going to be doing just that.


  Our lips lock fiercely, all of the adrenaline still running through my veins making me attack Parker furiously. After what felt like the end of the world, it feels good to be back in his arms.

  Grabbing at his shirt, I let a growl rise from the back of my throat and I yank on it, forcing the buttons to pop out all at once. I hear their faint pop pop pop as they scatter around the floor, and I flatten the palm of my hands over Parker’s naked chest. With a violent push, I make him go back against the wall, and his eyes widen in surprise.

  “Wicked Amy indeed,” he grins, sidestepping me and grabbing me by the wrists. Turning around fast, he makes me switch positions with him, pinning me against the wall while he holds my arms over my head.

  “Wicked for you,” I say, reaching for him and pulling his lower lip between my teeth. He reacts by crushing his mouth against mine, our tongues finding one another fast and losing themselves in a lustful dance.

  Letting go of my arms, Parker’s hands fall on my hips and, wasting no time, he lets them slide down to the hemline of my dress so that he can push it up to my waist. He presses his body against mine then, and I sigh heavily as I feel the hard shape of his cock pressing against my soaked pussy.

  I grind against him, moving my hips as if they were a wave, and he grabs me by the ass, pulling me up and into him. “Now, I want you now,” I pant, one trembling hand reaching for his crotch while I place my other arm over his shoulder. I unbuckle his belt clumsily and, somehow, manage to open up his fly. I give a harsh tug to his boxer briefs, pulling them down, and I gasp as his cock springs free and smacks me right between my thighs.

  “Now,” I repeat, my pussy burning with an uncontrollable need. Forget foreplay; I want his cock inside of me, and I want it now. Without saying a word, he slides one hand up my leg and, when he reaches my inner thigh, he flicks my thong to the side and allows the tip of his cock to brush against my inner folds.

  “You’re in a hurry, aren’t you?” he grins, his cock throbbing hard against my pussy.

  “You have no idea,” I whisper, both my arms now over his shoulder. His reply is a short and simple one; he moves his hips forward in a dry thrust, and a moan erupts on my mouth as his cock flies deep inside my pussy, pushing my inner walls back as it accommodates itself inside me.

  “Better now?”

  “Much better,” I laugh, throwing my head back and pressing it against the wall as he starts rocking his hips, his cock moving in and out of me like a restless piston. Moan after moan tumbles out from between my lips each times his full inches go all the way inside my pussy and, before I even know it, my moans turn into violent screams of utter delight.

  “Harder,” I plead, bucking my hips at him and trying to force his cock to go even deeper. With a groan, he presses his body against mine harshly and starts fucking me in complete abandonment, pounding me so fiercely that a pleasant warm numbness starts taking over my pussy. “That’s… That’s it…” I groan, my eyes rolling in their orbits as my brain starts short-circuiting.

  I close my eyes as electricity starts crackling under my skin, tension mounting inside of me, and I grit my teeth, bracing for impact. It hits me before I’m ready, and it feels like being hit by a sudden wave when your back is turned to the ocean; it just sweeps you off your feet, sends you tumbling down to the ground and then drags you back into the depths. Which I don’t mind, since the depths I’m talking about are the ones where pleasure reigns supreme.

  “Now that’s how you get started,” I whisper, slowly unlacing my legs from around his waist and allowing my feet to touch the floor. With a groan he slides his cock out of my pussy but, before I can continue my assault on him, he grabs me by the hips and forces me to turn around. My arms shoot up by instinct, and I place my hands against the wall for support, jutting my ass back as I do it.

  “I love the view from here,” he says with an indecent chuckle, running his hands up my legs and lifting my dress up once more, his fingers now cupping my ass cheeks. Moving as fast as a viper with drawn fangs, he hooks two fingers on my thong and pulls it against my outer thigh, ripping it out of my body with one brutish movement. I gasp as I feel the fabric digging into my skin and then tearing, the cool air in the room lapping at my wetness, and I thrust back against him.

  I feel his cock nestling itself between my ass cheeks, his thick shaft throbbing against my hole, and then he just grabs his cock and pushes it down until its tip is back on my pussy.

  “Do it,” I breathe out, anxious to feel his thrusts, his cock completely demolishing my pussy.

  “You’re insatiable today,” he chuckles once more, thrusting fast. I choke down a scream and then chuckle too, the sound of my voice bright and clear.

  “When am I not?” I laugh, rocking my hips steadily and slamming my ass against his thighs.

  “That’s true.” He leans into me, brushing my hair over one shoulder, and then lays his lips on my neck. He kisses my skin while he grabs me by the waist again, feeling the sway of my hips. Responding to my rhythm, he moves his hips like a pendulum, his cock piercing me over and over again until I no longer know if I’m moaning or screaming. Not that it matters, anyway; I’m being so loud right now that the distinction between a moan and a scream has to be a faint one.

  “I’m going to fuck you like this every single day for the rest of my life, Amy,” he whispers into my ear, nibbling at my earlobe and pulling it between his teeth gently. “Can you handle it?”

  I laugh again, thrusting back so hard that I can’t help but gasp as I feel his cock spearing me so fiercely that I almost believe he’s going to rip me apart just like he did to my underwear.

  “What about you? Can you handle me?” I ask him, reaching back with one hand and feeling my way over his body until I’m feeling his balls, swinging back and forth as he thrusts. Curling my fingers, I grab them both and squeeze them, and that’s enough to make him groan.

  “Fuck,” he exhales sharply, slamming his hips into me so harshly that I almost crash against the wall. I place my hand back on the wall, letting go of his balls, and take a deep breath, smiling as I feel happiness rushing through my body.

  It feels good to be just happy.

  I was happy before today, but there was always that deep rooted anxiety, that fear of the future… But now that my mother’s out of the picture, the world is my oyster, and you can rest assured that I’m going squeeze life out of all its worth.

  “Don’t—oh God, don’t stop,” I find myself saying, the words taking their shape on my lips before my brain has the time wipe them up. It’s an unconscious process, one born out of the tidal wave of ecstasy that looms on the horizon of my mind, ready to crash against me and drag me into the depths once more.

  Taking his mouth to my neck again, Parker bites on my tender skin while he pounds me hard, fucking me without an ounce of mercy. I come in an instant, that giant wave of pleasure engulfing me in a fraction of a second. I scream; this time I’m sure I’m screami
ng, not simply moaning—all that pleasure turning into sound and filling the whole bedroom.

  “I fucking love the way you scream,” Parker whispers, all of his cock’s inches lodged inside me. Moving his hips back slowly, he slides his cock out and I turn on my heels to face him, breathing so hard that there’s a wheezing sound in my throat.

  “Well, I love the way you fuck me,” I shoot right back at him, taking my arms to his shoulders and pushing him back until the back of his knees meet the edge of the bed. I force him to sit down, and then I go down on one knee; I take off his shoes one at a time, my eyes never leaving his, and I throw them to the side before I grab both his pants and boxer briefs, both of them already hanging around his knees, and pull them down his legs.

  I slide my hands up his legs then, reaching for his cock, and I curl all ten of my fingers around his mast. He grins at me, all his focus on my movements, and I just pull his cock toward me and lean in; parting my lips, I let my tongue out and use its tip to circle his cock. I run my tongue around his tip over and over again, and then I let it trail down the length of his shaft until I reach his balls.

  Opening my mouth wide, I suck one of his balls in and lap at it with my tongue, pressing against it before switching to the other one. I do it until he places both his hands on my head, and then I run my tongue back up his shaft, but this time I wrap my lips around his cock right away. Moving fast, I lower my mouth over his shaft, impaling myself on his length and making him groan.

  “Fuck,” he blurts out, his fingers turning into claws as he runs them through my hair. Enjoying the pleasure I’m giving him, I start bobbing my head as fast as possible, all while I roll his two balls over the palm of my right hand.

  I suck and lick until my jaw starts to hurt, but I just push the complaints from my muscles and bones to the back of my head, and I go even harder than before. I feel slight spasms taking over his cock but, instead of stopping, I push myself to break all limits and go as fast as any human can possibly go. He’s on the verge of cumming, but I don’t care; I’m completely out of control, and if he gushes his whole load inside my mouth right now, so be it.

  I’ll just get him hard again.


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